Constitution of Political Animal

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This constitution was started following the first annual Political Animal grand election for the position of exhalted leader. See the voting thread for more info:

The constitution is below. Please edit it as you see fit.

There will be fresh elections for the position of exhalted leader at least every twelve months. An early election or a referendum can be called at any time on the whim of exhalted leader, or via petition. A petition will be deemed successful if the number of signatories meets or exceeds the greater of the number of first preference votes obtained by exhalted leader at the last election and the number of votes needed to get over 50% of the votes at said election (ie 50% plus 1 or 50% plus 0.5). All dethroned exhalted leaders will be referred to by their new nickname (eg Aussie the adequate).

All voting and petition signatures must be made public - no secret ballots. One vote per person.

A referendum can be used to alter the constitution or overrule a decision of exhalted leader, for example to reinstate a banned member. A referendum that obtains over 50% approval will be deemed a bloody good idea and will be passed. Anything less and the proposal will be deemed indecent.

All voting will be based on mixed runoff and instant runoff elections. Voters may rank candidates, in which case preference distribution will be instantaneous at the close of polls. If this proves insufficient to reach a decision, addition runoff rounds will be held. Only those members who voted for excluded candidates and did not allocate sufficient preferences need recast their vote in a runoff round. However the option to change votes will be extended to all, but only for the reduced candidate pool.