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Muslims want to silence and intimidate you (Read 79848 times)
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Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
May 26th, 2013 at 6:54pm
This issue first arose in this thread:

The threats posed by Islam

In this thread I focused on what I see as the three key threats – freedom of speech, democracy, and genocide. Predictably, Gandalf spent most of the thread employing the most common Muslim technique for deception - diversion.

Some other examples of Muslims employing the diversion technique are listed on the wiki:

That is, he spent many pages pretending we were asking him whether Muslims want peace or violence, not whether they support freedom of speech. He even attempted to equate the two in his own convoluted way (ie we should self-censor so Muslims don’t murder us in response, in case we vilify Muslims as a counter-response).

What caught my attention was Gandalf’s claims that he and the majority of Australian Muslims support freedom of speech. At least when it came to Gandalf, this seemed plausible. As far as I can tell, he is the most progressive Muslim I have discussed these issues with. So you can imagine my embarrassment when it emerged that he had tricked me, using the same method I had called Abu out on many times before – changing the definition.

Some other examples of Muslims employing the deceptive technique are listed on the wiki:

As it turns out, even though Gandalf “supports” freedom of speech, he thinks it should be illegal to publish the Muhammed cartoons and the youtube video that caused recent controversies.

From the early "Gandalf is pro-freedom" phase of the debate:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 18th, 2013 at 10:45pm:
Soren wrote on May 18th, 2013 at 10:29pm:
And your current push to outlaw criticism of Islam.

Its not my push.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 18th, 2013 at 11:46pm:
You ask what mainstream muslims like me are doing to stop the extremists - well look around you - is Australia being terrorised by mad bearded mullahs demanding that freedom and democracy be abolished? No. Mark that down to the "hijacking" (if you like) of Australia's muslim community by the anti-violence, anti-extremism sect of islam. Look at the glaring absense of any mainstream Australian-islamic movement calling for violence and/or intolerance to be imposed on Australians - mark that down to the nature of Australia's muslim community.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 19th, 2013 at 8:34pm:
freediver wrote on May 19th, 2013 at 6:30pm:
Would you mind pointing it out to me? I thought it was rather odd that your response completely left out the issues I actually raised in the opening post. Why is that? Here it is again for you:

What about pro-freedom, pro-human rights and pro-democracy? Or is that too much to ask from a Muslim

Let me spell it out to you then. I had just finished explaining, at length, how I (and I believe the majority of muslims) go out and contribute positively to the community, building bridges with the non-muslim community, and presenting the peaceful, tolerant face of islam. To any reasonable person, support for human rights and democracy is implicit, and needs no further clarification. And if you don't think adding that little gem "Or is that too much to ask from a Muslim?" - is insulting - then I suggest you get your head examined.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 19th, 2013 at 9:38pm:
Personally I don't believe its possible to oppose the values of our society while at the same time being an active and positive contributor to that society. Thats a pretty obvious point I would have thought.

freediver wrote on May 19th, 2013 at 9:00pm:
what does the debate about blasphemy and freedom of speech within the Islamic community look like?

It looks identical to the debate outside the islamic community.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 19th, 2013 at 11:30pm:
freediver wrote on May 19th, 2013 at 10:16pm:
Are you saying you support all the values of Australian society?

Of course I do. I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 20th, 2013 at 9:54am:
freediver wrote on May 20th, 2013 at 8:58am:
What about their views regarding blasphemy and freedom of speech? What about democracy?

Like I said, the views of the mainstream islamic community is identical to the mainstream non-muslims Australian community on these issues.

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« Last Edit: May 26th, 2013 at 7:09pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #1 - May 26th, 2013 at 6:57pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 22nd, 2013 at 9:19am:
freediver wrote on May 21st, 2013 at 8:57pm:
Does that mean you don't think people should be allowed to mock Muhammed?


Let me be clear: I don't think the cartoons should have been published, but thats not saying that anyone should be forced not to publish them. Key difference.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 20th, 2013 at 9:14pm:
freediver wrote on May 20th, 2013 at 7:37pm:
Can you elaborate please? Are you saying for example, that most Muslims support the right to mock Muhammed?

I maintain that the vast majority of muslims support the principle of free speech. However there are a couple of problems when relating this to the Muhammad cartoons.

Firstly, it will of course be an emotional issue - given the importance muslims place on their prophet. People generally don't have a good track record of behaving calmly and rationally when emotions are high.

Secondly, there is a fine line between free speech and a deliberate campaign of intimidation and/or vilification. The latter is illegal under Australian law. Thats not to say drawing offensive cartoons are vilifying by nature - they are not.

Gandalf admits the truth about his views on freedom of speech:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
Self censorship is a reasonable course of action?

Absolutely. Its called being responsible gatekeepers of the infomation available. News rooms have to make these calls all the time - deciding whether its responsible to potentially inflame volatile relationships between groups by publishing contentious material.

freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
Publishing the Muhammed cartoons would not stoke the "anti Muslim flames".

I disagree. The bomb in the turban cartoon made pretty clear insinuations about the entire muslim community.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
We as a society also understand that mocking Islam and mocking Muhammed is absolutely protected by freedom of speech

Its not as clear cut as you claim. As I said, we have laws against vilification, and determining what is acceptable free expression and what is vilification/hate speech can be incredibly hard to decipher.

freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
There is no grey area.

Oh there absolutely is. You couldn't be more wrong.

freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
You do not have the right not to be offended.

No, but you absolutely have a right not to be intimidated or vilified.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 12:01pm:
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Gandalf, could you please clarify whether your support for freedom of speech extends to newspapers publishing the Muhammed cartoons and TV stations airing the youtube video?

I don't oppose critiism per se, but I do oppose deliberately inflammatory expressions specifically designed to vilify a particular group. The jury is still out which category the muhammad cartoons and video falls under.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 3:39pm:
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 2:33pm:
Are you saying you are not sure whether the cartoons and videos should be made illegal?

Yes. Do they breach the anti-discrimination act - or any other relevant law? That is the question.

Gandalf even attempted to argue that publishing the Muhammed cartoons is already illegal:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 6:19pm:
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 4:35pm:
Obviously they do not break current law.

who says?
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« Last Edit: May 26th, 2013 at 7:10pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #2 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:02pm
Gandalf also claimed that violence by Muslims is inevitable if we are to keep freedom of speech:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 7:11pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 1:20pm:
So violence by Muslims is inevitable if we are to have freedom of speech?

If you call that an appropriate level of freedom of speech, then yeah I guess it does.

Despite admitting that violence by Muslims is inevitable and claiming that self-censorship is the only reasonable way to respond to the persistent threat of violence from Muslims, Gandalf also held the view that when the media actually self censors, it has nothing to do with perceived threats of violence.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 1:04pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
You are yet to offer an alternative explanation.

Of course I did - because the media prefer to be considerate and responsible rather than inciters to violence. Besides I didn't have to show you any alternatives - it doesn't change the fact that your claim is still baseless.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 12:10am:
freediver wrote on May 24th, 2013 at 10:08pm:
I have already apologised for the confusion and clarified the self censorship in response to the cartoons and the video. If you really want me to look into self censorship regarding the video I will, but you pretty much made the point for me with the cartoon example.

Made what point? That was just you making yet another completely baseless assumption that the non-publishing of the cartoons was due to intimidation and a perceived threat of violence.

In addition to insisting that the western media should self censor to avoid the inevitable violence by Muslims, Gandalf thinks that we (I assume he means Muslims) have a right not to be intimidated.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
You do not have the right not to be offended.

No, but you absolutely have a right not to be intimidated or vilified.

Prior to admitting the inevitability of violence from Muslims, Gandalf mocked me for suggesting it:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 24th, 2013 at 12:35pm:
freediver wrote on May 24th, 2013 at 11:33am:
Sorry about the confusion. Earlier we were discussing also the cartoon protests. You presented an article where Muslims thanked the Australian media for not publishing the photos. At the time a least 45 people had been killed by Muslims around the world in response to the cartoons.

Ah I see - so it was a case of "thanks for not publishing the photos" *takes sword away from the medias throats*

polite_gandalf wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 7:09pm:
freediver wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 6:37pm:
Why else would the Australian media have refrained from reporting fully on what was a very newsworthy event? Muslims kill journalists. That is the pointy end of the campaign. Given the violence in Sydney and outright threats, over something that happened on the other side of the world, the threat of further violence against media outlets or against the Australian public in general was very real. The Australian media was forced to self censor because of the violence and lack of self control of Muslims.

Your ranting FD. Completely irrational tin-foil hat stuff.

Its hysterical - even for you. Utterly pointless discussing this further.

On this issue he also tried to change the topic - insisting that because the media openly reports on terrorism and violent protests by Muslims (eg in Sydney), they do not self censor. I attempted to explain that it was the cartoons and video that the media self censors on, because that is what incites the riots. Obviously if reporting on Muslims rioting caused Muslims to riot, we would be in all sorts of trouble. Of course, this was also before Gandalf admitted that violence from Muslims is inevitable and that the media is obliged to self censor.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 24th, 2013 at 3:34pm:
The idea that the Australian media is so cowered by the Australian muslim community that they self censor is absurd. The coverage of the Sydney protests looked pretty graphic and undiluted to me.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 24th, 2013 at 6:33pm:
Lets be truthful here - there is no evidence the Australian media was cowered by the muslims into self censoring - you just made that up.

Gandalf also attempted to argue that Australian Muslims were fundamentally different from overseas Muslims, but quickly abandoned this when I asked him to elaborate:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 24th, 2013 at 8:29pm:
So in light of this, do you think its fair to distinguish between what extremists around the world do and what Australian muslims do?
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« Last Edit: May 26th, 2013 at 7:12pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #3 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:06pm
Let's blame the Jews.

Gandalf also attempted to change the topic to Jews accusing people of anti-semitism in order to silence their critics. Of course, to do this, he had to ignore every criticism of Islam that had actually been raised and pretend that Muslims only peacefully protest the way other groups do.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 12:01pm:
So, to sum up - jews can condemn any criticism of Israel and label it as anti-semitism and it is participating in free speech. Muslims attempting to peacefully condemn offensive phtotos on the other hand is "undermining free speech" in a more "calculated and planned" way. Go figure.

Gandalf also complained that the media did not publish offensive cartoons about Jews:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
OK FD, try and get a picture of a jew with a giant hook nose and locks in his hair, hovering menacingly over a defenseless girl and stealing her money - published in any mainstream publication. Let me know how you go with that one

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
Exactly FD!! Jews can condemn free speech and call it a demonstration of free speech - *JUST LIKE* muslims can condemn free speech (eg cartoons mocking the prophet), and happily call it a demonstration of free speech.

Gandalf also seems to think that if our major political parties don't criticise Israel to the extent he thinks they should, that proves we don't have freedom of speech.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 1:04pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
Yes it does. The Muslims are trying to destroy freedom of speech. The Jews are not. The Jews are some of the biggest defenders of it.

You're obviously not familiar with the Australian Labor Party then.

When was the last time any Australian government has said anything at all against the illegal activities of the Israeli government?
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« Last Edit: May 26th, 2013 at 7:15pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #4 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:32pm

well done FD.
You have shown great patience.

muslims are very good at diverting questions
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #5 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:35pm
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:06pm:
Let's blame the Jews.

Gandalf also attempted to change the topic to Jews accusing people of anti-semitism in order to silence their critics. Of course, to do this, he had to ignore every criticism of Islam that had actually been raised and pretend that Muslims only peacefully protest the way other groups do.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 12:01pm:
So, to sum up - jews can condemn any criticism of Israel and label it as anti-semitism and it is participating in free speech. Muslims attempting to peacefully condemn offensive phtotos on the other hand is "undermining free speech" in a more "calculated and planned" way. Go figure.

Gandalf also complained that the media did not publish offensive cartoons about Jews:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
OK FD, try and get a picture of a jew with a giant hook nose and locks in his hair, hovering menacingly over a defenseless girl and stealing her money - published in any mainstream publication. Let me know how you go with that one

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 10:17pm:
Exactly FD!! Jews can condemn free speech and call it a demonstration of free speech - *JUST LIKE* muslims can condemn free speech (eg cartoons mocking the prophet), and happily call it a demonstration of free speech.

Gandalf also seems to think that if our major political parties don't criticise Israel to the extent he thinks they should, that proves we don't have freedom of speech.

polite_gandalf wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 1:04pm:
freediver wrote on May 25th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
Yes it does. The Muslims are trying to destroy freedom of speech. The Jews are not. The Jews are some of the biggest defenders of it.

You're obviously not familiar with the Australian Labor Party then.

When was the last time any Australian government has said anything at all against the illegal activities of the Israeli government?

Muslims are hypocrites when it comes to cartoons, they squeal like a stuck pig and start rioting causing death and destruction if someone draws a Mohammad cartoon yet they are the worst offenders when it comes to cartoons spreading hatred towards the jews.

Can anyone cite a reaction from the jews over cartoons mocking their faith that causes death or destruction?

Go to google and search for Islamic jew cartoons then click on images and see the hypocrisy from muslims over cartoons.

Does Gandalf ever condemn his fellow muslims over the cartoons they make mocking the jews ?
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #6 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:36pm
Cool story bro.

Actually that little montage of the other thread sums up my argument pretty well - the direct quotes that is, not the strawmen you tried to construct from them.

random silly statement:

Gandalf thinks that we (I assume he means Muslims) have a right not to be intimidated.

Just to clarify, you're suggesting that freedom of speech includes the right to intimidate? If so, epic ignorance on your part. The only sticking point is the right to not be offended - very different. No one argues for the right to intimidate, I can assure you.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #7 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:43pm
Baronvonrort wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:35pm:
Does Gandalf ever condemn his fellow muslims over the cartoons they make mocking the jews ?

Why yes he does.

But wait, wouldn't that be undermining and threatening freedom of speech under FD's system? I'm confused Baron - can you and FD please put your heads together and work out what is the right response for me?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #8 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:48pm
Just to clarify, you're suggesting that freedom of speech includes the right to intimidate?

Being intimidated is a response Gandalf (like taking offence). It makes no sense to attempt to frame rights and freedoms around it. They would be hopelessly vague and subject to interpretation.

No one argues for the right to intimidate, I can assure you.

That's because no-one would know what you are talking about. You might find my actions here intimidating, yet I have the right to do it. Others might find Muslims chopping people's heads off intimidating.

But wait, wouldn't that be undermining and threatening freedom of speech under FD's system?

If you threatened to chop their heads off if they did not stop it, sure.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #9 - May 26th, 2013 at 7:56pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:43pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:35pm:
Does Gandalf ever condemn his fellow muslims over the cartoons they make mocking the jews ?

Why yes he does.

But wait, wouldn't that be undermining and threatening freedom of speech under FD's system? I'm confused Baron - can you and FD please put your heads together and work out what is the right response for me?

Please cite where you have condemned your fellow muslims over cartoons of jews i call bullshit on this.

Its a double standard from hypocrite muslims squealing like a stuck pig along with rioting causing death and destruction over Mohammad cartoons when muslims make offensive cartoons about jews.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #10 - May 26th, 2013 at 8:56pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:36pm:
Cool story bro.

Actually that little montage of the other thread sums up my argument pretty well - the direct quotes that is, not the strawmen you tried to construct from them.

random silly statement:

Gandalf thinks that we (I assume he means Muslims) have a right not to be intimidated.

Just to clarify, you're suggesting that freedom of speech includes the right to intimidate? If so, epic ignorance on your part. The only sticking point is the right to not be offended - very different. No one argues for the right to intimidate, I can assure you. 

No Muslim is beheaded on the streets of Amsterdam or London.

When they do, you can talk about intimidation. Until then, you gotta wear it - you are the intimidators, in the name of Allah.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #11 - May 26th, 2013 at 9:13pm
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:48pm:
Being intimidated is a response Gandalf (like taking offence). It makes no sense to attempt to frame rights and freedoms around it. They would be hopelessly vague and subject to interpretation.

So lets get this straight then - if I marched down the street with a placard that read "behead those who insult the prophet", I couldn't be blamed for intimidating anyone - cause after all, "intimidation is a response" - right?  Grin

Also, I can assure you, if someone was deemed to be intimidating towards a particular group by what they express, they would be found liable under the anti-discrimination act.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #12 - May 26th, 2013 at 9:25pm
Gandalf, you still haven't given a straight answer on the whole freedom of speech vs blasphemy thing. To what extent do you think our freedom of speech should be denied?

So lets get this straight then - if I marched down the street with a placard that read "behead those who insult the prophet", I couldn't be blamed for intimidating anyone - cause after all, "intimidation is a response" - right?

I don't believe you would get arrested, even for that. You would get blamed for all sorts of things, but that is not a restriction on your freedom of speech, is it?

Also, I can assure you, if someone was deemed to be intimidating towards a particular group by what they express, they would be found liable under the anti-discrimination act.

Like the Muslims who marched through Sydney carrying placards that read "behead those who insult the prophet"?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #13 - May 26th, 2013 at 9:33pm
Muslims want to silence and intimidate you

Is this all Muslims or just some Muslims, FD?   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #14 - May 26th, 2013 at 9:40pm
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
Gandalf, you still haven't given a straight answer on the whole freedom of speech vs blasphemy thing. To what extent do you think our freedom of speech should be denied?

I have given you the straightest answer possible to that - more than once I think.

Freedom of speech should be denied where the law says it should be denied. If you are deemed to be vilifying/intimidating/promoting hate of a particular group - then any such expression should be banned. Of course its a fine line, and there is a massive grey area (a grey area which you laughably deny exists) - but it is important to protect the human rights of minorities. A true democracy doesn't just defend the right of free expression, it also defends the right of people not to be vilified.

freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
but that is not a restriction on your freedom of speech, is it?

what? How is it not a restriction?

freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
Like the Muslims who marched through Sydney carrying placards that read "behead those who insult the prophet"?

Absolutely. I hope anyone who carried such a placard gets the book thrown at them. It is unacceptable - and un-Australian - as any mainstream Australian muslim would tell you.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #15 - May 26th, 2013 at 9:46pm
I have given you the straightest answer possible to that - more than once I think.

You said the jury is still out. WTF does that mean?

Freedom of speech should be denied where the law says it should be denied.

Is this an endorsement of Australian law, or are you saying the outcome is arbitrary, so long as you do the right paperwork? Given that you have no clue what Australian law is on the matter, this hardly clarifies the issue either.

what? How is it not a restriction?

I cannot prove a negative Gandalf. If you say something stupid and people call you an idiot, it does not restrict your freedom to say stupid things. If you think it does, you will have to epxlain how.

Absolutely. I hope anyone who carried such a placard gets the book thrown at them. It is unacceptable - and un-Australian - as any mainstream Australian muslim would tell you.

It is not illegal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #16 - May 26th, 2013 at 10:06pm
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
Is this an endorsement of Australian law


freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
or are you saying the outcome is arbitrary, so long as you do the right paperwork?

I don't even know what you mean.

If you are saying it is "arbitrary" in the sense that the law will only apply when people can be bothered bringing a matter before the courts (which would be quite rare I imagine) - then I would agree.

freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
Given that you have no clue what Australian law is on the matter

Just out of interest - what have I got wrong on Australian law?

freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
It is not illegal.

I disagree - I think it would come under the Crimes Act Amendment 2005 (incitement to violence). That is, if the crown can be bothered pursuing it, which they probably don't.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #17 - May 27th, 2013 at 12:32pm
How about instead of telling us what you think the law is you tell us what you think it should be?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #18 - May 27th, 2013 at 12:42pm
From the other thread:

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:54pm:
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:40pm:
I don't have a problem with it if it is peaceful and not an attack on freedom of speech. For example, if they had placards calling for blasphemers to be beheaded I would have a problem with that, even if they did not actually chop anyone's head off. If they called for blasphemy to be criminalised I would have a problem with that. Whether it is peaceful or not kind of misses the point.

Right, good, then we agree 100% on those points. I would like to clarify though what I mean by "peaceful protest" - as it may not have been clearly articulated: for me there is no such thing as a peaceful protest that has people holding a beheading placard. It may not be physically violent, but there is violent intent.

What if they held a Koran instead of a placard?

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:54pm:
It may not be physically violent, but there is violent intent.

What if they intend violence but do not explicitly state it?

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:54pm:
I feel like we have been wrestling over this concept without having this point properly cleared up. But let me be crystal clear: when I say "peaceful protest" - I mean peaceful in both actions and intent - and carrying beheading placards is not demonstrating peaceful intent. I apologise if I wasn't clear on this before.

What if they are calling for the law to be changed so that these people are beheaded legally? Is that violent?

polite_gandalf wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:54pm:
Yes, I jumped the gun a bit there - criticism should be carte blanche - provided it does not grow into defamation, vilification, intimidation etc.

Can you elaborate please? For example, does this mean that the Muhammed cartoons should be legal, unless people use them in an inappropriate manner?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #19 - May 27th, 2013 at 4:14pm
freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
What if they held a Koran instead of a placard?

I don't know what you are getting at - holding a quran is obviously not showing any violent intent.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
What if they intend violence but do not explicitly state it?

Well I guess you'd have to prove that was the case.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
What if they are calling for the law to be changed so that these people are beheaded legally? Is that violent?

Of course. It would be un-Australian too, and I would oppose any such move. Though I'm not aware of any such moves in Australia - are you?

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
Can you elaborate please? For example, does this mean that the Muhammed cartoons should be legal, unless people use them in an inappropriate manner?

Vilification should be and is illegal. Thats my opinion, and is the opinion of most Australians. Defining what this actually means in practice can be difficult. If I just take the bomb-in-turban Muhammad cartoon, I judge it to be vilifying using the following logic:

1. The statement "All muslims are terrorists" - is vilification
2. All muslims hold their prophet Muhammad in the greatest regard, and consider his example as the greatest example to follow
3. Therefore depicting the prophet as a modern day terrorist - is tantamount to saying all muslims aspire to be terrorists.

Just my opinion though - no doubt there will be different views.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 12:32pm:
How about instead of telling us what you think the law is you tell us what you think it should be?

Wasn't I clear enough? Its one in the same.

So how did I go in this interrogation FD? Did I pass? Have I proved my loyalty? Am I a worthy human being?  Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: May 27th, 2013 at 4:20pm by polite_gandalf »  

A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #20 - May 27th, 2013 at 6:01pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 4:14pm:
... 2. All muslims hold their prophet Muhammad in the greatest regard, and consider his example as the greatest example to follow ...

So, with the 'orthodox' Sunni persecuting the minority Shiite 'twelve-bookers' and the Wahhabi declaring everyone but themselves kafir, what is the true ultimate aim of Islam? Are we to assume that the Sunni will ultimately prevail because of sheer numbers? Or is that also open to interpretation?

As you quite rightly point out, not all muslims are terrorists or fundamentalists. However, One of the few unifying ties in Islam appears to be a re-stablishment of the Ummah, but how is this to be achieved, and by whom, when muslims themselves are still suffering sectarian divisions? The second tie is the seemingly open hostility directed towards the Jews and more recently, the 'West', even if only by the 'tiny minority' - of all sects.

More importantly, what is the 'modern' Islamic opinion of the kafir and how are they to be treated if, and when, the new Ummah is realised ?

And could you kindly explain the differences between kitman and taqiyya?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #21 - May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm
I don't know what you are getting at - holding a quran is obviously not showing any violent intent.

It has lots of violent bits in it.

Well I guess you'd have to prove that was the case.

How can you ever prove intent?

Of course. It would be un-Australian too, and I would oppose any such move. Though I'm not aware of any such moves in Australia - are you?

Abu supported that sort of thing, but wasn't "actively" pursuing it.

Vilification should be and is illegal. Thats my opinion, and is the opinion of most Australians.

It is a fairly nebulous statement. You would have a hard time showing that most Australians agree with you.

Defining what this actually means in practice can be difficult. If I just take the bomb-in-turban Muhammad cartoon, I judge it to be vilifying using the following logic:

What else do you think should be banned? Any of the other Muhammed cartoons? What about the youtube video? And what about me saying that Islam is the greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the modern world?

Also, to what extent does context play a role? You suggested that intent is important. Does that mean that what people say cannot be judged solely on the content? That is, two people could say the exact same thing, and one would be breaking the law and the other not?

1. The statement "All muslims are terrorists" - is vilification

If someone actually said this, what would you suggest is the appropriate punishment?

So how did I go in this interrogation FD? Did I pass? Have I proved my loyalty? Am I a worthy human being?

I appreciate the straight answers.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #22 - May 27th, 2013 at 7:55pm
Brian Ross wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 9:33pm:
Muslims want to silence and intimidate you

Is this all Muslims or just some Muslims, FD?   Roll Eyes

I think you will find that deep rooted bigots and racists don't discriminate when it comes to GROUPS of people they detest and wish to wipe off the face of the planet
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #23 - May 27th, 2013 at 7:59pm
I am interested in the issue of what Australian law currently is, but don't want to side track this thread with it. I encourage you to start another thread. I might, if I ever get round to looking into it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #24 - May 27th, 2013 at 8:31pm
freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm:
How can you ever prove intent?

Exactly my point.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm:
It is a fairly nebulous statement.

not really. It may be difficult in some cases to discern what is and what isn't vilification in practice, but the concept is rather clear and straight forward.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm:
What else do you think should be banned?

take it on a case by case basis

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm:
Also, to what extent does context play a role? You suggested that intent is important. Does that mean that what people say cannot be judged solely on the content? That is, two people could say the exact same thing, and one would be breaking the law and the other not?

Following on from my last answer - yes context is critical. I essentially agree with everything you said here.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm:
If someone actually said this, what would you suggest is the appropriate punishment?

I don't really have an opinion on punishment - only that it should be considered unacceptable behaviour, and discouraged.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #25 - May 27th, 2013 at 8:37pm
Lionel Edriess wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 6:01pm:
However, One of the few unifying ties in Islam appears to be a re-stablishment of the Ummah

I disagree.

My local imam for example teaches that the "global Ummah" is a myth, and pursuing it misses the point. The "ummah" is simply any local muslim community - regardless of whether its in a muslim majority country or not. It doesn't matter. As long as muslims are free to worship and enjoy basic human rights (as they do in Australia), then that is all the "Ummah" they need.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #26 - May 27th, 2013 at 8:38pm
Exactly my point.

So intent cannot be a criteria for illegality?

take it on a case by case basis

So give some examples. I already suggested some.

I don't really have an opinion on punishment - only that it should be considered unacceptable behaviour, and discouraged.

Does this mean, not illegal?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #27 - May 27th, 2013 at 8:57pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 4:14pm:
If I just take the bomb-in-turban Muhammad cartoon, I judge it to be vilifying using the following logic:

1. The statement "All muslims are terrorists" - is vilification
2. All muslims hold their prophet Muhammad in the greatest regard, and consider his example as the greatest example to follow
3. Therefore depicting the prophet as a modern day terrorist - is tantamount to saying all muslims aspire to be terrorists.

Just my opinion though - no doubt there will be different views.

Love it! This is pure genius  - love free speech and free exchange of ideas and views as long as Mohammed is not criticised because that amounts to criticising every Muslim and bingo! blanket  vilification on religious grounds!

Even reading out loud from the Koran in a church is vilification, provided there is giggling. Anyone who laughs at Mohammed laughs at every Muslims and that's vilification.

"Anyone else feels like a giggle when I mention my fwiend...  Muhammad .... Ibn `Abd Allāh  ....  Ibn `Abd al-Muttalib ?? Do you find it wrisible?

But enough of this wroudy-wrebel, sniggewing behaviour!"

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« Last Edit: May 27th, 2013 at 9:18pm by Soren »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #28 - May 27th, 2013 at 8:57pm
freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 8:38pm:
So intent cannot be a criteria for illegality?

Well think about it - if someone has secret thoughts of criminality, but never actually carries out those thoughts - you can't exactly present a case against them can you? By "intent" I obviously only meant explicitly stated (and recorded) intent that can be used as evidence in a court - eg a placard calling for people to be beheaded.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 8:38pm:
So give some examples. I already suggested some.

Given that context is everything, Its really too hard to concoct a list of hypothetical examples. Its really only practical to take actual cases and judge them on the circumstances from which they arise.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 8:38pm:
Does this mean, not illegal?

No. Legalising it implies that the state condones this behaviour. As soon as vilification becomes legal, it won't just be something that is merely tolerated, but something that will inevitably be demanded to be defended.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #29 - May 27th, 2013 at 9:34pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 8:37pm:
Lionel Edriess wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 6:01pm:
However, One of the few unifying ties in Islam appears to be a re-stablishment of the Ummah

I disagree.

My local imam for example teaches that the "global Ummah" is a myth, and pursuing it misses the point. The "ummah" is simply any local muslim community - regardless of whether its in a muslim majority country or not. It doesn't matter. As long as muslims are free to worship and enjoy basic human rights (as they do in Australia), then that is all the "Ummah" they need.

You're dissembling. If, then, that word were to be translated into Islamic doctrine, which would describe it - kitman or taqiyya?

While your local imam dismisses the idea of a global Ummah, he then maintains that a local Ummah is the ideal - for muslims in a local area. Is that your complete answer?

While we, on a local level, may question your own allegiance to our social laws/mores, what are the ultimate aims of Islam, of which you are a part?

All over the globe, are muslims so marginalised? Like the blacks that your religion radicalises and then discards?

Make no mistake, it is not muslims we fear, it is Islam. Which, as muslims, in all your different interpretations of the Word, you revere - often to the cost of your own people's suffering.

This nay-saying of, "Oh, it wasn't us, it was them, those bloody radicals." It all breaks down when Islam becomes the target.

We see what Islam is capable of, even against it's own adherents. As kafirs, we know what's in store.

When your imam starts honestly preaching 'love thy neighbour', you'll fit in just fine. Until then ....

No hate exists in my heart, but I would be remiss in my duties as a father if I could not answer questions asked by my children in the future.

Wars are often the end-result of raised voices.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #30 - May 27th, 2013 at 9:46pm
Well think about it - if someone has secret thoughts of criminality, but never actually carries out those thoughts - you can't exactly present a case against them can you? By "intent" I obviously only meant explicitly stated (and recorded) intent that can be used as evidence in a court - eg a placard calling for people to be beheaded.

A placard that says "behead those who insult Muhammed" (or whatever the standard version is) is not an explicit statement of intent either.

Given that context is everything, Its really too hard to concoct a list of hypothetical examples. Its really only practical to take actual cases and judge them on the circumstances from which they arise.

OK then. How about the other Muhammed cartoons, and the video? And what about me saying that Islam is the greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the modern world?

No. Legalising it implies that the state condones this behaviour. As soon as vilification becomes legal, it won't just be something that is merely tolerated, but something that will inevitably be demanded to be defended.

So posting "all Muslims are terrorists" on this forum should be illegal?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #31 - May 27th, 2013 at 10:18pm
freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
A placard that says "behead those who insult Muhammed" (or whatever the standard version is) is not an explicit statement of intent either.

I disagree.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
K then. How about the other Muhammed cartoons, and the video?

I haven't seen them, so I can't judge.

freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
So posting "all Muslims are terrorists" on this forum should be illegal?

Well vilification really only applies when its publicly stated, and reaches the heart of the people that are being vilified. With all respect for this forum, I would hardly rate it as being very public and far reaching - least of all to the muslim community. Surely the point of anti-vilification laws is to prevent people from feeling vilified. So which muslims would feel vilified by a few trolls on an internet forum? Not me, thats for sure. I think most people are sensible enough to understand that the internet, because of the anonymity it provides, is a magnet for trolls to say things they would never say outside the internet. And its mostly harmless.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #32 - May 28th, 2013 at 8:39am
I disagree.

The intention could merely be to advocate for the reintroduction of the death penalty and the criminalisation of blasphemy. Like Abu for example. It would be up to you to prove intent, which you can't.

I haven't seen them, so I can't judge.

Can you give any kind of indication of the extent to which you think freedom of speech should be wound back?

Have you seen the bomb cartoon?

Well vilification really only applies when its publicly stated, and reaches the heart of the people that are being vilified.

So we should have one set of rules for famous people and another set for everyone else?

With all respect for this forum, I would hardly rate it as being very public and far reaching - least of all to the muslim community. Surely the point of anti-vilification laws is to prevent people from feeling vilified.

So preaching racial hatred at a white power rally is not vilification so long as no black people hear it and feel vilified by it?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #33 - May 28th, 2013 at 1:03pm
freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:39am:
The intention could merely be to advocate for the reintroduction of the death penalty and the criminalisation of blasphemy. Like Abu for example. It would be up to you to prove intent, which you can't.

Nonsense. The whole protest was directed specifically at the person(s) responsible for one particular video. The intent of that placard couldn't be clearer.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:39am:
Can you give any kind of indication of the extent to which you think freedom of speech should be wound back?

You're not paying attention - I said I support the current laws against vilification.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:39am:
Have you seen the bomb cartoon?


freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:39am:
So we should have one set of rules for famous people and another set for everyone else?

Not at all. Its not just about Alan Jones and co on the public airwaves. Imagine a workplace in which someone racially abuses a co-worker, which causes other co-workers to start treating the person who got abused in a more negative way. Or someone being threatened or intimidated in a crowded restaurant - in a way that is designed to encourage others to join in the intimidation.

The bigots here on the other hand are not, I believe, specifically singling out muslims in order to make them feel vilified and/or stir up further hatred against them. They are essentially just venting amongst themselves. Or in some cases, just trying to get attention.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:39am:
So preaching racial hatred at a white power rally is not vilification so long as no black people hear it and feel vilified by it?

Its not just about feeling vilified - what if one of the people who attended the rally then went and murdered a black person? Its incitement as well. Propagating hate towards vulnerable groups can have two consequences - harassing the people they are vilifying, as well as encouraging others to join in the vilification - potentially making the situation worse.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #34 - May 28th, 2013 at 3:23pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 4:14pm:
2. All muslims hold their prophet Muhammad in the greatest regard, and consider his example as the greatest example to follow

Muslims have low standards if they believe Mohammad set a great example to follow.

He had a 6 year old wife who he porked when she was 9, some might consider it break and enter.
Narrated Aisha, (Mohammad's favourite wife, i guess the others were not young enough).

The prophet married her when she was 6 years old and he consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old.

I guess that explains all the child brides in the Islamic world,they are following the example of their prophet,google saudi or yemeni child bride for a few examples.

Mohammad also had a Coptic christian sex slave who gave him his only son Ibrahim, how can someone who owned sex slaves be considered a great example of someone to follow?
If Mohammad did it that makes it halal for muslims to do it.
Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman,whether he has a wife or wives or he is not married, this is indicated in the Quran and sunnah.

Maariyah al Qibtiyyah was a slave woman who bore her master, the prophet a child.

The wife has no right to object to her husband owning female slaves or to his having intercourse with them.

Allah knows best.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #35 - May 28th, 2013 at 3:55pm
Baronvonrort wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 3:23pm:
He had a 6 year old wife who he porked when she was 9, some might consider it break and enter.

We don't know how old she was - contemporary research suggests she was well into her teens when the marriage was consumated. This was discussed at more length in another discussion. I noted your deafening silence when my arguments were put forward to counter your slander.

More generally, Islam strictly prohibits forced marriage - as explicity commanded by the prophet.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #36 - May 28th, 2013 at 6:26pm
Nonsense. The whole protest was directed specifically at the person(s) responsible for one particular video. The intent of that placard couldn't be clearer.

So your positions on the matter are that you must prove intent, and also that it is never possible to prove intent, but that is OK because you don't have to prove intent if the intent is clear? Could you please clarify your intent?

You're not paying attention - I said I support the current laws against vilification.

But you have no clue what they are. I am not asking you what the current laws are. I am asking you how far you think our freedoms should be wound back. Please pay attention.

Not at all. Its not just about Alan Jones and co on the public airwaves. Imagine a workplace in which someone racially abuses a co-worker, which causes other co-workers to start treating the person who got abused in a more negative way. Or someone being threatened or intimidated in a crowded restaurant - in a way that is designed to encourage others to join in the intimidation.

Are you saying that that reaches more people than a website?

The bigots here on the other hand are not, I believe, specifically singling out muslims in order to make them feel vilified and/or stir up further hatred against them. They are essentially just venting amongst themselves. Or in some cases, just trying to get attention.

So it is OK to vilify people, so long as you vilify lots of people and try to draw as much attention as possible while doing so?

Its not just about feeling vilified - what if one of the people who attended the rally then went and murdered a black person? Its incitement as well.

Let's stick to vilification for the moment. That alone is murky enough.

We don't know how old she was - contemporary research suggests she was well into her teens when the marriage was consumated.

By contemporary research Abu means using an absurdly convoluted way to interpret old facts in a new way (several of which include the word "approximately"), in order to avoid using the historical evidence (from the child bride herself) which states quite clearly she was six years old when her father married her off to the old man next door.

More generally, Islam strictly prohibits forced marriage - as explicity commanded by the prophet.

Anyone who thinks that it is OK to marry off your six year old daughter to a dirty old man, so long as she does not have to be dragged kicking and screaming down the aisle, is a pedophile enabler.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #37 - May 28th, 2013 at 6:53pm
freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
So your positions on the matter are that you must prove intent, and also that it is never possible to prove intent, but that is OK because you don't have to prove intent if the intent is clear? Could you please clarify your intent?

No. This is where I play your little game of quote what i actually say. For example when did I ever say it is never possible to prove intent?

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
But you have no clue what they are

Yes you said that before - but you never elaborated when I asked you to.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
I am not asking you what the current laws are. I am asking you how far you think our freedoms should be wound back. Please pay attention.

FD let me explain: in order to "wind back" our freedoms, there would need to be changes made to the law. I am supportive of the laws remaining as they are - therefore I am not in favour of winding anything back. If you spent less time being a smarty pants, you might have figured that out.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
So it is OK to vilify people, so long as you vilify lots of people and try to draw as much attention as possible while doing so?

Nope. Again less smarty pants. Your just sounding silly now.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
Let's stick to vilification for the moment. That alone is murky enough.

That is vilification FD. For example:

NSW anti-discrimination law defines vilification as a public act that could incite or encourage hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards people because of the above characteristics [including race, nationality, ethno-religious origin etc].

The vilification law only covers acts that are in public. It does not cover acts that are not public, for example abuse over a back fence that no-one else can hear.

Thus incitement has everything to do with vilification. And furthermore, it has to be public - as I stated before.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #38 - May 28th, 2013 at 7:20pm
No. This is where I play your little game of quote what i actually say. For example when did I ever say it is never possible to prove intent?

polite_gandalf wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 8:31pm:
freediver wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 7:52pm:
How can you ever prove intent?

Exactly my point.

Yes you said that before - but you never elaborated when I asked you to.

Because I don't want to sidetrack this thread. It is hard enough to get a straight answer out of you. I did suggest you start another thread on the issue. To suggest that it is illegal to publish the Muhammed cartoon is simply absurd and I find it hard to believe you made this argument as anything but a diversion from your desire to destroy freedom of speech.

FD let me explain: in order to "wind back" our freedoms, there would need to be changes made to the law. I am supportive of the laws remaining as they are - therefore I am not in favour of winding anything back. If you spent less time being a smarty pants, you might have figured that out.

What you are advocating is different to Australian law, hence my suggestion that instead of trying to change the topic to what Australian law is, you simply say what you think it should be.

Nope. Again less smarty pants. Your just sounding silly now.

You are sounding silly. I am just highlighting the fact.

Thus incitement has everything to do with vilification. And furthermore, it has to be public - as I stated before.

Did you notice that your definition of vilification left out religion?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #39 - May 28th, 2013 at 8:12pm
Oh good, time for the next installment of FD tying himself in knots trying to make gandalf sound silly.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
gandalf wrote Yesterday at 8:31pm:
freediver wrote Yesterday at 7:52pm:
How can you ever prove intent?

Exactly my point.

Oh dear me FD - way to misunderstand a point. I was specifically talking about your scenario of secretly thinking about violence, but not actually carrying out violence. I believe I even spelled out the absurdity of trying to prove a secret thought. Advertising that you want to commit violence to the world is sliiiiiiightly different - and demonstrates pretty clear intent.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
o suggest that it is illegal to publish the Muhammed cartoon is simply absurd

Not at all. But as I always stress, its the context that matters. Newspapers simply publishing them to illustrate what the controversy was over is clearly not vilifying. However someone publishing it for sinnister purposes in the context of a wave of anti-islamic sentiment in which muslims were being attacked in the street (for example) - is obviously an entirely different matter.

Put simply, a blanket statement like claiming it is "absurd" to think that publishing the cartoons could ever be classed as vilification - is the most absurd thing to say of all.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
What you are advocating is different to Australian law

And how do you figure that?

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
Did you notice that your definition of vilification left out religion?

I did actually. However the racialisation of islam is well known - and the phenomenon we know as islamophobia  is classic racism . Thus attacks on muslims will never be on muslims who are white/anglo-saxon - it will be against people who "look" muslim - brown skin, dark hair, speak arabic etc. It is classical racism. Thats why you get people in Australia using "Lebanese" or "arab" and "muslim" interchangeably - even though most muslims in Australia are not Lebanese (or of Lebanese origin). Outgroup homogeneity - its part and parcel of any form of racism.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #40 - May 28th, 2013 at 8:55pm
Not at all. But as I always stress, its the context that matters. Newspapers simply publishing them to illustrate what the controversy was over is clearly not vilifying. However someone publishing it for sinnister purposes in the context of a wave of anti-islamic sentiment in which muslims were being attacked in the street (for example) - is obviously an entirely different matter.

How would you prove these "sinister purposes"?

And how do you figure that?

Like I said, start another thread if you want to discuss the issue. It is an interesting topic, but it is not the same topic as what you think the law should be, which is what I am trying to ask you, despite your persistent efforts at deflection.

I did actually. However the racialisation of islam is well known - and the phenomenon we know as islamophobia  is classic racism .

No it isn't. Abu for example liked to tell everyone how white he is. It didn't stop anyone criticising him or mocking him.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #41 - May 28th, 2013 at 9:07pm
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« Last Edit: May 28th, 2013 at 9:13pm by polite_gandalf »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #42 - May 28th, 2013 at 9:08pm
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« Last Edit: May 28th, 2013 at 9:14pm by polite_gandalf »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #43 - May 28th, 2013 at 9:11pm
freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:55pm:
How would you prove these "sinister purposes"?

Use a bit of imagination for once FD.

Picture racist/islamophobic newspaper demanding that all muslims be interned/harassed/deported etc on the basis that they are "all terrorists" - then insert Muhammad picture with bomb in turban here.

Just off the top of my head.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:55pm:
Like I said, start another thread if you want to discuss the issue.

I don't need to start another thread - because what I am advocating is exactly the same as the current Australian laws. I'd just like you to explain how you think its not.

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:55pm:
but it is not the same topic as what you think the law should be, which is what I am trying to ask you

How much more clearly can I say I think the law should be exactly what it currently is? What exactly are you confused about FD?

freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 8:55pm:
Abu for example liked to tell everyone how white he is. It didn't stop anyone criticising him or mocking him.

Umm.. and that proves what exactly?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #44 - May 28th, 2013 at 9:38pm
Use a bit of imagination for once FD.

Unfortunately you cannot submit your imagination as evidence in court.

Picture racist/islamophobic newspaper demanding that all muslims be interned/harassed/deported etc on the basis that they are "all terrorists" - then insert Muhammad picture with bomb in turban here.

Wouldn't the cartoon be kind of irrelevant to the issue in this case? It's like saying it should be illegal to tease a person while beating them to death.

I don't need to start another thread - because what I am advocating is exactly the same as the current Australian laws.

No it isn't.

I'd just like you to explain how you think its not.

No problem. Start another thread if you are interested. As far as I can tell this is just another deflection on your part.

How much more clearly can I say I think the law should be exactly what it currently is? What exactly are you confused about FD?

It is confusing because you are contradicting yourself at the same time as using these self contradictions as an excuse for not answering the question. I am not going to pay some lawyer thousands of dollars to find out what your opinion is, only to discover that you had no clue and were just giving this non-answer to avoid saying what you really think. Whether your view happens to be exactly the same as current law is irrelevant. I am asking you what your view is, not what Australian law is. You are getting worse than Abu with your deflections.

And just so you are aware, you have no clue at all what Australian law is. You don't even know how to find out.

Umm.. and that proves what exactly?

That it is not about racism. It is about opposition to an ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the modern world.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #45 - May 28th, 2013 at 10:52pm
freediver wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 9:38pm:
It is confusing because you are contradicting yourself at the same time as using these self contradictions as an excuse for not answering the question. I am not going to pay some lawyer thousands of dollars to find out what your opinion is, only to discover that you had no clue and were just giving this non-answer to avoid saying what you really think. Whether your view happens to be exactly the same as current law is irrelevant. I am asking you what your view is, not what Australian law is. You are getting worse than Abu with your deflections.

The hell is wrong with you FD? What contradictions? What deflections??

How exactly do you want me to answer? I have told you exactly what I support and what I don't in terms of restrictions on freedom of speech. If there is anything that you think I have been unclear on, explain it to me clearly. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop this idiotic line about me "deflecting" (in typical muslim fashion, presumably  Roll Eyes). I believe I have engaged in this discussion in good faith, and have answered as honestly and frankly as I can. If I really wanted to "deflect", I would simply not respond at all.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #46 - May 28th, 2013 at 11:34pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 27th, 2013 at 10:18pm:
Well vilification really only applies when its publicly stated, and reaches the heart of the people that are being vilified.

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Quran (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..."

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (33:60-62) - "If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and the alarmists in the city do not cease, We verily shall urge thee on against them, then they will be your neighbors in it but a little while.  Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter."

I feel threatened and vilified by these Koranic words and it's really piercing me to the core. Does that make me an Islamophobe?

Please explain.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #47 - May 29th, 2013 at 1:07pm
How exactly do you want me to answer?

Sorry, I thought I made this clear. I want you to explain what your opinion is on what the law should be, instead of giving your misguided opinion on what the law is. The reasoning is simple. You cannot be wrong about your own opinion. You are very wrong about Australian law. Do let me know if I need to clarify this point any further.

I have told you exactly what I support and what I don't in terms of restrictions on freedom of speech.

No you haven't. The only examples you have given are the bomb cartoon and the beheading placards. Your explanation of context  for these examples was confusing at best. And you have absolutely refused to indicate the extent to which you think freedom of speech should be restricted - which is the obvious starting point, not something I should be trying to draw out of you after 12 pages of deflections.

I'd appreciate it if you'd stop this idiotic line about me "deflecting" (in typical muslim fashion, presumably  Roll Eyes).

Correct. Your approach here is remarkably similar to that of Abu and other Muslims that have posted here, and significantly different from how normal people behave. There is something oddly characteristic about it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #48 - May 29th, 2013 at 1:44pm
freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 1:07pm:
Sorry, I thought I made this clear. I want you to explain what your opinion is on what the law should be, instead of giving your misguided opinion on what the law is.


we are at an impasse then. I say the law *SHOULD* be what the law already is. If that is not clear enough, then I support a law against vilification on the basis of race, culture and ethno-religious origin. I can't be any more specific without giving actual examples - which I already have with the restaurant, workplace and cartoon publishing scenarios. I even gave you examples of what is *NOT* vilification, eg bigots on an internet forum and newspapers publishing offensive cartoons for informational purposes only.

Although its forbidden in this thread, I would still like to know what you think I am misguided on vis-a-vis the law. I think it might help us get past this impasse.

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 1:07pm:
The only examples you have given are the bomb cartoon and the beheading placards.

Setting out to troll me is bad enough - but you could at least take note of what I actually write.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #49 - May 29th, 2013 at 1:52pm
Soren wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 11:34pm:
I feel threatened and vilified by these Koranic words and it's really piercing me to the core. Does that make me an Islamophobe?

Please explain.

Do you feel threatened by the very similar language in the Bible?

If not, then yes, that does make you an Islamophobe.   Grin Grin Grin Grin
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #50 - May 29th, 2013 at 7:15pm
|dev|null wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 1:52pm:
Soren wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 11:34pm:
I feel threatened and vilified by these Koranic words and it's really piercing me to the core. Does that make me an Islamophobe?

Please explain.

Do you feel threatened by the very similar language in the Bible?

If not, then yes, that does make you an Islamophobe.   Grin Grin Grin Grin

Set yourself to work, genius and show us the comparisons, the 'very similar language' dot-point by dot-point as listed by Soren.

Put up or shut up, troll.  Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #51 - May 29th, 2013 at 7:17pm
Well lets see, I gave you the restaurant scenario

Or someone being threatened or intimidated in a crowded restaurant - in a way that is designed to encourage others to join in the intimidation.

That could mean anything.

the workplace scenario

Imagine a workplace in which someone racially abuses a co-worker, which causes other co-workers to start treating the person who got abused in a more negative way.

OK, at least you specified that it was something to do with race, but beyond that, it could mean anything.

You keep including a bit about designing it to encourage others to join in. What does that mean? Do you have to include a catchy tune or something?

and the publication of the Muhammad cartoon by a hate group scenario

So publishing the cartoon is not illegal for newspapers, but it is for hate groups?

All you seem to have done with these examples is taken a vaguely written explanation of a law or principle and rewritten in an even more ambiguous way. It's like you swallowed a pamphlet on political correctness and are now regurgitating it as best you can remember. The beheading placard example is the only one that actually means something.

If people *ARE* being intimidated/vilified/threatened, then there rights absolutely are being violated.

No they aren't. And intimidation is by definition subjective. If a person does not feel intimidated, then they *ARE* not being intimidated. Someone could feel intimidated by the Koran. Can you explain the difference between a person feeling intimidated by the Koran and a person being intimidated by the Koran?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #52 - May 29th, 2013 at 9:10pm
FD in the interests of getting this discussion out of 2nd gear, perhaps we could start by *YOU* providing an adequately detailed/specific explanation of

a) the limitations to freedom of speech under Australian law (particularly in relation to vilification)


b) one or two examples of these limitations in practice.

I'm frankly getting tired of trying to second guess what you will accept as a satisfactory explanation - so why don't we start from what you consider acceptable, and maybe I can go from there?

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 7:17pm:
No they aren't. And intimidation is by definition subjective. If a person does not feel intimidated, then they *ARE* not being intimidated.

FFS - can you please stop importing discussion from another thread? Its very confusing. Its bad enough starting a million different threads on the same topic.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #53 - May 29th, 2013 at 9:44pm
FD in the interests of getting this discussion out of 2nd gear, perhaps we could start by *YOU* providing an adequately detailed/specific explanation of

a) the limitations to freedom of speech under Australian law (particularly in relation to vilification)

Sorry, I thought I made this clear. I want you to explain what your opinion is on what the law should be, instead of giving your misguided opinion on what the law is. The reasoning is simple. You cannot be wrong about your own opinion. You are very wrong about Australian law. Do let me know if I need to clarify this point any further.

FFS - can you please stop importing discussion from another thread? Its very confusing.

Sorry I thought that was about your opinion on what the law should be.

Its bad enough starting a million different threads on the same topic.

The other thread is about Australian law, and your odd interpretation of it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #54 - May 29th, 2013 at 9:55pm
I'll wait till you have something remotely sensible to say before I bother to respond FD.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #55 - May 29th, 2013 at 10:06pm
Good point. It was foolish of me to attempt to ask your opinion on what the law should be on this issue.
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #56 - May 29th, 2013 at 10:24pm
Wonderful to watch this develop.

Congratulations to you both!

'Tis a pity gandalf and Brian Ross were not on opposing sides.

Now THAT would be something to watch.  Cool
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #57 - May 29th, 2013 at 10:36pm
FD, it may be that I'm stupid, or it may be that you are not properly comprehending what I'm saying.

Either way, it is not getting through to you, and this discussion is suffering as a result.

Now we can go one of two ways with this:

1. you can keep stonewalling and say "no thats not what I mean" - and get absolutely nowhere


2. you can provide some constructive feedback as to *WHY* you think my answers are inadequate, and *HOW* would be a better way of answering. And then I may have something to go on.

As it stands, I literally have no idea what I'm supposed to say to satisfy your request. Yes, it may be because I am stupid, but either way its doing nothing constructive, and the discussion has stalled as a result.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #58 - May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm
I suggest you give some examples of what you think should be illegal. The example should consist of something more than regurgitating what you read in a pamphlet prefaced by "in a restaurant". A real example would be good. The lady who carried the beheading placard was a great example, but you seem to have changed your mind on that one, on the grounds that naive people are above the law, especially females. You also came close with the cartoon example. You ended up giving a specific example of who should be allowed to publish it, but not of who should be banned from publishing it. Some more hints:

* who would have to say it?
* what would they actually have to say?
* in what context would they have to say it?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #59 - May 29th, 2013 at 11:33pm
freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
You also came close with the cartoon example. You ended up giving a specific example of who should be allowed to publish it, but not of who should be banned from publishing it. Some more hints:

Wrong again. The scenario was a racist hate group publishing the cartoon in their newspaper in an article about how all muslims are terrorists and should be deported/interned etc.

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
The lady who carried the beheading placard was a great example, but you seem to have changed your mind on that one, on the grounds that naive people are above the law, especially females


freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
* who would have to say it?

anyone can be guilty of vilifying

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
* what would they actually have to say?

something vilifying

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
* in what context would they have to say it?

in the context of vilification
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #60 - May 30th, 2013 at 3:23pm
freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:06pm:
Good point. It was foolish of me to attempt to ask your opinion on what the law should be on this issue.

