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From Australian Politics Wiki
Revision as of 07:19, 22 February 2009 by Postul8 (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Australian Politics wiki. You can use this wiki for just about anything you want, so be creative and bold.

Anonymous edits are allowed, but your IP address will be displayed. You should create an account and login if you don't want your IP address displayed, or you want to be able to track or take credit for your contributions, discuss issues with other members etc.

To add a page about a 'major topic' (eg our government) copy the equivalent page on wikipedia. This is perfectly legal and wikipedia has a license scheme that encourages this. To copy it, hit the edit button in wikipedia then copy and paste the contents then create a new page here and edit it by pasting in the contents. This wiki is less restrictive regarding rules, so you are welcome to add your own opinion to articles about political parties or events. However, please identify it as such and place it at the bottom of the page, below everything else, including other people's opinions. The first section on any topic should be 'objective and factual' along the same lines as wikipedia's rules. You may rearrange different opinion contributions, with the goal of putting the most interesting opinions at the top. You may edit someone else's opinion piece, but only to make it more clear or concise, not to disagree with or correct it. Note that a wiki makes a poor forum and should not be used to respond to people's opinions. Use the following forum for that:

You can add articles about yourself, your party or an issue you are interested in, no matter how minor. You can add blogs. You can even use this wiki to make yourself a home page for the OzPolitic forum. This wiki is intended to fill any useful purpose. Note that if blogs are popular I can also add a proper blog facility to OzPolitic.

Please delete/undo any spam that you see. Be ruthless with it.

Political Animal


Politics of Australia

List of political parties in Australia

Islam and Australian values

Deception of Non-Muslims

Islamic lexicon

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Getting started