Frank wrote on Jun 20
th, 2021 at 10:29pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 20
th, 2021 at 5:22pm:
moses wrote on Jun 20
th, 2021 at 5:20pm:
Well like I've already said:
Yeah maybe, might be, perhaps, may never happen, gee get the whities.
I'm just going by what ASIO says:
"Any terrorist attack in Australia for at least the next 12 months is more likely to be committed by a single person ..."
"Extreme right-wing groups and individuals have been in ASIO’s sights for many decades—while we have maintained continuous and dedicated resources to this area, extremists such as neo-Nazis represent a serious, increasing and evolving threat to security. The 2019 Christchurch attack continues to be drawn on for inspiration by right-wing extremists worldwide.
"These groups are also becoming ideological: more aware of and committed to specific dogmas, philosophies and views. They draw from a diversity of ideas and are attracting a younger membership who display few overt signs of their extremist ideology.
"The COVID-19 pandemic has been used by right-wing and issue-motivated extremists to promote their views. They are seeking to exploit social and economic dislocation; and their extremist ideology has been spreading more quickly and widely as Australians spend more time online engaging with like-minded individuals." Never any example, never any stats.
Like all apologist, sycophant, islamophile traitors to civilization.
Facts are always very carefully vetted and used to support their ludicrous claims that Islam is anything but the cult of death.
I like the way they always very carefully quote very specific places where there are either zero or very few muzzos and then claim far right terrorism is rife.
You know like the town of Boort.
The far right terrorism there is 100 times worse than islamic terrorism.
The simple facts that Boort has no muslims, is a tiny town found far inland in Australia, and had a couple of kids paint a fence or wall in protest about a local politician (the primary activity of Far Right Terrorism).
These fictional instances of terrorism pale into insignificance compared to muzzo terrorism that
Drives trucks down busy streets killing innocent people
Carries bombs into children's concerts to kill children
Takes over cafes and kills innocent people
Drives cars down streets killing people
Runs down roads stabbing people
Need I go on, we all know how Islam is a murderous group of inbred nutcases.
The best the apologist, sycophant, islamophile traitors to civilization can come up with for far right terrorism is someone yelling at a muzzo shela or painting walls with graffiti.
Sadly, in their tiny minds, they justify their twisted view of the world in protecting the "innocent", but no muzzo is innocent.
Even "moderate" muzzos turn feral when they protest about any slight they feel offends them, which is just about everything.
They carry placards and demand death and destruction.
Is this the action of an innocent, placid and worthwhile individual or collective?
Islam is the cult of death, reinforced daily with the deaths of thousands at their hands
Islam is the cult of Satan, reinforced daily with their sick depraved actions.
no person is safe under Islam, it kills, rapes and destroys in the name of Satan's spawn Mo the mad .
A sociopath, lying, cowardly , traitorous self confessed pedophile nutcase.
The prophet they all seek to emulate.