Is that an admission you have nothing sensible to say?   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #61 - May 30th, 2013 at 3:24pm
Lionel Edriess wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 7:15pm:
|dev|null wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 1:52pm:
Soren wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 11:34pm:
I feel threatened and vilified by these Koranic words and it's really piercing me to the core. Does that make me an Islamophobe?

Please explain.

Do you feel threatened by the very similar language in the Bible?

If not, then yes, that does make you an Islamophobe.   Grin Grin Grin Grin

Set yourself to work, genius and show us the comparisons, the 'very similar language' dot-point by dot-point as listed by Soren.

Put up or shut up, troll.  Grin Grin Grin Grin

When you contribute something useful yourself, I may listen to your request, if politely put.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
Freediver, 2007.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #62 - May 30th, 2013 at 6:44pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 11:33pm:
freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
You also came close with the cartoon example. You ended up giving a specific example of who should be allowed to publish it, but not of who should be banned from publishing it. Some more hints:

Wrong again. The scenario was a racist hate group publishing the cartoon in their newspaper in an article about how all muslims are terrorists and should be deported/interned etc.

So if it is not from a racist hate group it should be legal?

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
* who would have to say it?

anyone can be guilty of vilifying

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
* what would they actually have to say?

something vilifying

freediver wrote on May 29th, 2013 at 10:47pm:
* in what context would they have to say it?

in the context of vilification

Gandalf are you having trouble with the concept of an example?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #63 - May 30th, 2013 at 7:53pm
Gandalf do you still think everyone who held up a beheading placard in Sydney should be charged?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #64 - May 30th, 2013 at 8:23pm
freediver wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 6:44pm:
Gandalf are you having trouble with the concept of an example?

No, but you certainly are.

freediver wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 7:53pm:
Gandalf do you still think everyone who held up a beheading placard in Sydney should be charged?


Now I'm guessing this is where you'll point out my comments about the naive mother somehow contradict this.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #65 - May 30th, 2013 at 10:07pm
No I am happy to take it at face value. So how far should this go? Where would you draw the line?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #66 - May 30th, 2013 at 10:26pm
freediver wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 7:53pm:
Gandalf do you still think everyone who held up a beheading placard in Sydney should be charged?

charged ? deported is more apt
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #67 - May 30th, 2013 at 11:20pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 8:23pm:
freediver wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 7:53pm:
Gandalf do you still think everyone who held up a beheading placard in Sydney should be charged?


Now I'm guessing this is where you'll point out my comments about the naive mother somehow contradict this.

She should have been publicly flogged.

100 lashes! [10 lashes per month]

Why so ?

Others will take note, and learn that such foolishness [the foolishness of publicly displaying such a placard!, of incitement to murder.] is not to be tolerated.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #68 - May 30th, 2013 at 11:35pm
Yadda wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 11:20pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 8:23pm:
freediver wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 7:53pm:
Gandalf do you still think everyone who held up a beheading placard in Sydney should be charged?


Now I'm guessing this is where you'll point out my comments about the naive mother somehow contradict this.

She should have been publicly flogged.

100 lashes! [10 lashes per month]

Why so ?

Others will take note, and learn that such foolishness [the foolishness of publicly displaying such a placard!, of incitement to murder.] is not to be tolerated.

OK, 40 lashes.

See,     .....its not just moslems who can be moderate.

I'm a 'moderate' too.         Tongue        Tongue        Tongue

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #69 - May 31st, 2013 at 10:07am
Don't be surprised if you see a protestor marching down the main street of Sydney holding a placard that says "Freediver should be beheaded for being a troll".
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #70 - May 31st, 2013 at 10:44am
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 10:07am:

Don't be surprised if you see a protestor marching down the main street of Sydney holding a placard that says "Freediver should be beheaded for being a troll".


The problem is, that if we do witness such a circumstance, how could we be certain that protestors marching down the main street of Sydney holding a placard that says; "Freediver should be beheaded for being a troll", were not serious ?

Personally, i have no doubt whatsoever, that those guys with the;
placards, were serious.

Sydney, 2012, moslem street protests.
Moslems, religious bigots, 'demonstrating', just how 'peaceful' ISLAM and moslems really are.

And surely, it is the seriousness of the actual intent, which was being publicly displayed on those placards, that does warrant their censure by all law-abiding people ?

Those placards were inciting moslems to murder people [who choose not to respect moslem sensibilities].

If it is OK for moslems to display inciting placards, would it be OK for me to march down the main street of Sydney holding a placard that says;
"Moslems should be beheaded for blasphemy, for denying Jesus divinity"


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #71 - May 31st, 2013 at 10:55am
Yadda wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 10:44am:

Those placards were inciting moslems to murder people [who choose not to respect moslem sensibilities].

I am not a moslem.

And i, nor anyone else, can or should be, lawfully required to believe [or required to respect] what moslems believe and respect.

In fact, i regard the views and 'values' which moslems respect, with utter contempt and loathing.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #72 - May 31st, 2013 at 11:38am
Yadda, what is your opinion on the placards in relation to Australian law?

Do you agree with me that they are clear messages of incitement to violence - as per the CRIMES ACT AMENDMENT (INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE) BILL 2005 - and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #73 - May 31st, 2013 at 12:55pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 11:38am:
Yadda, what is your opinion on the placards in relation to Australian law?

Do you agree with me that they are clear messages of incitement to violence - as per the CRIMES ACT AMENDMENT (INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE) BILL 2005 - and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law?

I'm not a lawyer, but imo, the placards;


were designed to incite moslems to murder persons who held differing views about Mohammed/ISLAM.

At the very least, imo, those placards were seeking to 'normalise' [within the broader community] views and attitudes which moslems themselves hold [....towards their own religion].

Respect for moslem cultural icons [...or, idols].

"We [members of the non-moslem community] must be careful how we express ourselves, publicly, coz we don't want to upset those moslems!"

I am not a moslem.

I choose, not to be, a moslem.

This, Australia, is still, a non-moslem country.

Why shouldn't i, or anyone else [as a non-moslem] in Australia, be allowed to criticise the life and values of a person like Mohammed ?

Why shouldn't i [OR ANYONE] in Australia, be allowed to express an opinion about the character of Mohammed, based upon information which is sourced from ISLAMIC texts ?

Living in a country like Australia, i/we should have those rights, imo.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #74 - May 31st, 2013 at 1:08pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 10:07am:
Don't be surprised if you see a protestor marching down the main street of Sydney holding a placard that says "Freediver should be beheaded for being a troll".

So how far should this (charging protestors) go? Where would you draw the line?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #75 - May 31st, 2013 at 1:22pm
We should deport all Muslims to some country like Iran -
all their friends are there.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #76 - May 31st, 2013 at 3:15pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 11:38am:
what is your opinion on the placards in relation to Australian law?

Do you agree with me that they are clear messages of incitement to violence - as per the CRIMES ACT AMENDMENT (INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE) BILL 2005 - and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law?

It could be argued those placards are only reminding us of what happens to those who insult the prophet (pedophile bastard unworthy human) in the homeland of Islam which is Saudi Arabia.

They chop your head off for insulting Mo in Saudi Arabia, they hang you for insulting Mo in Iran, many cases of Mob violence resulting death  in Pakistan over perceived insults to your pedo prophet.

Holding a piece of paper is not the same as inciting violence.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #77 - May 31st, 2013 at 7:55pm
Baronvonrort wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 3:15pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 11:38am:
what is your opinion on the placards in relation to Australian law?

Do you agree with me that they are clear messages of incitement to violence - as per the CRIMES ACT AMENDMENT (INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE) BILL 2005 - and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law?

It could be argued those placards are only reminding us of what happens to those who insult the prophet (pedophile bastard unworthy human) in the homeland of Islam which is Saudi Arabia.

They chop your head off for insulting Mo in Saudi Arabia, they hang you for insulting Mo in Iran, many cases of Mob violence resulting death  in Pakistan over perceived insults to your pedo prophet.

Holding a piece of paper is not the same as inciting violence.

Would you care to test that opinion in court?   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #78 - May 31st, 2013 at 9:50pm
Brian Ross wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 7:55pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 3:15pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 11:38am:
what is your opinion on the placards in relation to Australian law?

Do you agree with me that they are clear messages of incitement to violence - as per the CRIMES ACT AMENDMENT (INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE) BILL 2005 - and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law?

It could be argued those placards are only reminding us of what happens to those who insult the prophet (pedophile bastard unworthy human) in the homeland of Islam which is Saudi Arabia.

They chop your head off for insulting Mo in Saudi Arabia, they hang you for insulting Mo in Iran, many cases of Mob violence resulting death  in Pakistan over perceived insults to your pedo prophet.

Holding a piece of paper is not the same as inciting violence.

Would you care to test that opinion in court?   Roll Eyes

Thanks to dickheads like you, what decent behaviour is has now become a matter for the courts.

Shared standards, cohesive society - you have buggered it all up by legalising what should not be a matter for the law but for affinity, sympathy, empathy.
But social affinity has been ruled out, and the law has been ushered in. A law of human relationships - how stupid and destructive. But it pleases your agenda because you can't see past you own nose.

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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #79 - May 31st, 2013 at 11:47pm
Soren wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 9:50pm:
Brian Ross wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 7:55pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 3:15pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 11:38am:
what is your opinion on the placards in relation to Australian law?

Do you agree with me that they are clear messages of incitement to violence - as per the CRIMES ACT AMENDMENT (INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE) BILL 2005 - and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law?

It could be argued those placards are only reminding us of what happens to those who insult the prophet (pedophile bastard unworthy human) in the homeland of Islam which is Saudi Arabia.

They chop your head off for insulting Mo in Saudi Arabia, they hang you for insulting Mo in Iran, many cases of Mob violence resulting death  in Pakistan over perceived insults to your pedo prophet.

Holding a piece of paper is not the same as inciting violence.

Would you care to test that opinion in court?   Roll Eyes

Thanks to dickheads like you, what decent behaviour is has now become a matter for the courts.

Shared standards, cohesive society - you have buggered it all up by legalising what should not be a matter for the law but for affinity, sympathy, empathy.
But social affinity has been ruled out, and the law has been ushered in. A law of human relationships - how stupid and destructive. But it pleases your agenda because you can't see past you own nose.

And you would cut it off to spite your face, Soren.   Roll Eyes

I was challenging the Baron's claim that, "Holding a piece of paper is not the same as inciting violence."

The means by which the incitement is delivered is unimportant, the message delivered though is.

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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #80 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 6:29pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 5:59pm:
I've already explained FD - I support laws that protect people from being vilified on the basis of race/ethnicity/culture/religion. And I also support laws that makes it unlawful to incite violence against groups or individuals.

It just so happens that we have such laws. What this entails exactly is impossible to define until actual incidents are brought forward, and can be judged on a case by case basis. But it is enough for me to state my support for these broad principles - and therefore the law as it stands.

Here's and idea Gandalf. Why don't you make up some examples? Not to demonstrate what our law is of course, but to explain what you think the law should be. The placard example is demonstration enough that what you want is not what the law currently is. It is nothing but a copout to insist that you cannot explain your own views because it is impossible to define them, or because they sound vaguely similar to the principles behind existing laws whose implementation you would like to see changed. You can hardly blame people for mistrusting Muslims when even the most progressive ones want to dismantle freedom of speech, yet offer nothing but excuses when asked about the extent to which our freedoms should be restricted.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #81 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:17pm
freediver wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 6:29pm:
You can hardly blame people for mistrusting Muslims when even the most progressive ones want to dismantle freedom of speech, yet offer nothing but excuses when asked about the extent to which our freedoms should be restricted.

So you consider it "mistrustful" of a muslim to state that muslims carrying a placard calling for someone to be beheaded is an outrage and should be illegal?

I am also baffled as to why you don't consider it a specific example of what freedoms should be restricted.

Here's and idea Gandalf. Why don't you make up some examples?

How about a white-supremest, anti-islam hate group publishing a newspaper in which they state that all muslims should be rounded up and deported - on the basis that "all muslims are terrorists"?

Or what about someone standing up in the middle of a crowded restaurant and publicly humiliating a muslim couple for their islamic beliefs - say, something like pointing at them and shouting to everyone else "because of these arseholes, our kids are not safe on the street - now are we just going to sit here and let them plot their next attack??", or something along those lines?

Or what about marching in a protest and carrying a placard that says "behead those who insult the prophet"?

Oh wait, I remember now, I've mentioned all three of them already.  Roll Eyes
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #82 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:30pm
Gandy, you talk as if Islam had nothing to repel the ordinary person.

You talk as if everything disgusting and unacceptable about Islam was not inhering in Islam but in the person being disgusted and repelled. You are blaming the victims.

You need to have a bit more of a tolerant and accommodating stance, I think. You are trampling on the self-esteem of all people who are actually frightened of and intimidated by Islam and find the manner it presents itself to them and to the world totally unacceptable.

You are an islamophobe-phobe. Very intolerant and inconsiderate. Not peaceful at all.i
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #83 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:53pm
what are you saying Soren - that my first two examples should not be illegal?

Try and stay on topic please, and resist the urge to wander off into general rants.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #84 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:21pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:17pm:
How about a white-supremest, anti-islam hate group publishing a newspaper in which they state that all muslims should be rounded up and deported - on the basis that "all muslims are terrorists"?

How about applying the Islamic principle:
Round up all Muslims.
Tell them to convert to Christianity or secularism or Judaism or Hinduism or Buddhism, Scientology - or whatever.

If they refuse, tax them extra in Christian and Jewish countries. And  extra 30% plus distinctive clothing and the right of humiliating Muslims on the street. Everywhere else, kill them all if they refuse to convert to Hinduism, Buddhism, Scientology, etc.

An impeccably Islamic treatment.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #85 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:30pm
you just can't bring yourself to have a sensible, rational conversation with me can you Soren?

Do you have anything to contribute to this topic - vis-a-vis what restrictions to freedom of speech should apply in Australia?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #86 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:32pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:17pm:
Or what about someone standing up in the middle of a crowded restaurant and publicly humiliating a muslim couple for their islamic beliefs - say, something like pointing at them and shouting to everyone else "because of these arseholes, our kids are not safe on the street - now are we just going to sit here and let them plot their next attack??", or something along those lines?

Could there be a case where there would be two arseholes of the Muslim persuasion who are a threat to peace. Are there no Muslim arseholes who are a threat to peace?? Get a grip, Gandy.  How many Muslim arseholes do YOU know???

Could I stand up in a restaurant and say all that, pointing to Anjem Choudary and his wife at the next table?

Yes, I could. I should.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #87 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:36pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:17pm:
Or what about marching in a protest and carrying a placard that says "behead those who insult the prophet"?

How about a march with placards saying something like "arrest and deport all who threaten anyone in the name of Islam".

Or the Islamic version of the same: "Execute all who threaten anyone in the name of Islam". Happy with that?
You should be. Jut applying Islamic principles to Muslims. We are learning from you, be glad.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #88 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:42pm
Soren wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:32pm:
Could there be a case where there would be two arseholes of the Muslim persuasion who are a threat to peace. Are there no Muslim arseholes who are a threat to peace?? Get a grip, Gandy.

Of course, by pure coincidence, the person in my scenario might have found a muslim husband and wife who by chance were indeed plotting a terrorist attack.

Thats not the point though. The scenario serves to highlight an example of someone vilifying, as well as intimidating, an entire group of people, based on nothing more than the way the wife is dressed (the hijab being the only identifiable muslim marker in this case).

The scenario is no different to if it had been a muslim standing up and pointing to a jewish couple (identified by similarly recognisable markers), and made similar intimidatory and vilifying remarks general to the entire jewish community. Would you consider that to be a "freedom" that should be restricted?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #89 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:54pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 9:32pm:
Could there be a case where there would be two arseholes of the Muslim persuasion who are a threat to peace. Are there no Muslim arseholes who are a threat to peace?? Get a grip, Gandy.

Of course, by pure coincidence, the person in my scenario might have found a muslim husband and wife who by chance were indeed plotting a terrorist attack.

Thats not the point though. The scenario serves to highlight an example of someone vilifying, as well as intimidating, an entire group of people, based on nothing more than the way the wife is dressed (the hijab being the only identifiable muslim marker in this case).

The scenario is no different to if it had been a muslim standing up and pointing to a jewish couple (identified by similarly recognisable markers), and made similar intimidatory and vilifying remarks general to the entire jewish community. Would you consider that to be a "freedom" that should be restricted?

Grin Grin Grin Grin

You'd die if you had to make your case without mentioning the JEWS.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #90 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 10:42pm
FFS Soren. How can I invite you to a sensible, civilized discussion without having you ridiculing and mocking me?  Please help me Angry

The jew scenario seemed poignant given the history of persecution they have suffered - even to this day. But pick whatever group you like. How about Vietnamese - they were a target group a couple of decades ago:

a man in a restaurant picks out a Vietnamese couple and says "if not for these arseholes, our streets would be free of heroin". Would you consider that an unacceptable "freedom of speech"?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #91 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 10:42pm
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #92 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 10:53pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 10:42pm:
FFS Soren. How can I invite you to a sensible, civilized discussion without having you ridiculing and mocking me?  Please help me Angry

The jew scenario seemed poignant given the history of persecution they have suffered - even to this day.

Mostly by Muslim, in this day and age.

Your Jew scenario is about Muslims trying to diddle the jews out of the victimhood schtick.

In every discussion around the Muslim responsibility for the actions of Muslim, it is Muslims who introduce the jew scenario.
As if.
As if the Muslims were victims like the Jews. What a load of crap.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #93 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:03pm
So nothing to say about Australian law, and what speech freedoms should be restricted by law then?

I apologise if I caused any offense with my jew scenario, I honestly didn't mean anything by it.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #94 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:11pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:03pm:
So nothing to say about Australian law, and what speech freedoms should be restricted by law then?

I apologise if I caused any offense with my jew scenario, I honestly didn't mean anything by it.

Criticism of Islam is not restricted. Just as there is no restriction on the criticism of Christianity, the foundational religion of the country, or any other religion. So no restriction on Islam as there is nothing sacred about Islam.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #95 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:19pm
Soren, thank for finally addressing the topic.

However this is not about criticising islam, or a religion per se.

If it was, then the scenario would be more like the man standing up and reciting sections of the Quran and sarcastically asking the rhetorical question "and islam is the religion of peace??" - and not directing the reading towards any muslims that may be in the same room.

No, this is about vilifying and intimidating two people minding their own business, picked out for no other reason that the attacker perceives them as representing an undesirable group of people. And here the Vietnamese analogy is useful - because its exactly the same sort of vilifying ("you are all terrorists" == "you are all drug dealers"). I am interested at least in what you think about the Vietnamese scenario - should be illegal or not?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #96 - Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:30pm
It is already illegal - defamation.

The rest of it, the Islamic religious vilification crap that you are introducing, is an attempt to extend the established defamation laws to 'defamation of religion', a new push by Muslims, starting from the UN and going all the way down to internet forums like this one.

But Islam itself defames all other religions, if the Koran is anything to go by. This is why I think you and all other Muslims pushing for the 'defamation of religion' wheeze are dishonest to a startlingly barefaced degree. The Vietnamese scenario is just a gauche attempt to cover your tracks.

When there is religious freedom in the 'Muslim lands', we can talk. Until then, you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #97 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 5:41pm
Soren wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:30pm:
It is already illegal - defamation.

The rest of it, the Islamic religious vilification crap that you are introducing, is an attempt to extend the established defamation laws to 'defamation of religion', a new push by Muslims, starting from the UN and going all the way down to internet forums like this one.

But Islam itself defames all other religions, if the Koran is anything to go by. This is why I think you and all other Muslims pushing for the 'defamation of religion' wheeze are dishonest to a startlingly barefaced degree. The Vietnamese scenario is just a gauche attempt to cover your tracks.

When there is religious freedom in the 'Muslim lands', we can talk. Until then, you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #98 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 6:07pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 5:41pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:30pm:
It is already illegal - defamation.

The rest of it, the Islamic religious vilification crap that you are introducing, is an attempt to extend the established defamation laws to 'defamation of religion', a new push by Muslims, starting from the UN and going all the way down to internet forums like this one.

But Islam itself defames all other religions, if the Koran is anything to go by. This is why I think you and all other Muslims pushing for the 'defamation of religion' wheeze are dishonest to a startlingly barefaced degree. The Vietnamese scenario is just a gauche attempt to cover your tracks.

When there is religious freedom in the 'Muslim lands', we can talk. Until then, you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

How so?
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Toughen up, Australia!
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #99 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 6:13pm
Lionel Edriess wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 6:07pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 5:41pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:30pm:
It is already illegal - defamation.

The rest of it, the Islamic religious vilification crap that you are introducing, is an attempt to extend the established defamation laws to 'defamation of religion', a new push by Muslims, starting from the UN and going all the way down to internet forums like this one.

But Islam itself defames all other religions, if the Koran is anything to go by. This is why I think you and all other Muslims pushing for the 'defamation of religion' wheeze are dishonest to a startlingly barefaced degree. The Vietnamese scenario is just a gauche attempt to cover your tracks.

When there is religious freedom in the 'Muslim lands', we can talk. Until then, you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

How so?

There are laws against Blasphemy in the UK still, Lionel.  However, they only pertain to Christianity.  Why?
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #100 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:15pm
So you consider it "mistrustful" of a muslim to state that muslims carrying a placard calling for someone to be beheaded is an outrage and should be illegal?

No Gandalf, I do not trust people who want to whittle away our freedom but offer nothing but excuses when asked to suggest how far they would whittle. Lately is always seem to be Muslims doing the whittling.

I am also baffled as to why you don't consider it a specific example of what freedoms should be restricted.

I do. The question I am asking is how far would you go. Do I need to repeat the question?

Oh wait, I remember now, I've mentioned all three of them already.

No gandalf you gave no details at all last time. You merely regurgitated a pamphlet on hate speech and prefaced it with "in a restaurant".

Of course, by pure coincidence, the person in my scenario might have found a muslim husband and wife who by chance were indeed plotting a terrorist attack.

Not all Muslims are terrorists Gandalf. You'll upset Brian. But good on you for being alert.

No, this is about vilifying and intimidating two people minding their own business

Didn't you just say it was about vilifying all Muslims?

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

It is not. Where do you think the Life of Brian was made? You have the same problem as Gandalf in interpreting statues.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #101 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:31pm
freediver wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:15pm:

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

It is not. Where do you think the Life of Brian was made? You have the same problem as Gandalf in interpreting statues.

A good example!

In contrast, somewhere in the world, someone satirises Mohammed/ISLAM in a film - and we see moslems on 'main street' Sydney, with placards calling for beheadings [....of persons who do not believe as moslems believe] !

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #102 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:37pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 6:13pm:
Lionel Edriess wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 6:07pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 5:41pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:30pm:
It is already illegal - defamation.

The rest of it, the Islamic religious vilification crap that you are introducing, is an attempt to extend the established defamation laws to 'defamation of religion', a new push by Muslims, starting from the UN and going all the way down to internet forums like this one.

But Islam itself defames all other religions, if the Koran is anything to go by. This is why I think you and all other Muslims pushing for the 'defamation of religion' wheeze are dishonest to a startlingly barefaced degree. The Vietnamese scenario is just a gauche attempt to cover your tracks.

When there is religious freedom in the 'Muslim lands', we can talk. Until then, you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

How so?

There are laws against Blasphemy in the UK still, Lionel.  However, they only pertain to Christianity.  Why?

What laws?

Didn't I make myself clear?

And why indeed?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #103 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:46pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 6:13pm:
There are laws against Blasphemy in the UK still, Lionel.  However, they only pertain to Christianity.  Why?

Look at the English flag and take fvckn wild guess, Brain.

Go on.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #104 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:51pm
Yadda wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:31pm:
freediver wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:15pm:

Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

It is not. Where do you think the Life of Brian was made? You have the same problem as Gandalf in interpreting statues.

A good example!

In contrast, somewhere in the world, someone satirises Mohammed/ISLAM in a film - and we see moslems on 'main street' Sydney, with placards calling for beheadings [....of persons who do not believe as moslems believe] !

And don't ever forget, 'Blessed are the cheese-makers.'

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #105 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 9:09pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 5:41pm:
Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

Brian Ross wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 7:56pm:
I wonder what Lionel's opinion is on that?

Oh! You remember me!


Lionel's opinion is that if you can't remember simple grammatical rules, then you should take extra care when committing opinion to paper, or, in our case, submitting opinion to public scrutiny.

In this instance, you have forgotten a Golden Rule:

* never end a sentence with a preposition

And 'is', as the third person singular present of 'be' - is, as such, a preposition.

I also vaguely recall something about people in glass houses.

You now have my opinion.

Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #106 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 10:17pm
freediver wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:15pm:
I do. The question I am asking is how far would you go. Do I need to repeat the question?

Do I need to repeat the answer  Grin

I would ban people marching down the street with placards calling for people to be beheaded - thats how far I would go. Do I need to describe it in an even different way before you understand this?

Any actual thoughts about this - or are you just going to keep making inane point-scoring comments?

freediver wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 8:15pm:
No gandalf you gave no details at all last time. You merely regurgitated a pamphlet on hate speech and prefaced it with "in a restaurant".

Well now you should have all the details you need to make some constructive conversation about this issue. And yet, here you are nitpicking and making witty one-liners.

One could be forgiven that you are not interested in having a constructive discussion at all - and are only interested in the point scoring game.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #107 - Jun 3rd, 2013 at 10:47pm
Lionel Edriess wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 9:09pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 5:41pm:
Question - Why is Christianity protected by blasphemy laws in the UK and no other religion is?

Brian Ross wrote on May 31st, 2013 at 7:56pm:
I wonder what Lionel's opinion is on that?

Oh! You remember me!


Lionel's opinion is that if you can't remember simple grammatical rules, then you should take extra care when committing opinion to paper, or, in our case, submitting opinion to public scrutiny.

In this instance, you have forgotten a Golden Rule:

* never end a sentence with a preposition

And 'is', as the third person singular present of 'be' - is, as such, a preposition.

I also vaguely recall something about people in glass houses.

You now have my opinion.

Roll Eyes

Sorry to butt in, but the word "is" is a verb and not a preposition. A preposition denotes something spatial, such as during, below, beneath, before, on, in etc.

Nevertheless, Brian Ross' sentence was grammatically awkward.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #108 - Jun 6th, 2013 at 12:27pm
I would ban people marching down the street with placards calling for people to be beheaded - thats how far I would go. Do I need to describe it in an even different way before you understand this?

Are you saying that is a borderline case?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #109 - Jun 6th, 2013 at 3:01pm
borderline what?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #110 - Jun 6th, 2013 at 7:07pm
Gandalf, are you familiar with the phrase "draw the line"?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #111 - Jun 6th, 2013 at 8:22pm
Are you familiar with the phrase "get to the bloody point and stop being cryptic"?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #112 - Jun 6th, 2013 at 9:11pm
Where would you draw the line?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #113 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 10:43am
You seem to be setting some ingenious trap for me. However before I fall for the bait, I need to have some idea of what you are talking about.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #114 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 1:13pm
I have asked you the same question a dozen different ways already Gandalf. You have not once given anything resembling a straight answer. Go back and read them. I am not going to type it out again only for you to have yet another "me no speaka da English" moment.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #115 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 2:59pm
I gave you my answer to your question 'how far would I go', you then followed it up with the cryptic question "is it a borderline case?" - which I literally have no idea what you mean.

Feel free to indulge in a couple of sentences, or even a paragraph, to make this comprehensible.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #116 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 4:40pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
well done FD.
You have shown great patience.

muslims are very good at diverting questions

Sprint is throwing stones!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #117 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:09pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 7th, 2013 at 2:59pm:
I gave you my answer to your question 'how far would I go', you then followed it up with the cryptic question "is it a borderline case?" - which I literally have no idea what you mean.

Feel free to indulge in a couple of sentences, or even a paragraph, to make this comprehensible.

It means the same thing Gandalf. How far you would go, is up to where you would draw the line, which is where the borderline cases are.

There is a conflict between freedom of speech and whatever justifications you have for wanting to restrict it. No matter how convenient you think your definitions are, you still need to draw the line somewhere. That is what I have been trying to ask you. I am not asking you what an obvious example of the crime is.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #118 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:28pm
The line I would draw is between protecting the right to speech and protecting the right not to be vilified or threatened with physical violence.

Thats the best I can do without going in to a specific example - like the placard example. And the borderline there would be (IMO), between saying "offending the prophet should not be allowed" (acceptable) and "kill/physically hurt anyone who offends the prophet" (unacceptable).
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« Last Edit: Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:40pm by polite_gandalf »  

A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #119 - Jun 9th, 2013 at 3:44pm
Gandalf, the only effort I see being undertaken to silence and intimidate people here is that of the bigots.  They browbeat any who speak out of turn and disagree with their views.    Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #120 - Jun 9th, 2013 at 4:27pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:28pm:
The line I would draw is between protecting the right to speech and protecting the right not to be vilified or threatened with physical violence.

You've lumped together three separate issues here.

1. Last year there was a white guy standing on the pavement opposite 10 Dowling Street in London, using a bullhorn to protest about something. He came day after day to do this. With a bullhorn.

The idiots in authority excused this public nuisance by saying he was "exercising his civil rights under Britain's system of liberal democracy".

Utter nonsense. No one has a right to disturb the public peace by using a bullhorn.

Freedom of speech must be expressed within certain socially acceptable parameters. It's why security staff are LEGALLY permitted by law to physically man-handle nuisances out of meetings in Town Halls - no matter what the politics of the speakers.

(I hope you're taking notes, ganddafi).

2.polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:28pm:
"and protecting the right not to be vilified "

What utter limp-wristed nonsense.

Our entire political system of Adversarial Democracy rests upon the freedom that allows for public criticism of another's political, cultural, religious, and judicial ideologies and dogmas.

3. polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:28pm:
"...or threatened with physical violence.

Correct. Third time lucky. 

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Lord Herbert
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #121 - Jun 9th, 2013 at 4:28pm
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #122 - Jun 9th, 2013 at 4:31pm
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jun 3rd, 2013 at 10:47pm:
Sorry to butt in, but the word "is" is a verb and not a preposition. A preposition denotes something spatial, such as during, below, beneath, before, on, in etc.

Nevertheless, Brian Ross' sentence was grammatically awkward.

Brian's sentence should be a long one at Guantanamo Bay.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #123 - Jun 15th, 2013 at 8:01pm
The line I would draw is between protecting the right to speech and protecting the right not to be vilified or threatened with physical violence.

Yes Gandalf, that is the definition of drawing the line. However, the actual question was where would you draw it?

Thats the best I can do without going in to a specific example - like the placard example.

Examples are good, but the placard example does not appear to be an indication of where you would draw the line. You seem to think it should be well on the illegal side.

And the borderline there would be (IMO), between saying "offending the prophet should not be allowed" (acceptable) and "kill/physically hurt anyone who offends the prophet" (unacceptable).

What if the proposed punishment was physically hurtful? Are you suggesting it should be illegal for people like Abu for example to say they believe in the death penalty for blasphemy?

Gandalf, the only effort I see being undertaken to silence and intimidate people here is that of the bigots.  They browbeat any who speak out of turn and disagree with their views.

Brian, if you say something stupid, people will point out that it is stupid. That is how freedom of speech works. It does not mean people have to respect what you say.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #124 - Jun 15th, 2013 at 11:23pm
freediver wrote on Jun 15th, 2013 at 8:01pm:
Are you suggesting it should be illegal for people like Abu for example to say they believe in the death penalty for blasphemy?

To say they believe? Of course not. There is a time and a place to argue whether the death penalty should be reinstated, but in the midst of a violent riot is not it. People might very understandably mistake an open ended slogan like "behead those who insult the prophet" as a call for murder. A little different to the admittedly less catchy "bring back the death penalty after due process for those who insult the prophet" - wouldn't you say?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #125 - Jun 16th, 2013 at 2:34am
Just another croc of sheeet.
If anything, the chemicals were probably supplied by the USA anyway.
Just like Saddam got heaps of Toys from (R) the US to fight the Ayatollah Khomeini before spitting the dummy because the USA wouldn't pay up for him doing the dirty work.

USA can't afford to get serious with Syria like it has been with Iraq/Afghanistan.
So its just having a go at Syria 'offhand'.

Truth is that most Islamic nations can see their chance to unleash hell because the USA has economically collapsed under its own Imperialist (as opposed to Metric) system.

Everyone will think that they intend to attack Israel
...but its a CHRISTIAN sacrifice they want and it seems FRANCE will be the one to face the WRATH OF KHAN.

...only when Islam burns itself out upon France, etc.
Will Israel take full advantage.

silly world really isn't it
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #126 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 1:27pm
To say they believe? Of course not. There is a time and a place to argue whether the death penalty should be reinstated, but in the midst of a violent riot is not it.

Are you suggesting the onus should be on people to know whether a demonstration will turn violent before writing a placard that could be later interpretted by people like you as "obviously" inciting the violence?

Can you clarify where the time and place is?

People might very understandably mistake an open ended slogan like "behead those who insult the prophet" as a call for murder. A little different to the admittedly less catchy "bring back the death penalty after due process for those who insult the prophet" - wouldn't you say?

Yes it is less catchy, but I don't think something should be illegal because it is catchy and open to misinterpretation. Otherwise you could just as easily argue that the Koran should be illegal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #127 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 2:15pm
freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 1:27pm:
Yes it is less catchy, but I don't think something should be illegal because it is catchy and open to misinterpretation. Otherwise you could just as easily argue that the Koran should be illegal.

Its the context FD, this is common sense stuff, really.

If the protesters had marched down the street peacefully with the beheading placard - and perhaps in an environment where violence and deaths and threats to the author's life had not already occurred, then of course its very different. I would not say that its definitely legal, but its obviously less clear cut.

But as it happened, these protests were violent to start with, and they happened in an environment where people were being killed and threatened over the same issue. In this context, I don't think many people would view the placards as a calm and rational call for a change in the law about capital punishment. Least of all - most critically - any would-be muslim terrorist who might be jolted into action by such a placard.

freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 1:27pm:
Otherwise you could just as easily argue that the Koran should be illegal.

If violent protestors rioted down the main street screaming and holding up an extract of the quran that said something like "kill the infidels wherever you find them", then I would expect them to have the book thrown at them as well. On the other hand if peaceful muslim protestors marched holding up an extract of the quran that said "anyone who kills a single person, it will be as if he killed the whole of mankind" or "Let there be no compulsion in religion", then its slightly different no?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #128 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:25pm
Its the context FD, this is common sense stuff, really.

Yet the only point you failed to address were the ones about context.

But as it happened, these protests were violent to start with

So they had already turned violent when the placards were written?

If the protesters had marched down the street peacefully with the beheading placard - and perhaps in an environment where violence and deaths and threats to the author's life had not already occurred

Gandalf, the context was Muslims being pissed off about people insulting Muhammed. Are you suggesting that people should only be allowed to voice their opinions on blasphemy when there is less interest and when they don't feel strongly about it? Do you think we should shut down debate on a topic every time a few lunatics on the other side of the world get upset about it?

In this context, I don't think many people would view the placards as a calm and rational call for a change in the law about capital punishment.

You are reading too much into the context. Whether it was a calm and rational call depends on whether it was a calm and rational call, not whether everyone else was being calm and rational. It is perfectly reasonable for people to make a calm and rational call in this context.

If violent protestors rioted down the main street screaming and holding up an extract of the quran that said something like "kill the infidels wherever you find them", then I would expect them to have the book thrown at them as well.

What if it was in a Mosque, but the context was otherwise identical?

On the other hand if peaceful muslim protestors marched holding up an extract of the quran that said "anyone who kills a single person, it will be as if he killed the whole of mankind" or "Let there be no compulsion in religion", then its slightly different no?

Yes, that is a different extract from the Koran.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #129 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:58pm
freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
Yet the only point you failed to address were the ones about context.

Then you haven't been paying attention to my argument.

freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
Gandalf, the context was Muslims being pissed off about people insulting Muhammed. Are you suggesting that people should only be allowed to voice their opinions on blasphemy when there is less interest and when they don't feel strongly about it? Do you think we should shut down debate on a topic every time a few lunatics on the other side of the world get upset about it?

But it wasn't just a few lunatics on the other side of the world - it was a few lunatics right here - at the very same rally that the placards were used in fact. Again, violent placards may be legally passable in the hands of peaceful protestors, but when they are in the hands of protestors acting violently and threateningly, then the placards themselves become an instrument of violence IMO.

freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
You are reading too much into the context.

not enough context, too much context - make up your mind FD.

freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
Whether it was a calm and rational call depends on whether it was a calm and rational call, not whether everyone else was being calm and rational. It is perfectly reasonable for people to make a calm and rational call in this context.

Don't be absurd - the question of whether you are behaving calmly and rationally or not has everything to do with context. Calling for killings in the context of a violent rally is not being calm and rational. Calling for killings in the context of a policy debate on capital punishment is calm and rational.

freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
What if it was in a Mosque, but the context was otherwise identical?

Anyone who encourages people to go out and be violent and/or kill people should be punished by the state.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #130 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 5:13pm
But it wasn't just a few lunatics on the other side of the world - it was a few lunatics right here - at the very same rally that the placards were used in fact.

You keep ignoring this point and I am suspecting this is deliberate. The violence did not occur until after the placards were created and waived around. Are you seriously arguing that something can be perfectly legal, but then become illegal after the fact based on the actions of others?

Again, violent placards may be legally passable in the hands of peaceful protestors, but when they are in the hands of protestors acting violently and threateningly, then the placards themselves become an instrument of violence IMO.

Do you mean it should be illegal to hold such a placard while you are beating someone?

not enough context, too much context - make up your mind FD.

Gandalf, context is supposed to clarify the intended meaning of something, not change it based on events a person may not even be aware of or that may not happen until after it the statement has been written.

Don't be absurd - the question of whether you are behaving calmly and rationally or not has everything to do with context.

Correct, whether YOU are behaving calmly and rationally, not whether people on the other side of the world are, or the behaviour of people around you afterwards.

Calling for killings in the context of a violent rally is not being calm and rational.

Are you deliberately ignoring the point I have been making regarding the timing? Do you believe these Muslims waited until the protests turned violent and then created the placards?

Anyone who encourages people to go out and be violent and/or kill people should be punished by the state

So publishing a Koran containing similar statements in the context of violence before, during or after the publication should be illegal?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #131 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 7:05pm
freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 5:13pm:
The violence did not occur until after the placards were created and waived around.

I'm not talking about the creation of the placards, I'm talking about the use of the placards - obviously.  Roll Eyes

freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 5:13pm:
Correct, whether YOU are behaving calmly and rationally, not whether people on the other side of the world are, or the behaviour of people around you afterwards.

This is ridiculous. I don't know if you're deliberately trying to sound something pretty simple sound complicated when its not.

If you take a beheading placard to a violent protest, wave it around, associate yourself and the placard with people acting violently, then by default you are participating in violence. It doesn't matter if you yourself are being physically violent, the placard itself in the context of a violent protest becomes an instrument of violence - even if the carrier is not himself being physically violent.

I suspect this might require some lateral thinking on your part to understand this.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #132 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 7:55pm
So the placards should have been legal up until the protest became violent?

Was the violence by the Muslims planned or orchestrated?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #133 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 9:00pm
freediver wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 7:55pm:
So the placards should have been legal up until the protest became violent?

not entirely sure what you mean. I can only repeat that its the context and the intention of the placards. Someone could be using them as satire, for example - such as making a point about irrational extremists. Or a journalist simply using them to demonstrate what went on during a rally in which they were used. In those cases its obviously not illegal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #134 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 9:03pm
What about taking it to a rally that you had no idea was going to turn violent?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #135 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 10:38pm
come on FD, use your head please.

Its all about the intention.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #136 - Jun 18th, 2013 at 8:56am
Did the people who created and brought the placards intend the protest to become violent? Did they intend their placard to incite this violence?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #137 - Jun 18th, 2013 at 9:55pm
1. Don't know and irrelevant
2. Obviously
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #138 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 12:22pm
Are you saying it is obvious that they intended the placards to incite violence at the protest, but also irrelevant whether they intended for the protest to become violent?

Why is it obvious that they intended the placards to incite violence?

Also, I still haven't gotten anything resembling a straight answer from you on the issue of where you would draw the line.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #139 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 1:48pm
I read it wrong. I read it as "did they intend their placard to incite violence?" - not "did they intend their placard to incite this violence?" 

Absolutely yes, they intended the placard to incite violence: they want violence meted out to people who insult the prophet, to stop them as well as intimidate others who might be considering insulting the prophet. If you come to the party making a threat, the default position has to be that you mean it - otherwise why would you be making it? Is there any disclaimer on the placards that says "actually we don't really mean it"? No. I really can't fathom why you would support this sort of behaviour. Anti-prohpet-insulters are perfectly free to oppose prophet insulting without resorting to threats to kill. I express my opinion all the time - I oppose people's view all the time, but I'm not in a habit of opposing people's views by saying "I want you dead because you hold an opinion that is different to mine". I think we could do without that unnecessary sort of "freedom of speech" don't you think?

freediver wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 12:22pm:
Also, I still haven't gotten anything resembling a straight answer from you on the issue of where you would draw the line.

OK - rather than continuing with your childish games, why don't you go over my last answer to this and explain to me how its not "straight"? I must have answered this about 3 or 4 times already, and as far as I remember they were pretty straight.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #140 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 4:35pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Jun 9th, 2013 at 4:27pm:
No one has a right to disturb the public peace by using a bullhorn.


Including spruikers:


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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #141 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 6:52pm
Absolutely yes, they intended the placard to incite violence: they want violence meted out to people who insult the prophet, to stop them as well as intimidate others who might be considering insulting the prophet. If you come to the party making a threat, the default position has to be that you mean it - otherwise why would you be making it? Is there any disclaimer on the placards that says "actually we don't really mean it"? No. I really can't fathom why you would support this sort of behaviour.

I support freedom of speech. If someone believes that we should have the death penalty for blasphemy, there is not point trying to silence them.

Anti-prohpet-insulters are perfectly free to oppose prophet insulting without resorting to threats to kill.

You have no way of knowing whether it was a threat to kill or a call for legal change. The context does not tell you anything about that either. It is all down to your interpretation of the placard. It is not right to ban something based on your interpretation of the true meaning.

I express my opinion all the time - I oppose people's view all the time, but I'm not in a habit of opposing people's views by saying "I want you dead because you hold an opinion that is different to mine".

That's probably because you don't want them dead. But what if you did? Should we be forbidden from discussing the death penalty except for those crime to which it already applies?

OK - rather than continuing with your childish games, why don't you go over my last answer to this and explain to me how its not "straight"?

It is an answer to a different question. I still have no idea how far you would go. You have thrown around some very vague claims about making intimidation, vilification etc illegal. They deserve clarification, and the discussion of the placard does not really have much to do with where you would draw the line.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #142 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 7:01pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 4:35pm:
Lord Herbert wrote on Jun 9th, 2013 at 4:27pm:
No one has a right to disturb the public peace by using a bullhorn.


Including spruikers:,0.jpg

Is that really your mind revealed, is that what you really think - shop spruikers are indistinguishable from the people who are discussed on this thread?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #143 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 7:04pm
He is not saying they are the same Soren.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #144 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 9:46pm
freediver wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 6:52pm:
I support freedom of speech. If someone believes that we should have the death penalty for blasphemy, there is not point trying to silence them.

Thats not what we're talking about. If it was merely for pushing the case for capital punishment, there would be no debate. But surely even you would agree that when someone makes a statement like "kill those people for [insert offensive behaviour]" - it is not always going to be a rational call to bring back capital punishment agreed? It is possible that such a call could be a call for illegal murder no?

The question is, do you still support the latter? I certainly don't, and I don't think any sane person would.

freediver wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 6:52pm:
You have no way of knowing whether it was a threat to kill or a call for legal change.

Neither do you - my point is that I think the former should be illegal. Don't you? I'm not really sure what your position is - but you seem to be going to great pains to stress that any threat to kill should be allowed - on the off chance that it is a rational call for legal change. Personally I think common sense should dictate when a statement should be deemed as a threat to murder compared to a rational call for legal change - like for example in the midst of a violent riot.

freediver wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 6:52pm:
That's probably because you don't want them dead. But what if you did?

You seriously don't see a problem if I looked into someone's eye and said to them "I want you dead" - in a way that causes that person to fear for his/her life?

freediver wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 6:52pm:
It is an answer to a different question. I still have no idea how far you would go. You have thrown around some very vague claims about making intimidation, vilification etc illegal. They deserve clarification, and the discussion of the placard does not really have much to do with where you would draw the line.

polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:28pm:
The line I would draw is between protecting the right to speech and protecting the right not to be vilified or threatened with physical violence.

Thats the best I can do without going in to a specific example - like the placard example. And the borderline there would be (IMO), between saying "offending the prophet should not be allowed" (acceptable) and "kill/physically hurt anyone who offends the prophet" (unacceptable).
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #145 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:21pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 9:46pm:
Thats the best I can do without going in to a specific example - like the placard example. And the borderline there would be (IMO), between saying "offending the prophet should not be allowed" (acceptable) and "kill/physically hurt anyone who offends the prophet" (unacceptable).

And so you also accept the right of others to hold placards/cartoon/books/views publicly offending the prophet as long as they do not threaten to physically hurt or kill anyone.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #146 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:37pm
Soren wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:21pm:
And so you also accept the right of others to hold placards/cartoon/books/views publicly offending the prophet as long as they do not threaten to physically hurt or kill anyone.

Of course.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #147 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:39pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:37pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:21pm:
And so you also accept the right of others to hold placards/cartoon/books/views publicly offending the prophet as long as they do not threaten to physically hurt or kill anyone.

Of course.

Great. We can all go home now.

The whole push by the Organisation of Islamic Countries to outlaw the ridiculing of religion has been a massive misunderstanding and all the rioting due to films, cartoons, books laffing at Mohammed were staged by Mossad and financed by the CIA.

Praise the Lord!!!

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #148 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:55pm
Soren wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:39pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:37pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 19th, 2013 at 10:21pm:
And so you also accept the right of others to hold placards/cartoon/books/views publicly offending the prophet as long as they do not threaten to physically hurt or kill anyone.

Of course.

Great. We can all go home now.


Nothing to see here, old boy.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #149 - Jun 21st, 2013 at 8:34am
The line I would draw is between protecting the right to speech and protecting the right not to be vilified or threatened with physical violence.

Thats the best I can do without going in to a specific example - like the placard example. And the borderline there would be (IMO), between saying "offending the prophet should not be allowed" (acceptable) and "kill/physically hurt anyone who offends the prophet" (unacceptable).

Gandalf, you are going round in circles. I already responded to this. It is vague to the point of absurdity. It says nothing at all about where you would draw the line. Where it does come close it contradicts what you say elsewhere.

Thats not what we're talking about. If it was merely for pushing the case for capital punishment, there would be no debate. But surely even you would agree that when someone makes a statement like "kill those people for [insert offensive behaviour]" - it is not always going to be a rational call to bring back capital punishment agreed?

Sometimes it will be rational. Sometimes it will be irrational. But you are missing the point. You can not tell the difference, and rationality is not a sound basis for making something illegal.

It is possible that such a call could be a call for illegal murder no?

Sure, just like reading from the Koran could be a call for murder.

The question is, do you still support the latter? I certainly don't, and I don't think any sane person would.

I thought we were discussing whether it should be banned, not whether I agree with it. You know my opinion on these things already. That does not mean I want to deny my opponents their freedom of speech in case what they say has a hidden meaning.

Neither do you - my point is that I think the former should be illegal. Don't you?

I suspect it already is.

I'm not really sure what your position is - but you seem to be going to great pains to stress that any threat to kill should be allowed - on the off chance that it is a rational call for legal change.

No Gandalf. You really should stick to what I actually say. It has to be an actual threat, not an implied one.

Personally I think common sense should dictate when a statement should be deemed as a threat to murder compared to a rational call for legal change - like for example in the midst of a violent riot.

You are judging the intention of the person who created the placard based on events that happened after they created it and over which they had no control. Unless you are suggesting some kind of conspiracy to orchestrate the violence, then you have no case, and even if you are you still have no case. They did not create the placard in the context of a violent riot. They created it calmly and rationally at home. That is the true context in which to interpret the "real meaning" of what is written on the placard.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #150 - Jun 21st, 2013 at 12:17pm
freediver wrote on Jun 21st, 2013 at 8:34am:
Gandalf, you are going round in circles. I already responded to this. It is vague to the point of absurdity.

Perhaps thats because your question was vague to the point of absurdity. It will never work unless you concentrate on something specific - like the sydney protests, which I have already given you my "line".

freediver wrote on Jun 21st, 2013 at 8:34am:
No Gandalf. You really should stick to what I actually say. It has to be an actual threat, not an implied one.

Please define what is an actual threat as opposed to an implied one - particularly in the context of a violent riot.

Do you think the person who made the video, or anyone who published offensive prophet cartoons would feel at all threatened by a placard carried by muslims acting violently that read "behead those who insult the prophet"? Or what about anyone who intended to express their right to insult the prophet - do you think its fair that their (democratically granted) expressions should be met with violent calls to have them killed? And if so, do you think its fair to fob their concerns and anxieties off by telling them "oh don't worry, they are just making a calm rational call for a change to the law"?

freediver wrote on Jun 21st, 2013 at 8:34am:
You are judging the intention of the person who created the placard based on events that happened after they created it and over which they had no control.

I've already explained this: it has nothing to do with the act of creating the placard. As I explained earlier, it could well be used for satirical purposes, or even to demonstrate what *NOT* to do at a protest ("here's a placard that you should not carry to a public rally"). In those contexts, I obviously don't have any problem with the placard.

Its all about the situation in which it is used. And when you take that placard to a public rally to protest against insulting the prophet- then such a placard is an overt declaration that you want those who insulted the prophet to be killed. It is inherently violent - even if no physical violence is used. It is inciteful and it is intimidating to any would-be prophet insulters. That sort of "expression" has no place in Australia, and I absolutely support it being made illegal - and I don't think many Australians would disagree with me.

No doubt you will come back with "oh but you don't know that it wasn't just a call for a change to law - in which case it shouldn't be illegal" - to which I reply, the default position for violent protestors who call for the killing of the people they are protesting (violently) against, should be that the threats they make are inciteful, intimidating to the people they are directed against, and therefore intolerable.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #151 - Jun 21st, 2013 at 5:31pm
Please define what is an actual threat as opposed to an implied one - particularly in the context of a violent riot.

"I am going to kill you" - an actual threat.

"I am going to kill that guy who made the Muhammed video" -  an actual threat.

"Behead those who insult the prophet" - an implied threat.

Obviously there becomes a grey area when you argue that someone meant something different to what they actually said, but this cannot be assumed.

I am not sure what difference the context of a violent makes really. If they chanted "behead those who insult Muhammed" while setting fire to cars, that would not be so different to chanting the same while shaking their fists angrily. Obviously setting fire to cars is a crime, but that's as far as it goes.

Do you think the person who made the video, or anyone who published offensive prophet cartoons would feel at all threatened by a placard carried by muslims acting violently that read "behead those who insult the prophet"?


Or what about anyone who intended to express their right to insult the prophet - do you think its fair that their (democratically granted) expressions should be met with violent calls to have them killed? And if so, do you think its fair to fob their concerns and anxieties off by telling them "oh don't worry, they are just making a calm rational call for a change to the law"?

Can you explain why you qualified it with "democratically granted"? Do you see nothing fundamental in these rights?

I don't think it is fair, but freedom of speech includes the right to discuss and promote the death penalty. It includes the right to argue against freedom of speech. If someone does this in the midst of a violent riot, the people who act violently should be arrested for any crimes they commit. This is true regardless of whether people also promote the death penalty at the same time.

I've already explained this: it has nothing to do with the act of creating the placard.

It has to. The text is written when the placard is created. The intended meaning of the text does not change later on.

Its all about the situation in which it is used. And when you take that placard to a public rally to protest against insulting the prophet- then such a placard is an overt declaration that you want those who insulted the prophet to be killed. It is inherently violent - even if no physical violence is used. It is inciteful and it is intimidating to any would-be prophet insulters. That sort of "expression" has no place in Australia, and I absolutely support it being made illegal - and I don't think many Australians would disagree with me.

This is legitimate political commentary, as is any other call for the death penalty. If soemone called for death to rapists at an anti rape rally that was held in response to a highly publicised rape, that would also be protected political expression. I think you will find that most Australians do disagree with you, which is why no-one batted an eyelid when the lady who did this was let off scott free.

No doubt you will come back with "oh but you don't know that it wasn't just a call for a change to law - in which case it shouldn't be illegal" - to which I reply, the default position for violent protestors who call for the killing of the people they are protesting (violently) against, should be that the threats they make are inciteful, intimidating to the people they are directed against, and therefore intolerable.

If the protestors are violent, they should be charged under the appropriate law for whatever they did in that violence, not for what they said while being violent. It is the violence that is intolerable, not the speech.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #152 - Jun 21st, 2013 at 6:43pm
just clarify one thing for me FD:

can you envisage any scenario whereby an expression using only words should be outlawed?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #153 - Jun 22nd, 2013 at 9:41am
Sure. A textbook legal example is calling fire in a crowded theatre.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #154 - Jun 22nd, 2013 at 9:49am
freediver wrote on Jun 22nd, 2013 at 9:41am:
Sure. A textbook legal example is calling fire in a crowded theatre.

