Lisa Jones wrote on Dec 18
th, 2022 at 8:12am:
Explains why some of us have never contracted Covid19 (I'm one of those people) despite caring for people who have.
Hi Lisa,
I do not, cannot believe, that
IMO, everyone in Australia who lives in a city, or, in a large country town have 'contracted' [i.e. been exposed to] 'Covid-19'. is just that many people who are in good health, have not, and will not, display any symptoms of what is, basically, a common old corona virus [yet another variant of the flu].
You may ask.....
Q.If Covid-19 is simply another, common old corona virus, why have so many people, died from it ?
Good question. !!!I will pose another question......
What percentage of the Australian population have received .....AT LEAST ONE CONVID-19 'VACCINE' JAB, during the last two years ?