aquascoot wrote on Apr 9
th, 2023 at 6:44am:
John Smith wrote on Apr 6
th, 2023 at 9:51pm:
aquascoot wrote on Apr 6
th, 2023 at 5:48pm:
Google's servers, the backbone of any search engine, are scattered all over the US countryside. Now how about you shut up before you embarress yourself more than usual.
good grief smith
you really take the cake
i say google staff mainly come from LA and san fran which are more left leaning then any other place and that they bring their bias to their platform.
and you counter with "google servers are distributed just as much in republican areas"
now think about what you just said.
who brings the bias?
the young leftie hipsters in LA and silicon valley or the servers in iowa and kansas?
are the servers responsible or the people?
a bit of hardware or the idealogues?
when the planes crashed into the twin towers, did you attack boeing and say their engines are responsible and we should lock up the guys at boeing.
that picture gordon posts of you is proveing very accurate.
white plag accepted but i understand you cant get to the post office to send it as you may well be posting from a locked ward
True, dear, but JS didn't send it, now did he? He's posting on one of the lefty's servers, as are
When you heard about Zuby and Joe Rogan, it's likely you found them through Google. When you read the Seven Highly Successful Habits of Highly Successful People, it's likely you found it on Amazon, or in a lefty-owned chain bookstore. When you first saw Anthony Robbins and bought your first exercise bike, it's likely you did so through a lefty telemarketing company. When you decided to get rid of your much-loved DVDs and bike (as new), it's likely you did so on the lefty-owned Ebay or, that bastion of utopian communism, Gumtree.
The lefties control the game, dear. We're in the Matrix with everybody else, but do you know?
Bezos, Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai and all the other Silicon Valley elites aren't actually lefties. The economy doesn't work that way. Lefties are an invention dreamed up by Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes to keep you tuned in and sell you stuff during the ads. They found that the more they could scare people, the more they could sell. They belonged to the GOP, so they ran an ongoing political campaign for the Republican party.
This has been going on since the Republicans changed the broadcast laws under Reagan, allowing small networks and electronic platforms to go national, which basically centred US news in the major cities.
Once the internet came in, Sloppy Steve Bannon and Alex Jones took it a step further. They reached out to the conspiritards, dreaming up an entire Deep State of lefties and elaborate conspiracy theories to sell you a range of unique products. Check out Infowars. You can buy all kinds of products there, from Dr Jones' turmeric toothpaste to DNA Force Plus - vitamins that help you live longer.
No one, of course, capitalised on this more than Fox News. It's a global network based in Manhattan. Far from the rural hinterland, Fox is purely cosmopolitan. Its owner had to become a US citizen just to stay in business. As we've already outlined, Fox is part of the global News Ltd media apparatus. It has a hand in
most tabloid news in the US, Britain and Australia. It also contributes content to the smaller start-ups, largely fake news sites like the Daily Caller.
By and large, the internet hasn't made a dent in News Ltd's monopoly of the news. BREAKING stories on Fox merely become part of the news feeds on Facebook, Apple and Google. Republican pioneers like Sloppy Steve and Breitbart only ever repackaged content and comment from Fox - with an extremist tweak to appeal to their far-right audience. This, actually, is how America kept its far-right populists within the mainstream Republican party.
The US is alone in this phenomenon. In most other countries, the Pauline Hansons and Nigel Farrages were kept out of the establishment. America, through its primary system, has allowed the populists in. Globalised networks like Fox have been forced to adjust to this. As a result, the largest, highest rating network in the US - Fox - became Trump's political mouthpiece.
This turned Trump's catchphrases and campaign slogans into a wider movement,
MAGA. It did not happen the other way around. Trump came to the GOP with his tabloid celebrity, but not a following. This was crafted and created by Roger Ailes, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and later, Steve Bannon.
Trump, like Fox, is a purely urban product, with local ads inserted accordingly. Bezos, Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai don't get to control the content. This is decided by Rupert.
Ever get the feeling you've been