A textbook legal example is calling fire in a crowded theatre.

A textbook legal example is calling out; Fire! in a crowded theatre - when there is no fire.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #155 - Jun 22nd, 2013 at 1:55pm
freediver wrote on Jun 22nd, 2013 at 9:41am:
Sure. A textbook legal example is calling fire in a crowded theatre.


Anything else? Like issuing a direct threat to kill someone, or calling on others to have them killed?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #156 - Jun 22nd, 2013 at 11:22pm
A direct and serious threat to kill someone should be illegal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #157 - Jun 24th, 2013 at 9:02pm
From the **evolution of islam thread**

Soren wrote: Quote:
So all the rioting over the accidental maltreatment of the printed paper form of the ushaf is mere commodity fetishim, the idolatrous worshipping of a mere paper object, industrially produced and bought and sold?

gandalf wrote: Quote:
Maybe you should ask the people who were rioting over that. It certainly wasn't me.

Most likely though its resentment over the perceived lack of respect for islam. A bit like the horror some Americans show for the burning of the American flag is not exactly fetishism over a coloured piece of cloth.

The above answer is proof of the validity of the statement: **muslims want to silence and intimidate you**

Do something muslims don't like, they think they have the right to riot and kill you.

Before we get the usual apology *not all muslims do it *, can somebody tell me when these so called non participating muslims, and their apologists, are going to stand up and be counted and do something about the filth and perversion in islam / qur'an / commands from allah / teachings of muhammad, which are the root cause of the riots and murders.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #158 - Jun 24th, 2013 at 9:35pm
moses wrote on Jun 24th, 2013 at 9:02pm:
From the **evolution of islam thread**

Soren wrote: Quote:
So all the rioting over the accidental maltreatment of the printed paper form of the ushaf is mere commodity fetishim, the idolatrous worshipping of a mere paper object, industrially produced and bought and sold?

gandalf wrote: Quote:
Maybe you should ask the people who were rioting over that. It certainly wasn't me.

Most likely though its resentment over the perceived lack of respect for islam. A bit like the horror some Americans show for the burning of the American flag is not exactly fetishism over a coloured piece of cloth.

The above answer is proof of the validity of the statement: **muslims want to silence and intimidate you**

Do something muslims don't like, they think they have the right to riot and kill you.

Before we get the usual apology *not all muslims do it *,

can somebody tell me when these so called non participating muslims, and their apologists, are going to stand up and be counted and do something about the filth and perversion in islam / qur'an / commands from allah / teachings of muhammad, which are the root cause of the riots and murders.

Yes [.....i can tell you].



A 'non participating' moslem - is an aberration.

In fact, a 'non participating' moslem - is a imaginary 'creature'.

How do i know this ???


Muslim = = a follower of Islam.


A moslem, is a person who chooses to embrace a philosophy [ISLAM], which teaches moslems that it is 'lawful' for moslems, to kill those, who do not believe, as they believe.

Who is a moslem ?

"Allah is my god, and Mohammed is his prophet."

[i.e. the Allah, and the Mohammed, as described in the Koran and Hadith]

By making such a declaration;

"I am a moslem."

.....every moslem, is choosing to directly associate themselves with the 'religious' violence which ISLAM justifies, legitimises, promotes and encourages [as a philosophy].

And every moslem is thereby associating >> themselves << with those violent criminal acts which are purposefully being done, 'in the name of Allah'.

As far as i can tell, there are only two very distinct and different kinds of moslem,  .......the (1) deceitful moslem, and, the (2) deceitful moslem.

And, there are no 'moderate' moslems.

'Being' a moslem, is like being pregnant.

You either are, or, you are NOT.


Muslim = = a follower of Islam.

All moslems, are people who are enthralled, ISLAM.

And this, is the principle doctrine that ISLAM promotes in the world;

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

Got it yet ?

ISLAM = = deception, lawlessness and violence against those who are not moslems.

ISLAM - is a religion a vicious supremacist political philosophy, which promotes the use of deception, blatant lying, intimidation and extreme violence to further its aims.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #159 - Jun 25th, 2013 at 11:22pm
moses wrote on Jun 24th, 2013 at 9:02pm:
can somebody tell me when these so called non participating muslims, and their apologists, are going to stand up and be counted and do something about the filth and perversion in islam / qur'an / commands from allah / teachings of muhammad, which are the root cause of the riots and murders.

There were 24 of them at a demo in Toronto recently. (And that's 24 more you can see in Sydney or Melbourne.)

Progressive Muslims group launched in Toronto to reclaim ‘hijacked’ faith

Progressive Muslims are denouncing the violent extremism wrongly associated with Islam. But there remains a reticence to speak out amongst some Muslims.


Tahir Gora shouts into a microphone, cuing a response from the sparse group of supporters gathered with him at the steps of Queen’s Park.
“Terrorism,” he yells.
“Unacceptable!” they reply.
Their voices carry across the grassy Legislature grounds that are, with the exception of a few bike cops and pedestrians, deserted. A stack of unused signs, their slogans reading “Hate is not my religion” and “Love it or leave my Canada,” lean up against a nearby pole.
Mighty but small, it was not quite the turnout the newly formed Progressive Muslims Institute Canada had in mind for their first rally, held last week. As one of the organizers mused with a chuckle, there were more white faces than brown in the crowd of roughly two dozen.

But when the goal is as big as reclaiming a faith many Muslims feel has been hijacked by terrorism, you’ve got to start somewhere.
“We thought, enough is enough,” said Gora, the institute’s director and a Pakistani writer and social activist.

Hear that Gandalf, you've got to start somewhere.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #160 - Jun 26th, 2013 at 10:52am
Soren wrote on Jun 25th, 2013 at 11:22pm:
moses wrote on Jun 24th, 2013 at 9:02pm:
can somebody tell me when these so called non participating muslims, and their apologists, are going to stand up and be counted and do something about the filth and perversion in islam / qur'an / commands from allah / teachings of muhammad, which are the root cause of the riots and murders.

There were 24 of them at a demo in Toronto recently. (And that's 24 more you can see in Sydney or Melbourne.)

Progressive Muslims group launched in Toronto to reclaim ‘hijacked’ faith

Progressive Muslims are denouncing the violent extremism wrongly associated with Islam. But there remains a reticence to speak out amongst some Muslims.


Tahir Gora shouts into a microphone, cuing a response from the sparse group of supporters gathered with him at the steps of Queen’s Park.
“Terrorism,” he yells.
“Unacceptable!” they reply.
Their voices carry across the grassy Legislature grounds that are, with the exception of a few bike cops and pedestrians, deserted. A stack of unused signs, their slogans reading “Hate is not my religion” and “Love it or leave my Canada,” lean up against a nearby pole.
Mighty but small, it was not quite the turnout the newly formed Progressive Muslims Institute Canada had in mind for their first rally, held last week. As one of the organizers mused with a chuckle, there were more white faces than brown in the crowd of roughly two dozen.

But when the goal is as big as reclaiming a faith many Muslims feel has been hijacked by terrorism, you’ve got to start somewhere.
“We thought, enough is enough,” said Gora, the institute’s director and a Pakistani writer and social activist.

Hear that Gandalf, you've got to start somewhere.

But, gandalf is a real moslem.

Not a backslider.

Not an apostate.

Not a hypocrite [ those apostates! spit!, spit!, in Toronto] !               Tongue

'Hypocrites', are NOT 'moslems'.

Isn't that correct, gandalf ?i

'Hypocrites', are NOT moslems [Allah sez].

"Why should ye be divided into two parties about the Hypocrites? Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way.
They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-"
Koran 4.88, 89

Only those who obey Allah and the messenger, are true moslems [Allah sez].

Isn't that correct, gandalf ?

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #161 - Jun 26th, 2013 at 10:58am
Yadda wrote on Jun 26th, 2013 at 10:52am:

'Hypocrites', are NOT moslems [Allah sez].

"Why should ye be divided into two parties about the Hypocrites? Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way.
They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-"
Koran 4.88, 89

Only those who obey Allah and the messenger, are true moslems [Allah sez].

Isn't that correct, gandalf ?

"O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger, and make not vain your deeds!
Those who reject Allah, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, then die rejecting Allah,- Allah will not forgive them.
Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for Allah is with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds."
Koran 47:33-35

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #162 - Oct 21st, 2013 at 7:00pm
This may sound hard to believe, but I never got a straight answer from Gandalf on this:

freediver wrote on Oct 12th, 2013 at 9:50am:
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 11th, 2013 at 10:33pm:
freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2013 at 7:07pm:
That's great. It means there is no need for you to attempt to forbid people from making the accusation. Right?

Perhaps you can refer me to where I have attempted any such thing.

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 10th, 2013 at 10:32am:
Freedom to criticise must be protected, but protecting people's right to not be vilified is just as important. Especially when it is based on outright lies. A good example here is the common smear on muslims that they love pedophilia - based on the claim that the Prophet was a pedophile. This has been thoroughly debunked in another thread - but don't expect the pedophile smear to stop any time soon. In a rather more spectacular example, we had Soren declaring that the recent Swedish riots were caused by a muslim being shot by police after he threatened to "honour kill" his family with the kitchen knife. The victim was not even muslim.

Some other interesting threads on the issue:

Is Islam against free speech?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #163 - Oct 21st, 2013 at 10:28pm
Thats apparently me "forbidding" people from making the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile.  Tongue

What does Gandalf actually say? He says that freedom to criticise should be protected, but so should the rights of muslims not to be vilified based on lies.

Question: what is Gandalf "forbidding"?

Vilification is more than a mere criticism or accusation IMO, it is much much more. It is a concerted campaign of harassment and intimidation, done with the specific aim of inciting hatred towards a person or group. Everyone, not just muslims, needs to be protected from such attacks, I make no apology for that. And Australian law agrees with me.

So I ask again, what am I actually "forbidding"? Certainly not the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile, you just made that up.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #164 - Oct 21st, 2013 at 10:53pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 10:28pm:
Thats apparently me "forbidding" people from making the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile.  Tongue

What does Gandalf actually say? He says that freedom to criticise should be protected, but so should the rights of muslims not to be vilified based on lies.

Question: what is Gandalf "forbidding"?

Vilification is more than a mere criticism or accusation IMO, it is much much more. It is a concerted campaign of harassment and intimidation, done with the specific aim of inciting hatred towards a person or group. Everyone, not just muslims, needs to be protected from such attacks, I make no apology for that. And Australian law agrees with me.

So I ask again, what am I actually "forbidding"? Certainly not the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile, you just made that up.

You should have done what I advised you to do long ago at the start of this thread.  Just say yeah, big Mos bad, but different standards back then.

But your continual pedantic, semantic, dancing on the head of a pin explanations, is, like it or not, making you look a lot like, in the modern age, (well at least in this country) that at the very best interpretation you are apologising for kiddy fiddling.

I can see you are protecting your prophet from what you consider to be an insult, which is fair enough but also very silly such a thing did not exist back then but then you are here, trying to explain it away. Which frankly you cannot do, in the modern sense he did stuff that is now considered by some, in some countries, this being one of them, as pretty frigging bad behaviour. 

But in the day it was not bad behaviour, so not an insult.   

As I said before, and in this post, should have just said different times, different standards.
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"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #165 - Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:02pm
Thats nice data, but thats got nothing to do with whether or not I called for a ban on accusing the prophet of being a pedophile.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #166 - Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:02pm:
Thats nice data, but thats got nothing to do with whether or not I called for a ban on accusing the prophet of being a pedophile.

I didn't even know you had.  My post was to try and give you an inkling of the direction that other people are taking, and your own defence and the incompatibility between the two when a reasonable and logical explanation which could be accepted by any reasonable and logical person, that it was a different time, different standards, and big Mo by those conditions at the time did nothing wrong. 

It was some good advice, but if I infer correctly from your post that you seek to ban and censor I leave you to it.  I don't like censorship at the best of times, and censoring or banning people because your sensibilities are offended because your god or prophet is being insulted well I lose interest totally. 

Up to here, frankly with Muslims taking offence and attempting to censor others. 

As an atheist maybe I don't get it, but clowns of all faiths protecting sky fairys by censoring or declaring fatwahs, beheadings, bombings,  and all the usual rubbish are nothing more than intolerant.  And dangerously so. 
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« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:21pm by Datalife »  

"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #167 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 5:45am
Datalife wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm:
I didn't even know you had.

I hadn't, but its probably worth checking the topic of a thread before contributing to it.

Datalife wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm:
My post was to try and give you an inkling of the direction that other people are taking

The "direction" that FD is taking, if you bothered to see what I was responding to, is the rather offensive claim that I am attempting to "silence and intimidate" him and anyone else who seeks to criticise islam and/or The Prophet. I am not. I am against the intimidation and harassment of muslims through hate speech and vilification, and believe they should be protected from it. Everyone should be protected from vilification, muslim and non-muslim. Thats why I supported punishing those muslims who were waving beheading placards at the Sydney rally last year - just as much as I believe people who incite violence and/or intimidation against muslims should be punished. I believe that position is quite reasonable and Australian law agrees with me. FD has taken his absurd "free speech no matter what" position to such ridiculous lengths that he claims to support the right of muslims to incite violence against non-muslims (beheading placards).
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« Last Edit: Oct 22nd, 2013 at 8:51am by polite_gandalf »  

A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #168 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 12:33pm
DL doesn't like reasonableness.  He likes being judgemental.  he also lies, accusing people of things he admits he has no proof of!  He follows the path of hate.  Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
Freediver, 2007.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #169 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 2:02pm
|dev|null wrote on Oct 22nd, 2013 at 12:33pm:
DL doesn't like reasonableness.  He likes being judgemental.  he also lies, accusing people of things he admits he has no proof of!  He follows the path of hate.  Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy

The idiot gene is strong in your family.  Maybe you can post this lie?  But here is a hint for the clueless, holding an opinion that Brian is an apologist for the indefensible is not a lie. 

Pretending to be an academic then suddenly remembering you are not, in fact (not opinion, see the difference?) an academic is a lie.

Though I reckon the distinction will continue to elude you, being such a slow learner and all.  One would think a fellow who brags of having an IQ of 178 might be a bit brighter than you present as.
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"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #170 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 3:20pm
Claiming he "defended the indefensible" is a lie though, DL and you even admitted you had no evidence that he did that, hence betraying your own lie!  What a wally!   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
Freediver, 2007.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #171 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 4:13pm
Datalife wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:02pm:
Thats nice data, but thats got nothing to do with whether or not I called for a ban on accusing the prophet of being a pedophile.

I didn't even know you had.  My post was to try and give you an inkling of the direction that other people are taking, and your own defence and the incompatibility between the two when a reasonable and logical explanation which could be accepted by any reasonable and logical person, that it was a different time, different standards, and big Mo by those conditions at the time did nothing wrong. 

It was some good advice, but if I infer correctly from your post that you seek to ban and censor I leave you to it.  I don't like censorship at the best of times, and censoring or banning people because your sensibilities are offended because your god or prophet is being insulted well I lose interest totally. 

Up to here, frankly with Muslims taking offence and attempting to censor others. 

As an atheist maybe I don't get it, but clowns of all faiths protecting sky fairys by censoring or declaring fatwahs, beheadings, bombings,  and all the usual rubbish are nothing more than intolerant.  And dangerously so. 

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #172 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 6:46pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 10:28pm:
Thats apparently me "forbidding" people from making the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile.  Tongue

What does Gandalf actually say? He says that freedom to criticise should be protected, but so should the rights of muslims not to be vilified based on lies.

Question: what is Gandalf "forbidding"?

Vilification is more than a mere criticism or accusation IMO, it is much much more. It is a concerted campaign of harassment and intimidation, done with the specific aim of inciting hatred towards a person or group. Everyone, not just muslims, needs to be protected from such attacks, I make no apology for that. And Australian law agrees with me.

So I ask again, what am I actually "forbidding"? Certainly not the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile, you just made that up.

I recall asking you that very question - or rather, what are you calling to be banned.

Should people be allowed to accuse Muhammed of pedophilia? Does the answer depend on whether you deem it to be part of some campaign, or merely one person voicing their opinion?

The "direction" that FD is taking, if you bothered to see what I was responding to, is the rather offensive claim that I am attempting to "silence and intimidate" him and anyone else who seeks to criticise islam and/or The Prophet.

Oh dear, we mustn't offend Muslims by pointing out what they said, eh?

Freedom to criticise must be protected, but protecting people's right to not be vilified is just as important. Especially when it is based on outright lies. A good example here is the common smear on muslims that they love pedophilia - based on the claim that the Prophet was a pedophile. This has been thoroughly debunked in another thread - but don't expect the pedophile smear to stop any time soon.

Thats why I supported punishing those muslims who were waving beheading placards at the Sydney rally last year - just as much as I believe people who incite violence and/or intimidation against muslims should be punished. I believe that position is quite reasonable and Australian law agrees with me.

So what punishment did they get for the beheading posters?

One would think a fellow who brags of having an IQ of 178 might be a bit brighter than you present as.

Who's this? HB?
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« Last Edit: Oct 22nd, 2013 at 6:52pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #173 - Oct 22nd, 2013 at 6:58pm
|dev|null wrote on Oct 22nd, 2013 at 3:20pm:
Claiming he "defended the indefensible" is a lie though, DL and you even admitted you had no evidence that he did that, hence betraying your own lie!  What a wally!   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin

Maybe you can post where I did that?  Of course you will not.  Funnily enough it is you that is lying.  Must be related to that stupid gene you inherited along with your brother.

You went on an idiot tangent and demanded I provide evidence he condoned beheadings.  I said he was not stupid enough to condone in writing beheadings.   He is still a defender of the indefensible.

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"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #174 - Nov 4th, 2013 at 8:06pm
freediver wrote on Oct 22nd, 2013 at 6:46pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 10:28pm:
Thats apparently me "forbidding" people from making the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile.  Tongue

What does Gandalf actually say? He says that freedom to criticise should be protected, but so should the rights of muslims not to be vilified based on lies.

Question: what is Gandalf "forbidding"?

Vilification is more than a mere criticism or accusation IMO, it is much much more. It is a concerted campaign of harassment and intimidation, done with the specific aim of inciting hatred towards a person or group. Everyone, not just muslims, needs to be protected from such attacks, I make no apology for that. And Australian law agrees with me.

So I ask again, what am I actually "forbidding"? Certainly not the accusation that Muhammad is a pedophile, you just made that up.

I recall asking you that very question - or rather, what are you calling to be banned.

Should people be allowed to accuse Muhammed of pedophilia? Does the answer depend on whether you deem it to be part of some campaign, or merely one person voicing their opinion?

The "direction" that FD is taking, if you bothered to see what I was responding to, is the rather offensive claim that I am attempting to "silence and intimidate" him and anyone else who seeks to criticise islam and/or The Prophet.

Oh dear, we mustn't offend Muslims by pointing out what they said, eh?

Freedom to criticise must be protected, but protecting people's right to not be vilified is just as important. Especially when it is based on outright lies. A good example here is the common smear on muslims that they love pedophilia - based on the claim that the Prophet was a pedophile. This has been thoroughly debunked in another thread - but don't expect the pedophile smear to stop any time soon.

Thats why I supported punishing those muslims who were waving beheading placards at the Sydney rally last year - just as much as I believe people who incite violence and/or intimidation against muslims should be punished. I believe that position is quite reasonable and Australian law agrees with me.

So what punishment did they get for the beheading posters?

One would think a fellow who brags of having an IQ of 178 might be a bit brighter than you present as.

Who's this? HB?

Bump for Gandalf.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #175 - Nov 4th, 2013 at 9:45pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 9:09pm:
freediver wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 8:07pm:
Here you go Gandalf:

Here's what I said:

Vilification is more than a mere criticism or accusation IMO, it is much much more. It is a concerted campaign of harassment and intimidation, done with the specific aim of inciting hatred towards a person or group. Everyone, not just muslims, needs to be protected from such attacks, I make no apology for that. And Australian law agrees with me.

Freedom to criticise must be protected, but protecting people's right to not be vilified is just as important. Especially when it is based on outright lies. A good example here is the common smear on muslims that they love pedophilia - based on the claim that the Prophet was a pedophile.

Vilification based on racial and/or ethno-religious affiliation absolutely is unlawful under Australian law - even if the line between 'ethnicity' and 'religion' is blurred.

A good example related to this would be if a visibly muslim woman was working as a carer at a child-care facility, and someone made a public statement to the local community that she shouldn't be in that role because she supports pedophilia - based not on any known behaviours of that carer, but by simple virtue of the fact that she is muslim

Perfectly in line with what "our freedoms" actually are - as I said.

So people should still be allowed to claim that the prophet was a pedophile?

Causing someone to lose their job by making a false accusation of pedophilia is going to get you sued, regardless of whether they are a Muslim. However we are well within our rights to argue for example that someone who promotes pedophilia should be prevented from working in a childcare centre, even if they do not actually engage in it.

I notice also that you left out the next bit of the quote:

This has been thoroughly debunked in another thread - but don't expect the pedophile smear to stop any time soon.

This was in reference to the claim that Muhammed was a pedophile, right? Is the veracity of this claim relevant to what we are allowed to say?

Another example from above:

Thats why I supported punishing those muslims who were waving beheading placards at the Sydney rally last year - just as much as I believe people who incite violence and/or intimidation against muslims should be punished. I believe that position is quite reasonable and Australian law agrees with me.

This is not actually "Perfectly in line with what "our freedoms" actually are", is it?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #176 - Nov 4th, 2013 at 11:30pm
freediver wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
So people should still be allowed to claim that the prophet was a pedophile?

Yes - I have never said otherwise.

freediver wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
However we are well within our rights to argue for example that someone who promotes pedophilia should be prevented from working in a childcare centre, even if they do not actually engage in it.

I am not talking about muslims who promote pedophilia, I am talking about muslims who do not promote it, but are vilified as pedophile promoters for no other reason than for identifying as a muslim.

freediver wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
This was in reference to the claim that Muhammed was a pedophile, right? Is the veracity of this claim relevant to what we are allowed to say?

1. You can say what you damn well please about the prophet - regardless of whether its true or not - as already stated.

2. Vilification is vilification. If someone feels intimidated or harassed by what someone says to them, or about them vis-a-vis their ethno-religious association, then its vilification, and under our law illegal. Its that simple.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #177 - Nov 5th, 2013 at 4:14am
Mor than 10% is a well known problem  Wink
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #178 - Nov 5th, 2013 at 9:35am
polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 11:30pm:
freediver wrote on Nov 4th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
However we are well within our rights to argue for example that someone who promotes pedophilia should be prevented from working in a childcare centre, even if they do not actually engage in it.

I am not talking about muslims who promote pedophilia, I am talking about muslims who do not promote it, but are vilified as pedophile promoters for no other reason than for identifying as a muslim.

For a moslem, where does being a moslem end, and their 'individualism' begin ?

Moslems can so easily make public claims about their individual virtue.

Moslems can also make public claims, separating their virtue, from the violent actions of persons [moslems!] who claim to be acting on behalf of their religion,   ....and so, nobody can 'pin down', the virtuous moslems.

And so, virtuous individual moslems will continue to identify with ISLAM,
.....identify with a philosophy which justifies moslem violence against people who are not moslems [because the victims of moslem violence do not believe what moslems believe].

But [in the wake of some violent act, done in the name of Allah/ISLAM], if you ask an individual moslem what he believes, he will invariably tell you that he, personally, believes in and promotes human virtue!


Examples of PRIMARY instruction of Allah/ISLAM to the moslem, regarding the type of relationship a moslem will always have with
"those who reject Faith."

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"....the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies."
Koran 4.101

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends.....offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"And fight 'spiritually struggle' with them until.....religion should be only for Allah,..."
Koran 2.193

the threats posed by Islam
"For what its worth, I believe I contribute positively to my local (non muslim) community, through my every day behaviour and activities. I believe that the vast majority of muslims in Australia are doing similar things in their local communities - coexisting, contributing to the local community, and presenting the right face of islam. IMO these local behaviours all over the country feed into the national face of islam, which helps create a mainstream Australian muslim community that is loyal, integrated, pro-peace and anti-extremism."

Muslim = = a follower of Islam.

Is gandalf a moslem ?

In what sense is gandalf fulfilling his duty, as a moslem, to ISLAM ?

If a moslem [specifically claims that] he does not follow very specific tenets and societal values that are specifically promoted and encouraged by his religion, then in what sense is that moslem a moslem ?

"Muslims are one ummah (community)
to the exclusion of all men. Believers are friends of one another to the exclusion of all outsiders."
Villawood Detention Centre fires under control,
Yadda wrote on Apr 21st, 2011 at 1:47pm:

From what i know, from my study, of ISLAM's own texts, and doctrines, i would confidently make this statement;

Every good moslem in Australia [and indeed, every good moslem on the planet], by **self declaring** as a moslem, is self declaring a criminal intent [by our laws] against local non-moslems.

Every moslem!

Every non-moslem should be aware and recognise, that ISLAM is in fact, a criminal compact among moslems, to wage a violent 'religious' war against ALL non-moslems ['unbelievers'].

And in my estimation, every good moslem **does understand** what his/her **religious** OBLIGATION is, to ISLAM, and to fellow moslems.


From time to time, we see exposed, the real moslem intent [towards all disbelievers], intent which is endorsed and 'authorised' by 'mainstream' ISLAM, and which is revealed exposed by this prestigious moslem scholar......


Live in peace till strong enough to wage jihad, says UK Deoband scholar to Muslims
London, Sept.8 [2007]
A Deobandi scholar believes Muslims should preach peace till they are strong enough to undertake a jihad, or a holy war.
Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, only until they gain enough power to engage in battle.
A former Sharia judge in Pakistan's Supreme Court, 64-year-old Usmani, is...a regular visitor to Britain.
Polite and softly spoken....
He agreed that it was wrong to suggest that the entire non-Muslim world was intent on destroying Islam, but justifies an aggressive military jihad as a means of establishing global Islamic supremacy.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #179 - Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:47pm
I am not talking about muslims who promote pedophilia, I am talking about muslims who do not promote it, but are vilified as pedophile promoters for no other reason than for identifying as a muslim.

Would you mind clarifying which group you put yourself in?

1. You can say what you damn well please about the prophet - regardless of whether its true or not - as already stated.

Why did you include this in your example of what should be banned?

Especially when it is based on outright lies.

2. Vilification is vilification.

That's great. Have you considered a career as a lawyer?

If someone feels intimidated or harassed by what someone says to them, or about them vis-a-vis their ethno-religious association, then its vilification, and under our law illegal. Its that simple.


Would I be breaking Australian law if I said that you promote pedophilia and you felt intimidated or harassed?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #180 - Nov 7th, 2013 at 12:41pm
Datalife wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:02pm:
Thats nice data, but thats got nothing to do with whether or not I called for a ban on accusing the prophet of being a pedophile.

I didn't even know you had.  My post was to try and give you an inkling of the direction that other people are taking, and your own defence and the incompatibility between the two when a reasonable and logical explanation which could be accepted by any reasonable and logical person, that it was a different time, different standards, and big Mo by those conditions at the time did nothing wrong. 

It was some good advice, but if I infer correctly from your post that you seek to ban and censor I leave you to it.  I don't like censorship at the best of times, and censoring or banning people because your sensibilities are offended because your god or prophet is being insulted well I lose interest totally. 

Up to here, frankly with Muslims taking offence and attempting to censor others. 

As an atheist maybe I don't get it, but clowns of all faiths protecting sky fairys by censoring or declaring fatwahs, beheadings, bombings,  and all the usual rubbish are nothing more than intolerant.  And dangerously so. 

Funny how you don't seem to care about the calls to silence or do worse to Muslims...   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
Freediver, 2007.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #181 - Nov 7th, 2013 at 12:43pm
freediver wrote on Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:47pm:
Would I be breaking Australian law if I said that you promote pedophilia and you felt intimidated or harassed?

You'd be opening yourself up for a good libel case.   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
Freediver, 2007.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #182 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 8:26pm
So how do you think that would go, given that Gandalf recently explained to us that if you train a child properly they could make a morally appropriate child bride?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #183 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 8:34pm
|dev|null wrote on Nov 7th, 2013 at 12:41pm:
Funny how you don't seem to care about the calls to silence or do worse to Muslims...   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin

What are you rabbiting on about?  Calls to silence?  You are making less sense than your usual moronic word salads.
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"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #184 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 5:58pm
freediver wrote on Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:47pm:
Would you mind clarifying which group you put yourself in?

Why? Has anything I have said - ever - suggest that I support pedophilia?

freediver wrote on Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:47pm:
Why did you include this in your example of what should be banned?

Because vilification is almost always based on lies. I couldn't be accused of vilification if I gave an actual terrorist a hard time by calling him a terrorist could I?

freediver wrote on Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:47pm:
Would I be breaking Australian law if I said that you promote pedophilia and you felt intimidated or harassed?

I doubt internet forums count, but generally if you incite harrassment and intimidation against someone based not on anything they have actually done, but purely because of their ethno-religious association - then yeah, thats vilification according to our law.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #185 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:11pm
Why? Has anything I have said - ever - suggest that I support pedophilia?


Because vilification is almost always based on lies. I couldn't be accused of vilification if I gave an actual terrorist a hard time by calling him a terrorist could I?

What if he insisted he was actually a freedom fighter?

I doubt internet forums count

So what does count? Do different laws apply to the internet?
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #186 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 9:09pm
freediver wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:11pm:
So what does count? Do different laws apply to the internet?

No, they don't.  However, it depends on where this forum is hosted.  If it is outside of Australia, then Australian laws may only apply with some difficulty.  If it is inside Australia, then all Australian laws apply.
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #187 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:17am
|dev|null wrote on Nov 7th, 2013 at 12:41pm:
Datalife wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm:
Up to here, frankly with Muslims taking offence and attempting to censor others. 

As an atheist maybe I don't get it, but clowns of all faiths protecting sky fairys by censoring or declaring fatwahs, beheadings, bombings,  and all the usual rubbish are nothing more than intolerant.  And dangerously so. 

Funny how you don't seem to care about the calls to silence or do worse to Muslims...   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin

Where are these calls?

And is it not true that the Organisation of Islamic Conference is calling for the criminalisation of criticism of Islam?

Push to criminalise criticism of Islam


THE Muslim religion makes unusually large claims for itself. All religions do this, of course, in that they claim to know and to be able to interpret the wishes of a supreme being.

But Islam affirms itself as the last and final revelation of God's word, the consummation of all the mere glimpses of the truth vouchsafed to all the foregoing faiths, available by way of the unimprovable, immaculate text of "the recitation", or Koran.

If there sometimes seems to be something implicitly absolutist or even totalitarian in such claims, it may result not from a fundamentalist reading of the holy book but from the religion itself.

And it is the so-called mainstream Muslims, grouped in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, who are now demanding through the UN that Islam not only be allowed to make such absolutist claims, but that it be officially shielded from any criticism as aresult.

Although written tongue-in-cheek in the language of human rights and of opposition to discrimination, the non-binding UN Resolution 62/154, on "combating defamation of religions", seeks to extend protection not to humans but to opinions and to ideas, granting only the latter immunity from being "offended".

The preamble is jam-packed with hypocrisies that are hardly even laughable, as in this delicious paragraph, stating that the UN General Assembly: "Underlining the importance of increasing contacts at all levels in order to deepen dialogue and reinforce understanding among different cultures, religions, beliefs and civilisations, and welcoming in this regard the Declaration and Program of Action adopted by the Ministerial Meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Tehran on September 3 and 4, 2007."

Yes, I think we can see where we are going with that. The stipulations that follow this turgid preamble are even more tendentious, and become more so as the resolution unfolds.

For example, paragraph five "expresses its deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism", while paragraph six "notes with deep concern the intensification of the campaign of defamation of religions and the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001".

You see how the trick is pulled? In the same weeks this resolution comes up for its annual renewal at the UN, its chief sponsor-government (Pakistan) makes an agreement with the local Taliban forces to close girls' schools in the Swat Valley region (a mere 150km or so from the capital in Islamabad) and subject the inhabitants to sharia law.

And this capitulation comes in direct response to a campaign of horrific violence and intimidation, including public beheadings.

Yet the religion of those who carry out the campaign is not to be mentioned, lest it "associate" that faith with human rights violations or terrorism. In paragraph six, an obvious attempt is being made to confuse ethnicity with religious allegiance. Indeed this insinuation (incidentally dismissing the faith-based criminality of September 11 as merely tragic) is in fact essential to the entire scheme. If religion and race can be run together, then the condemnations that racism axiomatically attracts can be surreptitiously extended to religion, too.

This is clumsy, but it works: the useless and meaningless term Islamophobia, now widely used as a bludgeon of moral blackmail, is testimony to its success.

Just to be clear, a phobia is an irrational and unconquerable fear or dislike. However, some of us can explain with relative calm why we think faith is the most overrated of the virtues. (Don't be calling us phobic unless you want us to start whining that we have been offended.)
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #188 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:18am
And this whole picture would be much less muddied and confused if the state of Pakistan, say, did not make the absurd and many-times discredited assertion that religion can be the basis of a nationality. It is such crude amalgamations -- is a Saudi or Pakistani being profiled because of his religion or his ethnicity? -- that are responsible for any overlap between religion and race. And it might help if the Muslim hadith did not prescribe the death penalty for anyone trying to abandon Islam; one could then be surer who was a sincere believer and who was not, or (as with the veil or the chador in the case of female adherents) who was a volunteer and who was being coerced by her family.

Rather than attempt to put its house in order or to confront such grave questions as the mass murder of Shia Muslims by Sunni Muslims (and vice versa), or the desecration of Muslim holy sites by Muslim gangsters, or the discrimination against Ahmadi Muslims by other Muslims, the UN resolution seeks to extend the whole area of denial from its existing homeland in the Islamic world into the heartland of post-enlightenment democracy, where it is still individuals who have rights, not religions.

See where the language of paragraph 10 of the resolution is taking us. Having briefly offered lip service to the rights of free expression, it goes on to say that "the exercise of these rights carries with it special duties and responsibilities and may therefore be subject to limitations as are provided for by law and are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order, public health or morals and respect for religions and beliefs."

The thought buried in this awful, wooden prose is as ugly as the language in which it is expressed: watch what you say, because our declared intention is to criminalise opinions that differ with the one true faith. Let nobody say that they have not been warned.

- See more at:

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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #189 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:35am
Soren wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:17am:
|dev|null wrote on Nov 7th, 2013 at 12:41pm:
Datalife wrote on Oct 21st, 2013 at 11:15pm:
Up to here, frankly with Muslims taking offence and attempting to censor others. 

As an atheist maybe I don't get it, but clowns of all faiths protecting sky fairys by censoring or declaring fatwahs, beheadings, bombings,  and all the usual rubbish are nothing more than intolerant.  And dangerously so. 

Funny how you don't seem to care about the calls to silence or do worse to Muslims...   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin

Where are these calls?

Out of a matter of interest do you read Yadda's posts, Soren?

You might find what you're seeking in there.   His style is more direct that yours but like yours it is intimidatory.   Your religious persecution are well known.   Do you ever wonder why so few Muslims post here?  MMmm?   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #190 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:36am
Soren wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:18am:
And this whole picture would be much less muddied and confused if the state of Pakistan, say, did not make the absurd and many-times discredited assertion that religion can be the basis of a nationality.

You mean like Israel?    Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #191 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 12:19pm
See where the language of paragraph 10 of the resolution is taking us. Having briefly offered lip service to the rights of free expression, it goes on to say that "the exercise of these rights carries with it special duties and responsibilities and may therefore be subject to limitations as are provided for by law and are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order, public health or morals and respect for religions and beliefs."

Sounds a bit like Gandalf really.

His style is more direct that yours but like yours it is intimidatory.

One of the Muslims accused me of intimidation recently also. Is it just coincidence that this happened around the same time that Gandalf blindly asserted that if a person feels intimidated it must be illegal?

Gandalf, just to clarify, when you said this:

Freedom to criticise must be protected, but protecting people's right to not be vilified is just as important. Especially when it is based on outright lies. A good example here is the common smear on muslims that they love pedophilia - based on the claim that the Prophet was a pedophile.

You meant that it should be perfectly legal to accuse Muhammed of having sex with little girls and also to accuse Muslims of loving what Muhammed did, but it should be illegal to make any conclusions from this?
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #192 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 12:54pm
freediver wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 12:19pm:
See where the language of paragraph 10 of the resolution is taking us. Having briefly offered lip service to the rights of free expression, it goes on to say that "the exercise of these rights carries with it special duties and responsibilities and may therefore be subject to limitations as are provided for by law and are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order, public health or morals and respect for religions and beliefs."

Sounds a bit like Gandalf really.

His style is more direct that yours but like yours it is intimidatory.

One of the Muslims accused me of intimidation recently also. Is it just coincidence that this happened around the same time that Gandalf blindly asserted that if a person feels intimidated it must be illegal?

Gandalf, just to clarify, when you said this:

Freedom to criticise must be protected, but protecting people's right to not be vilified is just as important. Especially when it is based on outright lies. A good example here is the common smear on muslims that they love pedophilia - based on the claim that the Prophet was a pedophile.

You meant that it should be perfectly legal to accuse Muhammed of having sex with little girls and also to accuse Muslims of loving what Muhammed did, but it should be illegal to make any conclusions from this?

As HB suggested, it would make a great basis for a Libel case...

As you keep trying to suggest that someone who is a Muslims is promoting Paedophilia, FD, you're going to keep leaving yourself open for such a suit to be brought against you.
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #193 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 1:52pm
Brian, what would you call it if a 50 year old man married a six year old girl, and each night he rubbed his penis between her legs until he ejaculated on her?

What would you call it if a religious leader promoted this behaviour?
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #194 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 7:41pm
freediver wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 1:52pm:
Brian, what would you call it if a 50 year old man married a six year old girl, and each night he rubbed his penis between her legs until he ejaculated on her?

As I assume as usual you're talking about Mohammed, you have evidence that he engaged in such behaviour?  Roll Eyes

What would you call it if a religious leader promoted this behaviour?

1400 years ago?  Considering the social and moral norms of the society in which they lived?  Or is it occurring today with the social and moral norms we live with in modern, Western society?

FD, remember, you cannot judge what people did 1400 years ago in Arab society by what you consider the social and moral norms in modern, Western society.

You have been repeatedly told that by many posters yet you keep on waging this campaign of bigotry and persecution.

Next you'll be telling us that Christ was killed by the Jews and they should be hated for all eternity for that act.   Roll Eyes

You're trying exactly the same thing with the Muslims and it really is akin to religious persecution.   Roll Eyes

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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #195 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 8:04pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 7:41pm:
As I assume as usual you're talking about Mohammed, you have evidence that he engaged in such behaviour?

Its a popular myth that may or may not have been perpetuated by the late Ayatollah Khomeini.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #196 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 8:53pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:36am:
Soren wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:18am:
And this whole picture would be much less muddied and confused if the state of Pakistan, say, did not make the absurd and many-times discredited assertion that religion can be the basis of a nationality.

You mean like Israel?    Roll Eyes

Israel is not trying to introduce a penalty for criticising the religion of Judaism.
Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries are trying to introduce a penalty for criticising Islam.  To intimidate into silence anyone who doesn't submit to Islam.
A bit like you.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #197 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 9:56pm
No Soren you've got it all wrong. I'm the one who is intimidating.

That's illegal by the way. Just ask Gandalf.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #198 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:10pm
Soren wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 8:53pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:36am:
Soren wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:18am:
And this whole picture would be much less muddied and confused if the state of Pakistan, say, did not make the absurd and many-times discredited assertion that religion can be the basis of a nationality.

You mean like Israel?    Roll Eyes

Israel is not trying to introduce a penalty for criticising the religion of Judaism.

Yet many Orthodox Jews would like such a law in place.

Indeed, many Israelis invariably liken criticism of Israel to anti-Semitism.   When in reality it is criticism of the policies of the government of Israel, not criticism of Judaism, per se.

Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries are trying to introduce a penalty for criticising Islam.  To intimidate into silence anyone who doesn't submit to Islam.

And you dispute their right to do so, Soren?  On what grounds?  Are they not sovereign states able to pass and enact laws within their own borders?

A bit like you.

Nope, not like me at all.   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Brian Ross
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #199 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:12pm
freediver wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 9:56pm:
No Soren you've got it all wrong. I'm the one who is intimidating.

Yes, he has, hasn't he?   Roll Eyes

That's illegal by the way. Just ask Gandalf.

So, FD, do you have a right to free speech in Australia?
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #200 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:23pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:10pm:
Soren wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 8:53pm:
Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries are trying to introduce a penalty for criticising Islam.  To intimidate into silence anyone who doesn't submit to Islam.

And you dispute their right to do so, Soren?  On what grounds?  Are they not sovereign states able to pass and enact laws within their own borders?

The push is not about Pakistan. It is BY Pakistan, through the Organisation of Islamic Conference, to outlaw criticism of Islam EVERYWHERE.

Not just in Pakistan but in every UN member country.

If you had even scanned Hichens's article you would have understood this. But I am afraid you are both too thick and too tendentious to actually read, think and respond, in that order.
Instead, you respond, do not read and positively shun thinking.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #201 - Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:29pm
So, FD, do you have a right to free speech in Australia?

Yes Brian.

Now ask me an incredibly stupid question about the meaning of freedom of speech.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #202 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 8:51am
Gandalf, what is your take on this one?

OFFICIALS across much of the Muslim world said the upcoming big-budget Hollywood film Noah, featuring Russell Crowe as the ark-building prophet, would not be shown in local theatres because it could offend viewers.

The decision comes after the film sparked controversy among conservative Christians in the US, which prompted Paramount Pictures to add a disclaimer to its marketing material saying that “artistic license has been taken” in telling the story.

Director of media content at the National Media Center in the United Arab Emirates, Juma Al-Leem, told The Associated Press that the movie will not be allowed in local cinemas because it contradicts a generally held taboo in Islam of depicting a prophet.

“There are scenes that contradict Islam and the Bible, so we decided not to show it,” he said, adding that UAE censors watched the film before deciding to ban it. “It is important to respect these religions and not show the film.”

Paramount Pictures told the AP that along with the UAE, censors in Qatar and Bahrain also have confirmed they will not release the film because “it contradicts the teachings of Islam.”

One of Islam's most revered religious institutions, Al-Azhar in Egypt, issued an edict saying it objects to the film because it violates Islamic law by depicting a prophet and that this could “provoke the feelings of believers.”

Among Muslims, depictions of any prophets are shunned to avoid worship of a person rather than God. Many Muslim majority countries also criminalise blasphemy.

The Koran mentions only 25 prophets by name, including Noah. Muslims believe that Noah, who is referred to in Arabic as Nuh, built his ark after God charged him to do it as people in his community refused to worship God alone. While there are differences between the biblical and Quranic story of Noah, both mention a terrible flood and Noah's vessel saving a pair of each kind of animal.

Officials in other Muslim majority countries said government censors probably will not approve the movie.

Mohammad Zareef, an official with Pakistan's Central Board of Film Censors, said the government body generally does not approve films that touch on religion.

“We haven't seen it yet, but I don't think it can go to cinemas in Pakistan,” he said.

Tunisian Culture Ministry spokesman Faisal Rokh said the government does not authorise the screening of films that cover the lives of prophets due to local sensitivities. As is the case in Morocco, he says there have not been any requests by local distributors to show the movie.

There are many children's films and cartoons created that tell the story of Noah in Islam without showing his face. However, there have been cases where prophets or their companions have been shown on screens in the Middle East.

Despite some objections, the popular MBC Arabic satellite network broadcast a television series in 2012 on the life of Omar ibn al-Khattab, one of the Prophet Muhammad's most revered companions.

Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ, which depicts the crucifixion of Jesus, was screened across much of the region, though it was not shown in most cinemas in Israel and parts of the Gulf.

In October 2011, a private television station screened the animated film Persepolis, which includes an outright portrayal of God. It sparked riots and demonstrations in Tunisia. The head of the TV station was later convicted of an “attack on the sacred” and fined 1200 euros.

Like Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian Gaza Strip does not have movie theatres. One theatre in the Palestinian West Bank says it has ordered the film.

“The fact that some countries in the region prohibit it makes it the more fun to watch” Clack Cinema manager Quds Manasra said. “The production is magnificent, the story is beautiful.”
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #203 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:11am
I think its a non-issue.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #204 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:15am
Such a non-issue that we should refrain from commenting on it?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #205 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:21am
refrain? No.

I just gave a comment. If you wish me to elaborate, feel free to give me some direction.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #206 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:27am
Do you think it is responsible to ban this movie in case it causes rioting, like Persepolis did?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #207 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:55am
I don't know what Persepolis did.

Banning something to prevent a riot sounds responsible don't you think?

Presumably you are attempting to making a point - so don't be shy, come out and say it - no need to be cryptic.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #208 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 10:58am
freediver wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 1:52pm:
Brian, what would you call it if a 50 year old man married a six year old girl, and each night he rubbed his penis between her legs until he ejaculated on her?

What would you call it if a religious leader promoted this behaviour?

A/ Islam
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #209 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 11:12am
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 10th, 2013 at 10:10pm:
And you dispute their right to do so, Soren?  On what grounds?  Are they not sovereign states able to pass and enact laws within their own borders?

Jeeze, is Brian still playing the sovereign states free to do as they like without being criticised after looking like a prize fool for attempting to defend states lopping off peoples heads for the crime of not believing in a specified sky pixie?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #210 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 11:15am
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:55am:
I don't know what Persepolis did.

Banning something to prevent a riot sounds responsible don't you think?

Yeah, a riot and violence to stop people seeing a movie would not be a good look for the religion of peace but I suppose they could dust off the behead the unbelievers placards and wail about being offended.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #211 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:32pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 9:55am:
I don't know what Persepolis did.

Banning something to prevent a riot sounds responsible don't you think?

Presumably you are attempting to making a point - so don't be shy, come out and say it - no need to be cryptic.

I see a massive contradiction that a 'religion of peace' is inclined to ban a movie to avoid riots and bloodshed.

there is no peace in riots and bloodshed, one should allow freedom of speech and movies.
there should be no concern over a riot from a religion of any kind.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #212 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 1:51pm
I don't know what Persepolis did.

From the article:

In October 2011, a private television station screened the animated film Persepolis, which includes an outright portrayal of God. It sparked riots and demonstrations in Tunisia. The head of the TV station was later convicted of an “attack on the sacred” and fined 1200 euros.

Banning something to prevent a riot sounds responsible don't you think?

I thought you'd say that. Most people would respond by banning violent rioting, not ceding to it.

Presumably you are attempting to making a point - so don't be shy, come out and say it - no need to be cryptic.

1) You are pro-censorship.

2) In the long term, censoring in response to violent rampages by Muslims only encourages Muslims to go on violent rampages every time their feelings are hurt, because you make it a successful strategy for them.

3) I am keeping this one up my sleeve for later.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #213 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 3:30pm
freediver wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 1:51pm:
I thought you'd say that. Most people would respond by banning violent rioting,

That sounds a good idea too. Can I choose both?

freediver wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 1:51pm:
2) In the long term, censoring in response to violent rampages by Muslims

Is that why they do it?

The Passion was screened right across the muslim world, without any incident that I know about. Lots of other "blasphemous" movies about prophets and religion have been screened.

As to the broader topic of censorship, I really don't think the question of whether to screen or not screen Hollywood movies at cinemas is a serious concern. Australia censors some movies and video games as well. The world is not going to stop because some arabs are not allowed to watch a Hollywood movie.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #214 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:25pm
As to the broader topic of censorship, I really don't think the question of whether to screen or not screen Hollywood movies at cinemas is a serious concern.

It does when there remains a culture that blasphemers should be killed. By suggesting it is a good idea to ban these movies, you are reinforcing that culture. It is people like you who keep the middle east in the 7th century.

Whether to screen it is a private choice. Whether to ban it is a serious matter, unless of course you think freedom of speech is another one of those "wishy-washy western liberal morals" that we cynically use to smear Muslims.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #215 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 11:41pm
freediver wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:25pm:
It does when there remains a culture that blasphemers should be killed. By suggesting it is a good idea to ban these movies, you are reinforcing that culture.

It is rather strange that you initiate this discussion by demanding that something that you say prevents a riot, be condemned.

Now it seems from your last post that the issue you are really concerned about is a culture that blasphemers should be killed. If, as you claim, the censorship was about avoiding violence, then it doesn't really make sense to condemn it. Objectively, it should be commended.

So I go back to the point that you didn't address: if an instance of censorship can prevent violence, then its responsible to do it in that instance. But that is *NOT* necessarily giving in-principle support for censorship. Doing this should not in any way mean you can't be tough on rioting either. Its not an either-or.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #216 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 11:45pm
I have to say that walking through parts of South London this week which have high concentration of Muslim people.

I do find it incredibly intimidating - particularly the groups of Muslim youths crowding near the mosque.

As my father pointed out - his father wouldn't even recognize the place as Britain anymore if he were alive and walked down the street.

Is this what he fought for in WW2? To have our country packed with intimidating Muslim youths?

Not good.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #217 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:29am
It is rather strange that you initiate this discussion by demanding that something that you say prevents a riot, be condemned.

I read the opening post, and thought I'd cut straight to it.

Now it seems from your last post that the issue you are really concerned about is a culture that blasphemers should be killed.

I think freedom of speech is important, regardless of your method of suppressing it. I am also concerned about Muslims killing people. It's not an either/or thing. You may even find there are other aspects of Islam I take issue with.

If, as you claim, the censorship was about avoiding violence, then it doesn't really make sense to condemn it. Objectively, it should be commended.

Muslims seem to have this whole good Muslim/bad Muslim routine down pat. We have to calm an rationally dismantle human rights in case the bad Muslims go on another violent rampage.

So I go back to the point that you didn't address: if an instance of censorship can prevent violence, then its responsible to do it in that instance.

My point is that that is not what it actually achieves. In reality, it causes violence by rewarding it. Does Islam command you to be so shortsighted?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #218 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:43am
freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:29am:
I think freedom of speech is important, regardless of your method of suppressing it. I am also concerned about Muslims killing people. It's not an either/or thing.

In this case it is. You specifically asked if freedom of speech should be curtailed in one instance to avoid violence. No rational person would say that it shouldn't - unless they support violence as a means to an ends, which I'm pretty sure you don't.

Try and understand FD that you are not getting me to say I think censorship is good. You are forcing me to choose between violence and censorship - and I will choose censorship as the best of two evils.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #219 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:48am
In this case it is.

You got me there. Thanks for letting me know what I think.

You specifically asked if freedom of speech should be curtailed in one instance to avoid violence. No rational person would say that it shouldn't - unless they support violence as a means to an ends, which I'm pretty sure you don't.

I would. As I keep trying to explain, the "avoidance of violence" is an illusion promoted by the "good Muslims". In reality, it causes violence. If you want to change your mind now that I have pointed this out, go ahead.

Try and understand FD that you are not getting me to say I think censorship is good.

I know. You only support it because otherwise the "bad Muslims" will go on another violent rampage. You would never actually say it that way. It always comes with an excuse. That's why I offered you the excuse upfront. I got you to say in one post what took a dozen pages last time.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #220 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 9:05am
Islam is a very thin skinned and insecure religion, keen to take offence and seeing everything as an affront and insult.

Nice tag team action though, whatever is not liked they do a predictable good cop bad cop routine, the good muslims say better not do this thing, because it is offensive and we will not be able to control our more violent brothers from lopping off a few heads.  So best you just stop it and every ones happy.

Well the muslims are happy.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #221 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 9:13am
freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:48am:
You got me there. Thanks for letting me know what I think.

Its not what you think, its how you framed it. You specifically asked me to choose between censorship and rioting. I even got you to confirm this.

It is not unreasonable to choose censorship in this case, and it doesn't make me a champion for censorship.

freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:48am:
You only support it because otherwise the "bad Muslims" will go on another violent rampage. You would never actually say it that way.

Um no, I am saying it exactly that way. I will choose censorship over violence - whether its by 'bad muslims' or anyone else. I really don't know what you are trying to get at.

No doubt there will be a new "gotcha" thread on this very soon. But don't bother putting it in the islam forum.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #222 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 11:05am
Datalife wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 9:05am:
Islam is a very thin skinned and insecure religion, keen to take offence and seeing everything as an affront and insult.

Nice tag team action though, whatever is not liked they do a predictable good cop bad cop routine, the good muslims say better not do this thing, because it is offensive and we will not be able to control our more violent brothers from lopping off a few heads.  So best you just stop it and every ones happy.

Well the muslims are happy. 

So are we, Datalife. If we didn’t have the Muselman, then who?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #223 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:23pm
Its not what you think, its how you framed it. You specifically asked me to choose between censorship and rioting. I even got you to confirm this.

I give you permission to change your mind now that the cunning trick has been revealed.

I really don't know what you are trying to get at.

I say it every single post, only for you to pretend it isn't there. Do I need to get out the crayons for you?

But don't bother putting it in the Islam forum.

Yes, we have seen how you feel about the whole freedom of speech thing. Pretty cunning of me eh?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #224 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:32pm
freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:23pm:
I say it every single post, only for you to pretend it isn't there. Do I need to get out the crayons for you?

You might. I mean, it seems your "gotcha" revelation about me ended up being what I was openly saying all along.

Gandalf chooses censorship when it prevents a riot. Sinister no?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #225 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:37pm
freediver wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:25pm:
As to the broader topic of censorship, I really don't think the question of whether to screen or not screen Hollywood movies at cinemas is a serious concern.

