Aussie wrote on May 20
th, 2021 at 9:26am:
My two cents:
Pathetic that there are two who say they will leave the sewer if Monk gets back there.
Well, fuq them. They can go. They have no right to hold the place at ranson especially given how scarcely they post there. How hypocritical of Petticoat. It is true that as soon as he gets pissed off at BO, he turns up at Monk's Forum to have a bitch session! How fuqqing two faced is that?
BO...there are more then just two who might return if you open the besieged place up. There is also AiA, Mr Smith, dare I say it, NOIQ, Brian Smith, perhaps Frogen who knows.
It seems common ground that the place is dead and yet there you all are clinging onto the corpse!
If change ....... NOW.....not later.......does not revive it, well...nothing lost as it is already comatose.
Finally, being a Leader does not mean slavishly doing what Members selfishly carp about. Sometimes, they are totally wrong (as they are in this case) and the Leader has to have the balls to take a stand, even against member wishes.
OK Aussie prove you aren't a hypocrite and I'll do you a deal.
Take Nef, AiA, SN, NOIQ and everyone else off your extensive ban list and allow them back into Relationships. No deletions of posts. No new manipulative rules. You just throw open your doors and show us all how benevolent and fair you are, that you aren't talking out of one side of your mouth and that you, yourself, can do what you advise others to do.
Do that and I'll let you back into PA. That's fair.