Comments on ABC Radio Canberra on Wednesday 30 October 2024 by Professor Peter
Collignon, Infectious Diseased Physician and Microbiologist at Canberra Hospital:
“If we do get [another pandemic] happening in 5- or 10-years’ time at least we’ve costed
and looked at a cost benefit. What is a life worth? Well interestingly in health
economics if you’re doing an intervention or even a vaccine a life is probably worth
$50,000 per good quality life year so when people say you can’t put a price on life in fact
health always does when they’re making decisions about allocating billions of dollars
and we need to look at that. If you’re going to actually put in severe restrictions and it’s
going to cost you billions of dollars in your economy you’ve got to look at how many lives
are you really going to save from that and what is the age of those lives. Saving a 15-year
old is different to saving an 85 year old. If you’re 85 you have a different attitude but
you’ve got to be a bit hard nosed about this in how you allocate resources in society and
how you interfere in people’s livelihoods as well as trying to make their health as well as
you can with the resources you have.” bit is objectionable?
And what happened to your gay rainbow avatar, Carl? AFI IS a gay one man Canberra operation with nothing more than a primitive website.