It does when there remains a culture that blasphemers should be killed. By suggesting it is a good idea to ban these movies, you are reinforcing that culture. It is people like you who keep the middle east in the 7th century.

Whether to screen it is a private choice. Whether to ban it is a serious matter, unless of course you think freedom of speech is another one of those "wishy-washy western liberal morals" that we cynically use to smear Muslims.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #226 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:26pm
Seems like its a chicken and egg thing.

You ask if I would do something if it prevented a riot, but then you condemn my answer by completely forgetting the premise of your own question.

Objectively, unless you support this sort of violence as a means to and end, you cannot criticise me for wanting to do something that prevents such wanton violence. Am I right? And lets be clear, the situation we are talking about is the government receiving a tip-off from police that if the movie goes ahead, there is a good chance of violence, which may not be able to be contained. Taking a principled stand for freedom of speech in this case would be reckless and irresponsible.

Let me help you out here, because you are tripping badly in your determination to be cryptic and tricky:

the root of the problem you are describing is a culture of violence. The censorship you describe is merely a symptom of that culture, and is a necessary stop-gap measure in this instance (that is going by your claim that it will successfully stop a particular instance of violence). You are correct in saying it won't help address the root problem, but you are wrong to say it will necessarily serve to feed that problem. This is because you neglect to consider the point I made at the start - that you can work towards addressing both the immediate threat of violence as well as tackling the wider issue of a culture of violence. Its not an either-or as you are trying to frame it, which is the point I made in my second post of this discussion.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #227 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:44pm
Seems like its a chicken and egg thing.

Yes Gandalf it is. The more you reward the "bad Muslims" by granting them the censorship they want in response to their violent rampages, the more it encourages the violent rampages. That is why you cannot have it both ways.

Objectively, unless you support this sort of violence as a means to and end, you cannot criticise me for wanting to do something that prevents such wanton violence. Am I right?

No. You are wrong. No wonder the middle east is such a shithole. Freedom of speech, democracy etc, are never just handed to you on a plate. If you give them up the first time someone looks at you sideways, then all of your freedoms and rights will be taken away. Not just a little bit, but completely.

And lets be clear, the situation we are talking about is the government receiving a tip-off from police that if the movie goes ahead, there is a good chance of violence, which may not be able to be contained. Taking a principled stand for freedom of speech in this case would be reckless and irresponsible.


Is it you calling the police and telling them not to allow the film to be screened in case your crazy cousins go on the rampage?

You are correct in saying it won't help address the root problem

No gandalf. You still do not understand what I am saying. Let me be very clear. It will make the root problem worse. It is part of the root problem. Spinelessness in the face of agression from the bad Muslims will reward and encourage them. That is why the good Muslim/bad Muslim routine works so well.

This is because you neglect to consider the point I made at the start - that you can work towards addressing both the immediate threat of violence as well as tackling the wider issue of a culture of violence.

Ah yes. You make the problem worse, but try to make up for that in other ways, that you never actually get round to. I am not neglecting it. I am trying in vain to point out how stupid it is.

Its not an either-or as you are trying to frame it

I am not trying to frame it that way. I am not suggesting they refrain from punishing the violent rampagers. I am saying that appeasing them will encourage them and make the problem worse, independently your direct response to the violence. This is why we still in the 21st century have communities around the world that go on violent rampages in response to youtube videos. Monty Python couldn't have done it better.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #228 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 5:12pm
freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:44pm:
No gandalf. You still do not understand what I am saying. Let me be very clear. It will make the root problem worse. It is part of the root problem. Spinelessness in the face of agression from the bad Muslims will reward and encourage them. That is why the good Muslim/bad Muslim routine works so well.

No, you still don't understand. By framing it the way you did - ie would you support censorship if it prevented violence? - then you are only giving me one reasonable choice. Yes, the censorship in this case may perpetuate this root culture, but its completely illogical to condemn me for giving the answer I gave on this basis - given the way you framed the question. Unless of course, you think wanton violence should be accepted as a necessary means to an ends - but you clearly do not.

freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:44pm:
It is part of the root problem

I'm not denying that. But perhaps you can (for once) give a serious response to my conundrum here: if, as your own scenario suggested, there is good reason to believe that one instance of censorship will prevent an instance of violence, what are the realistic options in this particular instance? Are you seriously suggesting that *NOT* doing the one thing that will prevent violence is a serious option? Genuine question here FD. Unless you are saying there is another alternative to stopping this particular instance of violence - but that is a different scenario to what you presented.

freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:44pm:
Its not an either-or as you are trying to frame it

I am not trying to frame it that way.

Yes you are. Your reply to my first post was to castigate me for wanting to censor to prevent violence at the expense of law and order measures to clamp down on rioters. Despite me clearly explaining that you work to prevent both (which does not necessarily require censorship - but in your scenario it did), you have persisted with this silly line ever since.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #229 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:32pm
The most menacing parts of Paris are those frequented by the young North Africans.

Incredibly unwelcoming and crime ridden.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #230 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:34pm
No, you still don't understand. By framing it the way you did - ie would you support censorship if it prevented violence?

Gandalf, it is the same facts, just different spin. This is the way it was spun by the Muslim censors in the article. In the short term, it may avoid violence. It may not, as the passion example shows. But it is incredibly shortsighted. I expect they know this full well and are taking advantage of the lack of awareness among Muslims such as yourself of how fragile freedom of speech is.

then you are only giving me one reasonable choice.

Wrong. I am only giving you one spineless choice. Our society is only free because so many people have been willing to kill and be killed to protect that freedom. No society ever gained freedom by yielding to fascists at every opportunity, and Islamofascists are no different.

Yes, the censorship in this case may perpetuate this root culture

So even when you are wrong you are right?

but its completely illogical to condemn me for giving the answer I gave on this basis

I have given you plenty of opportunity to change your mind. I have even encouraged you to. You will not, because you support censorship.

Unless of course, you think wanton violence should be accepted as a necessary means to an ends - but you clearly do not.

Violence should be targeted and strategic. With enough show of force, it should be unnecessary. But if it is necessary, then it is necessary.

I'm not denying that. But perhaps you can (for once) give a serious response to my conundrum here

Grow a spine. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. Stop making excuses for censorship at every opportunity. Stand up and tell us about those "serious issues" that you see with Islam but are so afraid to talk about. All these are serious suggestions.

what are the realistic options in this particular instance?

Send in the army on the first night it screens, if necessary. Otherwise, put every cop on duty. Make sure everyone in the country knows what the deal is, and that you will defend freedom of speech with the full force of the law. I think you will find the US president made a remark like this the last time Muslims chucked a hissy fit. Obviously this is not going to happen in a society that actually supports censorship. But if they tried that in Australia or the US, or just about any other western country, that would be the course of action taken. In fact it would be necessary, because there would be an even bigger gang of pro freedom demonstrators, from all sorts of backgrounds, hoping to crack some skull.

Are you seriously suggesting that *NOT* doing the one thing that will prevent violence is a serious option? Genuine question here FD.


Despite me clearly explaining that you work to prevent both (which does not necessarily require censorship - but in your scenario it did), you have persisted with this silly line ever since.

If that is the way you play it, then the Muslim extremists will make sure you are always in a position where you need to censor in order to prevent violence, and you will always censor. They will play you for a fool, just like Muhammed did.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #231 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 7:09pm
freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:34pm:
Gandalf, it is the same facts, just different spin.

Right, so the scenario you presented wasn't a "serious" scenario - just you mocking how muslims spin this.

We could have saved ourselves a lot of bullshit if you just made that clear from the beginning.

freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:34pm:
Send in the army on the first night it screens, if necessary. Otherwise, put every cop on duty. Make sure everyone in the country knows what the deal is, and that you will defend freedom of speech with the full force of the law.

Good, I understand now. And while I have some misgivings about allowing the chance for violent unrest, I do agree that a "show of force" in this instance is a reasonable argument. Even so, I'm not sure its really worth putting so much at risk over a silly movie. But I take your point as applying to the general principle of defending free speech, which I agree is worth fighting for.

See how easy this becomes when you dispense with the cryptic and 'tricky' nonsense and actually make a clear point?

freediver wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:34pm:
If that is the way you play it, then the Muslim extremists will make sure you are always in a position where you need to censor in order to prevent violence, and you will always censor. They will play you for a fool

Yes I agree, although my original point still stands - that you do what you have to do to maintain the peace - even when that involves curtailing basic freedoms (and keep in mind that your 'martial law' scenario would definitely do that). But at the same time you take a zero-tolerance approach to intimidation and violence towards freedom of speech.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #232 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:29pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:26pm:
Seems like its a chicken and egg thing.

You ask if I would do something if it prevented a riot, but then you condemn my answer by completely forgetting the premise of your own question.

Objectively, unless you support this sort of violence as a means to and end, you cannot criticise me for wanting to do something that prevents such wanton violence. Am I right? And lets be clear, the situation we are talking about is the government receiving a tip-off from police that if the movie goes ahead, there is a good chance of violence, which may not be able to be contained. Taking a principled stand for freedom of speech in this case would be reckless and irresponsible.

Let me help you out here, because you are tripping badly in your determination to be cryptic and tricky:

the root of the problem you are describing is a culture of violence. The censorship you describe is merely a symptom of that culture, and is a necessary stop-gap measure in this instance (that is going by your claim that it will successfully stop a particular instance of violence). You are correct in saying it won't help address the root problem, but you are wrong to say it will necessarily serve to feed that problem. This is because you neglect to consider the point I made at the start - that you can work towards addressing both the immediate threat of violence as well as tackling the wider issue of a culture of violence. Its not an either-or as you are trying to frame it, which is the point I made in my second post of this discussion.


The thing is - there is no 'tiny minority' of non-Muslims marching down the streets of  Western cities with placards saying 'exterminate the sons of Mohammed' or even 'kill all those who advocate violence in the name of Mohammed'.

The threat of violence is entirely one way.
The threat of law suits is entirely one way.
The demand for respect is entirely one way.
The demand for tolerance and accommodation is entirely one way.

Imagine, just try to imagine, if the words on those placards that have been paraded around Sydney, London, Paris, Malmo, Berlin, Stockholm were changed to express the same kind of threat and intimidation towards Muslims.

Just try.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #233 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:35pm
Right, so the scenario you presented wasn't a "serious" scenario - just you mocking how muslims spin this.

It was not intended as mockery. I was trying to use your own language.

Good, I understand now. And while I have some misgivings about allowing the chance for violent unrest, I do agree that a "show of force" in this instance is a reasonable argument. Even so, I'm not sure its really worth putting so much at risk over a silly movie. But I take your point as applying to the general principle of defending free speech, which I agree is worth fighting for.

It is not about a silly movie. It is about freedom of speech. That is what you would be protecting.

See how easy this becomes when you dispense with the cryptic and 'tricky' nonsense and actually make a clear point?

Have you changed your mind?

Yes I agree, although my original point still stands - that you do what you have to do to maintain the peace - even when that involves curtailing basic freedoms (and keep in mind that your 'martial law' scenario would definitely do that).

It would not be martial law. The whole point would be to enable people to go and see the movie. That is why you would need the public announcement, particularly if you used the army.

But at the same time you take a zero-tolerance approach to intimidation and violence towards freedom of speech.

I did not suggest the army start shooting people for the fun of it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #234 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:40pm
You put the army on the street, but its not martial law, and no freedoms will be curtailed...

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #235 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 9:22pm
I see our own army on the streets occasionally, yet I am still free. If you introduced a curfew, that would curtail freedoms. If you forbade gatherings of more than three people, that would curtail freedom. If they are merely doing the job of the police, and you merely forbid violent rampages, that is prevention. You could even spin it as protecting the right of the Muslim nutjobs to protest peacefully.
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Pete Waldo
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #236 - Mar 20th, 2014 at 12:30am
"Muslims want to silence and intimidate you"

But only intimidation by the threat of death! Joined by their "progressive" western dhimmis like Hillary Clinton:

From CNS on Hillary Clinton's Obama Administration effort:
"'The OIC has hit on a winning strategy to get Western countries to break away from their commitment to free speech by repackaging blasphemy as hate speech and free speech as the manifestation of "intolerance,"' George Washington University professor of public interest law Jonathan Turley warned in a column this week."
"'Although the OIC and the Obama administration claim fealty to free speech, the very premise of the meeting reveals a desire to limit it,' he argued."
"In her address Wednesday, Clinton referred briefly to criticism of the talks.
'Now I know that some in my country and elsewhere have criticized this meeting and our work with all of you. But I want to make clear that I am proud of this work, and I am proud to be working with every one of you.'"

The death penalty for blasphemy by statute is of course perfectly consistent with the death penalty for "apostasy" by statute, of many OIC Islamic countries today, in the cradle of Muhammad's anti-religion. That is, Muslim State's statutes providing for the murder of their own formerly Muslim citizens, who come to know the love of the one true God through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The following lists the penalty in some OIC member States for "blasphemy", or what we in the west used to know as free speech. A small sampling of Islamic countries' penalty for "blasphemy":

Afghanistan (member OIC) - death penalty
Algeria (member OIC) - 10 years of imprisonment and a fine
Bangladesh - so far, "Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rejected calls for new laws.....demanding death penalty for people involved in blasphemy."
Egypt (member OIC) - death penalty
Kuwait (member OIC) - death penalty
Malaysia - up to 3 years in prison
Nigeria - "Nigeria prohibits blasphemy by section 204 of its Criminal Code and by permitting Sharia courts to operate in some states.[52][53] Vigilantism frequently usurps the jurisdiction of the courts.[54]"
Pakistan (member OIC) - death penalty
Saudi Arabia (member OIC) - death penalty
Sudan (member OIC) - imprisonment, a fine (up to 8 million Sudanese pounds for having sold a book), and a maximum of forty lashes
Turkey (member OIC) - 1-3 years
UAE (member OIC) - up to the judge, but based on what they do to tourists that are victims of rape.....
Yemen (member OIC) - death penalty

The death penalty for such as simply speaking honestly and openly about Muhammad, as he is revealed through Islam's own books.
For more, simply search country names like - indonesia penalty for blasphemy - (5 years). Please check the list at this link and consider how long it might be - unless you and many others become directly and heavily involved - before such speech laws come to a neighborhood near you if the Muslim Brotherhood and their western dhimmis prevail. What about your heirs?


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expresses her pride in working with OIC Islamic states toward speech laws that would run roughshod over our constitution, while a young Christian mother of five has been sentenced to death in OIC member Pakistan for a false accusation of so-called "blasphemy", lodged against her by a group of anti-Christian Muslim bigots:
"Asia’s case dates back to June 2009 when she was asked to fetch water while out working in the fields. But a group of Muslim women labourers objected, saying that as a non-Muslim, she should not touch the water bowl.
A few days later the women went to a local cleric and alleged that Asia made  derogatory remarks about the Prophet Mohammed."
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« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2014 at 12:36am by Pete Waldo »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #237 - Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:06pm
Oh look, the two countries Gandalf always trots out as examples of progressive Islam. How could they deprive their own people of the privilege of watching Russel Crowe kick ass?

Russell Crowe’s Noah banned by Malaysia, Indonesia

MALAYSIA and Indonesia have banned the biblical epic Noah, joining other Muslim nations that forbid the Hollywood movie for its visual depiction of the prophet.

Film censors in both countries said Monday that the portrayal of the ark-building prophet by Russell Crowe was against Islamic laws. Depictions of any prophet are shunned in Islam to avoid worship of a person rather than God.

“The film Noah is not allowed to be screened in this country to protect the sensitivity and harmony in Malaysia’s multiracial and multi-religious community,’’ Film Censorship Board chairman Abdul Halim Abdul Hamid said in a statement.

Malay Muslims make up about 60 per cent of Malaysia’s 30 million people, and Christians about 9 per cent.

In the world’s most populous Muslim nation, the head of Indonesia’s censor board Muchlis Paeni said the plot of the film directed by Darren Aronofsky contradicted both the Koran and the Bible.

“We have to reject Noah to be screened here,’’ Mr Paeni said. ``We don’t want a film that could provoke controversies and negative reactions.’’

The Indonesian Council of Ulama, the country’s most influential Islamic body, welcomed the move, saying films that could corrupt religious teachings should be outlawed. Many Indonesians condemned the ban on social media.

“The decision was very regrettable, so sad,’’ filmmaker Joko Anwar said on Twitter, warning it was a backward step for Indonesia.

Much of the Muslim world, including the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain, has already banned the film, which is a box-office hit in the US. Some Christian conservatives also have complained of its inaccurate portrayal of the biblical account of the flood.

Paramount Pictures added a disclaimer to its marketing material, saying “artistic licence has been taken’’ in telling the story.

The Koran mentions only 25 prophets by name, including Noah. Muslims believe that Noah, who is referred to in Arabic as Nuh, built his ark after God charged him to do it as people in his community refused to worship God alone. While there are differences between the biblical and Koranic story of Noah, both mention a terrible flood and Noah’s vessel saving a pair of each species of animal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #238 - Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:17pm
freediver wrote on Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:06pm:
We don’t want a film that could provoke controversies and negative reactions.’’

That's code for Muslims going apeshit about something trivial like a book, a cartoon or a movie. And it would be utterly racists and Islamophobic, not to mention Eurocentric and insensitive and hurtful to expect them not to go on the rampage over trivialities.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #239 - Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:20pm
You left out bigoted. That's the word of the day.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #240 - Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:38pm
Guess what FD? Australia bans films too.

Quite frankly of the list of things that need to be addressed to make a place more democratic, I would rate film censorship as pretty low. But thats just me.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #241 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 12:17am
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:38pm:
Guess what FD? Australia bans films too.

Quite frankly of the list of things that need to be addressed to make a place more democratic, I would rate film censorship as pretty low. But thats just me.

auissie does not ban movie on religious grounds, or because some here ill riot because their religios beliefs might be offended.

islam is repressive, oppressive, violent and offensive.

I hate islam.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #242 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 7:47am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 12:17am:
auissie does not ban movie on religious grounds

It doesn't matter. If we are using movie bans as a measure of a countries "progressiveness", then Malaysia is no different to Australia.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #243 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 8:09am
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 7:47am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 12:17am:
auissie does not ban movie on religious grounds

It doesn't matter. If we are using movie bans as a measure of a countries "progressiveness", then Malaysia is no different to Australia.

so says an obsessive cult member
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #244 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 11:15am
Fantastic rebuttal sprint - profound and witty.

You're almost rivaling adamant on the intellectual level.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #245 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 11:21am
I was talking to a driver at my workplace today who delivers around Campsie, Lakemba etc. He was complaining of the smell of the local butcher shops and the general untidiness of these suburbs. Get this, he's been called a white devil by members of the local Islamic community. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Very alarming.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #246 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 3:06pm
Sparky wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 11:21am:
I was talking to a driver at my workplace today who delivers around Campsie, Lakemba etc. He was complaining of the smell of the local butcher shops and the general untidiness of these suburbs. Get this, he's been called a white devil by members of the local Islamic community. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Very alarming.

Very alarming. Is that the same driver who takes over for all those Muslim alcohol delivery guys who refuse to work?

All the butcher's shops in Campsie are Chinky Chonks, Sparky. White devil is a Cantonese term - Gweilou.

They must have converted to Islam, eh?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #247 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 5:23pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 7:47am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 12:17am:
auissie does not ban movie on religious grounds

It doesn't matter. If we are using movie bans as a measure of a countries "progressiveness", then Malaysia is no different to Australia.

Don't be daft.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #248 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 5:54pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 3:06pm:
Sparky wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 11:21am:
I was talking to a driver at my workplace today who delivers around Campsie, Lakemba etc. He was complaining of the smell of the local butcher shops and the general untidiness of these suburbs. Get this, he's been called a white devil by members of the local Islamic community. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Very alarming.

Very alarming. Is that the same driver who takes over for all those Muslim alcohol delivery guys who refuse to work?

All the butcher's shops in Campsie are Chinky Chonks, Sparky. White devil is a Cantonese term - Gweilou.

They must have converted to Islam, eh?
Poor old Karnal can't handle the fact that some of her beloved brothers and sisters are potential terrorists.  Cry Cry Cry Cry
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #249 - Apr 8th, 2014 at 6:24pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 7th, 2014 at 10:38pm:
Guess what FD? Australia bans films too.

Quite frankly of the list of things that need to be addressed to make a place more democratic, I would rate film censorship as pretty low. But thats just me.

That's because you have no concept of the significance of freedom of speech. To you it's all just "wishy washy western liberal morals" that you can pick and choose from depending on which way the wind is blowing.

It doesn't matter. If we are using movie bans as a measure of a countries "progressiveness", then Malaysia is no different to Australia.

It does matter, because the justifications that people will accept for censorship reveal the extent to which they value freedom of speech. There is a big difference between watching a woman getting beaten and raped on screen, and watching someone depict a historical figure. That you cannot tell the difference shows how infantile your concept of freedom of speech is, and that your proclaimed support for freedom of speech is a mere facade.

I was talking to a driver at my workplace today who delivers around Campsie, Lakemba etc. He was complaining of the smell of the local butcher shops and the general untidiness of these suburbs. Get this, he's been called a white devil by members of the local Islamic community. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Very alarming.

He sounds like a bigot. I bet he didn't even point out that not all of them do this.

All the butcher's shops in Campsie are Chinky Chonks, Sparky. White devil is a Cantonese term - Gweilou.

You are thinking of long nosed devil.


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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2014 at 6:35pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #250 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 7:52am
freediver wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 6:24pm:
That's because you have no concept of the significance of freedom of speech.

Film censorship doesn't make or break democracy - we know that because thriving democracies actively partake in it. No doubt you'll give me some slippery slop argument - but you'll be being entirely hypocritical in light of your spineless apologetics for non-religious film censorship.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #251 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:01am
Elsewhere in cuddly Malaysia:

KUALA LUMPUR, April 8 — Liberalism, the philosophy founded on liberty and equality, is the manifestation of Satan’s struggle to mislead mankind, a leading member of Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) said today.

According to Isma central committee member Mohamad Ismail, liberalism has tried to unravel the faith of Muslims through the use of slogans and rational arguments, which he claimed to be distorted from the truth.

Liberalism encompasses a wide array of ideas, but its supporters usually push for civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free trade, private property, and free and fair elections.

“Their work methods are not much different,” Mohamad said in a column on Isma’s website, where he drew parallels between liberals and Satan.

“They hide behind false arguments and jargons which look pretty, but in spirit are deviant and far away from the guidance of syarak,” the preacher added, using the Malay word for the Islamic moral code.

In Quranic lore, Syaitan, or Satan, is the Devil who was originally a djinn that refused to bow down to Adam, the first Man, and was cursed by God to spend his life in hell for eternity.

However, Satan requested for his punishment to be deferred until the Day of Judgment, until which he and his minions are said to entice humans into committing sin.

In his mission to mislead mankind, Mohamad claimed that Satan had managed to turn humans away from God through the pursuit of certain philosophies.

He named as examples Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Islamic figure Abdullah Saba’, whom Sunni Muslims see as one of the founders of the Shiah school of Islam and which has been branded deviant in Malaysia

- See more at:

ANy mosque-going Muslim would go along with this guy's ideas. This is mainstream Muslim thinking and not just in cuddly Malaysia.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #252 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:28am
Soren wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:01am:
Elsewhere in cuddly Malaysia:

KUALA LUMPUR, April 8 — Liberalism, the philosophy founded on liberty and equality, is the manifestation of Satan’s struggle to mislead mankind, a leading member of Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) said today.

According to Isma central committee member Mohamad Ismail, liberalism has tried to unravel the faith of Muslims through the use of slogans and rational arguments, which he claimed to be distorted from the truth.

Liberalism encompasses a wide array of ideas, but its supporters usually push for civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free trade, private property, and free and fair elections.
“Their work methods are not much different,” Mohamad said in a column on Isma’s website, where he drew parallels between liberals and Satan.

“They hide behind false arguments and jargons which look pretty, but in spirit are deviant and far away from the guidance of syarak,” the preacher added, using the Malay word for the Islamic moral code.

In Quranic lore, Syaitan, or Satan, is the Devil who was originally a djinn that refused to bow down to Adam, the first Man, and was cursed by God to spend his life in hell for eternity.

However, Satan requested for his punishment to be deferred until the Day of Judgment, until which he and his minions are said to entice humans into committing sin.

In his mission to mislead mankind, Mohamad claimed that Satan had managed to turn humans away from God through the pursuit of certain philosophies.

He named as examples Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Islamic figure Abdullah Saba’, whom Sunni Muslims see as one of the founders of the Shiah school of Islam and which has been branded deviant in Malaysia

- See more at:

ANy mosque-going Muslim would go along with this guy's ideas. This is mainstream Muslim thinking and not just in cuddly Malaysia.

.......unravel their faith through logical arguments ....... hhhhhmmmmm

.......civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free trade, private property, and free and fair elections ....... all banned under islam

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #253 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 7:00pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 7:52am:
freediver wrote on Apr 8th, 2014 at 6:24pm:
That's because you have no concept of the significance of freedom of speech.

Film censorship doesn't make or break democracy - we know that because thriving democracies actively partake in it. No doubt you'll give me some slippery slop argument - but you'll be being entirely hypocritical in light of your spineless apologetics for non-religious film censorship.

So it's all OK unless it "breaks" democracy? Or did you forget that we are talking about freedom? Like I said, this merely shows that your proclaimed support for freedom of speech is merely a facade. You don't even know why someone might support it.

Your previously claimed that there are "only two" reasons you would reject freedom of speech, yet it seems that you come up with a new reason for every possible scenario.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #254 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 7:52pm
freediver wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 7:00pm:
So it's all OK unless it "breaks" democracy?

You tell me - you seem to think that certain types of censorship are not so bad.

Your word filters won't break democracy - is that how you justify it?

freediver wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 7:00pm:
Your previously claimed that there are "only two" reasons you would reject freedom of speech, yet it seems that you come up with a new reason for every possible scenario.

Ah. I must support censorship for the sake of not offending now. Thanks FD, its good you constantly telling me what I think.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #255 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 8:12pm
You tell me - you seem to think that certain types of censorship are not so bad.

I think that depicting women getting beaten and raped on screen is bad. This does not make censorship a good thing. It makes it the lesser of two evils. It's called a value Gandalf. I value freedom of speech. I demand a real justification for censorship. You on the other hand toss it out the window at every opportunity presented to you.

Your word filters won't break democracy - is that how you justify it?

I don't need to justify it because the word filters do not undermine freedom of speech.

Ah. I must support censorship for the sake of not offending now. Thanks FD, its good you constantly telling me what I think.

I did not tell you what you think. You stated that there are only two reasons you would support censorship. Yet when I queried you about it, you could not come up with an explanation for how your excuses fitted into those two reasons. You accuse others of cynically using wishy washy western liberal morals, but it is you who does this. You take real principle and values with real meanings, and you make them wishy washy so that you can pretend to support them at your convenience. But they mean nothing to you. You do not know what they mean. You cannot comprehend how someone else might be guided by these values. Freedom of speech is an entirely alien concept to you. You try to talk the talk, but you are like a fish out of water. You don't even know how to pretend to support it without making a fool of yourself. At your weakest you fall back to insisting that other Australians share your views, but you can only do this by completely misunderstanding the words they use.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #256 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 9:30pm
freediver wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 8:12pm:
I think that depicting women getting beaten and raped on screen is bad. This does not make censorship a good thing. It makes it the lesser of two evils.

So let me get this straight - you would prefer that a depiction of a woman getting beaten and raped on screen be censored? If so, then that does make censorship a good thing - at least in that case.

I put it to you that such a position is hypocritical.

It's called a value Gandalf. I value freedom of speech. I demand a real justification for censorship.

Whats a "real justification" then? Censorship should be according to your values but not for others? Thats pretty much what it comes down to. I find this revelation that you seem to support censorship in some cases quite extraordinary. You start out by grandstanding about how we should all man the barricades to fight censorship, and freedom of speech is everything - only to drop this bombshell, that censorship is only bad when its against certain values - FD's values. You know what FD? That makes you no better than the crazy muslim censorship boards in Malaysia and Egypt. If you weren't being hypocritical and genuinely believed in free speech, you would be standing up for the right of film makers to depict rape and torture and murder on screen. The very existence of a censorship board in Australia who could potentially arbitrarily ban any film in Australia at will, should be anathema to you. But its not. As usual, its only bad when the muslims do it.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #257 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 9:42pm
No no, FD just wants the freedom of speech to have a jolly good hoot.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #258 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:18pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 9:30pm:
Censorship should be according to your values but not for others?

Yes, you've got it.

This is not a Muslim society. Muslim values are irrelevant insofar as they clash with the local ones.

I don't see what you expect - accommodation of every alien value, no matter how contrary or incompatible with local values?

I don't see Muslims welcoming non-Muslim values. Why would you expect a welcome for your values from non-Muslims?

Don't tell me you are suddenly a humanist universalist - as long as there is a Muslim value to foist upon others.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #259 - Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:22pm
I put it to you that such a position is hypocritical.

And this is exactly why I describe your understanding of freedom of speech, and western values in general, as infantile. According to you I can only value freedom of speech if I also demand the right to go to a cinema and watch movies that depict sexual violence. No wonder you describe it as wishy washy - it makes no sense to you, because you are a Muslim. Maybe I got that round the wrong way. To you, it is wishy washy, and you probably believe you are not lying when you claim to support freedom of speech and that your position is no different to most other Australians, and is even closer to mine.

Whats a "real justification" then?

As far as I know you cannot depict sex and violence in the same act. You can depict them separately. The reasoning is that it will encourage rape. I have no idea how sound that reasoning is. I don't really care. Nor do I care about all the other classifications and restrictions, libel and slander laws, advertising codes etc. There are no rapists or anti-rapists threatening to go on a violent rampage if they don't get what they want. There is no agenda to restrict people's views or thoughts on rape and use this as a foot in the door strategy for further restrictions on public debate. There or just some bureaucrats in a dingy office trying to balance the competing values of our society. Both of these values are genuine and it is not hypocrisy to hold them both at the same time. If I were to say that freedom of speech is absolute and trumps every other value, principle and moral we have, then you could call me a hypocrite. But you can only pull out the hypocrite line by pretending to be an imbecile. I do not believe for one minute that despite living in Australia and benefitting from all our freedoms that you are genuinely so clueless about what they mean.

Censorship should be according to your values but not for others?

If people actually value freedom of speech and understand what it means and why it is so important, then like I said I am not too concerned about the details. People will always argue about which values are more important or how we should deal with conflicting values. This is a good thing. I do not think I am alone in not wanting movies screened that might lead to people getting raped. I can usually trust our society to get the balance right, and I will speak up when I think they are getting it wrong. You call this bigotry. I call it my duty as a responsible citizen.

Censorship should not be about your values Gandalf, because you are a hypocrite. 90% of our population I would trust implicitly to understand the issues and get it right, or close enough to right. I am yet to meet a single Muslim who I think I could trust on this issue.

I find this revelation that you seem to support censorship in some cases quite extraordinary.

I find you understanding of freedom infantile.

You start out by grandstanding about how we should all man the barricades to fight censorship

There are no barricades Gandalf. You think there are, and you have your white flag ready to wave as soon as the Muslim nutjobs get upset about something. But you are surrendering too soon. You are waving your white flag frantically, and the other Muslims are looking at their feet and mumbling to themselves about it not being time yet.

If you weren't being hypocritical and genuinely believed in free speech, you would be standing up for the right of film makers to depict rape and torture and murder on screen.

I watch shows all the time that depict rape, murder and torture. Not all three at the same time of course.

The very existence of a censorship board in Australia who could potentially arbitrarily ban any film in Australia at will, should be anathema to you. But its not. As usual, its only bad when the muslims do it.

It is bad that Islam is the greatest barrier to freedom and democracy in the world. It is bad that there are genuine, serious attempts to impose backwards Islamic standards on the western world. This is not a disagreement over X vs R ratings or whether the link between rape and depictions of violent sex is real. This is a disagreement over who should get their head chopped for thinking the wrong thoughts. You are doing your best to trivialise it of course. I'm surprised you haven't rolled out any poo jokes.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #260 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:04am
freediver wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:22pm:
And this is exactly why I describe your understanding of freedom of speech, and western values in general, as infantile. According to you I can only value freedom of speech if I also demand the right to go to a cinema and watch movies that depict sexual violence. No wonder you describe it as wishy washy - it makes no sense to you, because you are a Muslim. Maybe I got that round the wrong way. To you, it is wishy washy, and you probably believe you are not lying when you claim to support freedom of speech and that your position is no different to most other Australians, and is even closer to mine.

Speaking of infantile....

You could start by getting even a basic grasp of my positions rather than the default knee-jerk response: "gahh you hate our freedoms - and its all because you are a muslim gahh!". You have misrepresented me at every turn, and as such you cannot possibly make any sort of assessment about how far my views are from most other Australians. You haven't come even remotely close to identifying any points on where I oppose free speech more than mainstream Australia. The fact is, Australia values free speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate - and that is exactly my position. You have indicated that you think intimidation and non-specific incitement to violence should be acceptable - which makes you the extremist in this society, not me.

The rest of your confused and contradictory ramble about "the details don't concern me - as long as its done by people who understand the right values" is a complete joke, and just highlights your prejudice.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #261 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:34am
You haven't come even remotely close to identifying any points on where I oppose free speech more than mainstream Australia.

In every example presented in this thread you chose censorship, even in situations where Australians are clearly allowed to speak their mind and support this right. You even tried to blame this on me by "cornering" you with an example where it might take an ounce of spine to support freedom of speech.

The fact is, Australia values free speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate - and that is exactly my position.

And my point is that you have no understanding of these concepts either. You even tried to apply the "inciting violence" example to Muhammed killing a poet who mocked him. In your desperation to equate Isamic and western values you must destroy the meaning of both.

The rest of your confused and contradictory ramble about "the details don't concern me - as long as its done by people who understand the right values" is a complete joke, and just highlights your prejudice.

By people who have the right values. Even if you understood what freedom of speech means and why it is important, I still would not trust you to value it enough to reach the right balance. The fact that the details and complications with conflicting values elude you is just another demonstration of how infantile your concept of freedom is.

You could start by getting even a basic grasp of my positions

I could do this if you weren't so afraid to reveal your position. You openly pretend to support western values, but you refuse to discuss it in any detail because it is merely a facade, and the facade is crumbling.

freediver wrote on Feb 13th, 2014 at 10:18pm:
Gandalf, what exactly are these "wishy-washy western liberal morals"?

polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 10th, 2014 at 10:47am:
freediver wrote on Feb 10th, 2014 at 6:53am:
Yes you have already tried to justify Muhammed's actions. But you would never attempt to justify such behaviour in any other context. Hence my surprise that you described it as an excellent example to follow.

Why would that surprise you? I think executing traitors in time of war who are conspiring to commit genocide on your small nation is an excellent example to follow, and I doubt too many people would disagree. The only people who pretend to disagree is those who cynically use wishy-washy western liberal morals as a tool to smear Muhammad and Islam.

Is it any of the following?

a) Not executing bound POWs (especially after the war is over and they no longer pose a direct threat, when they did not even start the war and many had even helped Muhammed, despite him previously threatening them with death and openly preaching anti-Jewish propaganda).
b) Not engaging in collective punishment.
c) Not executing people without a trial.
d) Not raping their wives and subjecting them to a life of sexual slavery.
e) Not forcing your allies to carry out war crimes on your behalf in order to undermine their ability to hold it against you.
f) Not constantly making up bullshit excuses to justify your abhorrent behaviour.

Also, if you insist that these Jews wanted to commit genocide, would you also class as genocide Muhammed's actions in slaughtering them? Is there any rational reason to think that they would have treated the Muslims as badly as the Muslims treated them?

rather than the default knee-jerk response: "gahh you hate our freedoms - and its all because you are a muslim gahh!"

If there is a reason other than Islam for why you have such muddled and hypocritical concepts of freedom, perhaps it is time you told us.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #262 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 10:49am
freediver wrote on Apr 9th, 2014 at 10:22pm:
No wonder you describe it as wishy washy - it makes no sense to you, because you are a Muslim.

Google Taqiyya.

I'm surprised you haven't rolled out any poo jokes.

Miam miam.
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« Last Edit: Apr 10th, 2014 at 10:58am by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #263 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 10:56am
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:04am:
You have indicated that you think intimidation and non-specific incitement to violence should be acceptable - which makes you the extremist in this society, not me.

No no, FD values freedom of speech.

As long as it doesn't include Muselmen, dirty movies or poo jokes.

FD, you see, is a libertarian.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #264 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 11:18am
freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
In every example presented in this thread you chose censorship, even in situations where Australians are clearly allowed to speak their mind and support this right. You even tried to blame this on me by "cornering" you with an example where it might take an ounce of spine to support freedom of speech.

My position on censorship is clearly articulated, consistent and perfectly in line with mainstream Australian values. That you continue to throw accusations at me without actually being able to give any sort of specific explanation of how I am being the unreasonable freedom-hating muslim demonstrates what a non-existent case you have. Anyone who objectively reads the first 10 pages of this thread will understand that, and will see right away that it is you, desperately trying to corner me and pigeon hole me into the stereotypical muslim caricature, who is being completely unreasonable and irrational on this.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
You even tried to apply the "inciting violence" example to Muhammed killing a poet who mocked him.

You see "poet" and "executed" and draw the usual baseless conclusions. You don't even pretend to know any of the facts of the case - as you casually, and without any basis, dismiss the actions as merely "mocking him". Thats what we call prejudice. I apply the "inciting violence" example to this, because that exactly what it was. Or perhaps you can explain to me how making speeches calling on people to kill Muhammad and his followers is not inciting violence. Of course you can be all morally outraged at the idea of killing a poet for inciting violence - but you simply cannot deny that it was  a case of inciting violence.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
By people who have the right values.

Yes we know FD - and those people are non-muslims.

I remember you saying many times before how freedom of speech is such a fragile thing and that we must be ever vigilant to protect it. Little did we know then that you only meant that its only muslims we must be vigilant against. Having institutions set up that can and do randomly censor artistic material out of the public domain? No problem at all - because its done by people "who have the right values". As long as its not muslims placing bans on Russel Crowe, the details don't matter. I mean its not as if you should ever be concerned if a large government department suddenly bans any of its employees from making private criticisms of their employer - and encourages them all to dob their mates in if they violate this ban. No thats not a concern at all - because its done by people with the right values.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
If there is a reason other than Islam for why you have such muddled and hypocritical concepts of freedom, perhaps it is time you told us.

Fascinating that you trott out my position on what should happen to traitors who attempt to facilitate genocide in a time of war - as an example of my hatred for free speech. Maybe its about defending the right of the Qurayza to secretly meet with the people trying to destroy your city - and discuss how they can assist the enemy in massacring the muslims. I happen to think thats a freedom that should not be protected. But thats just me - no doubt its just my infantile view of freedom  Undecided
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #265 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 12:31pm
My position on censorship is clearly articulated

You made a very clear statement limited to two scenarios in which you would over-rule freedom of speech. Then you started giving more examples that had nothing to do with those two justifications. Then you stopped talking about it, ignored my questions and went back to vague reassurances that you are just like everyone else.

consistent and perfectly in line with mainstream Australian values

It is only consistent with Australian values while you keep it vague to the point of being meaningless. No normal Australian would apply the incitement to violence justification to Muhammed slaughtering a poet who mocked him.

That you continue to throw accusations at me without actually being able to give any sort of specific explanation of how I am being the unreasonable freedom-hating muslim

This thread is one example after another of you pretending to support freedom of speech, except for every specific scenario that was presented to you, where in practice you oppose freedom of speech. You would never admit you hate it like the more extreme Muslims do, but you do discard it at every possible opportunity.

You see "poet" and "executed" and draw the usual baseless conclusions.

Sorry I keep forgetting. He deserved it for being a scheming Jew.

Yes we know FD - and those people are non-muslims.

You are the closest I have seen, but even you fall far short of supporting freedom with any spine. Most Muslims are openly hostile to the concept, though like you many also try to spin it as a "different take" on freedom.

I remember you saying many times before how freedom of speech is such a fragile thing and that we must be ever vigilant to protect it. Little did we know then that you only meant that its only muslims we must be vigilant against.

Quote me. One of my main reasons for starting this website was to combat genuine and organised efforts at censorship by another group that had nothing to do with religion.

Having institutions set up that can and do randomly censor artistic material

There is nothing at all random about it. That it is beyond your comprehension merely shows that you do not comprehend freedom, not that it is random.

Fascinating that you trott out my position on what should happen to traitors who attempt to facilitate genocide in a time of war

What I was "trotting out" is you casual dismissal of western liberal morals - a casual dismissal that you have since been unable to explain, despite many prompts and direct requests. Yet at the same time you criticise me for not understanding your position.

Maybe its about defending the right of the Qurayza to secretly meet with the people trying to destroy your city

Were there 800 people in this meeting? Were any of them convicted for an actual crime, or given a chance to defend themselves? Or were all 800 of them summarily executed by a mindless religious zealot?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #266 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 3:29pm
freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
You made a very clear statement limited to two scenarios in which you would over-rule freedom of speech. Then you started giving more examples that had nothing to do with those two justifications.

Rubbish. Give me one of these examples that had nothing to do with inciting violence or intimidation. Just one.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Sorry I keep forgetting. He deserved it for being a scheming Jew.

Thats the exact response I would expect from you. You are second to none in creating a parody of yourself.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Quote me. One of my main reasons for starting this website was to combat genuine and organised efforts at censorship by another group that had nothing to do with religion.

You feign horror at muslim countries for censoring movies, then ramp up the spineless apologetics for a country like ours that has the institutions set up  to do the exact same thing. You then comically claim thats perfectly fine - because its done "by people who have the right values".  What a joke.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
There is nothing at all random about it. That it is beyond your comprehension merely shows that you do not comprehend freedom, not that it is random.

Whats beyond your comprehension, it seems, is that the institutions are in place to make it completely random. And just to be clear, there has been cases of censorship that are outside the sexual violence/abuse category. Films have been banned for mere sexual content, and TV is prohibited from showing full-frontal nudity. As for the internet, a 1995 act gives the Commonwealth the power to take down sites that contain "nonviolent sexually explicit content between consenting adults" with impunity - if they are hosted on domestic servers.

It absolutely can be random, and you should be manning the barricades against this outrageous violation of our freedoms.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
What I was "trotting out" is you casual dismissal of western liberal morals

Yes, western liberal morals do tend to get thrown out the window when you are facing an existential threat. What seems to fly over your head is the absurdity of using this to try and prove my hostility to freedom of speech.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #267 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 6:55pm
You feign horror at muslim countries for censoring movies

No need to be a drama queen about it Gandalf. I am giving you my opinion. I have patiently explained the significance of it, despite the superficial triviality of a hollywood movie.

then ramp up the spineless apologetics for a country like ours that has the institutions set up  to do the exact same thing. You then comically claim thats perfectly fine - because its done "by people who have the right values".  What a joke.

I have patiently explained how it is different. Australia values freedom of speech. Most of the developed world does. Muslim countries don't. You are projecting an absolutism onto me that is simply not there. If I actually acted the way you insist I should in order not to be a hypocrite, then I would be exactly the type of mindless zealot I criticise here. None of my views are an excuse for not thinking for yourself, and you merely reinforce your total lack of understanding of concepts like freedom by insisting it should. Freedom is not a 1400 year old book that tells you whose head to chop off.

Whats beyond your comprehension, it seems, is that the institutions are in place to make it completely random.

How is it random?

Films have been banned for mere sexual content, and TV is prohibited from showing full-frontal nudity.

Then why is it that I see full frontal nudity on TV? I agree that we are prudes. This is a hangover from Elizabethan morals that we don't share with continental Europeans. But most of the institutionalised barriers have been broken down, and I fully support this process and expect to see it through to it's end. Right now there is a guy walking round England (of all places) totally naked. I can only hope he picks his seasons. He is challenging the existing laws and laregly getting away with it. He is going right through the middle of towns and villages.

It absolutely can be random

So you are not claiming that it is?

Yes, western liberal morals do tend to get thrown out the window when you are facing an existential threat.

You toss them out at every opportunity. The bad Muslims only have to look at you sideways and you beg them to tell you which freedoms you should discard.

What seems to fly over your head is the absurdity of using this to try and prove my hostility to freedom of speech.

This discussion right here proves your hostility to freedom. You are creating an infantile strawman of freedom to attack in order to make your own views more palatable, while at the same time pretending your views are completely compatible with western notions of freedom. You want it to be a choice between Islam and an equally zealous and mindless pursuit of a narrow, absolutist freedom. The simple reality is that it isn't. It is possible to genuinely support and value freedom, democracy and human rights, despite their contradictory nature, without being a libertarian or anarchist version of Osama bin Laden. Most westerners manage this quite easily barely a thought. For some reason Muslims always make it out to be the most complicated thing in the world. I had the exact same discussion with Abu that I am having with you now, and he said the same stupid things that you are saying.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #268 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:40pm
freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 6:55pm:
For some reason Muslims always make it out to be the most complicated thing in the world. I had the exact same discussion with Abu that I am having with you now, and he said the same stupid things that you are saying.

The reason is that Islam prescribes so many thing but not freedom of thought and not freedom of speech.
As a matter of fact, it prescribes no freedom of any kind.
It prescribes its opposite, submission.
So a Muslim is unable to reconcile submission to every kind of law and rule laid down for his behaviour on the one hand, and the Western expectation that he demonstrate free agency and ability to think and speak freely (ie without following Islamic dogma's prescriptions and proscriptions).

You area asking Abu, Gandy and all of them to simultaneously submit unquestioningly and exercise free thought. They can't. You can't both submit and be free.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #269 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:48pm
Let’s see now. We have Abu, and now we have never-ever.

What are we missing here?

Oh - of course. It is it is it is.

Isn’t it.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #270 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:35pm
So no examples of me calling for censorship that aren't related to incitement to violence and intimidation then?

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 6:55pm:
You are projecting an absolutism onto me that is simply not there.

I'm sorry FD, but you projected that absolutism on yourself when you made those stirring 'manning the baricades' lectures about fighting for free speech at all costs. And you really just shoot yourself in the foot by pointing to, of all things, film censorship in the muslim world as the be-all and end-all in the struggle for free speech, while appearing completely oblivious to the fact that the same threat exists in our society. And as if your position couldn't get any more absurd, you actually try and justify this double standard by saying 'oh but we love freedom - so you can totally trust our guys to make the right censorship decisions - and (get this) the details don't matter'.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 6:55pm:
How is it random?

I said it could be random. We have the institutions in place to potentially have blanket censorship. And we saw during Steven Conroy's reign of terror how close we actually came to that. And to act so blasé about this potential threat, and sit back and say "hey its all cool cause we have the right values - while at the same time reeling in horror at the censorship of Russel Crowe in Malaysia -  is simply astonishing.

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 6:55pm:
Most westerners manage this quite easily barely a thought. For some reason Muslims always make it out to be the most complicated thing in the world.

No thats you FD. You are the king of obfuscating relatively straightforward positions into the incomprehensible. Anyone who reads the first 10 pages of this thread can see a live exhibition of this. My position is absolutely consistent and straightforward - I support freedom of speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate. You throw all sorts of accusations about me being hypocritical about this, and backflipping at every opportunity - but singularly fail to provide any sort of support for this. Your deafening silence on me calling your bluff last post just proves this.

As usual the anti-islam narrative you create is entirely the product of your own distortions and obfuscations - and have no reflection whatsoever on what any muslim actually said here.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #271 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:54pm
No no, I believe Abu said something about freedom once. I think he said it should be banned.

Yes, that’s it - banned. Can you believe it?

How utterly, utterly apalling, even for a Muselman. Typical.

Thank heavens we have FD, Herbie, Y and the old boy to stand up for Freedom. I, for one, am most grateful for their Larry Pickering and Bible quotes.

I do feel it brings us together as a society.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #272 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:56pm
Nobody bats an eyelid when people hate conservatives, Liberals, communists, fascists, PC, lefties, righties, greenies, hippies, whatnot.

Why can't people hate and dislike Islam in peace? Why is it not OK to hate and dislike this particular ideology when all others can be hated and disliked?

Do Islam's violent tendencies have anything to do with this? Is it because of what Sam Harris said: "The position of the Muslim community in the face of all provocations seems to be: Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn't, we will kill you."

Are we all simply afraid of Islam?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #273 - Apr 10th, 2014 at 10:29pm
Ideology? Oh, no you don’t, old boy. We won’t have you practice your awful spineless appeasing nonsense here.

We hate Muselmen. Well, more specifically, the tinted races - the culturally tinted races.

You can stop your hideous spineless apologetics right there. We know exactly what you’re up to. These NESB types go in for your stool.

Well, not anymore.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #274 - Apr 11th, 2014 at 9:42am
Soren wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:56pm:
Nobody bats an eyelid when people hate conservatives, Liberals, communists, fascists, PC, lefties, righties, greenies, hippies, whatnot.

Because being a 'conservative' [and such], requires a degree of 'discrimination' ?

But socialists and humanists teach our children, that exercising personal discrimination, is a social crime ?

discriminating = = having or showing good taste or judgement.

<----- This is what the word 'discrimination' use to mean, before the humanists and their ilk, got their claws into the English language!


Why can't people hate and dislike Islam in peace? Why is it not OK to hate and dislike this particular ideology when all others can be hated and disliked?

Do Islam's violent tendencies have anything to do with this? Is it because of what Sam Harris said: "The position of the Muslim community in the face of all provocations seems to be: Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn't, we will kill you."

Are we all simply afraid of Islam?

IMO, our society/culture has taught us and our children to be afraid of,       ....being.

Is it because we live in a
society/culture ?

Is it because all modern, advanced, 'tolerant' societies, tend to produce individuals who have NO real commitment to an ethical life [i.e. with little or no real capacity on the part of the individual, to 'discriminate' between good and evil] ?

And why so ?

Is it because a commitment to exercising an ethical choice, is always, normally, going to involve some degree of self sacrifice [or shock horror!!!! of exercising some degree of self denial] ?

Is Atheism a Religion?

What gives me pleasure, is good.

And what prevents me from experiencing pleasure, is evil/bad.

Ranking Ethics

IMO, there is probably nothing more unethical in the world today, than the 'humanist' worldview, and those who promote so called liberal 'ethics'.

IMO, this generation of mankind has lost the ability to discern between good and evil.

Humanist, and liberal ethics....

Today, our children are taught that it is wrong to try to 'discriminate' between good and evil, and to reject what is evil.
Today, they and we, are taught that, essentially, good and evil do not exist.

Only for conservatives....

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #275 - Apr 11th, 2014 at 10:31am
Soren wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:56pm:
Nobody bats an eyelid when people hate conservatives, Liberals, communists, fascists, PC, lefties, righties, greenies, hippies, whatnot.

Why can't people hate and dislike Islam in peace? Why is it not OK to hate and dislike this particular ideology when all others can be hated and disliked?

Do Islam's violent tendencies have anything to do with this? Is it because of what Sam Harris said: "The position of the Muslim community in the face of all provocations seems to be: Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn't, we will kill you."

Are we all simply afraid of Islam?

Well, islam is certainly the elephant in the room.
I am chatting with a muslim elsewhere, he has similar tendancies to all other muslims I have met.
Scratch a muslim, find an islamic.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #276 - Apr 11th, 2014 at 10:42am
Please don't scratch me Sprint. Thats just creepy.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #277 - Apr 13th, 2014 at 7:23pm
I'm sorry FD, but you projected that absolutism on yourself when you...

Quote me.

And you really just shoot yourself in the foot by pointing to, of all things, film censorship in the muslim world as the be-all and end-all in the struggle for free speech

Quote me.

while appearing completely oblivious to the fact that the same threat exists in our society

Freedom of speech is always under threat. The difference you fail to see is that the Muslim countries are actually banning these films, for no sound reason whatsoever.

I said it could be random

So in Australia there is a "threat" that the same thing might happen as what goes on in Muslim countries. You are completely correct in this. That is why we must defend freedom of speech.

No thats you FD. You are the king of obfuscating relatively straightforward positions into the incomprehensible. Anyone who reads the first 10 pages of this thread can see a live exhibition of this. My position is absolutely consistent and straightforward - I support freedom of speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate.

So the example where you would ban a movie because of the potential over-reaction from Muslims - where does that fit in?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #278 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 7:54am
freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2014 at 7:23pm:
Freedom of speech is always under threat. The difference you fail to see is that the Muslim countries are actually banning these films, for no sound reason whatsoever.

Your problem is with using the subjective prhase "for no sound reaon".

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2014 at 7:23pm:
So in Australia there is a "threat" that the same thing might happen as what goes on in Muslim countries. You are completely correct in this. That is why we must defend freedom of speech.

Thats exactly my point FD. You talk big, but when it comes down to it, you are completely hypocritical when comparing the threat between here and muslim countries. And doing it with such spineless apologetics like 'its ok - our guys have the right values' and therefore 'the details don't matter'. What a joke.

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2014 at 7:23pm:
So the example where you would ban a movie because of the potential over-reaction from Muslims - where does that fit in?

You demanded I choose between censorship and violence. I choose censorship, and you think thats unreasonable.  Tongue
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #279 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:05am
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 7:54am:
[quote author=freediver link=1369558442/277#277 date=1397380980]

You demanded I choose between censorship and violence. I choose censorship, and you think thats unreasonable.  Tongue

Why is there a threat of violence by Muslims unless censorship is used?

