Bobby. wrote on Sep 22
nd, 2023 at 9:24am:
Just a few things I observed...
No mate, you did not "observe" those things. As a
presumed anti-vaxxer, you misinterpreted what you
thought you saw at the time, and are still using
those distorted claims as some sort of current evidence.
Quote:Dan got in the way between the sacred relationship of a doctor to their patient.
Nope; he had sound, professional medical advice from
competent and qualified scientists and researchers.
You're implication that it was Andrews alone who made
all these decision during COVID-19 is nonsensical.
Quote:He has no medical qualifications...
We all knew that, which is exactly why he relied on a
team of medical experts to advise him at the time.
Andrews didn't have any need to be medically qualified.
That's simply a straw man.
Quote:People were denied elective surgery such as colonoscopies so many will die a horrible death from colon cancer.
Nope. "Elective" surgeries were delayed only. Elective
surgeries fall into three categories; urgent, semi-urgent
and non-urgent.
No "urgent" surgeries were denied.
Quote:...a normal vaccine takes 10 years to approve and the ones used were only tested for 2 months
so he had no idea of the long term hazards involved.
Not so. Research data from previous coronaviruses such
SARS-CoV-1 in February 2003 and
MERS‐CoV in 2012,
gave researchers a head start when it came to building
the COVID-19 vaccines.
Quote:He locked up 5.5 million of us under arrest for over 260 days - a huge over reaction - the whole state was put into lockdown over less than 5 cases.
No. Nobody in Victoria was "locked up" LOL. At all time
we could leave our houses to travel inside a 5km radius
from our home. That's an area of around 80km2
. Hardly
restrictive! In fact, during that lockdown, I actually travelled
more than 70km from home, twice, for medical treatment.
Quote:Dan was completely out of control - he was in effect a madman running the state.
Oh dear... mate, you've seriously lost the plot.
At any rate, you've fallen for the old trap of being
wise after the event—hindsight is a wonderful
teacher. The decisions made at the time, from
March 2020 onwards were based on the best
observational data, and research, of this brand new
virus, the SARS-CoV-2.
I can absolutely, 100%, guarantee that you—as
a layman—had not the vaguest notion of what the
new virus was, or its ultimately devastating effect
on human life globally, or even how it could be treated
in March 2020. If you had, you would now have a
Nobel Prize sitting on your desk.