WHy can't Muslims self-censor their own reactions and behaviour.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #280 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:35am
Your problem is with using the subjective prhase "for no sound reaon".

Do you think the Muslim countries have a sound reason for banning the Noah movie? Do you think the reasoning for banning depictions of violent sexual acts is unsound?

Thats exactly my point FD. You talk big, but when it comes down to it, you are completely hypocritical when comparing the threat between here and muslim countries.

Can you elaborate on this please? I have never been shy about pointing out what shitholes muslim countries are. It doesn't even make sense to talk about a "threat". Most of them have already lost their freedom of speech. Or do you think the "potential" for our censorship bureaucrats to go overboard is somehow equivalent?

You demanded I choose between censorship and violence. I choose censorship, and you think thats unreasonable.

Not only that, I think it highlights the lie that you "support freedom of speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate". You would surrender freedom of speech at the first opportunity, because you do not genuinely support it. You merely offer hollow words in an attempt to appear normal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #281 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 10:36am
freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:35am:
Do you think the Muslim countries have a sound reason for banning the Noah movie?

Define "sound reason" without projecting your own values on to others.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:35am:
Do you think the reasoning for banning depictions of violent sexual acts is unsound?

Not at all - but I'm not the one attacking censorship in some cases while simultaneously apologising for it in others. Australia bans films, TV and websites for sexual acts between consenting adults - is that as "unsound" as muslim countries banning depictions of their prophets?

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:35am:
Most of them have already lost their freedom of speech.

That was one of the points I was making - everyone knows that most muslim countries have far less freedoms than we do, but it was you who was insisting we talk about the evils of film censorship in isolation. Thats why this whole thing is silly - to condemn a country for banning a film that portrays of an islamic prophet, but to apologise for our own willingness to ban depictions of consensual sex. By your own criteria (ie as long as its not violent sexual abuse), you should be equally outraged about both - not offering spineless apologetics for one while condemning the other.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:35am:
Or do you think the "potential" for our censorship bureaucrats to go overboard is somehow equivalent?

Of course it is not equivalent, but you make it so easy for me when you literally dismiss it with the most bizarre apologetics: 'its not a concern because its done by people with the right values' and 'the details don't matter'. I would have thought that it deserves far more concern by people like you - there's no telling when we'll get another Stephen Conroy and the next time the level heads may not prevail like it did last time. And its the apologists like you who will ensure they will get away with it.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:35am:
Not only that, I think it highlights the lie that you "support freedom of speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate"

And yet the scenario you gave me did incite violence.

But you clarified your position, and in response I clarified mine. Suggest you look back over that discussion before you use this accusation at me again.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #282 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 3:38pm
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: ‘They Simply Wanted Me to be Silenced’
TIME Staff  April 9, 2014          

On Tuesday, officials at Brandeis University backed off granting an honorary degree to Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Alian, a staunch women’s advocate and fierce critic of Islam, due to many faculty members’ requests and a large online petition. Here is Ali’s statement in response to the university’s actions:

Yesterday Brandeis University decided to withdraw an honorary degree they were to confer upon me next month during their Commencement exercises. I wish to dissociate myself from the university’s statement, which implies that I was in any way consulted about this decision. On the contrary, I was completely shocked when President Frederick Lawrence called me — just a few hours before issuing a public statement — to say that such a decision had been made.

When Brandeis approached me with the offer of an honorary degree, I accepted partly because of the institution’s distinguished history; it was founded in 1948, in the wake of World War II and the Holocaust, as a co-educational, nonsectarian university at a time when many American universities still imposed rigid admission quotas on Jewish students. I assumed that Brandeis intended to honor me for my work as a defender of the rights of women against abuses that are often religious in origin. For over a decade, I have spoken out against such practices as female genital mutilation, so-called “honor killings,” and applications of Sharia Law that justify such forms of domestic abuse as wife beating or child beating. Part of my work has been to question the role of Islam in legitimizing such abhorrent practices. So I was not surprised when my usual critics, notably the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), protested against my being honored in this way.

What did surprise me was the behavior of Brandeis. Having spent many months planning for me to speak to its students at Commencement, the university yesterday announced that it could not “overlook certain of my past statements,” which it had not previously been aware of. Yet my critics have long specialized in selective quotation — lines from interviews taken out of context — designed to misrepresent me and my work. It is scarcely credible that Brandeis did not know this when they initially offered me the degree.

What was initially intended as an honor has now devolved into a moment of shaming. Yet the slur on my reputation is not the worst aspect of this episode. More deplorable is that an institution set up on the basis of religious freedom should today so deeply betray its own founding principles. The “spirit of free expression” referred to in the Brandeis statement has been stifled here, as my critics have achieved their objective of preventing me from addressing the graduating Class of 2014. Neither Brandeis nor my critics knew or even inquired as to what I might say. They simply wanted me to be silenced. I regret that very much.

Not content with a public disavowal, Brandeis has invited me “to join us on campus in the future to engage in a dialogue about these important issues.” Sadly, in words and deeds, the university has already spoken its piece. I have no wish to “engage” in such one-sided dialogue. I can only wish the Class of 2014 the best of luck — and hope that they will go forth to be better advocates for free expression and free thought than their alma mater.

I take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported me and my work on behalf of oppressed woman and girls everywhere.

And Comment by Mark STeyn:
In London, the historian Andrew Roberts calls her "the bravest woman I know". I agree. There's nothing hypothetical about the danger she lives with. She and Theo van Gogh made a movie called Submission: He's dead, and the fellows who did it would like to kill her, too. But some tenured navel-gazing hacks and the prissy little trusty-fundy twerps they pretend to teach think she's the threat?

As for Brandeis president Frederick Lawrence and the others who took this decision, nobody's asking them to be as brave as Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They will never know what it's like to have their associates murdered and to be forced into living under armed guard. They will never have to "share the risk" that Ms Hirsi Ali faces every day of her life. All that was required of President Lawrence & Co was that they not be total craven, jelly-spined squishes who fold like a cheap Bedouin tent at the first hint of pressure.

But Lawrence couldn't even do that. Ayaan Hirsi Ali campaigns against female genital mutilation - that's to say, the barbarous practice by which Muslim men deny women sexual pleasure by having their clitorises cut off. Lawrence and the other fellows who run Brandeis are in no danger of any equivalent procedure since it seems clear they've nothing down there to chop off anyway. The eunuchs of the American academy are the beneficiaries of western liberty, of the spirit of openness and inquiry that is the principal difference between us and the intellectually stagnant Muslim world. But they will not lift a finger to defend that tradition.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #283 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 5:16pm
I take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported me and my work on behalf of oppressed woman and girls everywhere.

And I too, old chap. I would also like to use this opportunity to thank you for all the marvellous work you've done to help the fairer sex.

Where there was id, there shall a wonderful plate of fresh stool be.

I, for one, thank you.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #284 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm
Define "sound reason" without projecting your own values on to others.

I am not projecting anything. I am asking you whether you think they have a sound reason.

Not at all - but I'm not the one attacking censorship in some cases while simultaneously apologising for it in others.

Do you support the censorship of so many hollywood movies by Muslim countries?

Australia bans films, TV and websites for sexual acts between consenting adults

It restricts them. You can still get them, legally.

is that as "unsound" as muslim countries banning depictions of their prophets?

I think it is completely different. Do you support bans on the depictions of prophets? I am having a hard time figuring you out here Gandalf. You claim to agree with me, or at least with the majority of Australians, while at the same time criticising the views you apparently agree with as being 'unsound'.

That was one of the points I was making - everyone knows that most muslim countries have far less freedoms than we do, but it was you who was insisting we talk about the evils of film censorship in isolation.

Quote me.

By your own criteria (ie as long as its not violent sexual abuse), you should be equally outraged about both - not offering spineless apologetics for one while condemning the other.

Would you mind clarifying what you think my criteria is? You still seem very confused about it.

Of course it is not equivalent, but you make it so easy for me when you literally dismiss it with the most bizarre apologetics: 'its not a concern because its done by people with the right values' and 'the details don't matter'.

I don't care about the details is not the same as saying they don't matter. Nor is there is anything inherently wrong with trusting others to make the right decision. This is not hypocrisy. What goes on in Muslim countries is not merely a disagreement over the finer details. It is a complete rejection of the concept of freedom of speech, and most of the freedoms and rights we take for granted.

I would have thought that it deserves far more concern by people like you

I don't really care what you think I should think about either.

there's no telling when we'll get another Stephen Conroy and the next time the level heads may not prevail like it did last time

When that happens I will jump on the bandwagon. But there is no way to protect against this. Demanding one version of extremism is order to protect from the potential of another version of extremism is what makes the Muslim countries such shitholes.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #285 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:03pm
And yet the scenario you gave me did incite violence.

Sorry, I was joking when I suggested that by "inciting violence" you really meant that Muslims will go on a violent rampage if they don't get what they want. Is this what you mean - that you support censorship to appease Muslim nutjobs? Is this the same "incitement to violence" view you insist is shared by most normal Australians?

But you clarified your position, and in response I clarified mine. Suggest you look back over that discussion before you use this accusation at me again.

I mocked your position. I didn't realise I was spot on with my mockery of your spineless apologetics. Now it is clear. Thanks.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #286 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:21pm
freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm:
I am not projecting anything.

Of course you are. You don't think banning films that depict islamic prophets is a sound reason. Many other people will disagree. Its your values vs theirs. Thus telling these people they should ban those films is projecting your values on to them.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm:
Do you support the censorship of so many hollywood movies by Muslim countries?

Irrelevant - but no.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm:
It restricts them. You can still get them, legally.

Sure you can - just like Malaysians can legally get Noah. No problem then.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm:
That was one of the points I was making - everyone knows that most muslim countries have far less freedoms than we do, but it was you who was insisting we talk about the evils of film censorship in isolation.

Quote me.

Don't be silly. You posted an article about Malaysia banning Noah, and made some sarcastic comment about progressive islam.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm:
Would you mind clarifying what you think my criteria is? You still seem very confused about it.

Again - silly games. You singled out violent sex as Australia's criteria for banning films (which is wrong anyway), and commented that "thats about right". I'm sure you remember it, so no need to quote it back to you.

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:00pm:
What goes on in Muslim countries is not merely a disagreement over the finer details. It is a complete rejection of the concept of freedom of speech, and most of the freedoms and rights we take for granted.

I don't disagree. It was just silly to pick on the one practice that everyone is guilty of - muslims and non-muslim countries alike, and then exhibit the most spineless hypocrisy in attempting to apologise one while mocking the other. You had the opportunity to bring up a legitimate problem, but end up just exposing your prejudice.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #287 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:57pm
freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:03pm:
Sorry, I was joking when I suggested that by "inciting violence" you really meant that Muslims will go on a violent rampage if they don't get what they want. Is this what you mean - that you support censorship to appease Muslim nutjobs? Is this the same "incitement to violence" view you insist is shared by most normal Australians?

no sane person would choose people being killed over censorship - not even you. Its really that simple.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #288 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 9:52pm
Of course you are. You don't think banning films that depict islamic prophets is a sound reason. Many other people will disagree.

Sure. The people who reject freedom of speech on principle will disagree.

Its your values vs theirs.

Genius. Islam vs Australian values. I'll put it on the wiki.

Irrelevant - but no.

Of course it is relevant. You claim my reasoning is unsound, but you also claim to agree with me.

Don't be silly. You posted an article about Malaysia banning Noah, and made some sarcastic comment about progressive islam.

You are confused Gandalf. How is that insisting we talk about the evils of film censorship in isolation?

Again - silly games.

You are claiming to agree with me and disagree with me at the same time. It is only reasonable to ask WTF you are on about.

I don't disagree.

So what are you trying to say?

It was just silly to pick on the one practice that everyone is guilty of

Australia does not bow to religious taboos. Muslim countries do. Australia values freedom of speech. Muslim countries don't. You try to spin it as the same thing by pretending the subtleties are beyond your understanding. It isn't.

You had the opportunity to bring up a legitimate problem, but end up just exposing your prejudice.

It is a legitimate problem. People die because Muslims cannot control their rage and have an entitlement complex worthy of a three year old. Legitimising it through censorship does not make it go away. It does not destroy the threat. It encourages it.

no sane person would choose people being killed over censorship - not even you. Its really that simple.

The reason that the west has these rights and freedoms, and the Muslim world does not, is that so many people have laid down their life to protect our rights and freedoms. Muslims on the other hand lay down their life to deny people these rights and freedoms. Sane people make these decisions all the time. They just do their best to make sure it is the Islamists, Nazis, Communists who do the dying. If Muslims tried to ban depictions of Muhammed in western countries, there would be no shortage of volunteers to demonstrate how this principle works in practice. Fortunately for your fellow Muslims they are largely impotent to achieve what they want here. Millions of people have died to get us where we are today, and if you think we would just roll over and give it all up because a few bearded loonies threaten violence, you have severely misjudged the society you live in.

The sad thing is, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed in the last decade in an effort to get this message across, and you still can't face up to the reality. How many more are going to die Gandalf?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #289 - Apr 14th, 2014 at 10:40pm
freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 9:52pm:
The reason that the west has these rights and freedoms, and the Muslim world does not, is that so many people have laid down their life to protect our rights and freedoms. Muslims on the other hand lay down their life to deny people these rights and freedoms.

ah yes, and we'll fight them on the beaches...

Just a hint FD - its this sort of Churchillian crap that earns you such labels as 'absolutist'
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #290 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 12:16pm
How many Taliban were killed the weekend before last in their desperation to destroy democracy?

They are literally sacrificing their lives in opposition to the principles that make our society so great and for which so many of our forefathers sacrificed their own lives. The mind boggles at how backwards these people are. And all you can do is wave your arms in the air and pretend these things are too complicated for you to understand.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #291 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 1:02pm
freediver wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 12:16pm:
How many Taliban were killed the weekend before last in their desperation to destroy democracy?

They are literally sacrificing their lives in opposition to the principles that make our society so great and for which so many of our forefathers sacrificed their own lives. The mind boggles at how backwards these people are. And all you can do is wave your arms in the air and pretend these things are too complicated for you to understand.

bump - I have been emailing a muslim i know.
He has the same backward repressive obsessive mindset as muslims here.

Islam's an infection.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #292 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 2:42pm
freediver wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 12:16pm:
How many Taliban were killed the weekend before last in their desperation to destroy democracy?

They are literally sacrificing their lives in opposition to the principles that make our society so great and for which so many of our forefathers sacrificed their own lives. The mind boggles at how backwards these people are. And all you can do is wave your arms in the air and pretend these things are too complicated for you to understand.

Yes we know FD, ours is the struggle for good, theirs is the struggle for evil. Its all so black and white.

Speaking of Afghanistan, how many Americans laid down their lives to ensure that Karzai could rig each of his elections? How many Australians died protecting a brutal and corrupt despot in Uruzgan? The answer is zero - take that spineless apologetics. Just like exactly 100% of muslims fighting us die because of their innate love for oppression and censorship.

See we noble freedom-loving westerners never fight on behalf of oppression and despotism. Just like muslims would never lay down their lives for freedom and democracy. So you would definitely never get a situation in say Fallujah 2003 when the US guns down civilians demonstrating against occupation. No way - they hate our freedoms, thats why they fight us, and we are the superior ones - we love freedom, its in our nature. We are simply just better people. See we fought for our freedom - we enjoy the freedoms we have today because noble freedom loving folk of ours laid down their lives. Its most definitely not because of the prosperity we acquired by invading, slaughtering and exploiting technologically inferior natives in resource rich countries who can't fight back.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #293 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 3:00pm
You can't escape the Wiki, G. That one's going in for sure - spinelessly blaming Uncle for the invasion of Iraq. Typical.

FD supports freedom and demokracy - like George Bush. It's that simple. You Muselmen support tyranny - like that awful Saddam Hussein.

Trust a Muselman to try to make it all complicated.
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« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2014 at 3:06pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #294 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:13pm
Speaking of Afghanistan, how many Americans laid down their lives to ensure that Karzai could rig each of his elections? How many Australians died protecting a brutal and corrupt despot in Uruzgan? The answer is zero - take that spineless apologetics. Just like exactly 100% of muslims fighting us die because of their innate love for oppression and censorship.

That's what the Taliban are fighting for. They are fundamentally opposed to democracy, freedom etc. The answer, by the way, is 690 - total dead, including civilians and taliban. This is still a rough estimate, of course.

See we noble freedom-loving westerners never fight on behalf of oppression and despotism. Just like muslims would never lay down their lives for freedom and democracy.

We spent a decade in Afghanistan and Iraq. The "conventional" war lasted about 45 minutes. Why do you think we hung around for so long? Because the locals were so friendly? Target practice? Or was it more like "They hate our freedom! GAHHH! Die evil Muslim die!". Do we really think like that? Or was it all just a big misunderstanding, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims just happened to die, and two new democracies just happened to spring up in the most hostile places on earth? Is it just an accident of history that we created two new democracies that the bearded loonies are trying to destroy? Or does it reflect genuinely different sets of values?

We are simply just better people.

So what do you think of the Taliban Gandalf? Scum of the earth, or just regular Muslims?

See we fought for our freedom - we enjoy the freedoms we have today because noble freedom loving folk of ours laid down their lives. Its most definitely not because of the prosperity we acquired by invading, slaughtering and exploiting technologically inferior natives in resource rich countries who can't fight back.

That is exactly right Gandalf. We would be dirt poor today if we tried to build our wealth on slavery or exploiting people who are poorer than us. We are so wealthy today precisely because we gave that game up. It takes someone especially dedicated to getting causation backwards to draw any other conclusion. And if you think we were in Iraq and Afghanistan to milk them, then all I can say is you are yet again using Islam as an excuse for not thinking for yourself.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #295 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 8:17pm
Did someone say demokracy?

Karzai might have something to say about that.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #296 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 10:21pm
freediver wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
That's what the Taliban are fighting for. They are fundamentally opposed to democracy, freedom etc

Of course they are, but the taliban are merely a symptom - a reaction to forces that are anything but democratic. You say the taliban fight against democracy and freedom, but above all else the taliban are a movement of unity and national independence. And the key is not to concentrate on what the taliban stand for, but the circumstances in which they thrive. From the time it formed in 1994, it has represented the resistance to chaotic warlordism, corruption and foreign meddling. Afghanistan was rampant with all three when the taliban emerged, and has been ever-present throughout the taliban years - including now.

freediver wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
We spent a decade in Afghanistan and Iraq.

How very noble of us.

freediver wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
Why do you think we hung around for so long? Because the locals were so friendly? Target practice? Or was it more like "They hate our freedom! GAHHH! Die evil Muslim die!". Do we really think like that? Or was it all just a big misunderstanding, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims just happened to die, and two new democracies just happened to spring up in the most hostile places on earth?

Democracies have not "sprung up" in Afghanistan or Iraq - not by a long shot. Suggest you look at whats happening in Iraq recently - close to half the country is occupied by Al-Qaeda affiliates, a direct response to the marginalisation of the sunni minority by a corrupt and dysfunctional shia government taking orders from Iran.

As to why we spent so long in those two countries - mainly, I suggest, because the US's attempts to install an undemocratic client regime of unrepresentative stooges was met with a messy insurgency that needed to be crushed. And crushing a movement of nationalist independence tends to take quite a long time.

freediver wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
That is exactly right Gandalf. We would be dirt poor today if we tried to build our wealth on slavery or exploiting people who are poorer than us. We are so wealthy today precisely because we gave that game up.

Giving such a game up is quite easy, and eminently sensible once all meaningful resistance to occupation and cultural dominance has been eliminated. It also enables people who are basking in the prosperity of our cultural dominance to claim the moral high ground - much like you are doing now.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #297 - Apr 16th, 2014 at 7:36pm
Of course they are, but the taliban are merely a symptom - a reaction to forces that are anything but democratic.

The Taliban are a symptom of Islam. Abu shared their view on democracy and freedom. Not because the Americans or Russians killed all his relatives. Because he is a Muslim.

You say the taliban fight against democracy and freedom, but above all else the taliban are a movement of unity and national independence.

Crap. The Americans want to give them national independence and unity. They want to get out of there. The Taliban are fighting tooth and nail against it. The Taliban want it their way, and are willing to kill as many fellow Afghan Muslims as it takes to get their way. The Taliban are trying to keep the Americans there, because ongoing war is one of the things they want. They don't want independence, they want to do to the Americans what they did to the Russians, and are willing to sacrifice everything for it.

And the key is not to concentrate on what the taliban stand for, but the circumstances in which they thrive. From the time it formed in 1994, it has represented the resistance to chaotic warlordism, corruption and foreign meddling.

How is fighting tooth and nail against democracy an opposition to foreign meddling? There is a very clear path for Afghans to run Afghanistan themselves. The Taliban is the only thing standing in their way. It is the Taliban that makes the Afgan government dependent on foreign power. The Taliban are not doing this because they are retarded and do not see the way forward. They are doing it because they are fundamentally opposed to freedom and democracy. Democracy will destroy the Taliban, and the Taliban are willing to destroy Afghanistan in their desperation to cling to power.

Democracies have not "sprung up" in Afghanistan or Iraq - not by a long shot. Suggest you look at whats happening in Iraq recently - close to half the country is occupied by Al-Qaeda affiliates, a direct response to the marginalisation of the sunni minority by a corrupt and dysfunctional shia government taking orders from Iran.

Luckily they are a democracy, and can vote in a better lot soon.

As to why we spent so long in those two countries - mainly, I suggest, because the US's attempts to install an undemocratic client regime of unrepresentative stooges

We spent that all that time in there establishing democracy because that was the only end game our society would support. It does not make sense to establish a client regime at the same time as establishing the institution by which the locals can easily turf it out. Reality just does not penetrate with you.

Giving such a game up is quite easy, and eminently sensible once all meaningful resistance to occupation and cultural dominance has been eliminated.

What motives are you projecting on the west? It's like you swallowed some idiotic communist pamphlet and lost the ability to think for yourself. The west gave up slavery because it was ideologically opposed to slavery. The west gave up similar extractive institutions to slavery because we are ideologically opposed to them. The wealth, and consequent military superiority of the west are a result of, not a cause of, these changes in our society.

It also enables people who are basking in the prosperity of our cultural dominance to claim the moral high ground - much like you are doing now.

We can claim the moral high ground because we are morally superior. We did not buy this moral superiority. Our moral superiority bought our wealth.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #298 - Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:15pm
freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 7:36pm:
Crap. The Americans want to give them national independence and unity. They want to get out of there. The Taliban are fighting tooth and nail against it. The Taliban want it their way, and are willing to kill as many fellow Afghan Muslims as it takes to get their way. The Taliban are trying to keep the Americans there, because ongoing war is one of the things they want. They don't want independence, they want to do to the Americans what they did to the Russians, and are willing to sacrifice everything for it.

As usual you miss the point. No one is questioning the motives of the taliban themselves - they are a theocratic and undemocratic bunch of radicals. The point though is that they are the inevitable product of foreign occupation and attempts to install corrupt client stooges. Karzai is a corrupt client stooge, and he has galvanised popular support against him. If you are so sure the Americans are intent on installing democracy, why were they so supportive of a President who so blatantly rigged elections?

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 7:36pm:
There is a very clear path for Afghans to run Afghanistan themselves. The Taliban is the only thing standing in their way.

Laughable. Entrenched tribalism and a distinct lack of a national Afghan identity is the main thing standing in the way of democracy in Afghanistan. It would make far more sense trying to create democracy in a new country called Pashtunistan that formalises the natural unity of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The reality is they are a defacto country already, where the border between them is effectively non-existent.

I'll let you in on a little secret too FD: most of the "insurgency" in Afghanistan is the same old tit-for-tat tribal fighting that has gone on for centuries. Reccommed fairfax journalist Paul McGeough's book Infernal Triangle to get a reality check on the laughably simplistic 'goodies vs baddies' narrative that you are parroting here.

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 7:36pm:
It does not make sense to establish a client regime at the same time as establishing the institution by which the locals can easily turf it out. Reality just does not penetrate with you.

Are you saying the occupiers have created strong democratic institutions? Such as what FD? Does that include Australia's contribution that consisted almost entirely of propping up a corrupt and brutal local despot in Uruzgan?

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 7:36pm:
The west gave up slavery because it was ideologically opposed to slavery. The west gave up similar extractive institutions to slavery because we are ideologically opposed to them. The wealth, and consequent military superiority of the west are a result of, not a cause of, these changes in our society.

Grin Grin Grin

The west is responsible for the greatest episodes of slaughter and cultural genocides the world has ever seen. Australia and the US would not exist today without them. The prosperity Britain and France enjoy today would not exist without it. Most western apologists simply acknowledge this but rationalise with arguments like 'oh but that was the brutal reality of the world in those days' or 'they would have done the same to us if they had the chance'. You are indeed a special breed of spineless apologist FD.

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 7:36pm:
We can claim the moral high ground because we are morally superior.

Thats adorable FD. Outrageously naive and prejudicial - but adorable.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #299 - Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:38pm
As usual you miss the point. No one is questioning the motives of the taliban themselves - they are a theocratic and undemocratic bunch of radicals. The point though is that they are the inevitable product of foreign occupation

Crap. They are the inevitable product of Islam. Most people living under foreign occupation dream of voting in their own leaders.

If you are so sure the Americans are intent on installing democracy, why were they so supportive of a President who so blatantly rigged elections?

Because the alternative was the Taliban, and the system they created would allow the Afghans to correct the problems. We know the Americans were intent on installing democracy because they paid such a heavy price to make it happen. How can you delude yourself into thinking anything else?

I'll let you in on a little secret too FD: most of the "insurgency" in Afghanistan is the same old tit-for-tat tribal fighting that has gone on for centuries.

Is that why they blow up police stations and polling booths? Were the dead American soldiers collateral damage?

Are you saying the occupiers have created strong democratic institutions?

They have created a democracy. I would not call it strong. There is still a high risk that the Muslim nutjobs will destroy it. But the risk grows smaller each year. I expect it to survive, and once the Muslim nutjobs are put in their place, it will start to function a bit better, on account of it not happening in the middle of a civil war.

The west is responsible for the greatest episodes of slaughter and cultural genocides the world has ever seen.

Yet we are ideologically opposed to it.

Australia and the US would not exist today without them.

Why not?

The prosperity Britain and France enjoy today would not exist without it.

Obviously everyone was better off as the various revolutions took over more of the world and created a bigger global economy, but Britain was already reaping huge economic rewards from internal liberalisation before they were able to project military power. Where new colonies were built on slavery, or similar institutions, they eventually stagnated. Where they were based on more inclusive institutions, they flourished. This is what created the world you see around you today. It was not built on slavery. It was built on the abolition of slavery.

Most western apologists simply acknowledge this but rationalise with arguments like 'oh but that was the brutal reality of the world in those days' or 'they would have done the same to us if they had the chance'. You are indeed a special breed of spineless apologist FD.

I am not apologising for anything. I am just telling you how it is. It should be bleeding obvious. The richest countries today are the ones that abolished slavery and built inclusive institutions. They are the ones that value freedom and democracy the most. This is not a historical accident.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #300 - Apr 16th, 2014 at 10:52pm
freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:38pm:
Crap. They are the inevitable product of Islam. Most people living under foreign occupation dream of voting in their own leaders.

Um.. yes thats the whole point.

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:38pm:
If you are so sure the Americans are intent on installing democracy, why were they so supportive of a President who so blatantly rigged elections?

Because the alternative was the Taliban

Lol no it wasn't. The alternative was Abdulah Abdulah, former foreign minister under Karzai, and set to finally become the new president. Karzai rigged the previous election to rob him of victory, and the west backed him to the hilt. The west invested itself in propping up Karzai's corrupt and criminal cartel, not democracy.

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:38pm:
Is that why they blow up police stations and polling booths? Were the dead American soldiers collateral damage?

Ah yes - because thats the only violence that happens in Afghanistan right? I repeat, most of the "insurgency" in Afghanistan is the same old tit-for-tat tribal fighting that has gone on for centuries. No one actually disputes this FD - try and educate yourself for once.

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:38pm:
The west is responsible for the greatest episodes of slaughter and cultural genocides the world has ever seen.

Yet we are ideologically opposed to it.

And? Thats not a rebuttal FD.

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2014 at 9:38pm:
Australia and the US would not exist today without them.

Why not?

Agriculture and exploitation of the land. Did it never occur to you that there were people living and occupying the land we took over to build our prosperity?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #301 - Apr 17th, 2014 at 9:07am
Gandalf are you seriously suggesting that despite spending a decade establishing democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the west does not actually support democracy, and Karzai's election proves this? Isn't this just as retarded as saying America isn't a democracy because Bush stole the election?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #302 - Apr 17th, 2014 at 6:35pm
freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2014 at 9:07am:
Gandalf are you seriously suggesting that despite spending a decade establishing democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the west does not actually support democracy, and Karzai's election proves this? Isn't this just as retarded as saying America isn't a democracy because Bush stole the election?

I'm seriously suggesting that the west hasn't spent a decade establishing democracy. Allowing people to "vote" for twiddle dee or twiddle dum, and trumpeting a few photo ops with smiling women holding up an ink covered finger - does not a democracy make.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #303 - Apr 17th, 2014 at 7:12pm
So what would it look like if there was real democracy?

Is America pulling the strings from the shadows still?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #304 - Apr 17th, 2014 at 8:08pm
freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2014 at 7:12pm:
So what would it look like if there was real democracy?

I think its incumbent upon you to explain why anyone should believe you when you say America has established a democracy there - given the corruption, lack of transparency and entrenched authoritarianism that is so rampant there. A widely used democracy scale puts Afghanistan 180th out of 182 - ahead only of Somalia and North Korea.

Exactly what is so "democratic" about Afghanistan now FD? Or did you just think that setting up an election (that is rampantly rigged) and trumpet a few photos of giddy voters is all you need to "establish" democracy?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #305 - Apr 17th, 2014 at 9:39pm
A widely used democracy scale puts Afghanistan 180th out of 182 - ahead only of Somalia and North Korea.

When was that?

Exactly what is so "democratic" about Afghanistan now FD?

The elections.

Or did you just think that setting up an election (that is rampantly rigged) and trumpet a few photos of giddy voters is all you need to "establish" democracy?

Of course not. You also need to kill thousands of Muslim extremists. We are getting there, God willing.

More than seven million of an estimated 12 million eligible people — a third of them women — cast their ballots by official close of polls for one of eight presidential candidates, as well as for provincial councillors, though Afghans waiting in queues after 5pm (10.30pm, AEST) were allowed to vote.

Early violence erupted at polling stations in Kunduz, eastern Logar and Kunar, with 20 people killed, including four civilians, and 43 wounded. Afghan security forces killed more than 80 insurgents nationwide.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #306 - Apr 17th, 2014 at 9:46pm
Did somebody say erections?

Miam Miam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #307 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 8:23am
freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2014 at 9:39pm:
Exactly what is so "democratic" about Afghanistan now FD?

The elections.

LOL I thought so. Syria has elections too. All hail the "established" democracy in Syria eh?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #308 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 8:37am
So where did you get this democracy scale from?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #309 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 8:46am
I gave you the link.

That was from 2010. The most recent one (2013) puts Afghanistan equal last with Somalia and North Korea LOL
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #310 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 10:48am
Democratic Afghanistan

The elections.

Freedom and criminality are not compatible.

To the criminal mind [i.e. to the person, the individual with a criminal mind], freedom is a 'licence', to commit crimes and to engage in criminal activity.

QUESTION gandalf;
Why is lawlessness and oppression [and the lack of personal freedoms] so pronounced and so, so, apparent within all majority moslem jurisdictions ?

ISLAM [....encourages lawlessness in the human psyche, i.e. ISLAM facilitates the annihilation of the human conscience]

annihilate = = destroy utterly.       defeat utterly.iThe principle dictum which ISLAM imposes upon the moslem psyche.....

"....those who are not like us must be enslaved or murdered."

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"Fighting [against unbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #311 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 1:48pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 18th, 2014 at 8:46am:
I gave you the link.

That was from 2010. The most recent one (2013) puts Afghanistan equal last with Somalia and North Korea LOL

That’s the sort of thing FD likes to see.

Freedom and demokracy. I do feel it makes our involvement all the more worthwhile, don’t you? It does give one a warm inner glow.

Apart from the rise in arms stock - almost a hundred percent in 2001. Not a bad little earner.

We all love freedom, FD.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #312 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 1:53pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 18th, 2014 at 10:48am:
Democratic Afghanistan

The elections.

Freedom and criminality are not compatible.

To the criminal mind [i.e. to the person, the individual with a criminal mind], freedom is a 'licence', to commit crimes and to engage in criminal activity.

QUESTION gandalf;
Why is lawlessness and oppression [and the lack of personal freedoms] so pronounced and so, so, apparent within all majority moslem jurisdictions ?

ISLAM [....encourages lawlessness in the human psyche, i.e. ISLAM facilitates the annihilation of the human conscience]

annihilate = = destroy utterly.       defeat utterly.iThe principle dictum which ISLAM imposes upon the moslem psyche.....

"....those who are not like us must be enslaved or murdered."

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"Fighting [against unbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

Ah yes, Y, the sinister inner workings of the criminal mind. Those Moslems don’t need an imam - they need a criminologist.

They’re crooks, the lot of them. Don’t let G try to fool you otherwise.

Google: each and every Moslem is a criminal and belongs in prison.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #313 - Apr 18th, 2014 at 5:58pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 18th, 2014 at 1:53pm:
Yadda wrote on Apr 18th, 2014 at 10:48am:

Freedom and criminality are not compatible.

To the criminal mind [i.e. to the person, the individual with a criminal mind], freedom is a 'licence', to commit crimes and to engage in criminal activity.

QUESTION gandalf;
Why is lawlessness and oppression [and the lack of personal freedoms] so pronounced and so, so, apparent within all majority moslem jurisdictions ?

ISLAM [....encourages lawlessness in the human psyche, i.e. ISLAM facilitates the annihilation of the human conscience]

annihilate = = destroy utterly.       defeat utterly.iThe principle dictum which ISLAM imposes upon the moslem psyche.....

"....those who are not like us must be enslaved or murdered."

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"Fighting [against unbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

Ah yes, Y, the sinister inner workings of the criminal mind. Those Moslems don’t need an imam - they need a criminologist.

They’re crooks, the lot of them. Don’t let G try to fool you otherwise.

Google: each and every Moslem is a criminal and belongs in prison.

Thanks K    [....for your contribution to the debate about ISLAM - its intent, its consequences, and its methods].

And i took your advice.

I Googled;
each and every Moslem is a criminal

The 1st hits included....

Norway deports record number of Muslims to reduce crime |‎
Jan 27, 2014 - Foreign criminals who return face two years' jail (04 Dec 13); Immigrant parents ..... We should all have a Muslim whore as our toy white power.

NORWAY: New right wing government is kicking out foreign ...‎
Jan 29, 2014 - Deport all muslims out of every county. The oil Arabs collect money and shove their criminals to Greece and all over europe, usa, china and ...

Muslim immigrant gangs, having all but destroyed Swedish ...‎
Feb 7, 2014 - Muslim immigrant gangs, having all but destroyed Swedish cities like Malmo are expanding their crime and burglary sprees to Oslo, Norway ...

Documentation Of Muslim Brotherhood Crimes In Egypt ...‎
Dec 15, 2013 - Terrorism industry in the history of Muslim Brotherhood documented report about all Muslim Brotherhood crimes and terror acts from 24/2/1945 ...

As Hate Crimes Rise, British Muslims Say They're Becoming ...
Feb 13, 2014 - Anti-Muslim hate crimes are up, the police and Muslim advocacy groups .... But for all the problems, he said, Britain is seen by many Muslims as ...

Muslim Statistics - WikiIslam‎
Dec 14, 2013 - More than half of all Yemeni girls are married before reaching puberty. ... Jewish victims of hate crimes in the US outnumber Muslim victims by a ...

Muslim Statistics (Crime and Prejudice) - WikiIslam‎
Dec 30, 2013 - For crimes against non-Muslims, see Persecution and Terrorism. .... Anti-Muslim incidents only account for 1.3% of all hate crimes.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #314 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 8:28am
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #315 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 6:47pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 18th, 2014 at 8:46am:
I gave you the link.

That was from 2010. The most recent one (2013) puts Afghanistan equal last with Somalia and North Korea LOL

You do realise that it makes no effort at all to gauge actual democratic processes, don't you? Why would you waste everyone's time trying to prove a point with that? Sometimes it seems like you actually want the democracy to fail so you have something to whinge about.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #316 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 8:11pm
freediver wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 6:47pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 18th, 2014 at 8:46am:
I gave you the link.

That was from 2010. The most recent one (2013) puts Afghanistan equal last with Somalia and North Korea LOL

You do realise that it makes no effort at all to gauge actual democratic processes, don't you? Why would you waste everyone's time trying to prove a point with that? Sometimes it seems like you actually want the democracy to fail so you have something to whinge about.

Sometimes it seems you have no idea what demokracy is, FD.

Garry certainly doesn’t, but the CIA have never been in the demokracy business, so what would they know?

If the Central Intelligence Agency doesn’t know demokracy, who does?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #317 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 3:34pm
freediver wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 6:47pm:
You do realise that it makes no effort at all to gauge actual democratic processes, don't you? Why would you waste everyone's time trying to prove a point with that?

Being rated the worst country in the world and equal with North Korea for lack of transparency and corruption isn't exactly what you would expect to see in an "established" democracy is it?

You're the one parroting the fairy tale that Amerika delivered democracy to Afghanistan - based on absolutely nothing except for the fact that they have elections. Big whoop. The worst dictatorships in the world have elections, but we don't pretend they have democracy.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #318 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 5:13pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 22nd, 2014 at 3:34pm:
[quote author=freediver link=1369558442/315#315 date=1398070076]The worst dictatorships in the world have elections, but we don't pretend they have democracy.

Well, we do if they're one of us. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, you name it. They're the good guys. They're demokracies.

Iran, Syria, Yemen, Labia - they're the bad guys. Sure they have erections, but not our erections. They're regimes.

I say, G, why don't you chaps stop whinging and come on board? There's plenty of room on the demokracy train - you just have to vote for Uncle's man.

After all, you gotta have a dream, if you don't have a dream, then how are you going to maka your dream come true?

Stay positive, habibis, and keep dreaming.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #319 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:00pm
Being rated the worst country in the world and equal with North Korea for lack of transparency and corruption isn't exactly what you would expect to see in an "established" democracy is it?

No. But I would expect you to at least be objective. It was not "rated the worst country in the world and equal with North Korea for lack of transparency and corruption". It was rated worst for perceptions of corruption. This is in no small part due to the efforts of Muslims such as yourself and Abu to talk down democracy at every opportunity. There are plenty of organisations that take a serious look at these issues. You deliberately chose one that avoided measuring the effectiveness of democracy on any objective basis.

You're the one parroting the fairy tale that Amerika delivered democracy to Afghanistan

I put this in the bleeding obvious category.

The worst dictatorships in the world have elections, but we don't pretend they have democracy.

Can you tell the difference?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #320 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:16pm
freediver wrote on Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:00pm:
Can you tell the difference?

Yes - when its countries that stand in the way of US geo-strategic interests, the elections are a farce. But when its countries where we're desperately trying to put a positive spin on 10 years of failed rebuilding and trillions of wasted money after aggressive and unjust invasions - then its "establishing democracy".

See? Easy innit.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #321 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:20pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:57pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2014 at 6:03pm:
Sorry, I was joking when I suggested that by "inciting violence" you really meant that Muslims will go on a violent rampage if they don't get what they want. Is this what you mean - that you support censorship to appease Muslim nutjobs? Is this the same "incitement to violence" view you insist is shared by most normal Australians?

no sane person would choose people being killed over censorship - not even you. Its really that simple.

Gandalf, can you please clarify - when you gave the two reasons why you would oppose free speech - one of them being that you oppose free speech that incites violence - you really meant that you oppose free speech that Muslims will react violently to? Do you think this is what most Australians mean when they use the phrase "inciting violence", and that your views are compatible with mainstream Australia?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #322 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:38pm
freediver wrote on Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:20pm:
Gandalf, can you please clarify - when you gave the two reasons why you would oppose free speech - one of them being that you oppose free speech that incites violence - you really meant that you oppose free speech that Muslims will react violently to?

lol no.

As explained umpteen times before, that was your narrow scenario you gave me - you literally said (paraphrasing) 'would you choose censorship or people dying?' I chose the only sane option. It is not a scenario that can be applied to a real-life situation. You then clarified and said actually, the 'people dying' part is not set in stone - and what you really meant was that the non-censorship option could come with pro-active measures to prevent any possible violence. I then immediately clarified my position and said I agreed.

I do not, have not and never will support censorship to appease bullies and thugs he seek to impose their freedom-hating values on everyone else.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #323 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 9:51pm
You made this post after I brought up the apparent contradiction.

polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 10th, 2014 at 8:04am:
The fact is, Australia values free speech as long as it doesn't incite violence or intimidate - and that is exactly my position.

So why do you keep making this claim when it clearly is not true?

It is not a scenario that can be applied to a real-life situation.

Can you explain how Muslims threatening violence and mayhem if they do not get to censor their way is not a real life situation?

and what you really meant was that the non-censorship option could come with pro-active measures to prevent any possible violence

There is no such thing. It is impossible to prevent Muslims being violent. You accuse me (with plenty of 'paraphrasing') of putting forward unrealistic situations, yet your position always depends on being able to predict the future.

I do not, have not and never will support censorship to appease bullies and thugs he seek to impose their freedom-hating values on everyone else.

How is this different to the scenario I put forward where you supported censorship? Is it inconceivable to you that Muslim "bullies" might kill someone in order to get their way? Is it inconceivable to you that we may have to actually fight to preserve our freedoms?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #324 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 10:03pm
The only relevant point here is that I never meant to say what you're clearly implying that I said - that I want to use censorship to appease bullies and thugs. I thought I made that abundantly clear when I clarified my position after you clarified yours. Funny how you never quote those posts.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #325 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 10:06pm
The only relevant point here is that I never meant to say what you're clearly implying that I said - that I want to use censorship to appease bullies and thugs.

Yet that is exactly what you said. Paraphrasing, of course.

I thought I made that abundantly clear when I clarified my position after you clarified yours. Funny how you never quote those posts.

You mean how I "tricked" you? All I see is you spewing the same tripe over and over again.

Your position is nothing like Australian values, because you would hold up the white flag to the Muslim extremists at the first opportunity. Then you would no doubt insist they tricked you.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #326 - Apr 22nd, 2014 at 10:17pm
freediver wrote on Apr 22nd, 2014 at 10:06pm:
Your position is nothing like Australian values

My values are carbon copies of mainstream Australian values. You have singularly failed to demonstrate that they are not, and no obfuscating or putting words in my mouth is going to change that.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #327 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 12:27pm
Your position does not even make sense. You rely on knowing ahead of time whether not censoring will lead to Muslim extremists killing people, in which case you will appease them, or whether you will be able to completely prevent violence, in which case you will offer your limp wristed support for freedom of speech. There is a wide gulf between these two. Reality fits entirely between them, without touching the sides. Most Australians have a firm grasp of this reality and appreciate the price that has been paid for freedom, and the price that may need to be paid again. Accusing me of tricking you does not clarify anything. It merely highlights your refusal to acknowledge reality while building your facade of support for freedom of speech. Your whole case rests on equating reality, and the tough choices people have to make, with insanity.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #328 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 5:54pm
freediver wrote on Apr 23rd, 2014 at 12:27pm:
You rely on knowing ahead of time whether not censoring will lead to Muslim extremists killing people


Remember the bit about your scenario (the way I originally interpreted it) could never reflect reality?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #329 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 6:31pm
Yes I am aware of your refusal to interpret anything I say in a realistic manner. You did it again earlier on this page:

You then clarified and said actually, the 'people dying' part is not set in stone - and what you really meant was that the non-censorship option could come with pro-active measures to prevent any possible violence.

Why are you trying so hard to keep this discussion as far from reality as possible? In what way is confining your opinions to outside the realm of reality 'clarifying' anything?

The reality is that Australians, and westerners in general, have killed millions of people in defense of our freedom, and we will do it again if necessary. Your limp wristed obfuscations, and insistence that everyone else would pull out the white flag to appease the extremists as eagerly as you, do not reflect Australian values in any way at all.
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« Last Edit: Apr 23rd, 2014 at 6:36pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #330 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 7:04pm
freediver wrote on Apr 23rd, 2014 at 6:31pm:
The reality is that Australians, and westerners in general, have killed millions of people in defense of our freedom, and we will do it again if necessary.

Of course - because we are the shining beacon of civilization - surrounded by savages constantly trying to destroy our freedoms. I've read the meme too FD.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #331 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 7:06pm
freediver wrote on Apr 23rd, 2014 at 6:31pm:
Yes I am aware of your refusal to interpret anything I say in a realistic manner. You did it again earlier on this page:

You then clarified and said actually, the 'people dying' part is not set in stone - and what you really meant was that the non-censorship option could come with pro-active measures to prevent any possible violence.

Why are you trying so hard to keep this discussion as far from reality as possible? In what way is confining your opinions to outside the realm of reality 'clarifying' anything?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #332 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 7:26pm
Sorry FD - I do tend to get a little distracted when debating with someone who parrots cynical WWII era propaganda and considers it a serious point.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #333 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 8:50pm
I knew that would trick you.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #334 - Apr 23rd, 2014 at 9:15pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 23rd, 2014 at 7:26pm:
Sorry FD - I do tend to get a little distracted when debating with someone who parrots cynical WWII era propaganda and considers it a serious point.

Loose lips sink ships, you know.

And the old boy has the cutest lips you’ll ever see.

Miam miam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #335 - Apr 24th, 2014 at 4:19pm
freediver wrote on Apr 23rd, 2014 at 8:50pm:
I knew that would trick you.

Sorry FD - can't talk now I'm fighting them on the beaches as we speak. Fighting for our FREEEEEEEDUM
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #336 - Apr 24th, 2014 at 6:38pm
Is it possible you could clarify your 'position' and acknowledge reality at the same time?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #337 - Apr 24th, 2014 at 9:27pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 24th, 2014 at 4:19pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 23rd, 2014 at 8:50pm:
I knew that would trick you.

Sorry FD - can't talk now I'm fighting them on the beaches as we speak. Fighting for our FREEEEEEEDUM

Gandy, you are an opportunist as far as Lefties AND Musulmans are concerned.  This makes you typical of the English speaking Mohammedans: a Muslim who will exploit all the lefty underdog/victim tropes and the Musulman 'submit or there'll be trouble' tropes.  You are dishonest at every turn is what I am saying.

Muslims are not progressives and progressives are not Muslims. Yet you are trying to ride both these horses with one arse. You are like the Greens.
Come to think of it, you are a Green. You are both for submission and insubordination.

F**cking pathetic.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #338 - Apr 24th, 2014 at 10:24pm
I see Soren's jumping on the FD and Yadda "gandalf's personal beliefs are what I damn well say they are!" bandwagon.

Enjoy the ride  Smiley
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #339 - Apr 24th, 2014 at 10:29pm

Gandy, you are an opportunist as far as Lefties AND Musulmans are concerned.  This makes you typical of the English speaking Mohammedans: a Muslim who will exploit all the lefty underdog/victim tropes and the Musulman 'submit or there'll be trouble' tropes.  You are dishonest at every turn is what I am saying.

gandalf is slowly morphing into another abu_rashid.

In all of his stances and responses on this forum, gandalf is slowly revealing that he is in fact, a very good moslem.


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #340 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:37am
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 24th, 2014 at 10:24pm:
I see Soren's jumping on the FD and Yadda "gandalf's personal beliefs are what I damn well say they are!" bandwagon.

Enjoy the ride  Smiley

Why are you so reluctant to say what they are? So far your 'clarification' has consisted of:

1) If the Islamic extremists will definitely kill people, pull out the white flag and appease them by discarding our freedom.

2) If we can definitely prevent the Islamic extremists from hurting anyone, you offer your limp wristed support for freedom.

3) All the wars we have fought, and the people who have died to protect our freedom, are a figment of my imagination, a caricature of our past. Australian values are to run and hide just like Gandalf.

Is that it? No indication of what your position might be if faced with reality?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #341 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:38am
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:37am:
All the wars we have fought, and the people who have died to protect our freedom, are a figment of my imagination, a caricature of our past.


Or I should clarify - many people may have died thinking they were protecting our freedom, but they were as deluded as you are. The reality is, every man and woman who has died fighting in Australia's wars died in the name of protecting either British or American economic hegemony.

The sad truth is - engaging ourselves in unnecessary wars of aggression threatens our freedoms, not protects them.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #342 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:45am
Or I should clarify - many people may have died thinking they were protecting our freedom, but they were as deluded as you are. The reality is, every man and woman who has died fighting in Australia's wars died in the name of protecting either British or American economic hegemony.

Were the Nazis are figment of our imagination?

The sad truth is - engaging ourselves in unnecessary wars of aggression threatens our freedoms, not protects them.

Did winning WWII threaten our freedom?

Why are you so reluctant to say what your views are, despite your complaints about others trying to fill in the blanks? Can you offer any more 'clarification' than this?

1) If the Islamic extremists will definitely kill people, pull out the white flag and appease them by discarding our freedom.

2) If we can definitely prevent the Islamic extremists from hurting anyone, you offer your limp wristed support for freedom.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #343 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:01pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:45am:
Were the Nazis are figment of our imagination?

Australia fought for its freedom by sending troops to fight in Europe did we?

Give me a break.

I won't even bother trying to explain the nuances of the imperial aspects of the war, and the role British aggression played in starting the war. Suggest you read AJP Taylor.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:45am:
Did winning WWII threaten our freedom?

Fighting the war certainly threatens our freedom - censorship, internment of foreigners, idle talk and all that. Not saying its not necessary, but its still an attack on our freedom.

But since you mention it - yes, actually, the victory and subsequent aftermath of WWII did threaten our freedom. A little thing called the cold war, reds under the beds and all the curtailing of our freedom in the name of national security.

The introduction of conscription in Vietnam seems an obvious example.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #344 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:14pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:38am:
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:37am:
All the wars we have fought, and the people who have died to protect our freedom, are a figment of my imagination, a caricature of our past.


Or I should clarify - many people may have died thinking they were protecting our freedom, but they were as deluded as you are. The reality is, every man and woman who has died fighting in Australia's wars died in the name of protecting either British or American economic hegemony.

The sad truth is - engaging ourselves in unnecessary wars of aggression threatens our freedoms, not protects them.

With Anglo-American economic dominance comes freedom. All the rivals of Anglo-American hegemony have been forces of unfreedom: Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Islam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #345 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:21pm
Soren wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:14pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:38am:
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:37am:
All the wars we have fought, and the people who have died to protect our freedom, are a figment of my imagination, a caricature of our past.


Or I should clarify - many people may have died thinking they were protecting our freedom, but they were as deluded as you are. The reality is, every man and woman who has died fighting in Australia's wars died in the name of protecting either British or American economic hegemony.

The sad truth is - engaging ourselves in unnecessary wars of aggression threatens our freedoms, not protects them.

With Anglo-American economic dominance comes freedom. All the rivals of Anglo-American hegemony have been forces of unfreedom: Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Islam.

I would go further and say that our economic dominance is caused by our freedom. The more free we become, the more our economy flourishes. This does not mean that we merely see freedom as a path to wealth. We genuinely value it, and we genuinely fought to protect it, over and over again.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #346 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 1:33pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:21pm:
Soren wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:14pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 11:38am:
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:37am:
All the wars we have fought, and the people who have died to protect our freedom, are a figment of my imagination, a caricature of our past.


Or I should clarify - many people may have died thinking they were protecting our freedom, but they were as deluded as you are. The reality is, every man and woman who has died fighting in Australia's wars died in the name of protecting either British or American economic hegemony.

The sad truth is - engaging ourselves in unnecessary wars of aggression threatens our freedoms, not protects them.

With Anglo-American economic dominance comes freedom. All the rivals of Anglo-American hegemony have been forces of unfreedom: Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Islam.

I would go further and say that our economic dominance is caused by our freedom.

Economic dominance caused by Freedom?

You seem to have missed the point that most of the Western world has been in a sustained economic recession since 2008.

And this recession is a direct result of the lack of US and European financial regulation.

Freedom for some, but not others. There’s no freedom in getting a loan if you can’t pay it back. And there’s no freedom in investing in such dodgy financial products and losing your shirt. Economic dominance is caused by cheap and easy credit - until the house comes tumbling down.

Until now, Australia has survived the global recession - like Brazil, like Canada, like Russia - because of our dirt, not our Freedom.

But we’ve only survived because China keeps buying our dirt. China’s dominance is not caused by Freedom, but by credit. All those Chinese workers give their savings to the princelings’ banks, and the government keeps the interest low. In return, the princelings lend the money out to the government’s friends, who build things, pay bribes, and keep the economy - and our economy - going.

Not Freedom, FD. Our economic dominance is thanks to dirt, a billion people’s savings, and bribes.

Always, absolutely, never ever. This is the way capitalism works, and has done since it was invented by the Dutch East Indies Company.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #347 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 2:52pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:21pm:
We genuinely value it, and we genuinely fought to protect it, over and over again.

We genuinely fought to deprive others of enjoying the same freedoms we do. And everytime we do, we lose a little bit more of our own freedom.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #348 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 2:56pm
Did we fight in WWII to deprive the Germans and Japanese of our own freedoms? Did we lose our freedoms in the process, or strengthen them?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #349 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 3:59pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 2:56pm:
Did we fight in WWII to deprive the Germans and Japanese of our own freedoms?

Depends what you mean by freedom. If its political freedoms, then no, but if its economic freedom, then absolutely yes we did. The rise of the Nazis and their expansionist program was a direct product of the crippling Versailles treaty which was nothing more than a spiteful piece of vengeance by a victor that was at least as much at fault as Germany for starting the war. As for Japan, they lashed out as a direct response to a stifling American economic encirclement.

Of course it doesn't excuse their actions, but that was the economic reality that shouldn't be ignored.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 2:56pm:
Did we lose our freedoms in the process, or strengthen them?

We lost freedoms while fighting them - obviously. We had conscription, heavy censorship and internment of large sections of our population. Every war we fight in our freedoms are attacked in some way - the indefinite detention without charge law that Howard brought in for the 'war on terror' is a recent example. In the US its the rampant phone tapping and other forms spying on citizens.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #350 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 5:31pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:21pm:
Soren wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 12:14pm:
With Anglo-American economic dominance comes freedom. All the rivals of Anglo-American hegemony have been forces of unfreedom: Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Islam.

I would go further and say that our economic dominance is caused by our freedom.

The more free we become, the more our economy flourishes. This does not mean that we merely see freedom as a path to wealth. We genuinely value it, and we genuinely fought to protect it, over and over again.

The freedoms which a people enjoy, are a 'child' of their love of truth, and the love of fair and honest justice [among a people], imo.

If there is no love of truth, justice.

If there is no justice, peace.

If there is no peace, chance for prosperity and freedoms.

Freedom [or liberty, or peace] is a [spiritual] blessing which only comes to men, from God.

That blessing [along with peace and prosperity] is extended to people who love truth [even to their own cost], who love justice [even to their own cost].

If a people lose their respect for truth, that people will lose everything that they value.

Strong men throughout history have often believed that they can secure their own peace and security, just by virtue of their own strength of arms.

But in the end, corruption of the political 'form' [whatever form it has taken] has always destroyed the political group who ignored and did not contain extinguish their own moral corruption.


Lawlessness among a people is caused, and rises up, because of a general felt hatred and disdain among a people, of truth, and of justice, and of righteousness.

Its not rocket science.


consider this logic circle...

When TRUTH [free and open] is embraced by a people, it brings JUSTICE.
PROSPERITY brings GREED, ENVY and PRIDE [vanity] to the hearts of men.
GREED, ENVY and PRIDE are the servants of EVIL [intent].

TRUTH is always the 'cornerstone' of the [transient] building, PROSPERITY.
But, TRUTH is hated and despised by the EVIL heart.
And, if the love of TRUTH in men is displaced, by their embrace of EVIL, then....

When EVIL abides in the hearts of men [empowered by its servants GREED, ENVY and PRIDE],
....JUSTICE and PEACE will be, destroyed by EVIL [intents].
....[and the 'building'] PROSPERITY, will then quickly crumble into dust.

WAR and CONFLICT and DESTRUCTION cannot be far off.
POVERTY and WAR abide together, until they destroy PRIDE [in the heart of men].
When PRIDE is absent, TRUTH will then seek [but is not assured] a presence.

If a love a TRUTH is again embraced [among men], EVIL [intent] will be banished from among them.

Proverbs 28:4
They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.

Edmund Burke

None can love freedom so heartily, but good men; the rest have not freedom, but licence.

John Hamilton

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.

George Bernard Shaw

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #351 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:15pm
Depends what you mean by freedom. If its political freedoms, then no, but if its economic freedom, then absolutely yes we did. The rise of the Nazis and their expansionist program was a direct product of the crippling Versailles treaty which was nothing more than a spiteful piece of vengeance by a victor that was at least as much at fault as Germany for starting the war.

While I agree in part, I find it hard to get over the hypocrisy of someone who says this after justifying the slaughter of every adult male after they surrendered to Muhammed with barely a fight. Furthermore, you are wrong to suggest that we fought WWII in order to impose the Versailles treaty. I hope I don't have to explain the error in your logic here.

We learned from this mistake after WWI, and the lesson was applied in the aftermath of WWII, and also in Iraq and Afghanistan. The economic rise of both Germany and Japan after WWII is testimony to this, as is the democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. We genuinely want these things, not just for ourselves, but also for our enemies. With growing freedom, we all prosper, and freedom's gain is strengthened.

We lost freedoms while fighting them - obviously. We had conscription, heavy censorship and internment of large sections of our population. Every war we fight in our freedoms are attacked in some way - the indefinite detention without charge law that Howard brought in for the 'war on terror' is a recent example. In the US its the rampant phone tapping and other forms spying on citizens.

Of course you lose freedoms while you are still fighting the war. That does not mean that people aren't fighting to defend their freedom. I hope you aren't going to concoct another idiotic argument about freedom by claiming we cannot genuinely support freedom if we will engage in war to defend it. People do not engage in war because they enjoy the deprivations of war, and only an imbecile would claim that this is the goal of war.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #352 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:42pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:15pm:
We learned from this mistake after WWI, and the lesson was applied in the aftermath of WWII, and also in Iraq and Afghanistan. The economic rise of both Germany and Japan after WWII is testimony to this, as is the democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. We genuinely want these things, not just for ourselves, but also for our enemies. With growing freedom, we all prosper, and freedom's gain is strengthened.

Absolute bollocks on stilts. The west conducted the overthrow of the genuinely democratic government of Iran just 8 years after this "lesson" was allegedly learned. America spent most of the cold war forcefully depriving South and central America of democracy. We backed brutal dictators like Pinochet; Reagan spent all of the 80s supporting the terrorist Contras in Nicuragua fighting to overthrow the democratically elected socialist government.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:15pm:
That does not mean that people aren't fighting to defend their freedom.

Of course many people genuinely believe they are fighting for freedom - I already said that.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:15pm:
People do not engage in war because they enjoy the deprivations of war, and only an imbecile would claim that this is the goal of war.

lol of course thats what people do. How else would the US have got their secret programs of torture and drones and spying on their own citizens off the ground if it wasn't under the phony auspices of "fighting the war on terror".

Leaders engage in war in order to deprive their citizens the freedoms they would otherwise enjoy all the time. I can't believe you would be so naive to claim they don't.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #353 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:47pm
Of course many people genuinely believe they are fighting for freedom - I already said that.

You said they were deluded. Were we imagining that we would lose our freedoms if the Nazis and Japanese won?

Leaders engage in war in order to deprive their citizens the freedoms they would otherwise enjoy all the time. I can't believe you would be so naive to claim they don't.

Which leaders engaged in WWII with the goal of depriving their own citizens of freedom?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #354 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:13pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
Were we imagining that we would lose our freedoms if the Nazis and Japanese won?

If anyone actually believed that - then yes.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 6:47pm:
Which leaders engaged in WWII with the goal of depriving their own citizens of freedom?

None. WWII is not the only war though.

A more appropriate example is the so called war on terror, which is constantly invoked in order to deprive us of rights.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #355 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:22pm
If anyone actually believed that - then yes.

So what would have happened if the Nazis and Japanese had won?

None. WWII is not the only war though.

So both the leaders and the troops in WWII were doing it to protect their freedoms?

A more appropriate example is the so called war on terror, which is constantly invoked in order to deprive us of rights.

Such as?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #356 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:53pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:22pm:
So what would have happened if the Nazis and Japanese had won?

Be more specific. Obviously large tracts of territory would have been under Nazi and Japanese control, and it would have sucked for them from a freedom point of view. But if we're talking about Australia (which I am), our freedom was never under threat from either the Nazis or the Japanese. The nazis obviously were never threatening us, but even with the Japanese, a victory for them would have meant a considerable Chinese and SE Asian empire, but not including Australia. They never had designs on Australia, that has been well and trully established.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:22pm:
So both the leaders and the troops in WWII were doing it to protect their freedoms?

False dichotomy. The troops and even many of the leaders probably believed they were fighting for freedom. Doesn't mean they were right though. The truth is both America and the UK went to war to protect their economic hegemony from two rising powers that was starting to threaten that hegemony. Thats the reality, so who cares what the troops believed they were fighting for? I'd probably force myself to believe I was really fighting for something noble too if I was putting my arse on the line for imperialistic greed.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:22pm:
A more appropriate example is the so called war on terror, which is constantly invoked in order to deprive us of rights.

Such as?

The US government spying on its citizens, extraordinary rendition, carte blanche on torture, indefinite detention without charge etc etc.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #357 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:01pm
They never had designs on Australia, that has been well and trully established.

Not immediate designs, but we would have been a lonely outpost in a world governed by ruthless dictators, and we would have just lost a war. It would have only been a matter of time until the Germans, Japanese or someone else took over.

False dichotomy. The troops and even many of the leaders probably believed they were fighting for freedom. Doesn't mean they were right though.

You tell me. Were they right?

The truth is both America and the UK went to war to protect their economic hegemony from two rising powers that was starting to threaten that hegemony.

By say, bombing pearl harbour?

Thats the reality, so who cares what the troops believed they were fighting for?

The leaders believed it too, apparently. We all thought we were fighting for a freedom against the Nazis and Japanese, but the reality was Mr Hegemony was pulling everyone's strings?

I'd probably force myself to believe I was really fighting for something noble too if I was putting my arse on the line for imperialistic greed.

So that's what our soldiers were doing? We wanted to colonise Germany and Japan?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #358 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:12pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 1:33pm:
Economic dominance caused by Freedom?

You seem to have missed the point that most of the Western world has been in a sustained economic recession since 2008.

And this recession is a direct result of the lack of US and European financial regulation.

Freedom for some, but not others. There’s no freedom in getting a loan if you can’t pay it back. And there’s no freedom in investing in such dodgy financial products and losing your shirt. Economic dominance is caused by cheap and easy credit - until the house comes tumbling down.

Until now, Australia has survived the global recession - like Brazil, like Canada, like Russia - because of our dirt, not our Freedom.

But we’ve only survived because China keeps buying our dirt. China’s dominance is not caused by Freedom, but by credit. All those Chinese workers give their savings to the princelings’ banks, and the government keeps the interest low. In return, the princelings lend the money out to the government’s friends, who build things, pay bribes, and keep the economy - and our economy - going.

Not Freedom, FD. Our economic dominance is thanks to dirt, a billion people’s savings, and bribes.

Always, absolutely, never ever. This is the way capitalism works, and has done since it was invented by the Dutch East Indies Company.

Eyewateringly stupid neoMarxist poppycock.  China will go the way of Japan. Japan was hailed as the new superpower before it went bust in the 90s.

China will bust before the decade is out. Corruption and oppression are not a business model - unless you are a commie or a PB.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #359 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:14pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:01pm:
Not immediate designs, but we would have been a lonely outpost in a world governed by ruthless dictators, and we would have just lost a war. It would have only been a matter of time until the Germans, Japanese or someone else took over.

What, and the areas occupied by Japan were otherwise beacons of democracy and freedom? LOL

The reality is Australia at the time existed in a colonised and oppressed world. I fail to see what difference it makes to Australia's economic fortunes if our neighbours were occupied by Japanese instead of by French Dutch and British.

freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:01pm:
The leaders believed it too, apparently. We all thought we were fighting for a freedom against the Nazis and Japanese, but the reality was Mr Hegemony was pulling everyone's strings?

The British and American empires were being threatened by emerging powers that were at that point being stifled economically by the economic and military reach of those two empires, and attacked accordingly. Of course the British and Americans defended themselves from these attacks. If you want to spin this as fighting for our freeeeeedums - then thats fine by me.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #360 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:25pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:14pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:01pm:
Not immediate designs, but we would have been a lonely outpost in a world governed by ruthless dictators, and we would have just lost a war. It would have only been a matter of time until the Germans, Japanese or someone else took over.

What, and the areas occupied by Japan were otherwise beacons of democracy and freedom? LOL

The reality is Australia at the time existed in a colonised and oppressed world.

Colonialism brought civilisation to backward peoples. Colonialism ended too soon in most cases - most post-colonial societies are resentful of the very thing that was pulling them out of their backwardness.

Look at the Arabs and the SE Asian Muslim countries - Malaysia and Indonesia. They are suffering from being cut loose too soon. They have some of the civilised institutions but they do not know how to use them because they gained independence (left school) too soon. They are the unskilled nations, like teenagers who left school at 14.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #361 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:46pm

Muslims do not want you to know that Islam is behind terrorism.

But it is.

Radical Islam is a threat to the world.  Come on kids, say it. You know it's rue.

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« Last Edit: Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:52pm by Soren »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #362 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:42pm
freediver wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 7:22pm:
If anyone actually believed that - then yes.

So what would have happened if the Nazis and Japanese had won?

None. WWII is not the only war though.

So both the leaders and the troops in WWII were doing it to protect their freedoms?

A more appropriate example is the so called war on terror, which is constantly invoked in order to deprive us of rights.

Such as?

Such as?

Why don’t you go back to your 2007 posts and tell us.

Maybe you can quote yourself and tell us all what freedoms we lost in the proxy war on terror.

Then you can question yourself for 20 pages and have a good old chuckle.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #363 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 9:46pm
Soren wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 8:12pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 1:33pm:
Economic dominance caused by Freedom?

You seem to have missed the point that most of the Western world has been in a sustained economic recession since 2008.

And this recession is a direct result of the lack of US and European financial regulation.

Freedom for some, but not others. There’s no freedom in getting a loan if you can’t pay it back. And there’s no freedom in investing in such dodgy financial products and losing your shirt. Economic dominance is caused by cheap and easy credit - until the house comes tumbling down.

Until now, Australia has survived the global recession - like Brazil, like Canada, like Russia - because of our dirt, not our Freedom.

But we’ve only survived because China keeps buying our dirt. China’s dominance is not caused by Freedom, but by credit. All those Chinese workers give their savings to the princelings’ banks, and the government keeps the interest low. In return, the princelings lend the money out to the government’s friends, who build things, pay bribes, and keep the economy - and our economy - going.

Not Freedom, FD. Our economic dominance is thanks to dirt, a billion people’s savings, and bribes.

Always, absolutely, never ever. This is the way capitalism works, and has done since it was invented by the Dutch East Indies Company.

Eyewateringly stupid neoMarxist poppycock.  China will go the way of Japan. Japan was hailed as the new superpower before it went bust in the 90s.

China will bust before the decade is out. Corruption and oppression are not a business model - unless you are a commie or a PB.

Or Australia. Or the US.

If China busts, we bust.

You can always shut up shop and go back to the old country, dear boy.

You will always have cheese, no?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #364 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 3:32am
It's not the Muslims who are trying to silence and intimidate, it's not the Chinese who are corrupt and venal, it's not the Americans who are corrupt and anti-democratic, in each and every case it's the Leaders, the Power-Elites, the ones in charge.
There was a very good line in a Japanese movie I saw recently...

Government serves the governors, not the governed.

The world as it is today demonstrates that fact clearly.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #365 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am
The reality is Australia at the time existed in a colonised and oppressed world. I fail to see what difference it makes to Australia's economic fortunes if our neighbours were occupied by Japanese instead of by French Dutch and British.

Of course. You cannot tell the difference between the freedom and democracy of the western world with the oppressive dictatorships that Japan and Germany attempted to replace it with. To you it is all just colonialism, economic hegemony and poo jokes.

Germany had plans on colonisation. It was pissed off about losing it's African colonies after WWI and planned to restart that process. If Japan had not directly taken over Australia, there is a good chance Germany would have, eventually.

The British and American empires were being threatened by emerging powers that were at that point being stifled economically by the economic and military reach of those two empires, and attacked accordingly.

You criticise the US and Britain for 'greedy clonialism', but you you make excuses for Hitler the same way you do for Muhammed.

Of course the British and Americans defended themselves from these attacks. If you want to spin this as fighting for our freeeeeedums - then thats fine by me.

The fact is, a big chunk of the world has freedom and democracy today because the UK, France and then the US genuinely valued freedom and democracy and defended it from people like the Nazis, and even exported it (yes I concede it was sporadic). Shortly after WWII, the UK voluntarily dissolved the remnants of it's empire. It simply does not make sense that it fought WWII to hold onto that empire. The US gained no empire out of it. The British and American people, and their leaders, and most of their allies had a genuinely different vision for the world to the Nazis and Japanese. You cannot tell that difference because you do not share our values. To you it is merely 'wishy washy western liberal morals' that we cynically use to attack Islam. You are either hostile or indifferent to the very values that make our society great, to the extent that you cannot appreciate how much worse the whole world would have been, including the dire consequences for us, if the Nazis and Japanese had won WWII.

Islam makes you this way. It is a retrograde force. It is the greatest modern barrier to the march of freedom and democracy.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #366 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 9:13am
freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am:
Of course. You cannot tell the difference between the freedom and democracy of the western world with the oppressive dictatorships that Japan and Germany attempted to replace it with. To you it is all just colonialism, economic hegemony and poo jokes.

There was no freedom and democracy in Asian colonies that the Japanese took over. Many of them welcomed the Japanese as liberators.

freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am:
Germany had plans on colonisation. It was pissed off about losing it's African colonies after WWI and planned to restart that process. If Japan had not directly taken over Australia, there is a good chance Germany would have, eventually.

Good God  Roll Eyes

freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am:
You criticise the US and Britain for 'greedy clonialism', but you you make excuses for Hitler the same way you do for Muhammed.


freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am:
The British and American people, and their leaders, and most of their allies had a genuinely different vision for the world to the Nazis and Japanese. You cannot tell that difference because you do not share our values.

Of course they did. If you could get through just one reply without constructing a ridiculous strawman that would be great. No one is defending the fascist Japanese and German regimes, they were brutal and aggressive and it was good that they were defeated. But you can't ignore the historical context in which they emerged, and you can't ignore the economic hegemonic interests that the allied powers were fighting for. The idea that they simply felt compelled to intervene out of some altruistic passion for democracy and freedom is absurd. In fact you could probably build the same democracy and freedom argument for the allies joining the nazis in fighting Stalin.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #367 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 12:24pm
If China busts (ie goes to 0-2 % growth), others will take it's place. China took Japan's place. Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand are already taking entry level jobs from China. There are other countries, poorer than China, who will be eager to step in when China finally prices itself out of cheap manufacturing. Remember, Japan started just like that, in the 50s.

Corruption, graft and repression are not sustainable business models. With increased incomes, the Chinese will want increased political freedoms, including decentralisation. China is an empire, not a confederation.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #368 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 1:06pm
Soren wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 12:24pm:
If China busts (ie goes to 0-2 % growth), others will take it's place. China took Japan's place. Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand are already taking entry level jobs from China. There are other countries, poorer than China, who will be eager to step in when China finally prices itself out of cheap manufacturing. Remember, Japan started just like that, in the 50s.

Corruption, graft and repression are not sustainable business models. With increased incomes, the Chinese will want increased political freedoms, including decentralisation. China is an empire, not a confederation.

We agree - with the exception  that corruption, graft and repression are not good business models.

This is how the world has been run for centuries, possibly millenia. It’s how Australia does business in China, and its how Australia does business with every corrupt regime. Remember the Australian Wheat Board paying bribes to a country we officially supported sanctioning.

If you knew how Chinese in China thought, you wouldn’t post such nice thoughts for them. Things are changing, but most have no idea how things are in the West, or that things can be done any other way. Propaganda and censorship are still rife. And people believe it.

Personally, I think this has to change in the social media era, but I don’t hold my breath. China may very well not change much.

The reason China will surpass the US economically? Population.

"Freedom" means bugger all.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #369 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 1:35pm
freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am:
The reality is Australia at the time existed in a colonised and oppressed world. I fail to see what difference it makes to Australia's economic fortunes if our neighbours were occupied by Japanese instead of by French Dutch and British.

Of course. You cannot tell the difference between the freedom and democracy of the western world with the oppressive dictatorships that Japan and Germany attempted to replace it with. To you it is all just colonialism, economic hegemony and poo jokes.

Germany had plans on colonisation. It was pissed off about losing it's African colonies after WWI and planned to restart that process. If Japan had not directly taken over Australia, there is a good chance Germany would have, eventually.

The British and American empires were being threatened by emerging powers that were at that point being stifled economically by the economic and military reach of those two empires, and attacked accordingly.

You criticise the US and Britain for 'greedy clonialism', but you you make excuses for Hitler the same way you do for Muhammed.

Of course the British and Americans defended themselves from these attacks. If you want to spin this as fighting for our freeeeeedums - then thats fine by me.

The fact is, a big chunk of the world has freedom and democracy today because the UK, France and then the US genuinely valued freedom and democracy and defended it from people like the Nazis, and even exported it (yes I concede it was sporadic). Shortly after WWII, the UK voluntarily dissolved the remnants of it's empire. It simply does not make sense that it fought WWII to hold onto that empire. The US gained no empire out of it. The British and American people, and their leaders, and most of their allies had a genuinely different vision for the world to the Nazis and Japanese.

The British and Amerikans had very different visions of the world prior to, and during, WWII. The US wanted to dissolve the British Empire. Why?

Roosevelt didn’t like colonies, sure. But more importantly, the US didn’t like trade blocs. All those Asian and Middle Eastern countries were under the spell of Mother England, and while this happened, the US didn’t get its hands on the spoils, which included resources and markets.

All this changed, of course, after the Amerikan entry into the war. Once in, we became a bi-polar world with the US and Soviet Union. Britain couldn’t possibly hold onto its colonies after WWII, and there was no desire to. In Britain, the sense of self sacrifice and equality the war had mobilized was applied to peacetime. In the colonies, the Japanese resistance became a struggle for independence from Mother - but not Uncle or the Soviets.

The US hegemony after the war was a new form of empire. The Soviet Union was an old form of empire in the mould created by Peter the Great The US led through exports and trade, but most importantly, through its hugely influential network of alliances with its "friends", counterbalanced by its "Cold War" covert action against its enemies. The US did not need to occupy anything. The occupation of Japan and Berlin became a huge burden, and really, why bother?

The US simply installed friendly regimes in secret, trained their armies and armed them well - everyone from Diem in Vietnam to Nasser in Egypt to Suharto in Indonesia to Pinochet, the Contras, and various generals and dictators around the world, all of them completely undemokratic and anti-"Freedom".

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Without a doubt, the US liberated large chunks of the world in WWII. Perhaps equally importantly, it saved many from the Soviet alternative. But when Japanese and German exports started to compete - and then take over US exports in the 1970s, things turned grim. The US got desperate, and its foreign policy direction turned to how it could assert its influence on the world and its resources, particularly oil.

With the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the US lost its former "Freedom" credentials. When it subsequently failed in its occupation, the world saw the US for what it now was, a caricature of its former self, the Abu Graib prison pictures the symbol of what the US had become.

The US is nice if you’re doing alright, as we are. But the US is not nice if you’re from Central America, the Middle East, or any of the other places the US has fought or stifled demokracy and "Freedom".

During the Cold War, the US had good reasons for installing corrupt, anti-communist dictators and their torture chambers. But when the wall came down and the US became number one, there was no justification for business as usual.

Clinton found his niche with the global free trade agenda, but the US electorate turned against this - the reason they voted the supposedly isolationist George Bush. After the 2000 tech stock collapse, something had to be done. After the" convenient" sept 11 attacks, the US went global again - this time, in a nakedly exploitative conquest of what just happened to be tthe world’s 2nd biggest source of oil.

A trillion dollars later, the US has lost its shirt, and its reputation. Obama has not restored it. US trade has not redeemed it. The US is in a very weak position today, as shown in Syria, and now the Ukraine. This is good, this is how it should be - if Putin doesn’t prove to be Hitler.

And if China doesn’t turn out to be Tojo.
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« Last Edit: Apr 26th, 2014 at 2:47pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #370 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 8:24pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 1:06pm:
Soren wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 12:24pm:
If China busts (ie goes to 0-2 % growth), others will take it's place. China took Japan's place. Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand are already taking entry level jobs from China. There are other countries, poorer than China, who will be eager to step in when China finally prices itself out of cheap manufacturing. Remember, Japan started just like that, in the 50s.

Corruption, graft and repression are not sustainable business models. With increased incomes, the Chinese will want increased political freedoms, including decentralisation. China is an empire, not a confederation.

We agree - with the exception  that corruption, graft and repression are not good business models.

This is how the world has been run for centuries, possibly millenia. It’s how Australia does business in China, and its how Australia does business with every corrupt regime. Remember the Australian Wheat Board paying bribes to a country we officially supported sanctioning.

If you knew how Chinese in China thought, you wouldn’t post such nice thoughts for them. Things are changing, but most have no idea how things are in the West, or that things can be done any other way. Propaganda and censorship are still rife. And people believe it.

Personally, I think this has to change in the social media era, but I don’t hold my breath. China may very well not change much.

The reason China will surpass the US economically? Population.

"Freedom" means bugger all.

Ah... but when the world was run corruptly, everyone was corrupt. They were all corrupt within their own little fiefdoms.

What you forget is that there has been differentiation - some countries (rich ones) have gotten rid of corruption. Now rich countries are making painstaking efforts to get rid of every kind of corruption, even the appearance of corruption.
They promote the rule of law (dreadful white/colonial/nonMarxist/preFoucauldian notion, that) which means the rule of law. The corollary is openness, free press, freedom of speech, open access to lawmaking (Hansard and representative democracy)- all the things that you so casually dismiss as meaningless.

Freedom is everything. It's the difference between Athens and Persia - and the difference between all other ideological conflicts since.

Freedom means people having a say in the laws that govern them. There is no way around that. You create wealth, you send your sons to serve in the army, you look after your old,sick and decrepit - you want a say in how the place is run. That's freedom.
To say freedom is meaningless is to be wilfully stupid for the heck of it. Or to be so hobbled by ideology as to be stupid for the heck of it. 

'Freedom means bugger all ' is a stupid, hollow slogan worthy only of clapped out intellectoids like you. You are a bitter old queen, PB, and your intellectual pretensions are just that, pretentious puffery.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #371 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 9:05pm
Send your sons to serve in the army?

Thank you so much for your contribution to our fine country, old chap. I, for one, am.most grateful you came.

And thank you for standing up for Freedom. It’s certainly a first.

Don’t worry, dear, we will continue to look after our decrepid.

You’re in good hands with us.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #372 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 9:50pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 9:05pm:
Send your sons to serve in the army?

Thank you so much for your contribution to our fine country, old chap. I, for one, am.most grateful you came.

And thank you for standing up for Freedom. It’s certainly a first.

Don’t worry, dear, we will continue to look after our decrepid.

You’re in good hands with us.

You are so reliable, PB, you will always take the wrong side in any topic.

Freedom? You are against it. It's a white phallocentric (you like that!) heteronormative construct. Except when accommodating homosexuals like you.
Terrorism? You are excusing it (as long as it is done by tinted aliens, esp if Musulman).
Musulmans? - can do no wrong. If doing wrong, it's your fault, due to you white homosexual privilege.
Kiddie fiddling? You are excusing it as long as it's by aliens. White homosexuals like you are not discussed.
Western civilisation? You are against it.
Fvckault? All for him. A homosexual, so he can't be wrong. Ever.
Amerikkka? Easy target -so you are all against it.
UK - ditto - easy target, you are all against it.
Tinted primitives? - how very dare I? You are all for them, no matter what. Being tinted will excuse anything for you.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #373 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 11:11pm
Always, absolutely, never ever, eh?

I  must have heard that sermon at least ten times, old boy. Do you ever say anything that’s not a recording?

We do sympathise, you know. It can’t be easy with your sons off in the war and your - you know, condition.

You have a nice lie down. We’ll have someone see to you in the morning, dear.
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« Last Edit: Apr 26th, 2014 at 11:21pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #374 - Apr 26th, 2014 at 11:44pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 11:11pm:
Always, absolutely, never ever, eh?

I  must have heard that sermon at least ten times, old boy. Do you ever say anything that’s not a recording?

We do sympathise, you know. It can’t be easy with your sons off in the war and your - you know, condition.

You have a nice lie down. We’ll have someone see to you in the morning, dear.

Evasive like a fvckn Paki Bvgger.

The point is - you are reflexively and automatically on the wrong side of every argument.
Whatever you say, you are wrong  - because you are not thinking. Instead, you are conforming to a particular stupidity (neoMarxism, Fvckauld, whatever).

You just can't think straight (ie non-ideologically). You are just not smart enough to think beyond the lazy 60s agit-prop. You are an old reactionary, PB.

But what am I saying? You wouldn't understand any of this. Go on, tell us about stool and nurses and all that. Show us how incomprehending you are.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #375 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 12:05am
Soren wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 11:44pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 11:11pm:
Always, absolutely, never ever, eh?

I  must have heard that sermon at least ten times, old boy. Do you ever say anything that’s not a recording?

We do sympathise, you know. It can’t be easy with your sons off in the war and your - you know, condition.

You have a nice lie down. We’ll have someone see to you in the morning, dear.

Evasive like a fvckn Paki Bvgger.

The point is - you are reflexively and automatically on the wrong side of every argument.
Whatever you say, you are wrong  - because you are not thinking. Instead, you are conforming to a particular stupidity (neoMarxism, Fvckauld, whatever).

You just can't think straight (ie non-ideologically). You are just not smart enough to think beyond the lazy 60s agit-prop. You are an old reactionary, PB.

But what am I saying? You wouldn't understand any of this. Go on, tell us about stool and nurses and all that. Show us how incomprehending you are.

What I really don’t comprehend is how anything I’ve posted here is even remotely Marxist or Fvckaultian. Alas, old chap, this is just a cute jingle you use to excuse your own.lack of comprehension, or even disagreement.

You don’t actually disagree. You agree with everything I’ve posted here. You must - your rebuttals are just the standard cliched schtick. I’d expect less from a drunk Piers Ackerman, or Gerard Henderson after his sleepers have kicked in.

You want attention, old chap. I get that, I really do. But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

And we all know you do, poor dear. We all know you do.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #376 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am
But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

Good advice Karnal.

There was no freedom and democracy in Asian colonies that the Japanese took over. Many of them welcomed the Japanese as liberators.

Why did this make me think of Abu's apologetics for Muhammed's warmongering? Are you two reading from the same pamphlett?

But you can't ignore the historical context in which they emerged, and you can't ignore the economic hegemonic interests that the allied powers were fighting for.

Of course, we were fighting for economic hegemony, but neither the people or their leaders knew about it. Who was pulling all the strings Gandalf?

The idea that they simply felt compelled to intervene out of some altruistic passion for democracy and freedom is absurd.

They were defending our democracy and our freedom Gandalf. Everyone's including their own. They did not share your apologetic delusion that Australia would get along fine if the Nazis took over Africa and Eruope, and the Japanese took over Asia.

In fact you could probably build the same democracy and freedom argument for the allies joining the nazis in fighting Stalin.

Stalin was nearly as bad as Hitler, but I don't think fighting for either of them was fighting for freedom.

We agree - with the exception  that corruption, graft and repression are not good business models. This is how the world has been run for centuries, possibly millenia.

You do realise that the world was not run as a 'good business model' for all those millennia, don't you? Do you think it is merely a coincidence that the vast explosion in wealth over the last few centuries coincided with the growth of freedom and democracy?

Remember the Australian Wheat Board paying bribes to a country we officially supported sanctioning.

There is a reason they were punished for this.

If you knew how Chinese in China thought, you wouldn’t post such nice thoughts for them. Things are changing, but most have no idea how things are in the West, or that things can be done any other way. Propaganda and censorship are still rife. And people believe it.

They will still figure it out for themselves, eventually. You cannot stop these ideas creeping in, or emerging independently. And you cannot stop them agitating for it when they are no longer on the brink of starvation.

The reason China will surpass the US economically? Population.

The curbs on China's population are a big contributor to their current economic success. Population is no guaranteed of economic prosperity. The two are almost completely independent, and where there is a relationship it is inverse.

"Freedom" means bugger all.

No wonder you like Gandalf so much.

The British and Amerikans had very different visions of the world prior to, and during, WWII.

Yet you appear to describe different paths to the same vision.

The US hegemony after the war was a new form of empire.

A 'non-empire' form of empire?

Clinton found his niche with the global free trade agenda, but the US electorate turned against this - the reason they voted the supposedly isolationist George Bush. After the 2000 tech stock collapse, something had to be done. After the" convenient" sept 11 attacks, the US went global again - this time, in a nakedly exploitative conquest of what just happened to be tthe world’s 2nd biggest source of oil.

And yet even here the actions of the US are unprecedented. No 'empire' in history has ever done what the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it takes a particular devotion to self delusion to imagine the US intends to maintain control of these countries after it leaves.

A trillion dollars later, the US has lost its shirt, and its reputation.

They lost a fortune, but they did it for the money? Perhaps they forgot how expensive it is to fight a war?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #377 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 10:24am
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am:
Why did this make me think of Abu's apologetics for Muhammed's warmongering? Are you two reading from the same pamphlett?

See you can't actually refute my point that there was no "freedom and democracy" for the occupied colonies in SE Asia, and that fighting the Japanese in order to restore these undemocractic and unfree colonies had nothing to do with fighting for freedom. You have presented no case for why an oppressive French/British and Dutch occupied SE Asia was better for Australia's freedom than an oppressive Japanese occupied SE Asia - apart from the barely veiled racist inference that of course occupation by white Europeans is better than occupation by yellow Japanese.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am:
Of course, we were fighting for economic hegemony, but neither the people or their leaders knew about it. Who was pulling all the strings Gandalf?

Why must you concoct the most ridiculous false dichotomies and attribute them to my argument? Just for once please try and comprehend an argument.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am:
They were defending our democracy and our freedom Gandalf.

Yes -because as you say, the Nazis were going to take over Australia  Roll Eyes

Tell me FD, do you actually buy the fairy tale that invading Turkey who had nothing to do with us and was on the other side of the world served to defend our democracy and freedom? What about Vietnam? Iraq? Would you concede *ANY* war we have taken part in that wasn't to defend our democracy and freedom?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #378 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm
See you can't actually refute my point that there was no "freedom and democracy" for the occupied colonies in SE Asia, and that fighting the Japanese in order to restore these undemocractic and unfree colonies had nothing to do with fighting for freedom.

It was fighting for our freedom. In the aftermath of WWII, democracy was established In Japan (albeit on an existing pluralistic system) and South Korea (which has had it's ups and downs since, but may be a good indication for the future of Afghanistan). Defeat of the Japanese also lead to, or at least permitted, the establishment or continuation of several other democracies. These democracies have lead almost inevitably to greater freedoms. Not that this was our goal in WWII. We genuinely (and justifiably) saw it as a personal threat. The beneficial outcomes for so many other Asian countries is testimony to the genuinely different visions for the world.

You have presented no case for why an oppressive French/British and Dutch occupied SE Asia was better for Australia's freedom than an oppressive Japanese occupied SE Asia - apart from the barely veiled racist inference that of course occupation by white Europeans is better than occupation by yellow Japanese.

It has nothing at all to do with racism. It is about different values. The French, British, Americans etc genuinely value freedom and democracy. This is not because they are white, but because they have gone through the process of securing their own freedom and democracy, and seen the benefits for themselves. They failed to share these ideals largely out of racism and greed, but you cannot have genuine freedom while slavery persists, and it was pretty much inevitable that these values would be extended to all. The Nazis and Japanese regime did not value freedom and democracy and had no intention of establishing democracy or protecting the freedom and rights of the countries they occupied. It would have genuinely been a different world order had they won.

Most people put this in the bleeding obvious category. I do not skip over it out of some vague appeal to racism. I am continually, and genuinely, surprised that you do not see the obvious difference and the dire position the world was in.

Why must you concoct the most ridiculous false dichotomies and attribute them to my argument? Just for once please try and comprehend an argument.

I am trying desperately. That is why I keep asking you how it was that we were not fighting for freedom and democracy, but for economic hegemony, while you concede that neither the troops nor the leaders realised that is what we were really fighting for. I can quote you if you'd like.

Tell me FD, do you actually buy the fairy tale that invading Turkey who had nothing to do with us and was on the other side of the world served to defend our democracy and freedom? What about Vietnam? Iraq? Would you concede *ANY* war we have taken part in that wasn't to defend our democracy and freedom?

While the start of WWI was 'messy' from an ideological perspective, none of the four main central powers were democracies. Had we lost to them (or had we not participated and simply watched the allies lose to them) the great democracies of the world would have been replaced by old style empires, and ours would have followed soon after. Both WWI and WWII directly threatened a complete reversal in the emerging world order, and it is nothing but naive to think that we would have been OK if the outcome had been different.

Vietnam: we genuinely feared the spread of communism, which, whether you approve or not, was why we (or the yanks) went to Vietnam, intervened in Afghanistan, and did a whole lot of other nasty things. The threat has crumbled now, but they had no way of knowing this would happen. Russia was a genuine superpower, and the spread of Russian style communism was a threat to everyone's freedom. We were obviously pretty far down on that list, but the threat was there.

I was against the invasion of Iraq and don't think they posed a direct threat to us, but like I said, if it is successful in establishing democracy there, it should make the entire world a safer place. Saddam was a threat to the freedom of the Iraqi people, and the democracy currently being established is their only real option for attaining freedom. The intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan is the culmination of a shift in thinking from defending our own freedom and democracy for our own interests to robustly supporting it globally. It happened sporadically in the past, eg Napolean, and the various democracies established in the aftermath of WWII - largely because the opportunity was simply there and we did not know what else to do and did not want other Hitler to take over and start it all again. Despite the inevitable treachery of war, we have consistently (yes, not universally) been on the side of freedom and democracy, whether it was merely our own, or projecting it onto others. This process only began in earnest a few centuries ago. Go back 500 years, and there is no hint of it in western Europe. But it has transformed the world, and flipped the economic and military power balance on it's head. WWI and WII were genuine and immediate threats to the entire world order.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #379 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 6:06pm
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am:
But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

Good advice Karnal.

There was no freedom and democracy in Asian colonies that the Japanese took over. Many of them welcomed the Japanese as liberators.

Why did this make me think of Abu's apologetics for Muhammed's warmongering? Are you two reading from the same pamphlett?

But you can't ignore the historical context in which they emerged, and you can't ignore the economic hegemonic interests that the allied powers were fighting for.

Of course, we were fighting for economic hegemony, but neither the people or their leaders knew about it. Who was pulling all the strings Gandalf?

The idea that they simply felt compelled to intervene out of some altruistic passion for democracy and freedom is absurd.

They were defending our democracy and our freedom Gandalf. Everyone's including their own. They did not share your apologetic delusion that Australia would get along fine if the Nazis took over Africa and Eruope, and the Japanese took over Asia.

In fact you could probably build the same democracy and freedom argument for the allies joining the nazis in fighting Stalin.

Stalin was nearly as bad as Hitler, but I don't think fighting for either of them was fighting for freedom.

We agree - with the exception  that corruption, graft and repression are not good business models. This is how the world has been run for centuries, possibly millenia.

You do realise that the world was not run as a 'good business model' for all those millennia, don't you? Do you think it is merely a coincidence that the vast explosion in wealth over the last few centuries coincided with the growth of freedom and democracy?

Not at all. Your vast explosion of wealth exists for about 10% of the world’s population. The rest of the world clamours for the crumbs, as they always have.

The vast explosion of industrial development has NOTHING to do with parliamentary democracy. Germany managed it under Fascism, the Japs under the Meiji empire, the Soviets under Bolshevism, and China today under its own one-party croney dynasty.

Britain was not a democracy during the industrial revolution, and the US does not call itself a democracy at all - it prefers to call itself a republic. The transition to development is always managed outside the constraints of democracy. The US had robber barons in both industry and government - still does. The British gave the vote to a minor elite of landlords and industrialists. The whole of south east Asia - so-called tiger economies - has grown through nepotistic deals between a ruling dynasty and their appointed oligarchs. Same in Russia after the fall of the Iron Curtain, same in Latin Amerika after the Cold War.

If you think voting or representative government has ANYTHING to do with economic development, you’re dreaming. This is just a jolly BBC/CNN view of the world with no reference to reality at all.

Economic development always precedes demokratic reform. It has to. Without an.educated, cashed-up population of consumers, democracy is meaningless. I’m sure you can think of a handful of exceptions, but on the whole, corruption, tyrranny, and concentration camps have created what you call wealth.

There you go. My own version of the old boy’s maxim: always, absolutely, never ever.

And the FD of 2007 would have have agreed, albeit unhappily.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #380 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 7:02pm
Not at all. Your vast explosion of wealth exists for about 10% of the world’s population.

It's a bit more these days.

The rest of the world clamours for the crumbs, as they always have.

And poo on each other's plates. If they stopped doing that, they would not be asking us for crumbs.

The vast explosion of industrial development has NOTHING to do with parliamentary democracy

True, it started out as more subtle forms of pluralism, rights and freedoms. Parliamentary democracy is the final stage, or at least, the current stage. But the industrial revolution was entirely reliant on those freedoms. Where those freedoms went, industrialisation followed and thrived, and people grew wealthy. This is where you miss the point and pretend the GFC put us back in the stone age.

Germany managed it under Fascism

For how long? Germany benefited from many reforms imposed by the French, as did much of western Europe. The map of the French empire is an astonishingly good predictor of modern wealth in western europe. The French Revolutionaries were unashamed cultural imperialists, and the world benefited greatly from this. The fascists would have destroyed this, given a little time.

He implemented a wide array of liberal reforms across Europe, including the abolition of feudalism and the spread of religious toleration.

the Japs under the Meiji empire

This period represents the first half of the Empire of Japan during which Japanese society moved from being an isolated feudal society to its modern form. Fundamental changes affected its social structure, internal politics, economy, military, and foreign relations.

The first reform was the promulgation of the Five Charter Oath in 1868, a general statement of the aims of the Meiji leaders to boost morale and win financial support for the new government. Its five provisions consisted of the:

    Establishment of deliberative assemblies;
    Involvement of all classes in carrying out state affairs;
    Revocation of sumptuary laws and class restrictions on employment;
    Replacement of "evil customs" with the "just laws of nature"; and
    An international search for knowledge to strengthen the foundations of imperial rule.

Guess what Karnal - those reforms caused the economic growth of Japan, and the institutions paved the way for functioning representative democracy, despite the detour into fascism.

the Soviets under Bolshevism

For a long time people thought this would work. You probably still do. It didn't. Russia achieved a great improvement in efficiency by moving people from the land, who were superfluous to the labor needs, into industrialisation. It was a top-down effort that attempted to mirror what was happening to the west, but it was a facade, and it crumbled. It worked a lot better than other empires at the time, who forbade industrialisation in one way or another, but it could not compare with a liberal democracy.

and China today under its own one-party croney dynasty

Like I pointed out, there are two key reason's for China's boom - population control, and freedoms that the dynasty is yielding to the people. If it continues yielding more freedoms, the boom will continue. If it doesn't, it will go the same way as Russia.

Britain was not a democracy during the industrial revolution

The industrial revolution was reliant on various forms of pluralism that lead eventually to complete democracy. The two went hand in hand. The same pattern has happened with many previous empires. They thrived while they yielded freedoms and political power to their people. The ones that went back collapsed. Britain went all the way.

and the US does not call itself a democracy at all - it prefers to call itself a republic

I agree that this is peculiar, but they are still a democracy, aren't they?

The transition to development is always managed outside the constraints of democracy. The US had robber barons in both industry and government - still does.

They are a barrier, not a cause, of growth.

The British gave the vote to a minor elite of landlords and industrialists.

It benefited greatly from doing so, and benefited even more when the vote was extended to more people. These were hard-won gains.

The whole of south east Asia - so-called tiger economies - has grown through nepotistic deals between a ruling dynasty and their appointed oligarchs.

Would you include Singapore, Japan and South Korea in this?

Same in Russia after the fall of the Iron Curtain, same in Latin Amerika after the Cold War.

And how well is that working out for them? The economic success of Latin American countries matches very closely their freedoms and democratic institutions. They are a good example of the important of pluralistic social institutions over 'nominal' parliamentary democracy.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #381 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 7:27pm
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
It was fighting for our freedom. In the aftermath of WWII, democracy was established In Japan (albeit on an existing pluralistic system) and South Korea (which has had it's ups and downs since, but may be a good indication for the future of Afghanistan). Defeat of the Japanese also lead to, or at least permitted, the establishment or continuation of several other democracies.

False logic. The creation of democracies in Japan and West Germany after WWII was a nice bonus, but it certainly wasn't the motive for going to war. We didn't go to war against Japan because we wanted to turn Japan into a democracy. Also most of the other places we liberated from the Japanese remained undemocratic. South Korea remained a dictatorship until very recently.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
It has nothing at all to do with racism. It is about different values. The French, British, Americans etc genuinely value freedom and democracy. This is not because they are white, but because they have gone through the process of securing their own freedom and democracy, and seen the benefits for themselves. They failed to share these ideals largely out of racism and greed, but you cannot have genuine freedom while slavery persists, and it was pretty much inevitable that these values would be extended to all. The Nazis and Japanese regime did not value freedom and democracy and had no intention of establishing democracy or protecting the freedom and rights of the countries they occupied. It would have genuinely been a different world order had they won.

So basically what you are saying is that while the Europeans were racist exploiters who ran their colonies in Asia oppressively and undemocratically, they definitely would have made them free and democratic at some point down the track - simply because they were all round good guys with the "right" values. And thats the reason why fighting to maintain these colonies was all about fighting for freedom.

Forgive me if I treat this argument with complete disdain.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
I am continually, and genuinely, surprised that you do not see the obvious difference and the dire position the world was in.

The world order as it existed then most certainly was in a dire position. But if you think this was a black and white case of the forces of evil and oppression about to overrun the forces of light and freedom, you are completely deluded. It was more a case of forces of oppression A threatening the hegemony of forces of oppression B. I think the difference between the two was how each side treated their fellow imperialists: the nazis and the Japanese committed the cardinal sin of acting belligerent and oppressive towards the "civilized" people. But neither side could claim the high ground when it came to treatment of the inferior tinted peoples who were ripe for exploitation. Hence why I have a little chuckle at the way you persist in portraying a civilization that was responsible for by far the greatest oppression and slaughter of native Africans, Americans and Asians - as representatives of the forces of freedom and democracy.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
That is why I keep asking you how it was that we were not fighting for freedom and democracy, but for economic hegemony, while you concede that neither the troops nor the leaders realised that is what we were really fighting for.

And yet I never said that. Read more carefully next time.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
While the start of WWI was 'messy' from an ideological perspective, none of the four main central powers were democracies.

You might want to check your history a little closer. When WWI started Britain didn't have universal male suffrage, but Germany did. Who was more democratic? As usual, your simplistic black and white world view does not match the reality.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
Vietnam: we genuinely feared the spread of communism, which, whether you approve or not, was why we (or the yanks) went to Vietnam

Thats only part of the story. What the yanks genuinely feared was a loss of their economic sphere of influence caused by non-compliant regimes. The great threat posed by Ho Chi Minh's movement was not communism per se but the emergence of independent economic development - which of course has the potential to spread throughout the region. Thats your "domino effect" - just another chapter in the long book of western powers protecting their economic hegemony.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #382 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:02pm
False logic. The creation of democracies in Japan and West Germany after WWII was a nice bonus, but it certainly wasn't the motive for going to war.

Duh. That is why I said the same thing, which you managed to leave off your quote:

Not that this was our goal in WWII.

Also most of the other places we liberated from the Japanese remained undemocratic.

So we somehow failed because we did not establish democracy worldwide?

South Korea remained a dictatorship until very recently.

South Korea's subsequent history is marked by alternating periods of democratic and autocratic rule.

So basically what you are saying is that while the Europeans were racist exploiters who ran their colonies in Asia oppressively and undemocratically, they definitely would have made them free and democratic at some point down the track

They did, in many of them. Remember telling me how Malaysia is an example of a progressive Muslim country? Guess where they got their democracy from?

And thats the reason why fighting to maintain these colonies was all about fighting for freedom.

They fought to maintain their own freedom. WWI and WWII were not just about the colonies. Hitler was destroying freedom in the heartland of freedom and democracy. Who gives a bugger about colonies when there are brown shirts marching down your street?

The world order as it existed then most certainly was in a dire position. But if you think this was a black and white case of the forces of evil and oppression about to overrun the forces of light and freedom

Hitler was evil (just like Muhammed). As for the rest of it, whatever else each one may have been, in most cases it was freedom and democracy on one side, and tyranny on the other. You simply cannot see the wood for the trees.

I think the difference between the two was how each side treated their fellow imperialists: the nazis and the Japanese committed the cardinal sin of acting belligerent and oppressive towards the "civilized" people.

In other words, destroying their freedom and democracy? Not just 'other' civilised people - the German public too. Good on you for recognising this as a sin. You could almost pass for a white man.

But neither side could claim the high ground when it came to treatment of the inferior tinted peoples who were ripe for exploitation.

Britain ending slavery doesn't count? Or did they only do that to exploit them? Economic Hegemony wot?

Hence why I have a little chuckle at the way you persist in portraying a civilization that was responsible for by far the greatest oppression and slaughter of native Africans, Americans and Asians - as representatives of the forces of freedom and democracy.

Like it or not, they were and still are, and they brought freedom and democracy to many places. Iraq and Afghanistan most recently.

And yet I never said that. Read more carefully next time.

I did ask you to clarify at the time who actually knew what they were fighting for. Is this another example of "for all we know..."? You did specifically include leaders in the people who did not know. But then you went all silent, presumably because you ran out of string pulling conspiracies. Better go back to the new socialist website and find out.

You might want to check your history a little closer. When WWI started Britain didn't have universal male suffrage, but Germany did. Who was more democratic? As usual, your simplistic black and white world view does not match the reality.

Germany inherited democratic institutions from the French revolutions. They were being wound back, but were restored by WWI.

The German Empire (German: Deutsches Reich or Deutsches Kaiserreich) was the historical German nation state[6] that existed from the unification of Germany in 1871 to the defeat in World War 1 in 1918
The German Empire consisted of 27 constituent territories (most of them ruled by royal families).

Although authoritarian in many respects, the empire had some democratic features. Besides universal suffrage, it permitted the development of political parties. Bismarck's intention was to create a constitutional façade which would mask the continuation of authoritarian policies. In the process, he created a system with a serious flaw. There was a significant disparity between the Prussian and German electoral systems. Prussia used a highly restrictive three-class voting system in which the richest third of the population could choose 85% of the legislature, all but assuring a conservative majority. As mentioned above, the king and (with two exceptions) the prime minister of Prussia were also the emperor and chancellor of the empire – meaning that the same rulers had to seek majorities from legislatures elected from completely different franchises. As mentioned above, rural areas were grossly overrepresented from the 1890s onward.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #383 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:03pm
In contrast:

1832: The passing of the Reform Act, which gave representation to previously under represented urban areas and extended the franchise to a wider population.

1848: Universal male suffrage was definitely established in France in March of that year, in the wake of the French Revolution of 1848.

1850s: introduction of the secret ballot in Australia; 1872 in UK; 1892 in USA

1853: Black Africans given the vote for the first time in Southern Africa, in the British-administered Cape Province.

1870: USA – 15th Amendment to the Constitution, prohibits voting rights discrimination on the basis of race, color, or previous condition of slavery.

1893: New Zealand is the first nation to introduce universal suffrage by awarding the vote to women (universal male suffrage had been in place since 1879).

Thats only part of the story. What the yanks genuinely feared was a loss of their economic sphere of influence caused by non-compliant regimes. The great threat posed by Ho Chi Minh's movement was not communism per se but the emergence of independent economic development - which of course has the potential to spread throughout the region. Thats your "domino effect" - just another chapter in the long book of western powers protecting their economic hegemony.

And yet, we still have freedom and democracy on one side, oppression on the other.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #384 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:05pm
Good post, FD, and well worth a read. Your Napoleon idea is compelling.

You are, I think, confusing freedoms granted to small interest groups in economies with rights and freedoms granted to populations as a whole. Oligarchical capitalism is the former - universal suffrage and participatory democracy is the latter.

By your standards, Putin’s Russia is a democracy. Myanmar is a democracy. And yes, Pakistan is a democracy.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #385 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm
Gandalf, can we move the more recent discussion about global geopolitics - beyond the freedom of speech issue, to a new thread? Or tack it onto the coffee one?

I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.
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« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:14pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #386 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:16pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:05pm:
Good post, FD, and well worth a read. Your Napoleon idea is compelling.

You are, I think, confusing freedoms granted to small interest groups in economies with rights and freedoms granted to populations as a whole. Oligarchical capitalism is the former - universal suffrage and participatory democracy is the latter.

By your standards, Putin’s Russia is a democracy. Myanmar is a democracy. And yes, Pakistan is a democracy.


Not confusing. Failing to distinguish adequately. Read the book. It makes the distinction. It is compelling reading. The best thing since Jared Diamond.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #387 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:34pm
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:02pm:
False logic. The creation of democracies in Japan and West Germany after WWII was a nice bonus, but it certainly wasn't the motive for going to war.

Duh. That is why I said the same thing, which you managed to leave off your quote:

Not that this was our goal in WWII.

Also most of the other places we liberated from the Japanese remained undemocratic.

So we somehow failed because we did not establish democracy worldwide?

No, "we" failed because we aided and funded dictatorships in almost every state we liberated in WWII.

And where the populations didn’t aquiesce, we invaded them.

We? What am I saying? The CIA even sought to overturn our own demokratically-erected Whitlam government. They may even have succeeded.

Every single East Asian country, FD, with the exception of China and Thailand. All had Uncle - and Australia - occupying or fighting or quietly aiding the generals.

Hard to.say we failed to establish demokracy. All we ever attempted to do was impose tyrranny.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #388 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:38pm
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm:
Gandalf, can we move the more recent discussion about global geopolitics - beyond the freedom of speech issue, to a new thread? Or tack it onto the coffee one?

I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.

A good discussion.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #389 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:11pm
No, "we" failed because we aided and funded dictatorships in almost every state we liberated in WWII.

Would you mind listing them?

We? What am I saying? The CIA even sought to overturn our own demokratically-erected Whitlam government. They may even have succeeded.

Yes, we have no way of knowing for sure.

Every single East Asian country, FD, with the exception of China and Thailand. All had Uncle - and Australia - occupying or fighting or quietly aiding the generals.

It worked out pretty well for South Korea. They got the US. The north got Russia. See how that turned out?

Hard to.say we failed to establish demokracy. All we ever attempted to do was impose tyrranny.

There were many successes. It's not exactly an easy thing to do. Most importantly we achieved, and maintained, freedom and democracy for ourselves. This is no small feat.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #390 - Apr 27th, 2014 at 10:59pm
Would I care to list them?

No. Look up every East Asian state except China and Thailand.

Okay, Burma - there’s a country our alliance had little to do with.

Yes, it was no small feat establishing the freedoms you espouse here.

And you’re desperate to sell them down the river in the war on underage marriage et al.

Gud is great!
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« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2014 at 11:04pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #391 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 12:31pm
Did we aid and fund dictatorships in South Korea?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #392 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 12:44pm
freediver wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Did we aid and fund dictatorships in South Korea?

Did we?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #393 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm
South Korea, eh? How about we start with South Korea's first president, Syngman Rhee? Flown into Korea before the war by Douglas Macarthur and appointed head of the interrim Korean government. After the Korean War, due to his rampant corruption, it became clear he would not be elected president by a majority of the parliament. Rhee reponded by arresting his opposition and was voted in by his friends. His presidency was maintained by widespread election fraud. At the end of his presidential term in 1956, he changed the constitution to give himself an unlmited term.

When faced with student protests, he sent the military in, killing hundreds and wounding thousands. When the protestors refused to calm down, he agreed to resign after meeting with the US diplomat McConaughy. The CIA flew Rhee to Honolulu, where he spent the rest of his days in exile doing the hula hula.

So, to summarize: Korea's first dictator-president was flown in by the US, appointed ruler by the US, ruled with US aid, support and military training, and when the sh!t hit the fan, was flown out by the US and put up in style.

Is this what you mean by Freedom and demokracy, FD?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #394 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 4:55pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
it became clear he would not be elected president by a majority of the parliament. Rhee reponded by arresting his opposition and was voted in by his friends. His presidency was maintained by widespread election fraud

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
Is this what you mean by Freedom and demokracy, FD?

As you should know K, the important point here is the mere existence of an election. We don't worry about little details like whether it was fraudulent or not. Maybe some people even turned up to vote - like in Afghanistan. FD could probably even pull out a list of "candidates" for that election too. Did he shoot muslims as well? Thats a pretty important criteria isn't it? Well he apparently arrested and probably shot a lot of people - freedom haters no doubt. Lets call them muslims.

I think all the boxes are ticked K - checkmate.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #395 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 5:34pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 4:55pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
it became clear he would not be elected president by a majority of the parliament. Rhee reponded by arresting his opposition and was voted in by his friends. His presidency was maintained by widespread election fraud

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
Is this what you mean by Freedom and demokracy, FD?

As you should know K, the important point here is the mere existence of an election. We don't worry about little details like whether it was fraudulent or not. Maybe some people even turned up to vote - like in Afghanistan. FD could probably even pull out a list of "candidates" for that election too. Did he shoot muslims as well? Thats a pretty important criteria isn't it? Well he apparently arrested and probably shot a lot of people - freedom haters no doubt. Lets call them muslims.

I think all the boxes are ticked K - checkmate.

True, G. FD likes to compare Afghanistan with South Korea. Is it the strange similarities between Karzai and Syngman Rhee?

Maybe. Both parachuted from exile into a country's interrim leadership. Both elected in fraudulent erections. Both corrupt and nepotistic. And yes, when Karzai's finished in Afghanistan...


Rhee got a beach house in Honolulu, Hawaii. Karzai wants a condo in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Garry! Please to arrange! Anything I will do!

Send the army in to get the Taliban?

Afghan Army? Oh, Garry, anything but that! I do wish to get out in one piece, insh'allah. Anyway, they will never listen to me. Maybe they will listen to you?

Yes, friends, the similarities are spooky.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #396 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 7:27pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 5:34pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 4:55pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
it became clear he would not be elected president by a majority of the parliament. Rhee reponded by arresting his opposition and was voted in by his friends. His presidency was maintained by widespread election fraud

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
Is this what you mean by Freedom and demokracy, FD?

As you should know K, the important point here is the mere existence of an election. We don't worry about little details like whether it was fraudulent or not. Maybe some people even turned up to vote - like in Afghanistan. FD could probably even pull out a list of "candidates" for that election too. Did he shoot muslims as well? Thats a pretty important criteria isn't it? Well he apparently arrested and probably shot a lot of people - freedom haters no doubt. Lets call them muslims.

I think all the boxes are ticked K - checkmate.

True, G. FD likes to compare Afghanistan with South Korea. Is it the strange similarities between Karzai and Syngman Rhee?

Maybe. Both parachuted from exile into a country's interrim leadership. Both elected in fraudulent erections. Both corrupt and nepotistic. And yes, when Karzai's finished in Afghanistan...


Rhee got a beach house in Honolulu, Hawaii. Karzai wants a condo in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Garry! Please to arrange! Anything I will do!

Send the army in to get the Taliban?

Afghan Army? Oh, Garry, anything but that! I do wish to get out in one piece, insh'allah. Anyway, they will never listen to me. Maybe they will listen to you?

Yes, friends, the similarities are spooky.

This is really a stupid and childish argument from both of you - some nations can't do freedom and democracy, therefore freedom and democracy, in themselves, are meaningless everywhere and for all nations.
Just stupid, a typical coming together of Islamic and neo-Marxist ideology.

Elsewhere in the "Muslims want to silence and intimidate you" news:


You can now get arrested for quoting Churchill. In England.

Would that also be against section 18c of the Anti-free speech law in Oz? WHo will dare test it?

Thanks, habibi, law-fare is working.

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« Last Edit: Apr 28th, 2014 at 7:43pm by Soren »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #397 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 7:49pm
Shurely shome mishtake, old boy. FD insists that countries like Iran, Burma, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan are all functioning demokracies.

You’d get questioned if you didn’t redeem yourself with the words of Winton Churchill and a nice Herbie story about how the UK’s cowering before the Muselman.

Nice work.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #398 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 9:25pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2014 at 1:55pm:
South Korea, eh? How about we start with South Korea's first president, Syngman Rhee? Flown into Korea before the war by Douglas Macarthur and appointed head of the interrim Korean government. After the Korean War, due to his rampant corruption, it became clear he would not be elected president by a majority of the parliament. Rhee reponded by arresting his opposition and was voted in by his friends. His presidency was maintained by widespread election fraud. At the end of his presidential term in 1956, he changed the constitution to give himself an unlmited term.

When faced with student protests, he sent the military in, killing hundreds and wounding thousands. When the protestors refused to calm down, he agreed to resign after meeting with the US diplomat McConaughy. The CIA flew Rhee to Honolulu, where he spent the rest of his days in exile doing the hula hula.

So, to summarize: Korea's first dictator-president was flown in by the US, appointed ruler by the US, ruled with US aid, support and military training, and when the sh!t hit the fan, was flown out by the US and put up in style.

Is this what you mean by Freedom and demokracy, FD?

Yes. The US helped to establish democracy in South Korea. When it went bad, US diplomats stepped in and helped resolve the situation. Hundreds dead is a pretty small death toll for establishing democracy. You have to be pretty desperate for something to criticise the yanks for to hold that against them. If you are having trouble putting this into perspective, compare it with North Korea, whose post-war transition was managed by Russia.

I'll give you another example. When I started hosting the PA forum, I decided to make it democratic. Aussie, who helped bring the members over, won the first election, with my help and support. Then, he started turning into a dictator. Eventually I had to step in and sort the mess out, and everyone bitched and moaned about me interfering. Does this mean I really wanted the PA forum to be a dictatorship? Does it mean I didn't really want it to be a democracy? Or does it merely reveal the fragility of democracy, especially in it's nascent state?

It is absurd to sugggest that the US went to the trouble of establishing democracy with the intention of maintaining control over it, or of propping up a dictator. Same goes with Iraq and Afghanistan. It is going to be messy, especially if it happens in the middle of an ongoing civil war. People are going to take advantage. The US is going to intervene however it thinks is most appropriate. Everyone will bitch and moan. But at the end of the day, they will have democracy, and it will be absolutely impossible for the US to control the long term outcome of that. If the people genuinely want to elect another Hitler, they will get one.

The US established democracy in South Korea. It had it's ups and downs, but they succeeded, and the South Koreans today owe their freedom, democracy and significant wealth to the good fortune of being on the south side of a line the divided the country between Russian and American management. South Korea is one of the clearest examples you can get of the west genuinely valuing democracy and exporting it. You can whinge all day about the imperfections in this process, but in the end you are just failing to see the wood for the trees.

Today, the CIA World Factbook describes South Korea's democracy as a "fully functioning modern democracy".

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« Last Edit: Apr 28th, 2014 at 9:31pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #399 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 9:33pm
Thanks, FD. Next case study: South Vietnam.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #400 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 9:51pm
South Vietnam is a demonstration of what happens when the communists win.

In 2012, Vietnam's nominal GDP reached US$138 billion, with a nominal GDP per capita of $1,527, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).[3]

In Vietnam, this counts for a 'booming' economy, largely a result of liberalisation of trade in some sectors of the economy.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #401 - Apr 28th, 2014 at 11:08pm
I see. So you support the jolly demokracy of South Vietnam, eh? Which part, FD - the US-backed dictatorship of General Diem, his CIA assasination, or the general thrust of Freeeedom?

Please explain.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #402 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 12:53pm
What's your point Karnal?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #403 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 2:18pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 12:53pm:
What's your point Karnal?

My point? But, FD, I’m just asking a question.

Clearly, if you don’t support the nationalist Communist takeover of South Vietnam, you support the torture chambers, mass executions, killings of POWs, and rampant systemic corruption of the former South Vietnamese government. You’ve made this point several times - for several pages. You often raise the deaths of 800 prisoners of war. Almost daily, if I’m not mistaken.

Anyway, let’s move on to another country. Shall we start with Indonesia? They are Muselmen, after all. And they do have erections. How does Suharto fare on your demokracy-spreading project?

Backed by Kissenger and Whitlam. Aided, military trained, armed. Oh, and the army killed over a million communists, opposing party members and leftist suspects.

Demokracy’s growing pains? The birth of Freedom? A pretty small death toll for establishing demokracy? What say you?
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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2014 at 2:29pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #404 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 4:26pm
Must have been a very sudden influx of muslims into Australia recently...

Voters have sent an unambiguous message to Tony Abbott and his Attorney General George Brandis: leave the race hate laws alone.

The latest Fairfax-Nielsen poll specifically asked voters if they believe it should it be lawful or unlawful to "offend, insult or humiliate" somebody based on their race.

The answer was a statistically conclusive 88 per cent - or nine out of 10 - in favour of the status quo - that is, that it should remain unlawful to discriminate.

Read more:

and in another survey...

According to our survey, only 10% support making it lawful to offend without a legitimate defence (as provided for by Section 18D). Only 5% believe people should be totally free to intimidate up to the edge of criminality. This latter position is in line with the views espoused by influential free-market think-tank the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) and News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt, who was found to be in breach of Section 18C in 2011.

Nearly 80% support laws against racial vilification. Close to 70% support laws against religious vilification.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #405 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:00pm
My point? But, FD, I’m just asking a question.

Would it be reasonable to describe answering your question as pointless?

Clearly, if you don’t support the nationalist Communist takeover of South Vietnam, you support the torture chambers, mass executions, killings of POWs, and rampant systemic corruption of the former South Vietnamese government. You’ve made this point several times - for several pages. You often raise the deaths of 800 prisoners of war. Almost daily, if I’m not mistaken.

Do you see anyone extolling these deeds as noble examples for all mankind to follow? I can show you Muslims doing this for Muhammed slaughtering 800 POWs in one day. That is the difference between making a point as asking a stupid question.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #406 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:08pm
Tell me freediver, does Islam really scare you or make you concerned enough for you to question it because most or lots of lefties are quite sympathetic to muslims as some defenceless, unfairly criticised minority, i dont know if its out of true sympathy or FEAR OF THEM,

But lefties would never kick Islam the way they kick christianity dont you think ??????
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #407 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:31pm
Western lefties generally don't kick it because they are unfamiliar with it. They associate it with minority issues. Muslim proponents of Islam do their best to associate it with minority issues and claim victimhood on behalf of Islam and Muslims, while at the same time trying to conceal the nastier aspects of Islam in various ways.

Foreign lefties don't kick it because if they did they would get their head chopped off.

Islam is the greatest modern barrier to the march of freedom and democracy. Millions of people around the world live in poverty and oppression (and a few with great wealth and oppression) because of Islam.

Some criticism of Islam is unfair. Some is entirely deserved. Hopefully the distinction is becoming clearer as people become more familiar with Islam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #408 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 8:45pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:00pm:
My point? But, FD, I’m just asking a question.

Would it be reasonable to describe answering your question as pointless?

Clearly, if you don’t support the nationalist Communist takeover of South Vietnam, you support the torture chambers, mass executions, killings of POWs, and rampant systemic corruption of the former South Vietnamese government. You’ve made this point several times - for several pages. You often raise the deaths of 800 prisoners of war. Almost daily, if I’m not mistaken.

Do you see anyone extolling these deeds as noble examples for all mankind to follow? I can show you Muslims doing this for Muhammed slaughtering 800 POWs in one day. That is the difference between making a point as asking a stupid question.

I see. So you disagree with the killing of 800 POWs in the name of Islam. But you agree with hundreds of thousands tortured and executed by South Vietnam’s Diem government in the name of Freedom, demokracy  and nation building.

Sorry, exporting.

And - and -  the execution of over a million Indonesians by the Suharto government with US bullets in the name of the same.

Indonesia’s per capita GDP is $3556.76, more than double that of Vietnam.

Would you like to pick the next East Asian country, FD, or shall I?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #409 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:00pm
stryder wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:08pm:
Tell me freediver, does Islam really scare you or make you concerned enough for you to question it because most or lots of lefties are quite sympathetic to muslims as some defenceless, unfairly criticised minority, i dont know if its out of true sympathy or FEAR OF THEM,

But lefties would never kick Islam the way they kick christianity dont you think ??????

Glad you phrased that as a question, Stryder.

FD’s retort below should satisfy your curiousity. The greatest barrier to Freedom and demokracy.

We’ve done the East Indies. Shall we move onto Malaya?

Your call, FD. You did ask, remember.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #410 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:04pm
Do you have a point Karnal? Or are you just asking a serious of stupid questions?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #411 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:08pm
A point? But FD, you asked me to describe which countries. We’re going through them one by one as you requested.

Would you like to discuss Malaya now, or would you prefer another country?

You choose. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers - or stupid questions.

That would be veering into Aussie-style Fascism, remember.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #412 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:12pm
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:11pm:
No, "we" failed because we aided and funded dictatorships in almost every state we liberated in WWII.

Would you mind listing them?

So list them. Explain how we failed.

Many of these countries are democracies today, functioning to various extents, because of western influence. You seem to be playing an elaborate game of shifting the goal posts. I say seem, because so far you have not managed to string together a coherent argument, merely a series of ever more stupid questions.

Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 12:05am:
But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

And we all know you do, poor dear. We all know you do.

freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am:
But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

Good advice Karnal.

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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:18pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #413 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:26pm
But, FD, you’ve only answered one question about South Korea - a stirring answer too. Why won’t you answer the rest?

Would you rather a different kind of list? How would you like to do this?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #414 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:29pm
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm:
I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.

Good point, FD. We can include per capita GDP in our discussion of Freedom and demokracy.

How does the richest country in South East Asia square up?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #415 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:56pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:31pm:
... Millions of people around the world live in poverty and oppression (and a few with great wealth and oppression) because of Islam...

That is garbage. When Arabia actually had a well-established Islamic system 1400 years ago, poverty was almost completely eradicated to the point that the government was forced to spend alms that it collected on financing young men to be married instead of feeding the poor because not enough poor could be found in the state.

Trade thrived in the Middle East under the Islamic state due to security and  peace, taxes were lower than they had ever been before, and their was system of wealth redistribution - transfers of government to the poor and needy.

The Islamic state offered freedom unknown to the world before. It was illegal to force anyone to convert to Islam. The Quran says:

"There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path..."
- The Quran, al-Baqarah, v.256

"If your Lord had so willed, then everyone on Earth would have believed. Would you then compel the people in order to make them believers?"
- The Quran, Yunus, v.99

"So remind them (O Muhammad), you are only one who reminds; You are not a dictator over them"
- The Quran, al-Ghaashiyah, v.21-2

Umar bin Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of the Islamic state made a treaty with the Christians of Jerusalem with the following wording:

"This is what Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, grants to the people of Jerusalem. He grants them the safety of their persons, their churches, and their crosses… their churches will not be shut down nor destroyed.  Nothing will be taken from them or from their crosses.  They will not be compelled to abandon their faith nor shall any one of them be abused."

The Islamic state established freedoms such as the right to travel, the right to security, the right choice of employment, the right of women to choose their husbands, and to own their own property and inherit. The Islamic state also established the right of people to complain about their government and seek recourse for perceived wrongs, encouraged the freeing of slaves, and forbid injustice:

"O ye who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just; this closest to piety..."
- The Quran, al-Ma'idah v.8

"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers."
- The Quran, al-Mumtahina v.8

"God doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! For God is He Who heareth and seeth all things."
- The Quran, an-Nisaa v.58

"O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both..."
- The Quran, an-Nisaa v.135

"God commands justice, the doing Of good, and liberality to kith And kin, and He forbids All shameful deeds, and injustice And rebellion: He instructs you, That ye may receive admonition."
- The Quran, 16:90

Any injustices we see today in Muslims countries are largely the results of detonation of Islamic values over the centuries combined with European and US colonisation followed by funding and political support of military dictators.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #416 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:00pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:29pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm:
I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.

Good point, FD. We can include per capita GDP in our discussion of Freedom and demokracy.

How does the richest country in South East Asia square up?

Singapore?  Well, it was lucky enough to have the Britannic inheritance AND smart enough to keep it and hang on to it - rather than repudiate it like the Pakis or the Burmese or any number of 'liberated' African countries.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #417 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:03pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:29pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm:
I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.

Good point, FD. We can include per capita GDP in our discussion of Freedom and demokracy.

How does the richest country in South East Asia square up?

The richest country in Southeast Asia is Singapore, which is basically a system based on an inherited dictatorship - freedom of speech, and the right to protest is not guaranteed, and all domestic media is tightly controlled by the government. Singapore has many impediments to religious freedom, and embraces a thoroughly racist system with ID cards requiring race identification, and restrictions on where races can live.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #418 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:08pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:12pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:10am:
But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

Good advice Karnal.

Thanks, FD.

Don’t want to answer your questions?

Better put yourself in the Wiki.

The richest country  in South East Asia?


The richest country per capita?

Well, it alternates between the fine demokracy of Singapore and the Sultinate of Brunei.

Thanks, Uncle, and thank Gud for Freedom.

What were you saying about the greatest barrier to Freedom again?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #419 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:10pm
Good post TC.

No need to reply FD, I think I've got it covered for you:

blah blah blah 700 jews beheaded... blah blah blah rape pillage murder... blah blah blah 700 jews beheaded... blah blah blah warmonger thief oppression... blah blah blah - did I mention 700 beheaded jews?

rinse and repeat ad-nauseam...
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #420 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:12pm
Soren wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:00pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:29pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm:
I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.

Good point, FD. We can include per capita GDP in our discussion of Freedom and demokracy.

How does the richest country in South East Asia square up?

Singapore?  Well, it was lucky enough to have the Britannic inheritance AND smart enough to keep it and hang on to it - rather than repudiate it like the Pakis or the Burmese or any number of 'liberated' African countries.

Many such countries including Pakistan continue to have British Common law today.

Singapore combines English common law with colonial/military justice. This can be seen in the use of canings as a judicial punishment in Singapore.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #421 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:12pm
Soren wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:00pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:29pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:09pm:
I think the discussion is really about 'the source of wealth in the modern world'.

Good point, FD. We can include per capita GDP in our discussion of Freedom and demokracy.

How does the richest country in South East Asia square up?

Singapore?  Well, it was lucky enough to have the Britannic inheritance AND smart enough to keep it and hang on to it - rather than repudiate it like the Pakis or the Burmese or any number of 'liberated' African countries.

But, old boy,  these are all demokracies.

Thanks to us, they have Freedom - that rich Brittanic inheritance.

Shurely shome mishtake, no?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #422 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:18pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:00pm:
My point? But, FD, I’m just asking a question.

Would it be reasonable to describe answering your question as pointless?

Sorry, FD, that’s an Abu tactic.

Besides, the questions are all yours. You wanted G to open up a new thread for this very discussion, no?

If you don’t mind me saying, you don’t seem to open to Freedom anymore. What’s wrong?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #423 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:28pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:10pm:
Good post TC.

No need to reply FD, I think I've got it covered for you:

blah blah blah 700 jews beheaded... blah blah blah rape pillage murder... blah blah blah 700 jews beheaded... blah blah blah warmonger thief oppression... blah blah blah - did I mention 700 beheaded jews?

rinse and repeat ad-nauseam...

No no, G, kindly let FD explain it in his own words. Our forefathers fought for these freedoms, remember.

FD has every right to express himself, and I for one, will fight to the death for his right to do so.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #424 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:29pm
But, FD, you’ve only answered one question about South Korea - a stirring answer too. Why won’t you answer the rest?

Because it is pointless. You are asking me a series of ever more stupid questions that are going nowhere. Just get to the punchline, or poo joke, or whatever you want to spend a few hours building up to, if you are not merely wandering aimlessly.

Would you rather a different kind of list? How would you like to do this?

No, "we" failed because

In what sense did we fail?

we aided and funded dictatorships in almost every state we liberated in WWII

List them.

That is garbage. When Arabia actually had a well-established Islamic system 1400 years ago, poverty was almost completely eradicated to the point that the government was forced to spend alms that it collected on financing young men to be married instead of feeding the poor because not enough poor could be found in the state.

Yes, that is the sort of wealth Muslims can aspire to. Not starving to death. Being able to afford to buy a wife. Four if he is lucky.

Trade thrived in the Middle East under the Islamic state due to security and  peace, taxes were lower than they had ever been before, and their was system of wealth redistribution - transfers of government to the poor and needy.

Transfers from slaves and non-Muslims to Muslims. It didn't work out quite so well when they ran out of slaves and non-Muslims, did it?

The Islamic state offered freedom unknown to the world before.


It was illegal to force anyone to convert to Islam.

And yet this is exactly what the Islamic state offered to many. Convert or die. Convert or be taxed 50% and have everything taken from you. Convert or suffer endless indignity and deprivation. But it's your choice of course, because Islam is all about freedom. And if you do convert (just sign on the dotted line...) you get the death penalty for apostasy.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #425 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:50pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:29pm:
It was illegal to force anyone to convert to Islam.

And yet this is exactly what the Islamic state offered to many. Convert or die.

Can you provide any evidence of this Freediver?

freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:29pm:
Convert or be taxed 50% and have everything taken from you.

Incorrect. People living in non-muslim areas incorporated into the Islamic states ended up paying less taxes in the Islamic state than they had under their Christian and Jewish rulers. The taxes collected were for the cost of defence for the newly incorporated lands not for enrichment of the government - as had been the case under the non-Islamic rule. In fact, in cases where it was found that the Islamic state had over-stretched and could not provide adequate defences, taxes paid by non-Muslims were returned in full. Non-Muslims were not deprived of their property or churches/synagogues in the Islamic state.

freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:29pm:
Convert or suffer endless indignity and deprivation.

This is untrue.
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 12:23am by True Colours »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #426 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 11:14pm
List them? But FD, we’re up to Malaya, a country who’s independence we faught with Mother England to supress in the Malayan Uprising between 1950 - 60.

When we lost that one, we fought to surpress the new nation of Indonesia in the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation from 1962 - 1966.

When we lost that one, we dragged our new relative Uncle into Nam, and when we gave up on that, we spent the 1970s and 80s aiming our defenses against the 250,000,000 Confrontasi-ists to our north.

Always, absolutely, never ever, eh?

Would you like to add anything to the list of countries in our region we fought to bring Freedom, FD?

I’m happy to start a new list if you’ve changed your mind and think all this is pointless.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #427 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 2:49pm
Alright if we move onto Indonesia, FD? They are a Muslim country, after all, and a rich source of wealth going back to the spice trade. The economy of that Freedom-loving financial centre, Singapore, is based on Indonesian exports and loans - the reason Singapore is such a wealthy country.

No colonial power, however, from the Dutch to the Portugese to the British, managed the scope of death and terror implimented by the Western-backed Suharto. Here's our role in exporting Demokracy:

Keen to secure the great wealth of the Indonesian archipelago for Western corporations, Australian and US government support for Suharto goes all the way back to his rise to power via a bloody military coup in 1965.

Suharto, then a top-ranking general, overthrew the nationalist government of president Sukarno, which had undertaken a number of measures that attempted to protect Indonesia from the ravages of exploitation by Western corporations.

Even more concerning for Western governments was the rise of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) on the back of mass struggles by workers and peasants. By the time Suharto took power, the PKI had an estimated 3 million members and 20 million organised supporters, making it the largest communist party outside of the Soviet Union and China.

With the active assistance of the CIA and the US embassy, Suharto launched his coup, utilising the military and
right-wing Islamic fundamentalist militias to carry out a campaign of mass slaughter against all leftists or suspected leftist sympathisers.

No-one knows the exact number killed, but at least half a million people were butchered in the space of four months. Some estimates put the figure as high as 2 million.

The PKI was physically exterminated — completely wiped out.

Under Suharto, democratic elections and freedom of speech were completely non-existent, while opponents were routinely killed, jailed and tortured.

At a New York meeting of the Australian-American Association in July 1966, then-prime minister Harold Holt expressed his joy at this turn of events, infamously declaring with satisfaction: “With 500,000 to 1 million communist sympathisers knocked off … I think it is safe to assume a reorientation has taken place.”

Indonesia was opened for business. Via corruption and nepotism, Suharto and his cronies became obscenely rich while any attempt by ordinary Indonesians to organise to defend their rights was brutally suppressed.

Yes, FD, exporting Freedom is a messy business. I'm sure the Indonesians are most grateful, no? Still, it raises the question as to why one of the biggest dictators of the 20th century was so celebrated by those in the "free" world. Here's one answer:

Here lies a clue as to why Suharto, unlike Saddam Hussein, died not on the gallows but surrounded by the finest medical team his secret billions could buy. Ralph McGehee, a senior CIA operations officer in the 1960s, describes the terror of Suharto’s takeover of Indonesia in 1965-6 as “the model operation” for the American-backed coup that got rid of Salvador Allende in Chile seven years later. “The CIA forged a document purporting to reveal a leftist plot to murder Chilean military leaders,” he wrote, “[just like] what happened in Indonesia in 1965.” The US embassy in Jakarta supplied Suharto with a “zap list” of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) members and crossed off the names when they were killed or captured. Roland Challis, the BBC’s south east Asia correspondent at the time, told me how the British government was secretly involved in this slaughter.  “British warships escorted a ship full of Indonesian troops down the Malacca Straits so they could take part in the terrible holocaust,” he said. “I and other correspondents were unaware of this at the time...There was a deal, you see.”

The deal was that Indonesia under Suharto would offer up what Richard Nixon had called “the richest hoard of natural resources, the greatest prize in south-east Asia”. In November 1967, the greatest prize was handed out at a remarkable three-day conference sponsored by the Time-Life Corporation in Geneva. Led by David Rockefeller, all the corporate giants were represented: the major oil companies and banks, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British American Tobacco, Siemens and US Steel and many others. Across the table sat Suharto’s US-trained economists who agreed to the corporate takeover of their country, sector by sector. The Freeport company got a mountain of copper in West Papua. A US/ European consortium got the nickel. The giant Alcoa company got the biggest slice of Indonesia’s bauxite. America, Japanese and French companies got the tropical forests of Sumatra. When the plunder was complete, President Lyndon Johnson sent his congratulations on “a magnificent story of opportunity seen and promise awakened”. Thirty years later, with the genocide in East Timor also complete, the World Bank described  the Suharto dictatorship as a “model pupil”.

Still, I blame Islam.

freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:31pm:
Islam is the greatest modern barrier to the march of freedom and democracy. Millions of people around the world live in poverty and oppression (and a few with great wealth and oppression) because of Islam.
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 3:00pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #428 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 3:10pm
Suharto - like Hosni Mubarak - has been estimated at various times to be one of the (if not the) richest men in the world.

Still, we won't list Egypt, FD. We're just going through the countries in our region.

Freedom, eh?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #429 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 4:01pm

Freedom, eh?

Freedom and criminality are not compatible.

To the criminal mind [i.e. to the person, the individual with a criminal mind], freedom is a 'licence', to commit crimes and to engage in criminal activity.

When freedom is given to a man [i.e. the freedom to act as he wishes], it reveals his character.

"If you want to know a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
Frederic Bastiat

2011-Sep-06  Tue 7:03 pm
"Self preservation is the only God that politicians bow down to."
Attributed to an unkown Aust pollie - ABC1 news

Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.
   - Henry Adams

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #430 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:24pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 4:01pm:

Freedom, eh?

Freedom and criminality are not compatible.

To the criminal mind [i.e. to the person, the individual with a criminal mind], freedom is a 'licence', to commit crimes and to engage in criminal activity.

When freedom is given to a man [i.e. the freedom to act as he wishes], it reveals his character.

"If you want to know a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln

Maybe, but it’s also true that the sort of power the US has delegated to various dictators over the years is responsible as well.

Anyone in Suharto, or Mubarak, or Diem or Rhee or Marcos’s position would have done the same. Absolute power corrupts, regardless of character.

Saddam alluded to this in his trial. Dictators come to power gradually, siezing power piece by piece, moment by moment. Each subsequent round of killings is a defensive move, used to hold what power they already have. The reasoning is that the alternative - whatever opponent they face - would be much worse. The killing is entirely justified and absolutely necessary in order to maintain the status quo.

To be fair to FD, the reason the US exported tyrranny and not Freedom is that it believed communism was the worse of two evils. It believed war, torture, and in some cases genocide, were the price to pay for opposing communist expansion.

And it was just a lucky break that there was a buck in it for the US’s friends in business.

This, essentially, is what Kissenger’s doctrine of mutual independence was all about, and it drove US foreign policy to the end of the Cold War.

If you were in power, Y, I have no doubt that you would find all sorts of justifications for performing your duty and erradicating the enemy.

Gud is great, no?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #431 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:34pm
Can you provide any evidence of this Freediver?

Ask Yadda or that other one.

Incorrect. People living in non-muslim areas incorporated into the Islamic states ended up paying less taxes in the Islamic state than they had under their Christian and Jewish rulers.

Does this include those who had to pay 100% of all their land and property, and then 50% of what they produced from that land (Muhammed was generous enough to allow them to work his newly acquired land for him).

Why do you say "non-muslim areas". Was the tax based on the status of the area you lived in rather than your religion?

Non-Muslims were not deprived of their property

Except of course when they were. And not just their property. Many were deprived of every single right they had and ended up slaves. Many were deprived of their life and were given a free headerectomy.

List them? But FD, we’re up to Malaya

It's quite simple Karnal. List them. I am not sure how to put it any simpler than that. Do you know what a list is?

You are just playing a stupid game of shifting the goal posts. You blame the west for every evil thing done that you can link to the west in any way, but completely ignore the spread of freedom and democracy through the region that is clearly a result of direct or indirect western influence.

That is why you flee in the face of any request to turn your ramblings into something resembling a coherent argument. Much better to forget about claiming anything at all and just trot out one accusation after another, like a deluded hippy on acid. Bitch and moan all you want, but you are still failing to see the wood for the trees.
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:44pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #432 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:39pm
Did somebody say Marcos?

Next country on the list, FD: Philippines.

The Philippines is an interesting case because, along with Cuba, it was one of the countries the US did run as an actual colony after it siezed the territories in the Spanish-Amerikan war. Douglas Macarthur and his father were both governors, although the US were never quite happy with the role.

In Cuba, they preferred to let dictators like Batista do the job - the model of a corrupt, tyranical despot if ever there was one.

After the war, the US stumbled across Ferdinand Marcos and his lovely wife Imelda - freedom-loathing oligarchs, the pair of them.

But alas, I’m probably boring FD.

FD, why don’t you list this one and tell us how the US exported Freedom to the Philippines?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #433 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:47pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 12:05am:
You want attention, old chap. I get that, I really do. But you really must learn to address the substance of an argument if you want to be taken seriously.

And we all know you do, poor dear. We all know you do.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #434 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:52pm
Sorry, FD, you’re not answering the question. Anything I can do to help?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #435 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:00pm
This might refresh your memory, FD.

freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 5:49am:
[quote]The fact is, a big chunk of the world has freedom and democracy today because the UK, France and then the US genuinely valued freedom and democracy and defended it from people like the Nazis, and even exported it (yes I concede it was sporadic). Shortly after WWII, the UK voluntarily dissolved the remnants of it's empire. It simply does not make sense that it fought WWII to hold onto that empire. The US gained no empire out of it. The British and American people, and their leaders, and most of their allies had a genuinely different vision for the world to the Nazis and Japanese. You cannot tell that difference because you do not share our values. To you it is merely 'wishy washy western liberal morals' that we cynically use to attack Islam. You are either hostile or indifferent to the very values that make our society great, to the extent that you cannot appreciate how much worse the whole world would have been, including the dire consequences for us, if the Nazis and Japanese had won WWII.

You were telling us how our exporting Freedom and demokracy to the world is much more than cynical, wishy-washy Western values. Your point is it creates wealth.

Did you forget what we were discussing?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #436 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:04pm
OK Karnal, I have tried to figure out what you are asking me and what your point is. I say try of course because you are rambling like a lunatic and refuse all my requests for clarification.

I have answered the question as best I can here:

I am still waiting on that list. Do you know what a list is?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #437 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:05pm
Give the bastards the chance to act civilised (our influence) but they stick with their Suhartos, Sukarnos, Nehrus, Ghandis, Marcoses and Mugabes and assorted other tribal, backward, primitive bastards.

And of course it IS the white man's burden when they do so. If you were to compel them to act right, they would denounce you as white colonialist beasts who takes away their precious innate tribal blood lust and hatred of each other (the stuff that has given their existence its miserable meaning for millennia). If you do NOT compel them, they will denounce you as white colonial corrupters and endorsers of their innate tribal blood lust and hatred of each other.

White man's burden = there is no cure for the resentment backward peoples because they realise, without words, that their only option is the white man's way. This means abandoning their very culture and who wants to do that? But there is no room for people with bones through their noses or sclerotic 7th century ideas in the heads, is there?
The world, like the caravan, has moved on. i

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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:17pm by Soren »  
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True Colours
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #438 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:05pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 7:39pm:
Did somebody say Marcos?

Next country on the list, FD: Philippines.

The Philippines is an interesting case because, along with Cuba, it was one of the countries the US did run as an actual colony after it siezed the territories in the Spanish-Amerikan war. Douglas Macarthur and his father were both governors, although the US were never quite happy with the role.

In Cuba, they preferred to let dictators like Batista do the job - the model of a corrupt, tyranical despot if ever there was one.

After the war, the US stumbled across Ferdinand Marcos and his lovely wife Imelda - freedom-loathing oligarchs, the pair of them.

But alas, I’m probably boring FD.

FD, why don’t you list this one and tell us how the US exported Freedom to the Philippines?

You might also note the quarter of a million people (more than 90% of them civilians) that the US killed in the Philippines.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #439 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:06pm
freediver wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:04pm:
OK Karnal, I have tried to figure out what you are asking me and what your point is. I say try of course because you are rambling like a lunatic and refuse all my requests for clarification.

I have answered the question as best I can here:

I am still waiting on that list. Do you know what a list is?

Are you trying to impose restrictions on my freedom of speech?

That’s not very demokratic.

If you don’t want to answer the questions, why don’t you just say?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #440 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:08pm
You were telling us how our exporting Freedom and demokracy to the world is much more than cynical, wishy-washy Western values.

That's right.

Your point is it creates wealth.

Here is a thread on that topic. Feel free to participate, when it wears off and you feel capable of sticking to the same topic for more than 5 minutes.

Are you trying to impose restrictions on my freedom of speech?

I am trying to get you to stop rambling like a lunatic. It's your choice of course.

If you don’t want to answer the questions, why don’t you just say?

I have said, plenty of times already. You asked why. I explained why. Then you started from the beginning again.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #441 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:11pm
Soren wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:05pm:
Give the bastards the chance to act civilised (our influence) but they stick with their Suiharos and Marcoses and assorted other tribal, backward, primitive bastards.

And of course it IS thye white man's burden that they do so.

If you were to compel them to act right, they would denounce you as white colonialist beasts who take away their precious innate tribal blood lust and hatred of each other (the stuff that has given their existence meaning for millennia)

If you do NOT compel them, they will denounce you as white colonial corrupters and endorsers of innate tribal blood lust and hatred of each other.

White man's burden = there is no cure for the resentment backward peoples.

Primative, backward bastards? White man’s burden? "Compelling" them?

Thanks, old chap. I’m starting to understand what FD means by Freedom and demokracy.

Sadly, he won’t say. I think he’s trying to keep it a secret.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #442 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:13pm
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:31pm:
Western lefties generally don't kick it because they are unfamiliar with it. They associate it with minority issues. Muslim proponents of Islam do their best to associate it with minority issues and claim victimhood on behalf of Islam and Muslims, while at the same time trying to conceal the nastier aspects of Islam in various ways.

Foreign lefties don't kick it because if they did they would get their head chopped off.

Islam is the greatest modern barrier to the march of freedom and democracy. Millions of people around the world live in poverty and oppression (and a few with great wealth and oppression) because of Islam.

Some criticism of Islam is unfair. Some is entirely deserved. Hopefully the distinction is becoming clearer as people become more familiar with Islam.

Grin Grin Grin Amazing isnt it, but lefties do defend islam even today, thats a fact freediver, despite the medieval mentality of its main islamic radicals that yield some influence on the entire religion itself today. it kinda  harks back to christianity when they were brutal and cruel during the times of the deadly inquisition. but christianity has progressed from those times a couple of hundreds of years ago and is not as brutal as it was back then.

Will islam follow the same path freediver ????

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #443 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:15pm
freediver wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:08pm:
You were telling us how our exporting Freedom and demokracy to the world is much more than cynical, wishy-washy Western values.

That's right.

Your point is it creates wealth.

Here is a thread on that topic. Feel free to participate, when it wears off and you feel capable of sticking to the same topic for more than 5 minutes.

Are you trying to impPose restrictions on my freedom of speech?

I am trying to get you to stop rambling like a lunatic. It's your choice of course.

If you don’t want to answer the questions, why don’t you just say?

I have said, plenty of times already. You asked why. I explained why. Then you started from the beginning again.

Not at all. We’re going through each country we liberated in WWII to see how the allied powers introduced Freedom and demokracy. This was your claim, and you asked me to list them. Repeatedly.

Would you prefer me to list them alphabetically, or in order of Freeeedom?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #444 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:17pm
stryder wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:13pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:31pm:
Western lefties generally don't kick it because they are unfamiliar with it. They associate it with minority issues. Muslim proponents of Islam do their best to associate it with minority issues and claim victimhood on behalf of Islam and Muslims, while at the same time trying to conceal the nastier aspects of Islam in various ways.

Foreign lefties don't kick it because if they did they would get their head chopped off.

Islam is the greatest modern barrier to the march of freedom and democracy. Millions of people around the world live in poverty and oppression (and a few with great wealth and oppression) because of Islam.

Some criticism of Islam is unfair. Some is entirely deserved. Hopefully the distinction is becoming clearer as people become more familiar with Islam.

Grin Grin Grin Amazing isnt it, but lefties do defend islam even today, thats a fact freediver, despite the medieval mentality of its man islamic radicals that yield some influence on the entire religion itself today. it kinda  harks back to christianity when they were brutal and cruel during the times of the deadly inquisition. but christianity has progressed from those times a couple of hundreds of years ago and is not as brutal as it was back then.

Will islam follow the same path freediver ????

Better not answer this one, FD.

Ask him to put it in a list, or change his wording around. It’s not clear enough.

There should be a hadith around somewhere with the rules for questions. Do you have a link?
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:23pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #445 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:20pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:00pm:
stryder wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:08pm:
Tell me freediver, does Islam really scare you or make you concerned enough for you to question it because most or lots of lefties are quite sympathetic to muslims as some defenceless, unfairly criticised minority, i dont know if its out of true sympathy or FEAR OF THEM,

But lefties would never kick Islam the way they kick christianity dont you think ??????

Glad you phrased that as a question, Stryder.

FD’s retort below should satisfy your curiousity. The greatest barrier to Freedom and demokracy.

We’ve done the East Indies. Shall we move onto Malaya?

Your call, FD. You did ask, remember.

Well karnal, I am wary of muslims altogether in fact i support freedivers questioning of the islamic religion altogether and his conclusive opinions of it which are not far from mine.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #446 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:25pm
stryder wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:20pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:00pm:
stryder wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:08pm:
Tell me freediver, does Islam really scare you or make you concerned enough for you to question it because most or lots of lefties are quite sympathetic to muslims as some defenceless, unfairly criticised minority, i dont know if its out of true sympathy or FEAR OF THEM,

But lefties would never kick Islam the way they kick christianity dont you think ??????

Glad you phrased that as a question, Stryder.

FD’s retort below should satisfy your curiousity. The greatest barrier to Freedom and demokracy.

We’ve done the East Indies. Shall we move onto Malaya?

Your call, FD. You did ask, remember.

Well karnal, I am wary of muslims altogether in fact i support freedivers questioning of the islamic religion altogether and his conclusive opinions of it which are not far from mine.

Has FD published a post on the right format for questioning the Islamic religion?

I can’t get a word out of him.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #447 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:29pm
Will islam follow the same path freediver ????

It has some genuine issues with that. The main one being with the concept of separation of church and state. Muhammed the warmonger, Muhammed the rulemaker, Muhammed the Caliph, etc etc set Islam on a very different path. It is hard to disentangle Muhammed's example from Islam. Gandalf claims to be able to, but won't let me in on the secret.

I think it is highly likely that this will happen in the 'Muslim world' over the next few centuries - but despite Islam and the best efforts of Muslims, not because of them. It will be interesting to see whether Islam is discarded in the process, or changes.

Not at all. We’re going through each country we liberated in WWII to see how the allied powers introduced Freedom and demokracy.

Wouldn't the obvious approach to this be to list them and say which ones you think are free and democratic, and the extent to which you think the west contributed to this? You appear to trying to spread what should be done in one post over 50 pages. You won't do this of course, because you are dedicated to not seeing the wood for the trees.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #448 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:55pm
Now now, FD, that’s just the sort of response Abu would give.

Allow me to rephrase my question -  how does the Marcos presidency and the US colony of the Philippines fit your high standard of wishy-washy Western morals?

The old boy is happy with tyranny and a million tinted deaths - the more the merrier. If the primative bastards are NOT compelled, they call you names.

You, however, seem to have loftier ideals.

Care to explain?
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:01pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #449 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:58pm
entire post consisting of nothing but ad-hom attack removed
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:04pm by polite_gandalf »  
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True Colours
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #450 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:04pm
Soren wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:58pm:
Childhood trauma? Guilt over cocksvcking? Too much cheese? Not enough/too much stool?  What?

Sounds like the Christian Brothers are churning out plenty of lefties.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #451 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:04pm
FD, the old boy’s not putting his questions in the right format. Also, he mentioned stool.

Should I answer him? I don’t want to break the rules here.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #452 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:07pm
True Colours wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:04pm:
Soren wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:58pm:
Childhood trauma? Guilt over cocksvcking? Too much cheese? Not enough/too much stool?  What?

Sounds like the Christian Brothers are churning out plenty of lefties.

No no, the old boy’s a Lutheran. He studied at the prestigious University of Balogney.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #453 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:16pm
True Colours wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:04pm:
Soren wrote on Apr 30th, 2014 at 8:58pm:
Childhood trauma? Guilt over cocksvcking? Too much cheese? Not enough/too much stool?  What?

Sounds like the Christian Brothers are churning out plenty of lefties.


Thanks, TC (cherish it, it doesn't happen often, TC) - Karnal was an altar boy wiv da buvvers!!!

All is explained and made plain.   Sorry all round and sympathies for Karnal.

I didn't realise, PB, please forgive.
Have a banana. No, no.

Have two.

Take them all.

Musta been awful for you. And here I was joking about it .

So sorry.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #454 - Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:40pm
Thanks, old boy. Your sole contribution to this thread is the contention that one was sexually abused by the Christian Brothers.

Marvellous stuff.

It must be said that the experience has compelled one to seek a life-affirming revenge on flirty old boy teases with their shaved legs in the air.

What doesn’t kill one, only makes one stronger, what.

Would a cuddle and a kiss help with the dilation?
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2014 at 9:51pm by Mattyfisk »  
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True Colours
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #455 - May 1st, 2014 at 1:10am
Soren wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:00pm:
Well, it was lucky enough to have the Britannic inheritance

Here's some interesting stats for Anglophiles:

Murder rates per 100,000 people per annum:

Former British colonies average       15.05
Former French colonies average       12.64
Former Soviet republics average       6.4

Christian countries average              13.12      
Muslim countries average               6.46
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #456 - May 1st, 2014 at 12:32pm
That's our rich Brittanic heritage for you, True. It's hardly proof of FD's claim that exporting Freedom and demokracy has created wealth.

Is murder factored into GDP?

It's important to note, however, that it's impossible to factor our "rich Brittanic heritage" into the murder rates of mainly warring African countries - just as it's equally ridiculous to say British colonial rule is responsible for Lee Quan Yew's Singapore, but not Jinnah's Pakistan. 

Murder rate compared to GDP would make much more sense as a predictor of future trends. The US, of course, has the highest murder rate in the developed world at 4.8. This varies wildly, however, from state to state and year to year. In 2003, for example, the murder rate for Washington DC was 44.7, making it one of the highest murder rates that year in the world.

Interestingly, the current national murder rate in the US (4.8) compares to the developing economy of the Philippines (5.4). In the Philippines, you're scanned for guns when you go into shopping centres and car parks.

The country with the highest murder rate since 1995 is El Salvador, that marvellous example of US Freedom-exporting during the Reagan era. in 1995, the murder rate there was a whopping 139.1.

In the top 10 rates since 1995, the list comprises solely of countries in the US's backyard, all corrupt Central American countries with heavy CIA/DEA involvement and US corporate rule. You know, drinking run and Coca-Cola, working for the Yankee dollar - largely the Yankee drug dollar.

Muslim countries? Not one in the top 10. Whoever would believe it?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #457 - May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 12:32pm:
That's our rich Brittanic heritage for you, True. It's hardly proof of FD's claim that exporting Freedom and demokracy has created wealth.

Is murder factored into GDP?

It's important to note, however, that it's impossible to factor our "rich Brittanic heritage" into the murder rates of mainly warring African countries - just as it's equally ridiculous to say British colonial rule is responsible for Lee Quan Yew's Singapore, but not Jinnah's Pakistan. 

Murder rate compared to GDP would make much more sense as a predictor of future trends. The US, of course, has the highest murder rate in the developed world at 4.8. This varies wildly, however, from state to state and year to year. In 2003, for example, the murder rate for Washington DC was 44.7, making it one of the highest murder rates that year in the world.

Interestingly, the current national murder rate in the US (4.8) compares to the developing economy of the Philippines (5.4). In the Philippines, you're scanned for guns when you go into shopping centres and car parks.

The country with the highest murder rate since 1995 is El Salvador, that marvellous example of US Freedom-exporting during the Reagan era. in 1995, the murder rate there was a whopping 139.1.

In the top 10 rates since 1995, the list comprises solely of countries in the US's backyard, all corrupt Central American countries with heavy CIA/DEA involvement and US corporate rule. You know, drinking run and Coca-Cola, working for the Yankee dollar - largely the Yankee drug dollar.

Muslim countries? Not one in the top 10. Whoever would believe it?

The US murder rate is disproportionately due to black-on-black violence. D.C is a black-majority city.

SO the murdering around the world is mostly done by Africans and Latin Americans. Colonialism clearly ended way too soon in these places.

RE: Pakistan versus Singapore - why can't the Pakistanis do as the Singaporeans?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #458 - May 1st, 2014 at 3:05pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
RE: Pakistan versus Singapore - why can't the Pakistanis do as the Singaporeans?

You mean like banning chewing gum? Caning people for littering? Refusing visas on arrival to male tourists with hair below their collars? 

Good idea. I'll send a letter to Pakistani Railways Minister, Ahmed Ghulam Bilour. He simply loves Freedom.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #459 - May 1st, 2014 at 3:14pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
The US murder rate is disproportionately due to black-on-black violence. D.C is a black-majority city.

SO the murdering around the world is mostly done by Africans and Latin Americans. Colonialism clearly ended way too soon in these places.

No no, old chap, blacks and browns. Africans and Latin Americans live in Africa and Latin America.

Americans live in Amerika. They threw out their colonial masters in 1776.

It's not about race, you see. It's about kulture - that just happens to coincide with race. The legacy of Mother England only lives on in countries with little slanty-eyed chappies pulling rickshaws.

The tinted jiigaboo countries are solely influenced by their primitive DNA.

That's the Freudian evidence, anyway. University of Balogney, innit.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #460 - May 1st, 2014 at 3:33pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
RE: Pakistan versus Singapore - why can't the Pakistanis do as the Singaporeans?

This, of course, is the question that haunts this thread. Why can't the cash-crop economy of Pakistan become South East Asia's trade and financial centre? They have a race track, a Cricket Club, an elite clique of cashed-up oligarchs and organised crime syndicates.


We all know why, friends: the devious criminal mind of the Muselman and his sinister prophet.

Always, absolutely, never ever - on stilts. Ever. Stilts.

freediver wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:31pm:
Islam is the greatest modern barrier to the march of freedom and democracy. Millions of people around the world live in poverty and oppression (and a few with great wealth and oppression) because of Islam.

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« Last Edit: May 1st, 2014 at 3:42pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #461 - May 1st, 2014 at 3:39pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
SO the murdering around the world is mostly done by Africans and Latin Americans. Colonialism clearly ended way too soon in these places.

But black Americans have the next best thing to colonialism - having whites hold a monopoly on politics and wealth. If the superior civilized whiteys in America can't civilize those ghastly blacks, then where's the benefit in this 'white man's burden' colonialism you always speak so highly of?

You can't argue both ways S.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #462 - May 1st, 2014 at 3:47pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 3:39pm:
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
SO the murdering around the world is mostly done by Africans and Latin Americans. Colonialism clearly ended way too soon in these places.

But black Americans have the next best thing to colonialism - having whites hold a monopoly on politics and wealth. If the superior civilized whiteys in America can't civilize those ghastly blacks, then where's the benefit in this 'white man's burden' colonialism you always speak so highly of?

You can't argue both ways S.

No no, the old boy's saying the Amerikans gave up trying, letting them move into our schools and neighbourhoods, letting them eat in our diners, use our toilets, and even sit anywhere they want on the bus, it's ridiculous. For heaven's sake, we even released them from slavery.


No, we need a return to good old fashioned Freedom. That should fix it.
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« Last Edit: May 1st, 2014 at 6:29pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #463 - May 1st, 2014 at 7:06pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 3:47pm:
No no, the old boy's saying the Amerikans gave up trying, letting them move into our schools and neighbourhoods, letting them eat in our diners, use our toilets, and even sit anywhere they want on the bus, it's ridiculous. For heaven's sake, we even released them from slavery.


No, we need a return to good old fashioned Freedom. That should fix it.

Yeah, typical.

White man's burden, innit.

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« Last Edit: May 1st, 2014 at 7:12pm by Soren »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #464 - May 1st, 2014 at 7:08pm

polite_gandalf wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 3:39pm:
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
SO the murdering around the world is mostly done by Africans and Latin Americans. Colonialism clearly ended way too soon in these places.

But black Americans have the next best thing to colonialism - having whites hold a monopoly on politics and wealth. If the superior civilized whiteys in America can't civilize those ghastly blacks, then where's the benefit in this 'white man's burden' colonialism you always speak so highly of?

You can't argue both ways S.

My point exactly - they can't have it both ways.
1. When they were treated as inferiors, that wasn't good.  It was oppressive.
2. Now that they are given freedom and equality, that's no good either. They have ghetto culture and violence and are killing each other coz white looks down on these cultural achievements.

The same in Africa, by the way. Colonialism - no good. Liberation: even worse. African countries, now led by their own people for decades, are worse off than they were under colonialism. They have been free to return to their pre-colonial, tribal ways.
Arab countries are the same - back to tribalism:

Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man's burden--
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden--
The savage wars of peace--
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.


You can show them a better way but they need to take it and make it their own. As Dorothy Parker said in a different context, you can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think. Same with post colonial countries.  Some can think: Australia, Canada, NZ. Others can't - most of the rest of the previous colonies. They have a huge preference for a return to "sloth and heathen Folly".
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #465 - May 1st, 2014 at 7:19pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 7:06pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 3:47pm:
No no, the old boy's saying the Amerikans gave up trying, letting them move into our schools and neighbourhoods, letting them eat in our diners, use our toilets, and even sit anywhere they want on the bus, it's ridiculous. For heaven's sake, we even released them from slavery.


No, we need a return to good old fashioned Freedom. That should fix it.

Yeah, typical.

White man's burden, innit.

Not that we should share our neighbourhoods, workplaces and toilets with these people shurely.

That was never part of the deal.

I blame Islam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #466 - May 1st, 2014 at 9:12pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 3:05pm:
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
RE: Pakistan versus Singapore - why can't the Pakistanis do as the Singaporeans?

You mean like banning chewing gum? Caning people for littering? Refusing visas on arrival to male tourists with hair below their collars? 

Good idea. I'll send a letter to Pakistani Railways Minister, Ahmed Ghulam Bilour. He simply loves Freedom.

You are talking and thinking trivial crap as ever.  As if these were the things that made the difference between these two places.

You've internalised reflexive, idiotic falsification perfectly. If there is a chance to rush for the wrong end of a stick, you will be there before anyone else. It's your very own place in the world, the wrong end of the ...ahem... stick.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #467 - May 1st, 2014 at 9:19pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 8:41am:
Twenty-five years after Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa against Salman Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses
, Vanity Fair writer Paul Elie hears from Rushdie himself and authors including Stephen King, Ian McEwan, E. L. Doctorow, Gay Talese, and Martin Amis, as well as editors from Viking and Penguin, the book’s respective U.K. and American publishers, about how the prophetic and provocative book made its author a hunted man and unleashed a fury around the world. Bombs exploded in bookshops in the U.S. and the U.K.; the book’s Japanese translator was shot and killed, its Italian translator was stabbed, its Turkish translator was attacked, its Norwegian publisher was shot, and two clerics in Saudi Arabia and Tunisia who spoke out against the fatwa were shot and killed. In total, Elie writes, more than 60 people died in the controversy.

Stephen King went so far as to intervene on Rushdie’s behalf when a number of bookstores in the U.S. announced plans not to sell the book or to remove it from their shelves. At the behest of two Viking editors, King called the chief of bookstore chain B. Dalton and gave him an ultimatum: “You don’t sell The Satanic Verses, you don’t sell Stephen King.” The store reversed course. “You can’t let intimidation stop books,” King now says, recalling the episode. “It’s as basic as that. Books are life itself.”

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #468 - May 1st, 2014 at 9:50pm
Yes when mohammed said satan made him write the scriptures that said muslims could worship the daughters of the moon god hubal from his old clan it backfired in a big way. If your going to think up a religion do it properly before making crap up I say. No amount of back peddling was going to keep people from letting the truth out about that little chestnut.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #469 - May 1st, 2014 at 10:19pm
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 9:12pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 3:05pm:
Soren wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 2:56pm:
RE: Pakistan versus Singapore - why can't the Pakistanis do as the Singaporeans?

You mean like banning chewing gum? Caning people for littering? Refusing visas on arrival to male tourists with hair below their collars? 

Good idea. I'll send a letter to Pakistani Railways Minister, Ahmed Ghulam Bilour. He simply loves Freedom.

You are talking and thinking trivial crap as ever.  As if these were the things that made the difference between these two places.

So true, old boy. It makes perfect sense you’d be a closet fan of the most anal colony on the planet.You’re a Hun. As long as the trains run on time, you’re as happy as a svine in sheisen, nein?

The difference between you chaps and we British is we know to let the natives do their thing. You lot just want to exterminate everyone. You’re not happy until the entire planet is your liebensraum.

Even when you emigrate, you do the equivalent of getting up before everyone else and reserving all the sunlounges down by the pool. You’re a sunburnt old bin straightener in Speedos and sandals. Back home, you live on turnips and rollmops.

Here, you stuff yourself on the breakfast buffet and loll around all day, complaining.

Alvays, absoluutely, newer ewer - on schtiltz. Schtiltz!
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« Last Edit: May 1st, 2014 at 10:43pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #470 - May 2nd, 2014 at 12:29pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 10:19pm:
You’re a sunburnt old bin straightener in Speedos and sandals.

Sandals - with socks up to the knees
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #471 - May 2nd, 2014 at 12:39pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 12:29pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on May 1st, 2014 at 10:19pm:
You’re a sunburnt old bin straightener in Speedos and sandals.

Sandals - with socks up to the knees

To be fair, style is not one of the old boy’s strengths. His skills lie more in fermenting, preserving and pickling.

Miam miam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #472 - May 2nd, 2014 at 12:49pm
would this thread be permitted in saudi ?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #473 - May 2nd, 2014 at 12:52pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 12:49pm:
would this thread be permitted in saudi ?

Never been to Saudi, Sprint, but I assume they have the internet there.

Would it be permitted in Singapore?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #474 - May 2nd, 2014 at 1:01pm
Would it be permitted in Indonesia - the country with the highest GDP in South East Asia, and the highest level of economic growth?

Here’s a question - if Islam is the biggest threat to Freeedom and wealth creation, how does this account for the biggest Muslim country in the world being one of the fastest growing economies on the planet?

Anyone care to offer an explanation?

Apologies if this is a pointless question.
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True Colours
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #475 - May 2nd, 2014 at 3:14pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 12:52pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 12:49pm:
would this thread be permitted in saudi ?

Never been to Saudi, Sprint, but I assume they have the internet there.

Would it be permitted in Singapore?

I have lived in Saudi, Singapore and Indonesia, and can tell you that this thread would most likely be sit down in Singapore first because they don't tolerate any threats to so-called racial harmony there. There is more monitoring of internet forums in Singapore than in just about any other country.

Singapore police arrest 2 for making racist remarks online
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #476 - May 2nd, 2014 at 3:34pm
True Colours wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 3:14pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 12:52pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 12:49pm:
would this thread be permitted in saudi ?

Never been to Saudi, Sprint, but I assume they have the internet there.

Would it be permitted in Singapore?

I have lived in Saudi, Singapore and Indonesia, and can tell you that this thread would most likely be sit down in Singapore first because they don't tolerate any threats to so-called racial harmony there. There is more monitoring of internet forums in Singapore than in just about any other country.

Singapore police arrest 2 for making racist remarks online

Good heavens - the Freeeedom-loving city state of Singapore does things like this?

The entire Islam board would be banned in Singapore!

Who knows? Banning boards like this are probably part of FD's Freeedom-exporting and wealth-creation plan - the rich legacy of our Brittanic heritage.

I blame Islam.
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« Last Edit: May 2nd, 2014 at 5:38pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #477 - May 2nd, 2014 at 3:50pm

.........Every time the military trumpets a success against the militants, they step up the tempo and deadliness of attacks. More than 1,500 people have died in the Islamic uprising this year, compared to 3,600 between 2010 and 2013........
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #478 - May 2nd, 2014 at 7:44pm
Here’s a question - if Islam is the biggest threat to Freeedom and wealth creation, how does this account for the biggest Muslim country in the world being one of the fastest growing economies on the planet?

Freedom, democracy, and prosperity. It is accounted for by the universal appeal of freedom and democracy. And a heavy western influence.

Apologies if this is a pointless question.

Not at all. That one even made sense.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #479 - May 2nd, 2014 at 8:43pm
freediver wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 7:44pm:
Here’s a question - if Islam is the biggest threat to Freeedom and wealth creation, how does this account for the biggest Muslim country in the world being one of the fastest growing economies on the planet?

Freedom, democracy, and prosperity. It is accounted for by the universal appeal of freedom and democracy. And a heavy western influence.

Apologies if this is a pointless question.

Not at all. That one even made sense.

So how do you account for Suharto’s million-plus killing spree, his personal "war booty", and his state-sponsored corruption and nepotism on an unprecedented scale?

Western-influenced Freeedom/demokracy/prosperity - or Islam?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #480 - May 2nd, 2014 at 9:08pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 8:43pm:
freediver wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 7:44pm:
Here’s a question - if Islam is the biggest threat to Freeedom and wealth creation, how does this account for the biggest Muslim country in the world being one of the fastest growing economies on the planet?

Freedom, democracy, and prosperity. It is accounted for by the universal appeal of freedom and democracy. And a heavy western influence.

Apologies if this is a pointless question.

Not at all. That one even made sense.

So how do you account for Suharto’s million-plus killing spree, his personal "war booty", and his state-sponsored corruption and nepotism on an unprecedented scale?

Western-influenced Freeedom/demokracy/prosperity - or Islam?

oh that was obviously islam.

don't know why you asked.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #481 - May 2nd, 2014 at 9:37pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 9:08pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 8:43pm:
freediver wrote on May 2nd, 2014 at 7:44pm:
Here’s a question - if Islam is the biggest threat to Freeedom and wealth creation, how does this account for the biggest Muslim country in the world being one of the fastest growing economies on the planet?

Freedom, democracy, and prosperity. It is accounted for by the universal appeal of freedom and democracy. And a heavy western influence.

Apologies if this is a pointless question.

Not at all. That one even made sense.

So how do you account for Suharto’s million-plus killing spree, his personal "war booty", and his state-sponsored corruption and nepotism on an unprecedented scale?

Western-influenced Freeedom/demokracy/prosperity - or Islam?

oh that was obviously islam.

don't know why you asked.

I know. I thought I’d give FD one of Stryder’s Dorothy Dixers.

Cunning, no?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #482 - May 9th, 2014 at 12:35pm
Gandalf you never did clarify your views on freedom of speech, other than to offer your limp wristed support for it on condition that it costs nothing, and to pull out the white flags if there will be a cost.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #483 - May 9th, 2014 at 10:15pm
Neither did you, FD. You merely said we shouldn’t criticize demokracy lest the enemy use our words against us.

I think they said that in WWI too. You know, when we brought Johnny Turk demokracy so that he could keep quiet and not criticize demokracy.

It is a jolly world, no?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #484 - May 9th, 2014 at 11:22pm
freediver wrote on May 9th, 2014 at 12:35pm:
Gandalf you never did clarify your views on freedom of speech, other than to offer your limp wristed support for it on condition that it costs nothing, and to pull out the white flags if there will be a cost.
vulnerable minorities are not vilified and/or intimidated - which is perfectly in line with mainstream Australian views


Ooh look, here's some more limp wristed apologists - the majority of the Australian public to be precise:

The latest Fairfax-Nielsen poll specifically asked voters if they believe it should it be lawful or unlawful to "offend, insult or humiliate" somebody based on their race.

The answer was a statistically conclusive 88 per cent - or nine out of 10 - in favour of the status quo - that is, that it should remain unlawful to discriminate.

Read more:

and in another survey...

According to our survey, only 10% support making it lawful to offend without a legitimate defence (as provided for by Section 18D). Only 5% believe people should be totally free to intimidate up to the edge of criminality. This latter position is in line with the views espoused by influential free-market think-tank the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) and News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt, who was found to be in breach of Section 18C in 2011.

Nearly 80% support laws against racial vilification. Close to 70% support laws against religious vilification.

These are not anti-free speech ideologues, as can be seen in the table below. Nearly half of those surveyed (47%) believe that freedom to speak your mind is more important than freedom from hate speech (neutral 32%; disagree 21%).
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #485 - May 10th, 2014 at 12:45am
Yes, G, but that 80% are clearly Moslems. I think you’ll find decent Australian people love racial and religious vilification.

You know what? I blame Islam. If it wasn’t for them, we’d be free to vilify whoever we want.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #486 - May 10th, 2014 at 12:51am
vulnerable minorities are not vilified and/or intimidated - which is perfectly in line with mainstream Australian views

How quickly you forget. Or would like to forget. It seems 90% of this debate is me trying to remind you of what you posted. You insisted that you only raised the white flag to Muslim extremists because I tricked you into thinking there was a guarantee people would get hurt if you did not surrender freedom of speech, and that I later "clarified" my question to one where there was a guarantee that no-one would get hurt. In both situations you were prepared to take a position, but not in any realistic situation. This had nothing to do with the racial vilification laws. In fact the context was hollywood movies. You then spent most of the discussion trying to change the topic and insisting you had already clarified your position and it was unfair for me to keep asking about it.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #487 - May 10th, 2014 at 9:28am
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 12:51am:
but not in any realistic situation.

I spent much of the first 10 pages of this thread describing 3 or 4 specific realistic scenarios.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #488 - May 10th, 2014 at 9:47am
Let me guess - every single one involved you supporting censorship, but in very carefully selected scenarios so as not to reveal the extent of your support for censorship?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #489 - May 10th, 2014 at 9:53am
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 9:47am:
Let me guess - every single one involved you supporting censorship, but in very carefully selected scenarios so as not to reveal the extent of your support for censorship?

If you bothered to read it you'd know all about if  Smiley
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #490 - May 10th, 2014 at 10:17am
That seems to be it. I'll elaborate for you. You offer your limp wristed support for freedom of speech when it costs nothing. You wave the white flag to your fellow Muslims if there is going to be any cost at all. And in realistic scenarios you support censorship, but you only talk about it in a limited and carefully selected set of contexts where you can make yourself look normal. You have spent the rest of the thread offering excuse after excuse for why you cannot possibly reveal the extent of your support for censorship, often invoking trickery on my part.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #491 - May 10th, 2014 at 11:07am
Perhaps this is the version of free speech that Gandalf believes in FD

"Saudi Arabia is calling for anti-blasphemy laws in Norway, where “too little has been done to counter criticism against the prophet” and Muslim citizens have been victims of “hate crimes,”  Grin Grin Grinaccording to the nation of Muhammad’s birthplace. It has asked for the UN to review the situation."

"Islamist governments sensed weakness, an opening, an opportunity. The United States was saying they had a point! So they took the next logical step.

Just weeks after the riots, the freshly chosen presidents of Egypt and Yemen took to the podium at the United Nations and demanded that blasphemy be outlawed everywhere in the world, including in the United States. “Insults against the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, are not acceptable,” said Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. “We will not allow anyone to do this by word or by deed.” “There should be limits for the freedom of expression,” added Yemen’s president, Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi, “especially if such freedom blasphemes the beliefs of nations and defames their figures.”

It always has amazed me that Islamist's want this, have they though about the way Christians are blasphemed by Muslims.  Every time they deny Jesus is the son of god should we slit their throats? I think it would be far easier for them to just shut up on this issue and slink away with tail between legs!
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In real life Gandalf is known as Mr 10%
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #492 - May 10th, 2014 at 12:27pm
Gandalf appears to think that we should agree to their terms, but only if they threaten to kill a few people if we don't. While everyone is being polite about it, we should hang on to freedom of speech.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #493 - May 10th, 2014 at 12:45pm
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
Gandalf appears to think that we should agree to their terms, but only if they threaten to kill a few people if we don't. While everyone is being polite about it, we should hang on to freedom of speech.

Does he? I recall a certain Freeedom-loving chap here who said we shouldn’t speak ill of his favourite political system lest the sinister forces of anti-Freeedom use it against us.

Loose lips sink ships, eh?

This chap said we shouldn’t criticize his beloved demokracy. Instead, we should say nice things about it in the hope that these awful Freeedom-hating people will think twice and join our side. We should put on a happy face and pretend Uncle and Mother have always been really nice to everyone - acting out of the kindness of their own hearts to lift the tinted world out of its primative ways.

Sure, we’ve had the odd disagreement along the way, but that’s all water under the bridge. We’re nice, the Muselman is hideous, and to say anything else is a form of treason.

We are at war, after all.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #494 - May 10th, 2014 at 1:00pm
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 10:17am:
That seems to be it. I'll elaborate for you. You offer your limp wristed support for freedom of speech when it costs nothing. You wave the white flag to your fellow Muslims if there is going to be any cost at all. And in realistic scenarios you support censorship, but you only talk about it in a limited and carefully selected set of contexts where you can make yourself look normal. You have spent the rest of the thread offering excuse after excuse for why you cannot possibly reveal the extent of your support for censorship, often invoking trickery on my part.

I support freedom of expression to the extent that it doesn't vilify or incite violence. I don't support censorship in the interests of pandering to those who threaten violence.

I don't support censorship where it merely offends. Evidently, 80% of the Australian population is even more limp wristed than me. Who'd've thought?

Adamant wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 11:07am:
Perhaps this is the version of free speech that Gandalf believes in FD

I support the freedom to line up each and every member of that kingdom's vile regime and having them summarily executed, and wipe their degenerate wahabism from the face of the earth.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #495 - May 10th, 2014 at 1:13pm
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
Gandalf appears to think that we should agree to their terms, but only if they threaten to kill a few people if we don't. While everyone is being polite about it, we should hang on to freedom of speech.

Your favourite freedom loving demokracy is the only reason this degenerate monarchy still spews its disgusting bile across the middle east and the muslim world. That a little too "impolite" for you FD? Tell me, does the US still have its illegal arms racket from Benghazi supplying those terrorist exports from Saudi? When was the last time you ever heard a murmer of criticism from any US administration about the horrors this vile regime imposes on its own people and across the middle east?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #496 - May 10th, 2014 at 1:13pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 1:00pm:
I support the freedom to line up each and every member of that kingdom's vile regime and having them summarily executed, and wipe their degenerate wahabism from the face of the earth.

Now now, no need to be rude to our friends. You save that energy for the Muselman.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #497 - May 10th, 2014 at 1:16pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 1:13pm:
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
Gandalf appears to think that we should agree to their terms, but only if they threaten to kill a few people if we don't. While everyone is being polite about it, we should hang on to freedom of speech.

Your favourite freedom loving demokracy is the only reason this degenerate monarchy still spews its disgusting bile across the middle east and the muslim world. That a little too "impolite" for you FD?

Ban this one, Moderator. He’s speaking out against Freeedom.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #498 - May 13th, 2014 at 7:20pm
I don't support censorship in the interests of pandering to those who threaten violence.

Yet you have stood by your original claim that you do, albeit trying to blame it on some kind of trickery on my part. Or are you merely saying you support censorship in this context, but for different reasons?

Your favourite freedom loving demokracy is the only reason this degenerate monarchy still spews its disgusting bile across the middle east and the muslim world. That a little too "impolite" for you FD?

My apologies. I keep forgetting that Muslims are never responsible for their own actions. Only America is.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #499 - May 13th, 2014 at 8:02pm
freediver wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 7:20pm:
My apologies. I keep forgetting that Muslims are never responsible for their own actions. Only America is.

On the contrary. I hold those corrupt Saudi slimeballs wholly responsible for the bile they impose on the middle east. But the ordinary citizens of Syria who are being terrorized and slaughtered by Saudi backed terrorists aren't responsible for their plight. The people who are facilitating the export of these terrorists are - and that includes the US through their little arms and jihadist smuggling racket based in Benghazi. Just like the innocent civilians who were terrorized for 10 years in Nicuragua by US-backed terrorists weren't responsible.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #500 - May 13th, 2014 at 9:10pm
On the contrary. I hold those corrupt Saudi slimeballs wholly responsible for the bile they impose on the middle east.

Your favourite freedom loving demokracy is the only reason this degenerate monarchy still spews its disgusting bile

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #501 - May 13th, 2014 at 11:45pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 8:02pm:
freediver wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 7:20pm:
My apologies. I keep forgetting that Muslims are never responsible for their own actions. Only America is.

On the contrary. I hold those corrupt Saudi slimeballs wholly responsible for the bile they impose on the middle east. But the ordinary citizens of Syria who are being terrorized and slaughtered by Saudi backed terrorists aren't responsible for their plight.

Nor were those killed in September 11. Lucky Uncle decided to seek revenge on Saddam instead, eh?

We blame Islam.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #502 - May 14th, 2014 at 5:53pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 1:13pm:
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
Gandalf appears to think that we should agree to their terms, but only if they threaten to kill a few people if we don't. While everyone is being polite about it, we should hang on to freedom of speech.

Your favourite freedom loving demokracy is the only reason this degenerate monarchy still spews its disgusting bile across the middle east and the muslim world. That a little too "impolite" for you FD? Tell me, does the US still have its illegal arms racket from Benghazi supplying those terrorist exports from Saudi? When was the last time you ever heard a murmer of criticism from any US administration about the horrors this vile regime imposes on its own people and across the middle east?

And what do Muslims do about it?

A Danish newspaper publishes a few cartoons of Mohammed or someone in America makes a home movie about Mohammed or a British author writes a book about him - massive protests, killing and vigorous rioting by Muslims around the world for weeks.

Atrocities like kidnapping of 300 Christian schoolgirls, beheadings, suicide bombings, murder on the streets of London and Amsterdam and elsewhere in the name of Islam, Saudi financed toxic ideology and propaganda across the globe - no Muslim marches, no calls to demos, no sustained protest by the 'vast majority of peaceful Muslims'.
A few bromides from a few clerics, and that's it.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #503 - May 14th, 2014 at 7:33pm
Soren wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 5:53pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 1:13pm:
freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
Gandalf appears to think that we should agree to their terms, but only if they threaten to kill a few people if we don't. While everyone is being polite about it, we should hang on to freedom of speech.

Your favourite freedom loving demokracy is the only reason this degenerate monarchy still spews its disgusting bile across the middle east and the muslim world. That a little too "impolite" for you FD? Tell me, does the US still have its illegal arms racket from Benghazi supplying those terrorist exports from Saudi? When was the last time you ever heard a murmer of criticism from any US administration about the horrors this vile regime imposes on its own people and across the middle east?

And what do Muslims do about it?

A Danish newspaper publishes a few cartoons of Mohammed or someone in America makes a home movie about Mohammed or a British author writes a book about him - massive protests, killing and vigorous rioting by Muslims around the world for weeks.

Atrocities like kidnapping of 300 Christian schoolgirls, beheadings, suicide bombings, murder on the streets of London and Amsterdam and elsewhere in the name of Islam, Saudi financed toxic ideology and propaganda across the globe - no Muslim marches, no calls to demos, no sustained protest by the 'vast majority of peaceful Muslims'.
A few bromides from a few clerics, and that's it.

and NO Islamic countries want to help the kidnapped Christian girls.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #504 - May 14th, 2014 at 7:34pm
Actually I don't see many sustained muslim protests against western occupation and oppression of muslim lands either.

Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #505 - May 14th, 2014 at 7:41pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 7:34pm:
Actually I don't see many sustained muslim protests against western occupation and oppression of muslim lands either.

Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.


really ?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #506 - May 14th, 2014 at 7:42pm

more muslims not protesting

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #507 - May 14th, 2014 at 7:57pm
ooh look I can play this game too...



Proof right sprint?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #508 - May 14th, 2014 at 8:05pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 7:34pm:
Actually I don't see many sustained muslim protests against western occupation and oppression of muslim lands either.

Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.

Which lands would these be?
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In real life Gandalf is known as Mr 10%
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #509 - May 14th, 2014 at 8:12pm
Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.

Unless of course it is to undermine freedom of speech. Then you can expect worldwide protests and a few deaths - and more spineless apologetics from the "progressive" Muslims who pretend to support freedom of speech, so long as it costs them nothing.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #510 - May 14th, 2014 at 11:10pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 7:34pm:
Actually I don't see many sustained muslim protests against western occupation and oppression of muslim lands either.

Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.

Western occupation? Apathy.
Terrorist 'misrepresenting' Islam? Apathy.

Cartoons and amateur videos and books - no end to violent, murderous Muslim protests across the globe.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #511 - May 14th, 2014 at 11:31pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 7:41pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 7:34pm:
Actually I don't see many sustained muslim protests against western occupation and oppression of muslim lands either.

Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.

really ?
the magic of Photoshop.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #512 - May 15th, 2014 at 12:11am
Evil looking bvggers in Sydney.

And these are just the ones that weren't arrested....

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #513 - May 15th, 2014 at 8:22am
Protest rallies by muslims in the west are few and far between. There's a reason why Yadda's images are from the early to mid 2000s.

In the muslim lands protests are usually banned. Thats why the arab spring protests were such a shock to everyone - muslims were doing something they rarely do
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #514 - May 15th, 2014 at 12:37pm
Protest rallies by muslims in the west are few and far between.

As are the Muslims. Coincidence?

In the muslim lands protests are usually banned.

Unless it is against freedom of speech.

Thats why the arab spring protests were such a shock to everyone - muslims were doing something they rarely do

What differed was that it went slightly beyond the usual "kill the infidel" rubbish.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #515 - May 15th, 2014 at 1:16pm
freediver wrote on May 14th, 2014 at 8:12pm:
Muslims generally don't protest it seems - and they don't discriminate on this.

Unless of course it is to undermine freedom of speech. Then you can expect worldwide protests and a few deaths - and more spineless apologetics from the "progressive" Muslims who pretend to support freedom of speech, so long as it costs them nothing.

I can't recall a protest by hindus, buddhists, christians, athiests, agnostics or wiccans  for anything.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #516 - May 15th, 2014 at 2:21pm
freediver wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 12:37pm:
Unless it is against freedom of speech.

Sloganeering can be fun FD - but it doesn't change the reality that most muslim countries have strict laws against any kind of organised protesting.

Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
I can't recall a protest by hindus, buddhists, christians, athiests, agnostics or wiccans  for anything.

Grin Grin
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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True Colours
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #517 - May 15th, 2014 at 2:52pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
I can't recall a protest by hindus, buddhists, christians, athiests, agnostics or wiccans  for anything.

Buddhists are often protesting for their governments to kill minorities in places like Burma and Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka's Buddhist monks are intent on war

Anti-Muslim monk stokes Burmese religious tensions




They will even set themselves on fire to prove a point:



Now don't get me started on Hindu nationalist demonstrations in India or sectarian marches in Northern Ireland or anti-abortion protests in the US.

Perhaps I will post this Christian protest though seeing as it targets your kind:

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #518 - May 15th, 2014 at 2:57pm
Their illusions TC - christians and budhists don't protest.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #519 - May 15th, 2014 at 6:48pm
Muslims still want to silence and intimidate you.

By killing innocents on western streets, buses, trains, in the name of Allah and Islam, citing Koraniv verrses as justification
By conducting law-fare against free expression, whether in words, cartoons, film or by quoting the Koran while laughing.
Promoting international treaties on making criticism of religion unlawful and punishable
Conflating religion and race and thus pouncing on every critic of Islam as 'racists' and a 'bigot'
Relentless double talk and rape of the language: attempting to present Islamist terrorists as 'liberators' - and who can be against 'liberators. TC promotes Boko Haram as a anti-corruption forces, implying that anyone who is against Boko Haram is for corruption.  Calling Islam a religion of peace when a disproportionate number of terror attacks are committed by Muslims in the name of Islam.

Bottom line - Islam will not concede your right in your own western, democratic country, to be openly critical of Islam, Mohammed and people who follow his teachings and practices.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #520 - May 15th, 2014 at 8:00pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 3:55pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on May 28th, 2013 at 3:23pm:
He had a 6 year old wife who he porked when she was 9, some might consider it break and enter.

We don't know how old she was - contemporary research suggests she was well into her teens when the marriage was consumated. This was discussed at more length in another discussion. I noted your deafening silence when my arguments were put forward to counter your slander.

More generally, Islam strictly prohibits forced marriage - as explicity commanded by the prophet.

moh was in his 50's at that stage. A 50 year old with many wives and sex slaves marries a 6 - 9 year old........... not a good look
the Koran says Aisha was 6 - 9 years old. Or is the koran sort of like the hadiths too ? Believe it when it suits.

islam is full of forced marriages, to this day.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #521 - May 15th, 2014 at 8:38pm
Soren wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 6:48pm:
Muslims still want to silence and intimidate you.

By killing innocents on western streets, buses, trains, in the name of Allah and Islam, citing Koraniv verrses as justification
By conducting law-fare against free expression, whether in words, cartoons, film or by quoting the Koran while laughing.
Promoting international treaties on making criticism of religion unlawful and punishable
Conflating religion and race and thus pouncing on every critic of Islam as 'racists' and a 'bigot'
Relentless double talk and rape of the language: attempting to present Islamist terrorists as 'liberators' - and who can be against 'liberators. TC promotes Boko Haram as a anti-corruption forces, implying that anyone who is against Boko Haram is for corruption.  Calling Islam a religion of peace when a disproportionate number of terror attacks are committed by Muslims in the name of Islam.

Bottom line - Islam will not concede your right in your own western, democratic country, to be openly critical of Islam, Mohammed and people who follow his teachings and practices.

Always, absolutely, never ever.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #522 - May 15th, 2014 at 8:43pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 8:00pm:
Or is the koran sort of like the hadiths too ? Believe it when it suits.

But of course. This is what spiritual texts are for.

Believe when it suits. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

The thing is, you also need to practice. Believe? Oh so easy. Doing?

Much harder.

Believe when it suits, Sprint, and do what thou wilt. This is the jihad of all peoples. When to submit? when to struggle? When to give and take?

This doubt, habibi, is what we all share as humans.

Gud is great, no?
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« Last Edit: May 15th, 2014 at 8:53pm by Mattyfisk »  
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #523 - May 15th, 2014 at 9:26pm
polite_gandalf wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 2:21pm:
freediver wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 12:37pm:
Unless it is against freedom of speech.

Sloganeering can be fun FD - but it doesn't change the reality that most muslim countries have strict laws against any kind of organised protesting.

Nor does it change the fact that you are incapable of explaining away the contradictions in your own statements, pretending to support freedom of speech. You just wait for the topic to go away, then jump back in when some other issue pops up.

Would it be reasonable to conclude from your behaviour that when self identified "progressive" Muslims claim to support freedom of speech, they should not be trusted?

freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 10:17am:
That seems to be it. I'll elaborate for you. You offer your limp wristed support for freedom of speech when it costs nothing. You wave the white flag to your fellow Muslims if there is going to be any cost at all. And in realistic scenarios you support censorship, but you only talk about it in a limited and carefully selected set of contexts where you can make yourself look normal. You have spent the rest of the thread offering excuse after excuse for why you cannot possibly reveal the extent of your support for censorship, often invoking trickery on my part.

freediver wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 7:20pm:
I don't support censorship in the interests of pandering to those who threaten violence.

Yet you have stood by your original claim that you do, albeit trying to blame it on some kind of trickery on my part. Or are you merely saying you support censorship in this context, but for different reasons?

Is this some kind of infidel trickery Gandalf? Am I cynically using wishy washy western liberal morals to attack Islam?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #524 - May 15th, 2014 at 9:29pm
True Colours wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 2:52pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
I can't recall a protest by hindus, buddhists, christians, athiests, agnostics or wiccans  for anything.

Buddhists are often protesting for their governments to kill minorities in places like Burma and Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka's Buddhist monks are intent on war

Anti-Muslim monk stokes Burmese religious tensions

They will even set themselves on fire to prove a point:

Now don't get me started on Hindu nationalist demonstrations in India or sectarian marches in Northern Ireland or anti-abortion protests in the US.

Perhaps I will post this Christian protest though seeing as it targets your kind:

Muslims fly planes into buildings. Monks set themselves (and only themselves) on fire.

And TC still cannot see the difference.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #525 - May 15th, 2014 at 10:05pm
freediver wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:29pm:
True Colours wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 2:52pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
I can't recall a protest by hindus, buddhists, christians, athiests, agnostics or wiccans  for anything.

Buddhists are often protesting for their governments to kill minorities in places like Burma and Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka's Buddhist monks are intent on war

Anti-Muslim monk stokes Burmese religious tensions

They will even set themselves on fire to prove a point:

Now don't get me started on Hindu nationalist demonstrations in India or sectarian marches in Northern Ireland or anti-abortion protests in the US.

Perhaps I will post this Christian protest though seeing as it targets your kind:

Muslims fly planes into buildings. Monks set themselves (and only themselves) on fire.

And TC still cannot see the difference.

But Sri Lankan Tamils invented the suicide bombing vest.

Can anyone tell the difference?

They’re all tinted, after all.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #526 - May 15th, 2014 at 11:31pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 8:00pm:
he Koran says Aisha was 6 - 9 years old.

Stick to one line insults sprint - facts are not your strong point.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #527 - May 15th, 2014 at 11:36pm
Watch out ! There's a Muslim under your bed.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #528 - May 15th, 2014 at 11:51pm
freediver wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:26pm:
Would it be reasonable to conclude from your behaviour that when self identified "progressive" Muslims claim to support freedom of speech, they should not be trusted?

Ah there's that made up term "self identified progressive muslim" again.

And why are you asking FD? You'll draw all the usual conclusions with or without my help. You were doing it years before I ever came here. And you'll continue attributing all these "anti-freedom" tendencies to my religion, even when you are shown surveys that demonstrate a great majority of the Australian population are even more "limp wristed" about freedom of speech than this muslim - and that in fact it is your views that are on the extreme end in Australia, and not mine.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #529 - May 16th, 2014 at 12:08am
polite_gandalf wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 11:31pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 8:00pm:
he Koran says Aisha was 6 - 9 years old.

Stick to one line insults sprint - facts are not your strong point.

Sahih al-Bukhari, 5:58:234, 5:58:236, 7:62:64, 7:62:65, 7:62:88, Sahih Muslim, 8:3309, 8:3310, 8:3311, 41:4915, Sunan Abu Dawood, 41:4917  al-Tabari 1987, p. 7, al-Tabari 1990, p. 131
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #530 - May 16th, 2014 at 12:14am
Mattyfisk wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 10:05pm:
freediver wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:29pm:
True Colours wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 2:52pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
I can't recall a protest by hindus, buddhists, christians, athiests, agnostics or wiccans  for anything.

Buddhists are often protesting for their governments to kill minorities in places like Burma and Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka's Buddhist monks are intent on war

Anti-Muslim monk stokes Burmese religious tensions

They will even set themselves on fire to prove a point:

Now don't get me started on Hindu nationalist demonstrations in India or sectarian marches in Northern Ireland or anti-abortion protests in the US.

Perhaps I will post this Christian protest though seeing as it targets your kind:

Muslims fly planes into buildings. Monks set themselves (and only themselves) on fire.

And TC still cannot see the difference.

But Sri Lankan Tamils invented the suicide bombing vest.

Wasn't that Guy Fawkes? Or did he not have the guts to go down with the building? Oh well, he was white so not so scary isn't it?
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True Colours
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #531 - May 16th, 2014 at 12:29am
freediver wrote on May 26th, 2013 at 6:54pm:
I see as the three key threats – freedom of speech, democracy, and genocide.

Australia does not have 'free speech', genocided the Aborigines, and it is almost impossible to get elected without using union money, mining billionaires money or corrupting money from the taxpayer like NSW Liberals do.

Why are you not afraid of Australians?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #532 - May 16th, 2014 at 1:42am
Australia has enough "free" speech to let Murdoch take over 70% of the print media and photoshop the government of the day up as Maoists and Colonel Klink.

Mind you, now he’s pitching Joe Hockey as a handsome he-man, so go figure. Villains and heroes. Front page news as pantomime.

The places with no free speech have the most boring newspapers. Try reading a paper in Singapore or Malaysia - you won’t get past the highlights of the latest trade expo or shopping mall opening without falling asleep.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #533 - May 16th, 2014 at 2:32am
Mattyfisk wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 1:42am:
The places with no free speech have the most boring newspapers. Try reading a paper in Singapore or Malaysia - you won’t get past the highlights of the latest trade expo or shopping mall opening without falling asleep.

Perhaps you should try Indonesian newspapers. You can maybe find out what Abbott is actually doing with the boats if you do that.

Don't forget how much free speech our government has to too. They are even allowed to lie to us.

Our military also has much freedom:

The Australian Defence Force has embraced cyber warfare, deception and disinformation through the internet as key elements of future military operations. However, newly declassified ADF papers provide no guidance on how efforts to influence and deceive adversaries will not also mislead the Australian public and media...

...Declassified in response to a Fairfax Media freedom-of-information request, the new doctrine provides ''authoritative'' guidance for planning Defence Force operations...

...Information operations are designed to ''persuade, convince, deter, disrupt, compel or coerce" audiences that include foreign governments and military commanders, local chiefs and communities, non-governmental organisations as well as ''domestic players such as the general public and government''...

...The ADF’s information operations doctrine emphasises the importance of...engaging in psychological warfare and deception. This includes "manipulation, distortion, or falsification of evidence … to influence the mind...''
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #534 - May 16th, 2014 at 8:28am
polite_gandalf wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 11:31pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 8:00pm:
he Koran says Aisha was 6 - 9 years old.

Stick to one line insults sprint - facts are not your strong point.

Muhammed married Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her when she was 9. Mainstream Islam accepts this at face value, because Aisha herself said so, and it is hard to spin the crap a bout respecting women while accusing Islam's most respected woman of lying or being a fool. Furthermore, there is no evidence that Aisha had reached puberty at the time Muhammed had sex with her. Muhammed never once said anything about age of consent either, even in the context of his own child bride.

And why are you asking FD?

I want to know whether we can trust a Muslim who claims to support freedom of speech. You are the only one I have come across so far, and the results are hardly reassuring.

You'll draw all the usual conclusions with or without my help.

If you refuse to clarify all the self contradictions you have made regarding freedom of speech, I will have no choice. No doubt you will put this down to infidel trickery on my part. Have I tricked you into refusing to discuss the extent of your support for censorship?

even when you are shown surveys that demonstrate a great majority of the Australian population are even more "limp wristed" about freedom of speech than this muslim

I doubt that. In any case, this would require you to reveal the extent of your limp wristedness. You have been very careful to avoid that, in an effort to appear normal. You are not, and you can not justifiably compare yourself with mainstream Australians.


Australia does not have 'free speech'

Why not?

Perhaps you should try Indonesian newspapers. You can maybe find out what Abbott is actually doing with the boats if you do that.

Let me guess, you are not allowed to post the truth about it here?
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« Last Edit: May 16th, 2014 at 8:39am by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #535 - May 16th, 2014 at 12:07pm
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 8:28am:
Australia does not have 'free speech'

Why not?

We do have free speech. We don't have free thought. Thought in Australia is mediated by a media which is bought, sold and paid for. If you can afford lobbying, PR, advertising and Alan's comments, you have more freedom than most.

Mining companies, for example, have a lot of freedom. Those who oppose them, like anti-coal seam gas locals, or Aboriginal communities who don't want mines on their own land, generally have less freedom.

This doesn't mean they can't say what they think, or use creative ways to get their voice heard. But it means that the defacto, status quo position will automatically be implimented by governments because their support can be bought.

God forbid a government who goes against the grain. Clive threatened Campbell Newman behind closed doors. The big foreign miners threatened Rudd by commissioning a series of ads against his mining tax.

Yes, we have free speech, but money talks much louder than anything else. This is the reason we have a government in power that stands against the mining and carbon taxes, but is prepared to tax GP visits and cut pensions, health and education.

The Libs will cop a slide, but in the long run they'll bounce back with the support of Rupert and political donations from corporate Australia.

If speech was genuinely free, political doors would be open to all and political campaigns would be funded equally. This is why Australia is not a genuine democracy. Essentially, the party with the biggest electoral coffers AND the support of Rupert wins.

It is the same in the US and UK - Obama won 2008 with a bigger war chest than McCain, but without the support of Fox. In the UK, Murdoch's candidate has won every election since Thatcher came to power. These two factors decide elections. I'm not sure why polsters haven't given up on polling the electorate and just created an algorythm to predict who will win an election.

Campaign finance +/- Rupert's support = real political power.

Freedom of speech and democracy are nice ideas, but when no one's listening, they're worth squat.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #536 - May 16th, 2014 at 12:20pm
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 8:28am:
I doubt that. In any case, this would require you to reveal the extent of your limp wristedness. You have been very careful to avoid that, in an effort to appear normal. You are not, and you can not justifiably compare yourself with mainstream Australians.

I absolutely can justifiably compare myself with mainstream Australians because everything I have said about my position on free speech is consistent with the views expressed in the surveys I linked before. 70-80% of Australians want free speech only to the extent that it doesn't incite or intimidate, and are extremely wary of any moves to water that down. In fact 70-80% of Australians go even further than me and believe free speech should only go as far as mere insults - a position that I oppose. Conduct the same interrogations to these mainstream Australians, and I guarantee you'll get the same 'limp wristed' responses - in fact even more so.

You, on the other hand, are out there with those libertarian IPA loonies - whose views most Australians are genuinely disgusted by.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #537 - May 16th, 2014 at 3:57pm
Mattyfisk wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 12:07pm:
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 8:28am:
Australia does not have 'free speech'

Why not?

We do have free speech. We don't have free thought. Thought in Australia is mediated by a media which is bought, sold and paid for. If you can afford lobbying, PR, advertising and Alan's comments, you have more freedom than most. 

Nobody is limited to the Australian commercial media. You can buy overseas publications and there is non-commercial media like books and some semi-obscure TV and radio stations funded by Tony Abbott.

And then there is - are you sitting down? - this fancy new invention called internetz.  OMG. I came across it only very recently (I am an early adopter, I am proud to say) but you obviously haven't heard of it yet. Look out for it, you will be amazed. It has all sors of text, pics, even vids. With sound!
What will they think of next, eh?

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #538 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:05pm
We do have free speech. We don't have free thought.

Better get your tinfoil hat on then Karnal.

If speech was genuinely free, political doors would be open to all and political campaigns would be funded equally.

That is nothing to do with freedom of speech. Freedom of speech does not mean you can compel anyone to listen to your crap.

This is why Australia is not a genuine democracy.

Because the government is controlling your thoughts?

Essentially, the party with the biggest electoral coffers AND the support of Rupert wins.

You need the support of the people to win. That's what democracy means. It does not mean you get to control the media and who gets to say what.


I absolutely can justifiably compare myself with mainstream Australians because everything I have said about my position

It is the gaping holes in your position that set you apart. That is my criticism of you - that you restrict your commentary to those issue on which you can make yourself look normal. That is, 99% of the debate is beyond you. And your blathering just proves this. Have you forgotten already what I have been asking you?

Here you go Gandalf - how long will you go on pretending these words don't exist? How can you expect anyone to trust you when all you can do is slither away from this and point back to the 1% of the debate where you can make yourself appear normal?

freediver wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:26pm:
Nor does it change the fact that you are incapable of explaining away the contradictions in your own statements, pretending to support freedom of speech. You just wait for the topic to go away, then jump back in when some other issue pops up.

Would it be reasonable to conclude from your behaviour that when self identified "progressive" Muslims claim to support freedom of speech, they should not be trusted?

freediver wrote on May 10th, 2014 at 10:17am:
That seems to be it. I'll elaborate for you. You offer your limp wristed support for freedom of speech when it costs nothing. You wave the white flag to your fellow Muslims if there is going to be any cost at all. And in realistic scenarios you support censorship, but you only talk about it in a limited and carefully selected set of contexts where you can make yourself look normal. You have spent the rest of the thread offering excuse after excuse for why you cannot possibly reveal the extent of your support for censorship, often invoking trickery on my part.

freediver wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 7:20pm:
I don't support censorship in the interests of pandering to those who threaten violence.

Yet you have stood by your original claim that you do, albeit trying to blame it on some kind of trickery on my part. Or are you merely saying you support censorship in this context, but for different reasons?

Is this some kind of infidel trickery Gandalf? Am I cynically using wishy washy western liberal morals to attack Islam?

You have offered all the standard Muslim excuses for avoiding addressing this issue. They have all failed, so you have fallen back to changing the topic and pretending the first 20 pages of this discussion doesn't exist.

Ah there's that made up term "self identified progressive muslim" again.

Do progressive Muslims not exist Gandalf? Are there merely normal Muslims and those who are a bit more skilled in putting up a facade of normalcy, like you?
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« Last Edit: May 16th, 2014 at 6:12pm by freediver »  

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #539 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:25pm
Gandalf, what percentage of Australians want to pander to Islamic extremists and censor hollywood movies the way you would like to?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #540 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:31pm
Soren wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 12:07pm:
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 8:28am:
Australia does not have 'free speech'

Why not?

We do have free speech. We don't have free thought. Thought in Australia is mediated by a media which is bought, sold and paid for. If you can afford lobbying, PR, advertising and Alan's comments, you have more freedom than most. 

Nobody is limited to the Australian commercial media. You can buy overseas publications and there is non-commercial media like books and some semi-obscure TV and radio stations funded by Tony Abbott.

And then there is - are you sitting down? - this fancy new invention called internetz.  OMG. I came across it only very recently (I am an early adopter, I am proud to say) but you obviously haven't heard of it yet. Look out for it, you will be amazed. It has all sors of text, pics, even vids. With sound!
What will they think of next, eh?

The news agenda in Australia is still driven by the print media - Fairfax and News Ltd. If you have any doubt about this, the arguments on this site, and the sources used to back them up.

The print media is morphing into the online media, based on advertising revenue. With the exception of the ABC, consumers don’t pay for the news, advertisers do.

And this is exactly Rupert’s argument against the ABC and BBC - he sees public broadcasters as unfair competition to his media monopoly.

Interestingly, the clash between social and mainstream media is sometimes pronounced. Look at the response to JuLiar’s Blue Ties speech. Look at the Arab Spring. Look at the challenge sites like Wikileaks apply to publishing laws.

Whether it’s the Arab Spring or the manufactured popular call to ditch the witch, the mainstream media still crafts the message. It still sets the agenda. Freedom of speech is heavily mediated, same as it ever was - far more than it ever was. Before newspapers, pamphleteers might have needed a bit of capital, but they could influence popular opinion far more easily than individuals today. While there were also political forces at play, pamphleteers managed to spark revolutions in both England and France.

Martin Luther managed a reformation with a proclamation on a church door.

Despite print sales killing paper-generated ad revenue, the Fourth Estate is stronger than it’s ever been in history.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #541 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:38pm
Have you given up on your little fantasy about Murdoch stealing our freedom of thought and selling it to the highest bidder?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #542 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:39pm
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:25pm:
Gandalf, what percentage of Australians want to pander to Islamic extremists and censor hollywood movies the way you would like to?

That’s a hard one, FD. 79%?

It’s just a stab in.the dark.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #543 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:41pm
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:38pm:
Have you given up on your little fantasy about Murdoch stealing our freedom of thought and selling it to the highest bidder?

Good question, FD. Have you given up your idea of Iraq and Afghanistan being demokracies?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #544 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:49pm
Do we have freedom of thought Karnal?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #545 - May 16th, 2014 at 6:59pm
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:49pm:
Do we have freedom of thought Karnal?

Me or you?

Please be specific, FD.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #546 - May 16th, 2014 at 7:13pm
I think you are conflating what is readily visible (the media you are talking about) with what people actually think and express in a highly diffused way.  MOST people are not on twitter, most people do not listen to talk radio, commercial or ABC.  Others, like me and probably you and loads of others, listen to both, look at mainstream and niche media - but get their bearings from elsewhere, not the media (well, I do).

I think it is the suburban progressives, not the Alan Jones demographic, that has its mind made up for it by mainstream progressive media. Progressivism is about new thought and most people are busy with their lives to devout quality inner life to this stuff. They have an inclination to appear caring and with-it but would run a mile if they actually had to articulate and reason through their agreements and disagreements.

Conservatives, on the other hand, know what they know in their bones but  may need help with articulating it - and so Alan Jones does that very well for them. But he couldn't talk them into something they don't want or like.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #547 - May 16th, 2014 at 7:42pm
Karnal has spent a lot of time mocking themes of 'sinister Muslims' trying to trick people, only to turn around and claim we do not have the freedom to think for ourselves because Murdoch is controlling us. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me. Hysterical might be a better term.

Tell us more about the electric shock therapy theory Karnal.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #548 - May 16th, 2014 at 7:43pm
freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:05pm:
It is the gaping holes in your position that set you apart. That is my criticism of you - that you restrict your commentary to those issue on which you can make yourself look normal. That is, 99% of the debate is beyond you. And your blathering just proves this. Have you forgotten already what I have been asking you?

Whoa there FD - what "gaping holes" exactly are you talking about, and how exactly does it set me apart from mainstream Australian sentiment? Specifics please, if you would. I'm interested in these extensive insights you have with mainstream Australian sentiment. Do you go around conducting surveys for a living?

freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:05pm:
Here you go Gandalf - how long will you go on pretending these words don't exist? How can you expect anyone to trust you when all you can do is slither away from this and point back to the 1% of the debate where you can make yourself appear normal?

Thanks FD - you seem to have quoted some posts where you are doing all the talking. Not really sure what that says about my words.

freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:05pm:
They have all failed, so you have fallen back to changing the topic and pretending the first 20 pages of this discussion doesn't exist.

Hmmm thats funny - I thought it was me constantly reminding you that the first 20 pages contains extensive clarification of my positions, including about 4 specific scenarios to demonstrate instances where I would curtail freedom of speech. Gee, you even thanked me for what you said were honest responses.

freediver wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:05pm:
Do progressive Muslims not exist Gandalf?

Gee I don't FD - since thats your term not mine. I have no idea what a "progressive muslim" is supposed to be. What doesn't exist is Gandalf the self confessed progressive muslim, a charge that you have brought up several times now.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #549 - May 16th, 2014 at 7:50pm
Whoa there FD - what "gaping holes" exactly are you talking about, and how exactly does it set me apart from mainstream Australian sentiment? Specifics please, if you would. I'm interested in these extensive insights you have with mainstream Australian sentiment. Do you go around conducting surveys for a living?

There are 20 pages of specifics. I have been reminding you of them on a regular basis. For example, you said that you would support censoring hollywood movies if Muslims threatened violence. You blamed this on me tricking you, saying that violence is guaranteed when Muslims threaten people. Then you said you would support freedom of speech if there was a guarantee that violence could be prevented. Again, you attributed this guarantee to me and pretended that was what I was asking you. I pointed out the wide gulf between these two scenarios, and that reality fitted into that gulf without touching the sides. You spent several pages offering excuses for why you cannot answer any more questions (most invoking the infidel trickery), then went back to pretending you cannot understand the question. The only time you have been more specific is to support censorship, but you refuse to reveal the extent to which you would do so. Have you forgotten all this?

Gee I don't FD - since thats your term not mine. I have no idea what a "progressive muslim" is supposed to be. What doesn't exist is Gandalf the self confessed progressive muslim, a charge that you have brought up several times now.

Do you consider yourself to be a progressive Muslim?
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #550 - May 16th, 2014 at 7:54pm
FD's in overdrive tonight.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #551 - May 16th, 2014 at 8:11pm
Would you like me to quote your spineless apologetics? I have only had to do it a dozen times already.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #552 - May 16th, 2014 at 10:46pm
Soren wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
I think you are conflating what is readily visible (the media you are talking about) with what people actually think and express in a highly diffused way.  MOST people are not on twitter, most people do not listen to talk radio, commercial or ABC.  Others, like me and probably you and loads of others, listen to both, look at mainstream and niche media - but get their bearings from elsewhere, not the media (well, I do).

I think it is the suburban progressives, not the Alan Jones demographic, that has its mind made up for it by mainstream progressive media. Progressivism is about new thought and most people are busy with their lives to devout quality inner life to this stuff. They have an inclination to appear caring and with-it but would run a mile if they actually had to articulate and reason through their agreements and disagreements.

Conservatives, on the other hand, know what they know in their bones but  may need help with articulating it - and so Alan Jones does that very well for them. But he couldn't talk them into something they don't want or like.

Progressives, eh?

All non-public media relies on advertising. This is nothing to do with progressives or conservatives, merely audience-share. Different segments of the market consume media differently.  Advertising targets them specifically - increasingly so.

FD likes to have a chuckle about conspiracy theories, but I’ve actually bought things from the ads on FD’s very own site.

Believe it or not, there’s a pretty Muslim gal in a hijab staring at me right now. FD’s selling me Muslim dating sites while he rails against the Muselman.

Not bad, eh? Freedom of speech or spineless apologetics?

I wonder if she’s under 9 and ready for marriage.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #553 - May 16th, 2014 at 11:07pm
And you think they are muselman models ha ha.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #554 - May 22nd, 2014 at 7:14pm
In Iran, This is a  Threat To Morals And Public Order

This is what at the moment is exercising the dour dumb mullahs and militia-men of the Islamic Republic of Iran.They rounded up the performers and then, after a huge outcry from abroad, have -- for now -- released them. But they're not happy, they'll make sure to get even.

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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #555 - May 22nd, 2014 at 7:48pm
It is a jolly world, no?

It certainly keeps the competition in cheese down, old chap. No exports from Shiraz at any rate. You must be doing very nicely.

Buy the mullahs a drink when you see them.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #556 - May 22nd, 2014 at 7:52pm
The gillded bird the abc is free of the shackles that burden all going concerns. A bottom line. That's why their free to peddle their drivel.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #557 - May 23rd, 2014 at 7:50am
Mattyfisk wrote on May 22nd, 2014 at 7:48pm:
It is a jolly world, no?

It certainly keeps the competition in cheese down, old chap. No exports from Shiraz at any rate. You must be doing very nicely.

Buy the mullahs a drink when you see them.

Being happy 'un-Islamically' gets you arrested in a Muslim country. They will try to silence and intimidate you if you.

PB's response? The usual incoherent gibberish.
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Re: Muslims want to silence and intimidate you
Reply #558 - May 23rd, 2014 at 8:37am
Apparently Rupert Murdoch stole his ability to think for himself and sold it to the highest bidder.
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